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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    It's a common misconception that a EULA can hold up in court if it breaks better business laws and statures.
    If forums are any indicator, it's far more common a misconception that this is what happens all the time, and that it will happen in their favor whenever something they don't like is covered by an EULA. Or rather, perhaps, that anything they don't like is actually a crime.

    There's lots of crummy ways to treat customers that aren't illegal. The usual extent of the penalty is that those customers go away. If you're crummy enough, you lose more from doing that than you make by being crummy. If you're not that crummy, life goes on.
  2. I would not call myself "gun shy" about the PM, but I have taken the position from its first release that anything bought there may change, and I consider that factor when thinking about buying something. The more amazing the something I'm considering seems, the more likely I consider it that it will be changed. There is no guiding principle I can offer other readers here - it's a "gut feel" thing. But if there is any advice I can offer, in anger or otherwise, is always think about whether you would pay those points if what you were buying was no better than something already in the game. If not, then don't buy it, at least at that price.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    (Law) (tr) to take away or withhold money, rights, property, etc., from (a person) by fraud; cheat; swindle
    It's arguable that you own nothing in this game. While it's on shakier ground when you pay for something specifically, everything in this game is virtual goods that exist only as part of a service, and that service itself can be discontinued at any time.

    The EULA has this to say.

    You also acknowledge that NCsoft has no obligation to refund any payments, in whole or in part, related to an account whether or not such payments were made or authorized by you, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to interruption or unavailability of service (see also Section 10). You acknowledge, and further agree, that NCsoft may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate under the provisions of Section 3(c) any account related to any attempt to obtain a refund of any payments
    On the specific topic of paid items, it says the following.

    Paragon Points - You may obtain Paragon Points from NCsoft (or a third party authorized by NCsoft) for use in connection with the Game. Paragon Points is a virtual currency which you may, at NCsoft's sole and absolute discretion, exchange for Items, services or to access other specific forms of Content not otherwise available without Paragon Points. The Items, services or to access other specific forms of Content offered by NCsoft in exchange for Paragon Points may be discontinued, modified or removed from the Account by NCsoft at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.
    In extremis, your position would mean, for example, that they can never make balance changes to powersets sold in the Paragon Store without offering refunds when those changes weaken something. That risk is why they have such language in the EULA.

    Now, what is reasonable for them to do and what they are allowed to do legally are not always in line with what will make their customers happy. I contend that they have every right to do all these things they are doing, but I think they are crappy PR. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but the balance implications of these IOs seems really, really obvious to me, and it boggles me that they released the existing PPM mechanics in the store only and didn't think anyone would notice or care. Much of this could have been avoided by better testing, better explanation to people of what was being done (I didn't know SBEs did this for a couple of months after they existed), and clearer change announcements. Based on what they've done so far, I fully expect them to sell purple PPM procs until I24, and then change them, which I then expect to cause tons of grief like yours on the when it happens, because so few people read the forums.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dogma View Post
    If you bought them from the store, buyer beware I guess.
    Everyone should always apply this principle to anything bought in any MMO. For better or worse, the "experience subject to change" that's typical of on-line games of all sorts always applies to everything in the game, whether you paid extra for it or not.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    So by dramatically changing these products we've paid for you've basically executed a bait and switch.
    While I am not going to disagree with the general premise of your post, I really wish people would stop calling this sort of thing "bait and switch". This is not that. B&S is when someone advertises something they never intend to sell. They bait you in with the bogus item, and then try to get you to buy something different and typically more expensive.

    What PS is doing is not fraud. You may not like it, but it is not fraud.
  6. I am pleased by this in general, but concerned about some of the specifics.

    In particular, in order to make the Performance Shifter PPM proc have sensible performance in powers like Stamina or Quick Recovery, you had to give it a quite low PPM rate. While I have no issue with its adjusted performance in Stamina, it would be extremely poor in click powers.

    Please consider this in the new design - clicks and auto/toggle powers may need different behavior. Otherwise, you're going to have a terrible time balancing things like the Ragnarok damage proc between slotting in click attacks or in something like a damage aura.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I'm not sure if the normal factions that appear in DA have 64%, but the DA-specific enemy groups (Knives of Vengeance, DA Tsoo, etc) seem to.
    Based on the test I just did, they do. I was specifically interested in the CoT found in DA, as they are, as far as I know, otherwise identical to level 45-54 CoT found in the rest of the game's content. To get the DA versions, entirely new versions of these CoT critters would have to have been created.

    Hm, I suppose it's worth checking what CoT look like outside of DA. I doubt they would have just quietly bumped them up to 64% everwhere, but then, that's basically what they did when creating level 45-54 Devouring Earth.
  8. If any have a 50% chance, it is probably a bug. As far as we know, they should all have the 64% chance, barring other effects.

    Edit: I just did some spot checks in DA (in the open zone) and everything I poked had a 64% "To Hit Bonus" listed under their Base heading. I tried Knives of Vengeance, Banished Pantheon, Circle of Thorns and Talons of Vengeance.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Source: Performance Shifter
    It's even more clear cut than just going by that example. There's a bold red label next to the final checkout button on the Paragon Market that reads "All Sales Final".
  10. I happy with a freespec. I'll be even happier with a badge, but that doesn't mean I an unsatisfied with the respec.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Did you also manage to push your boobs together with both arms while casually sipping a cup of coffee and staring longingly into your hair?
    If the answer is "yes", then pics or it didn't happen.

  12. I have to say, I'm a bit confused as to how this situation arose.

    Do you have other examples of Brutes and Tankers who both have the same attack powerset? If so, do you like the Tanker version in those examples? What are they, and what's the Tanker's primary?

    With the notable exception of Super Strength, because of how Rage interacts with Brute Fury, a lot of Tanker primaries are going to scale down in damage when going from a Brute to a Tanker the same way as Staff does. If it was a matter of other attack sets just being that much more damaging (at least in ST DPS), then I wouldn't think you'd have liked Staff on the Brute.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
    I don't care for this new screen at all.
    I actually dislike it for a reason that has nothing to do with the art, per-se. Having accessed it, I find it too busy. If you think about our last two load screens, the area to the right, where the input boxes and buttons are, has been white with no artwork. This one has visual clutter over by those UI elements - the "psi lightning", Penelope's leg, and transition between the sky and a building. For whatever reason, that bugs me.

    I know some folks replace their log-in screens with custom screens, and stuff like that probably happens when they do, depending on the image they pick. I have never replaced mine, and having seen this screen, I now know that if I ever do, I want low-frequency clutter over by those UI elements.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Apparently, average is the new worthless. Its as if the reason the devs are here is to learn new ways to make more powerful sets, and every one that isn't provably better than the rest is an error. And that's assuming that Staff is only average for single target, and I'm not sure that's been correctly established.

    If the devs wanted to make each set absolutely more powerful than the last one, there's something called the decimal point that was invented a thousand years ago that makes that ridiculously easy.
    Yeah, I'm really getting that vibe from the spate of Staff threads. I haven't yet decided, even based on the math and testing people are doing, what I think of the set. But even if it could use a buff, basically saying "it's worse than Titan Weapons, so I can't believe it made it out of beta" seems spectacularly nuts to me.

    As an aside, no one should ever assume a paid powerset will never be nerfed. I'm not saying I want anything nerfed, or that anything should be nerfed. I am advising people to not fool themselves about whether they would be nerfed if the devs decided there was a sufficient reason to do so. It doesn't matter if you paid extra for it above and beyond a subscription. If anything the Performance Shifter fiasco is evidence that it can happen, not that the devs will run away from doing it. Paying for things like new powersets is getting you more things like new powersets than we used to get, not immunity from the nerf bat.

    I didn't think you could replicate the level of crazy involved with the original hate on Willpower, but clearly I underestimated crazy.
    Always bet on crazy.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I know how to fix it and I've been saying it ever since PvP was first mentioned: everyone has to be equal. Full stop.

    Anyone who's played an FPS knows that's the only way to truly have workable PvP. Even in games like Team Fortress 2 where you have classes, each class has one specific advantage and one specific detriment to balance things out. And then you have equal teams. When they become imbalanced, there's a feature that switches a player to the opposite side to even things out again. Everyone has to be equal individually and each team has to be equal.
    I truly don't accept that as true. I think PvP in Guild Wars was really well done, back when I played it. (That was back before the first expansion, so if it sucks now, I missed it.) There was definitely no one-on-one "balance", and PvP was very much about the whole-team build. It created a huge variety in rock/paper/scissors type interactions between different themed teams - you could have a team that dominated a bunch of other teams but would completely collapse if the other team was some other specific build. And harkening back to Zwil's comments about good PvP requiring tons of dev investment, GW's powers were constantly being tweaked and changed with the rather express intent of keeping the FoTM a shifting target.

    Sure, if people define "PvP" as one-on-one duels or deathmatch, then yeah, the only way to have decent PvP is if everyone is basically the same. But any time you have a team game, that stops being required to have "balance".
  16. Hm, something is off in that, though. Well, at least in the ranking at the end. I don't think BS comes out particularly near Katana in practical displays of sustained DPS.
  17. I was mostly referring to folks who don't like being competitive, or who are put off by trash talkers and "ganky" players, stuff like that. Things that nothing strictly mechanical is going to really sway one way or the other.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    And by some miracle we get TS turned off, you will still have people thinking- well thats nice BUT it was i13 that broke PvP only fixing this one small thing doesnt cut it, and they wouldn't even try PvP.
    Maybe. I kinda doubt many would be like that, but I'm sure a few would. And some would still actually dislike some of the remaining I13 changes. And of course there's all the other stuff people have been posting in the other thread, but I gather that's not your focus here.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    The point is removing TS would go along way in helping to make PvP fun again.

    TS is not i13. Saying only by reverting to pre-i13 would PvP be fun again is not the same as saying I really dislike TS.
    TS isn't I13. But TS/HD/DR + mez changes + DPA normalization covers an awful lot of the I13 changes.

    I'm open to the idea that you could rank the changes in I13 and that TS might be the top one that people dislike. But I do think a lot of people dislike all of them, and that's why they refer to them as a single, monolithic thing.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Humor alert:

    I really don't see you having an issue with typing/saying things ad naseum.

    (smiley face include to indicate joke).
    Who, me?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Again everything Im stating is my opinion and is biased by my personal feelings and beliefs:

    HD/TS/DR =/= I13

    Yes they are parts of i13, and there is a reason I want to try to keep them as just a part rather than saying they are synonymous.

    If we say that everything that everything that is wrong with PvP is from i13. (In my opinion) we are fostering the belief in the general population that there is no coming back unless we repeal all of the changes together.
    If you drive across state, you might take a few local roads, a long stretch on an interstate (let's call it I-500), a long stretch on a highway (let's call it "Route 40") and then some more local roads.

    If someone at your destination asks "how did you get down here?", it would usually be fairly acceptable for you to respond with something like "I took I-500 to 40, and then on over". Yes, you would be omitting important details, and if someone else wanted to take the same route, that would not be enough information for them without more research. But it gets the idea across.

    The other thread about why people don't PvP now is asking something that pre-I13 players can answer similarly. "How did I get here?" And like answering a question about directions, they're giving the major thoroughfares they followed, not every little twist and turn.

    Immediately after I13 there was huge turmoil, and a bunch of rage quitting. Various aspects of play seemed to go into decline in terms of participating players, though at different rates - zone play dropped off at a different rate than organized ladder/league stuff.

    Occam's razor seems to apply. I13 happened in between two visibly different states, so it seems perfectly reasonable to assign aspects of I13 a causal relationship to the state change.

    You stated clearly that it's your opinion, but I think you're reading too much into what people mean when they say "I13 is why I don't play". Yes, for some of us, it really does specifically mean we're not going to play so long as there is DR/TS/HD in PvP. But for at least some people it clearly means "Because of what's happened to the community after the changes in I13". And if the community got bigger and more active, some of those people would likely play again/more.

    But if too many people don't like the mechanics of post-I13 PvP (as in they don't find them fun to tool around in, not whether they find their math pleasing), you've got a serious uphill battle, because you need critical mass to create a community, and having too many people dislike the mechanics fights you creating that critical mass.

    So is "I13"* the absolutely only thing that changed? No. Did everyone leave after/because of it? Obviously, no. Did it cause such an upheaval that it seriously damaged the previously existing community? I am of the opinion that it did.

    * I have to say, I don't see any value in distinguishing between I13('s PvP changes) and DR/TS/HD in discussion. Yeah, they weren't the only things in I13, but calling it "I13" is a heck of a lot easier to say and type.
  22. It is a bit distracting, though.

    What I mean by that is that if we talk about what MA can deliver using a build probably no one would play, and mention that Staff can't approach that using it's most similarly single-minded build, that sends a message that may not be (as) applicable to builds more like what people really would play.

    If we don't devote every scrap of effort to DPS, what does that do to the practical difference in ST DPS we're likely to see? Such a question may have to be answered in broader terms rather than single DPS numbers, but I suspect it's a more useful question to answer.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    For things like In-Set Conversion, do "Heal IOs" all belong in the same set?

    That is, If I buy a Doctored Wounds IO and convert in set, can I get a Numina? Or will it only be the specific set of that IO (i.e., another Doctored Wounds).
    I think you're interested in "In Category", not "In Set". "In Set" means in the same named set. "Doctored Wounds" is a set, so an "In Set" conversion of a Doctored Wounds always gives you another Doctored Wounds piece.

    "In Category" gives you a random piece of the same level in a different set which enhances the same main function of a power, like melee damage, healing, slow, etc.. These conversions obey the following restrictions.
    • You can convert Uncommon pieces into Uncommon and Rare pieces
    • You can convert Rare pieces into Uncommon and Rare pieces
    • Archetype Enhancements only turn into other ATEs
    • Very Rare ("Purple") pieces only turn into other VR pieces
    • PvPIOs only turn into other PvPIOs
    Given those restrictions, when you know the level, sometimes you know there's only one other set you can get when doing an "In Category" conversion. For example, at level 50, there are only two Uncommon/Rare "Healing" sets, only two "Endurance Modification" sets, and only two "Defense" sets. This breaks down at lower levels. For example, at level 40 there are four Healing category sets. (Reference.)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    *Buys another puzzle, takes it apart, paints '16' over '15', inserts it into Arcana's puzzle*
    You only win if you can execute that using only spackle and duct tape.