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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Meh, not much there anyways. Less waffle, more substance! Give us teh juicey low down. Hearing that Posi didn't like his armour's look so he was happy to up-grade is okay, but it isn't earth shattering. Not intended as a knock, just advice that some more concrete information would be apreciated. On the other hand, given the past, I can understand why they wouldn't want to say to much to us.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think the problem with having this stuff on another site, rather than the boards, is that Posi has to play publicist a bit... He's going to talk a bit more like a PR person (check out the last question about how great GvE is) and a bit less frankly. I'm not saying he was being dishonest, I just think we'd get some real information if Ask a Dev were on the forums...
  2. Undead_Assassin

    "Moral Combat"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, from what I've read, the director of this isn't a known anti-game crusader and has said he'd like to frame the topic for debate, not persuade one side or another.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Judging from the trailer, I'm sure he's exceedingly unbiased.


    PS: Jack's Bully crusade was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen. He's in good form.
  3. Undead_Assassin

    "Moral Combat"

    [ QUOTE ]
    i would make a comment here, but im to busy crying from that dramatic background music

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Honestly.. They make it sound like the freakin' apocalypse is about to happen.

    *cue dramatic music and narrator*

    "You thought that 15$/month charge on your credit card bill was for a superhero 'game'..."

    "But... Right under your nose... Your children are actually being brainwashed to become... VIOLENT KILLING MACHINES."

    "The streets shall run RED ..."
  4. Undead_Assassin

    "Moral Combat"

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    The trailer says that half of America plays video games. Why are 150 million people sitting on their [censored] while some no-nothing, knee-jerk reactionaries tell us how we should enjoy our hobbies?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For the same reason that so many less than honorable, less than honest, less than forthright and less than loyal humans are promoted into places of power.

    Humans are lazy and selfish. Unless something occurs that is a clear and present danger, humans tend to do nothing about it.

    When we awaken one day to find our freedoms taken from us, some pretend that the freedom never existed in the first place (the lazy) and some simply ignore the rules and do as they wish anyway.

    I'm in the latter group. If violent video games become illegal, then I'll illegally own them. There will still be coders out there that will do it purely out of spite to the lawmakers, even if it's us becoming the coders.

    EDIT: Good catch, Blue. Which is why everyone in office generally gets the full blunt of my ire. Some simply deserve more of it because they're MORE stupid and MORE dishonest and thus are deserving of MORE hatred.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    While I'm not going to argue with your (rather cynical) assessment of humankind... I would like to point out that government regulation can only hurt the video games industry. Legislation might satisfy the uninformed parents and politicians, but it will hurt game publishers, designers, and most importantly, gamers themselves.

    (And really, what right do you have to be a parent if you can't be bothered to keep track of what your own child does with his free time?)
  5. Undead_Assassin

    "Moral Combat"

    All the discussion here is great, but mostly we're just preaching to the choir... If you want to do something to stop this kind of garbage, you need to take action. Write your congressman, join one of those video-game voters networks.. I don't know. But sitting here and complaining won't do us any good. We need to show them that we have a voice.

    The trailer says that half of America plays video games. Why are 150 million people sitting on their [censored] while some no-nothing, knee-jerk reactionaries tell us how we should enjoy our hobbies?
  6. I'd like to point out that if you use the Jump Pack (from the mayhems) sparingly, you can get by fine no matter which travel power you pick. (Not to mention the bazillion Flight packs you get.)
  7. <QR>

    While the storyline and there are some awesome arcs, it's the costume creator and the near-infinite powerset combinations that keep me coming back.
  8. Silly Castle, you need to make yourself on autojump bind.

    Edit: Gah! Someone beat me to it!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    again the heroes need bases

    [/ QUOTE ]

    pony up and go buy CoV. it should be real cheap now.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's $15 Canadian at the FutureShop near my house. If you include the free month (worth ~$15 American), they're actually paying you to buy CoV.
  10. Undead_Assassin

    Team Invince

    [ QUOTE ]
    Do you want awesomeness or challenge? If you want the second, I'd say un min-max a bit. One tank and 7 fire blasters running on invincible could be interesting. A lot of defenders or trollers will make things easy.

    Heck, one tank, 6 fire blasters and a TA/A on invincible sounds like my kind of fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Why bother with the Tank or the Defender? Everything would die within the first few seconds.

    I remember running a team with two or three Fire Blasters and two other Blasters. As a Scrapper, all I really did was mop up the bosses. Everything else was on the floor before I could even jump into the spawn.
  11. Undead_Assassin

    Team Invince

    A human-form Kheld would've been interesting in place of one of the Blasters or something. With a "perma" 8-man team, they'd always have the inherent buffs.
  12. Even more reason to check out Tabular Rasa...

    Rather than "Goodbye," I'm going to say, "See you soon!"
  13. While the new patch added the Tech Crey option to most places, it's still missing in a couple.

    Tech Crey is missing in...

    <ul type="square">[*]Gloves: Banded[*]Lower Body: Tight &gt; Pants[/list]Thanks for all the hard work, Jay and Ian!

    Jay is sexy.
  14. Thanks for the response Leech.

    And wow Shego... I think I might hold off on switching to TGA. I'm an absolute screenshot wh*** and I've only got about 30 gigs left on the ol' HD.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    * Always re-map the Screenshot Key to use the .TGA format for taking in-game screen photos, instead of .JPG (which is selected by default on new characters).

    Despite the obvious quality difference using .TGA format over .JPG in the resulting Print, it also offers a quicker succession of rapid-fire screenshots because there is no additional time taken up to 'compress' each photo when the code saves them to the HD.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Liquid...no mention of me in there? I'm shocked.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well i see that i have drawn you out too lol

    and that ur the # 1 manticore fanboy.... i assume that u have his location for my villian to defeat him :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I could tell you, but then our little game of "hide the banana" would be over...and I never want that game over.

    *curls up near Manticore and purrs*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Mildly disturbing.
  17. Honest Question: Could the relatively low damage for Elec Melee have anything to do with the low Fury that Brutes typically have in PvP? I played an Elec/Elec Brute during the event for a bit, and while I was definitely able to get some kills, I hardly ever saw my Fury bar go above 30-40%. Wasn't that supposed to be fixed?

    PS: Sorry if I sound a bit naive. I don't have much experience with Brutes, and I have even less experience with Brutes in PvP.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    FYI: Electric Shields' Grounding Power will have Immobilize and Knockback Protection added. The set will still not have a Heal power or HP Buff power.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    FYI, Lightning Rod's Recharge Time will be being reduced.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And with these two quotes, I am back on board for my Electric/Electric Brute on Issue 7 Launch Day!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I imagine the Unversities will be the source of the Invention system that was discussed a while back, which makes sense as universities are often research centres. So, Invention system tenatively planned for I8 perhaps. That would be good. I'm not that entranced by the idea of crafting, but I know there are lots of people who are, and anything that adds non-combat based gameplay to the game is a big plus IMO.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm not too excited. My guess is that whatever they're doing with Universities in I8 will just be bringing the Salvage system to the invididual level. I'm betting that you'll be able to bring your Salvage to a University and make temporary powers out of 'em, or something along those lines.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Because I am a firm believer in the need for multiple playthroughs to see/achieve everything. I don't agree with being able to earn all the badges/fully experience every mission on a single playthrough. And fixing it so you can't earn badges through missions that are not your own is a good way to fix that.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    And a good way to piss off a great many people...
  21. Well, at least if you're making an Elec/Elec Brute, Acrobatics won't be so bad since all the Elec Melee attacks have End drain, right?
  22. Increased Dev/Player communication FTW!

    BTW, I'd love to spend a day at Cryptic, just to see things from the Dev's perspective for once.
  23. It's sad that Dev/Player communication has severely declined since I5, what with all the nerfs and Dev-flaming.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    However - you cannot trash talk someone using vulgar words, racial slurs, sexual slurs...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Question: What's the big deal with trash talking? Players have a perfectly simple solution if they don't like what someone is saying - /ignore [playername].

    [ QUOTE ]
    ...or other UA violating actions. That IS harassment and can be actioned against by the GMs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's right! Stop violating me!!!

    PS: Triumph FTW!!! *jumps out the window* Yahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    *hits pavement*

    *gets up* Whew, thank God for Regen.

    *limps back to Triumph server*
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Dear Castle,

    Blaster are fine, these noobs need to learn2play cause they suck at life!!!

    Oh sorry lucas was readin the WoW forums before this post.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lmao. It's so true. Half the people who post on the WoW boards just quote the OP and say "l2p". I was talking about this a while back on Triumph: the WoW boards are so hostile and nonsensical. At least here, the soapboxes aren't made of soap.