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  1. In a global channel I hang out in, I once brought up how crazy I thought people were who paid like 2-5x what it costs to craft something for the crafted item. A couple of the regulars spoke up immediately and were like "I'm one of those people." These are/were competent players and seemingly competent people in general, but they readily described themselves as having more money than patience. These weren't all people swimming in pools of gold a-la Scrooge McDuck, either - several were the kind of player who strips older characters to move IOs around. They knew they could get more mileage out of more careful spending, but couldn't be bothered to do it.
  2. I want less time spent in the streets. I dislike any hunt X mission, and would be absolutely mortified if they added "hunt <specific critter X>" missions as was suggested early in this thread. I prefer instanced missions in pretty much every way.

    I do not enjoy street sweeping, because spawn sizes and levels are not controllable the way mission settings are. Once upon a time, the reason I swept the streets was because we couldn't find consistently large spawns or over-level critters in our missions - street sweeping was the only place some of us could seriously challenge our characters. That's long since changed, and now missions are far better at offering controlled difficulty than street sweeping ever was.

    More zone events of various sorts are fine with me, and I don't consider them at all similar to street sweeping. Such events are typically something you can join or not, and tend not to relate to your progress through any arc or mission. (I would consider any mission or arc requiring you to participate in a zone event anathema.)
  3. There is a difference in the assertion that "there are people who manipulate the market" and the assertion that "nearly everyone who uses the market casually is the victim of manipulation most of the time". The latter is the form of the claim that so many market doomsayers make, and that's the kind of claim which ensures that I don't think much of the poster's knowledge of the market.

    I'm quite happy to try and respond politely to such posters why I don't buy into that viewpoint, and for people I think are new around here, I'm happy to do so without any personal attacks. I'm also happy to say that I and various others around here (many posting in this thread) have managed to convince some such posters that the market isn't some teeming cesspool of Inf exploitation. But some posters come here more interested in pontificating about their views than learning something new, and those posters we rarely convince of different viewpoints. It's when they start making negative judgements about the character of people who disagree with them that any effort on my part at patience with them quickly ends.

    Based on my own observations of the market across a large number of items generally (obtained primarily because I tend to be a net seller of goods), I find the price fluctuations of most goods at any given time to lack the fingerprints of manipulation over the longer term. Because of that, I don't accept that most goods are being manipulated most of the time.

    When I see signs that someone is manipulating the price of goods upwards, my usual response is to start selling that good. Once upon a time this was not so easy as it is now, but nowadays there are several good ways to produce a specific good. I just make a point of stockpiling fungible goods like merits and converters and using them to spot produce things that are hot sellers. Then I can use the cash earned to buy other things I want later, or even the same item later when the price drops.

    I don't always know with certainty that what I'm seeing is intentional manipulation, but there are certainly things that make me suspect it.

    Because I do pay attention for things like this, I an fairly sure that at any given time, there are a few things being actively manipulated, and those things are not always the most rare/expensive things on the market. But I also know that skilled manipulation takes devotion, and the amount of devotion required increases with the rate of supply for the thing being manipulated. Players with the kind of devotion needed to persist in manipulation of decently supplied items for more than a few days appear to be rare. Not do the things I take to be manipulation usually die off in such time frames, there are other indicators of how little patience most players have to spend on such activities - if patient players were more common we wouldn't be selling even very expensive things for 2x-10x the list price so often.

    I know full well that people who use or care about the market less than I do are more likely to be "caught" by schemes that drive prices up. But I don't consider it likely in general that they are being caught by such schemes all the time across all the things they are likely to want to buy, and so I reject the notion that such "exploitation" is the norm. It happens, but that's not the same thing.
  4. Indeed, I don't believe the amount of salvage listed for 1 inf is particularly indicative of anyone being taken advantage of. I list my high-level common and uncommon salvage for that (basically), because that stuff is massively oversupplied. The only reason I list the stuff at all is because it gives me badges that increase my market slot count, and if I list it for much more, it won't sell.
  5. Heh, I considered that it might be something like that.

    In such a case, one wouldn't want to slot any KB enhancement in the power. Hypothetically, of course.
  6. I'm guessing they have some new tech whereby either this special IO completely overrides any KB features the power already has (making slotted KB basically do nothing), sets a max KB magnitude ceiling for the power, or something to that effect.

    No one is likely to be able to answer how it works for sure until it's closer to live, or probably even afterwards. Things like Mids and RedTomax's site eventually get the powers details on these things somehow, but without something like that, or a redname explaining it to us, all we can do for now is guess.
  7. I was talking about IOs, not HOs. As far as I know, they have similar but different rules. Last I saw, IOs lost plusses when traded. I haven't tried it in a while, though since it costs a consumable resource (Boosters) if the experiment works the way I think it will.

    I've got someone with boosted stuff in their tray. I could copy them to test/beta and check it there.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OmnipotentMerlin View Post
    That makes me feel sad.
    It probably shouldn't, at least not if the sadness is about someone missing out on the awesomeness of MMs. From my perspective, I'm not missing out. It's not like I want to play a Mastermind yet dislike them because they somehow aren't implemented right. (Well, OK, they do have some ugly AI issues, but that's not why I don't play them.) It's just some kind of personality/preferences thing - I just am not excited by the notion of a character who relies heavily on AI characters to get combat done.

    I did try them out, but it just wasn't for me.

    Edit: I should point out that I realize that MMs, at least for certain secondaries, can be very active. That certainly helps, but the MM is helping his pets win (or at least helping them not lose). The actual placement of boots on derrieres is done primarily by the pets, and that just doesn't appeal to me as much as something that deals most of its damage personally.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    KB is the bane of AoE, KD is the BFF of AoE.

    The proc is a weak statement that KB isn't the right way to play because it doesn't cause more or bigger numbers.

    As for AoE centric design when you only have to spam one power on trash or bosses, alone or in groups, something has gone horribly awry.
    Yeah, this is all about AoE. Nobody ever hates having to chase KB'd foes with melee characters so they can use their single-target attacks on them, right? Nobody ever dislikes having critters popped out of their limited-placement patch powers, right? (Yes, OK, most of those are also AoEs, but that doesn't change that they can't be moved once placed and foes knocked out of them make them useless, even if it's a singular foe.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    I'm not against Controller/Dom pets (Or random 1 offs like Dark Servant/Extraction), because I don't feel that they overshadow my character, but basically all a MM IS is a pocket (de)buffer for it's own pets, and I for one find that INCREDIBLY boring.
    This. I have two accounts mostly full of alts on one server, and none of them are a Mastermind.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    That's a lot of reasons to make any separation from the game permanent. It's not a real choice to 'take a break' and come back later. The choice is whether to stay or to go, forever.
    The reasons you gave for this don't apply to everyone. I'd dare say they don't apply to most people. I think most of us could leave this game and come back later with little loss of state. People who might leave while I was gone were not going to stay if I stayed, barring catastrophic simultaneous departure of a bunch of our circle of friends. And frankly, even that's not a good enough reason to stay if you're not enjoying it unless you are willing to run CoH as a chat client with real fancy avatars.

    So, no, for most people, it's not a binary choice between "stay" and "leave forever". Not unless we have a reason to want to leave forever outside being burned out.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    A very minor #3, aoe, AoE, AOE!!!! game design tends to not last long. The gorilla found that one out. Yes it's flashy and starts out feeling epic but when everything is about AoE and can be done with AoE you don't have anywhere left to go.
  13. There's a screenshot of one of the pieces in the summer event preview thread, and that piece says it's unique. It's not the proc, but the piece shown does look like very much like an ATE set, where each piece is unique. If the Acc/Dam/End piece is unique, I'll be very surprised if the proc isn't.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LineNoise View Post
    Irradiate delivers all of its damage in 5 seconds, therefore it's not long enough to invoke the every-10-seconds proc chance for continuing powers. Any procs in Irradiate will activate only on the initial hit.
    Actually, that doesn't even factor in. DoTs like this never proc per-tick, suppression or not.

    There are ways powers can appear to have "ticks" of damage.
    • A power that, on a given activation of the power (that hits the target), delivers its damage over time.
    • A power like a toggle that attacks once every so many seconds. Blazing Aura is an example of powers like this
    Procs are triggered only once per power activation. The first type of power above is only activated once, so the proc can only ever trigger once.

    Toggles (and passives) re-activate on a timer, and since procs can go off once per power activation, they could theoretically trigger once per timed activation. However, since most toggles activate at very high rates (compared to click powers) the 10s suppression rule kicks in and prevents the procs from activating very rapidly.

    "Patch" Powers like Rain of Fire, which we usually think of having lots of "ticks" of damage actually summon a critter who has a passive (auto) attack power that targets everything in the declared attack radius around the summoned critter. This is why these attacks honor the 10-second suppression - they actually represent a large number of independent attacks. Something like Irradiate, in comparison, is just a single attack.
  15. I suppose now we know what explosive the Trolls used to collapse Eastgate.
  16. They can be traded, but if you trade them, the "plusses" are stripped off.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
    A change from static proc chance to PPM pretty much invalidates builds meant for high recharge + procs.
    A build that uses lots of procs in fast-recharging powers really should not be slotting high recharge in those powers. Even today, there's little value in that, especially if you have any significant global recharge going on. (Remember, the current proposal uses only slotted recharge to control proc chance.)

    Here is the maximum slotted recharge that is break even with a flat-rate proc in Shadow Punch (based on currently planned PPM values in I24).

    15% flat-rate proc -> 2.5 PPM (today) -> No more than 64% slotted recharge
    20% flat-rate proc -> 3.0 PPM (today) -> No more than 40% slotted recharge
    33% flat-rate proc -> 4.5 PPM (today) -> No more than 21% slotted recharge

    These numbers were obtained by solving the following inequality for X.
    Clearly, for such fast-reacharging powers as Shadow Punch, it gets harder to avoid the slotted recharge that breaks even with a flat-rate proc as we start looking at purple set procs. However, this should be achievable if you're willing to "frankenslot" the non-proc parts of the power to avoid excess pieces with recharge in them.

    If you happen to be using Spiritual Alpha, it will hammer proc rates for at least purple procs in such fast cycling powers.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
    I'm not liking this, just fix the ATO's, leave the rest of the IO Procs alone, it's going to really screw up melee builds or powers with fast recharge rates.
    How is it screwing up melee builds?

    And, seriously, it's a buff for almost everyone using non-ATEs today. You have to have like a 3 or 3.5 second recharge power for it to be a nerf, and there just aren't that many of those. Flares and Neutrino Bolt are the main one people have pointed out. I'm not aware of a lot of others that get loaded up with procs.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
    As for the inventory...how the hell much do you want? The amount you get in-game and through existing vet rewards is quite a good amount; the increases you get through the Paragon Market are frankly overkill. I know, because I bought a few of them.
    Indeed. The amount they increased the vet reward bonuses when they converted it to the Paragon Rewards system was so large that I have not availed myself of the Paragon Market versions. I don't need them. And you're hearing this from someone who plays solo on x6-x8 for most of his playtime, so I get lots of recipe and salvage drops.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    If you really feel that you didn't get what you paid for. Then call up your Visa or Master Card tell them you didn't get the item and it is in dispute. Let them hold back payment. Enough complaints happen who knows Visa / Mastercard might cut off NCSoft.

    It is possible that Visa / Mastercard would refund your payment to you because you are their customer.
    What Flea said. In the EULA, it specifically states that doing anything like this is grounds permanent banning of the affected NCSoft account. I can tell you from indirect but personal experience that they are not kidding about it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I am more than happy to fund influence collectors, because, ironically, I am patient. If I can't afford something now, I'll just hold onto the influence and wait until I can afford the buy it now price; no rush to get it and no need to spend time making sane bids that will likely fill in a week or two but that I'll either have to check back on later or forget about. I make that choice consciously, knowing how much influence I am "wasting".
    That amuses me, and not in a "ha, ha, you're doing it wrong" kind of way. It's just entertaining to me how different people can do things quite so differently even when they have similar outlooks. You value patience, which many regulars in this forum would laud, but you apply it quite differently than a lot of people here talk about doing.
  22. I'm not just trying to have fun, but I do find this amusing.

    What you did, was not faint praise of the Hollows.

    You praised the other content, full stop. There was no praise of the Hollows at all. You cannot "damn with faint praise" something you do not praise.

    That's not how you do it. Really.

    And again, if you're saying now that you were trying to "damn with faint praise" the content in Atlas, Steel and Talos by saying it's better than the Hollows, your OP was completely unclear on that. Nothing in it anywhere suggested that you were doing that. If you really want, I can give you a breakdown of why no one sensible would conclude that was the goal of your OP, and thus why they would have inferred that any "damning" was meant to be aimed at the Hollows. Which it was... just not via faint praise.

    I personally find it far more likely that you just don't want to admit you used that idiom wrongly/strangely than that you're actually confused by this, though. But I'm cynical like that.
  23. So he is. That's what happens when you post while working, though.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    ...I don't slot Purple sets into 4 second recharge powers - that completely defeats the point of the massive recharge enhancement values.

    Generally, I slot Purple sets into whatever power has the highest DPA (In my Dominator's case, his Apocalypse set went into lift).
    The context of the part of my post which spurred this exchange was whether or not PPM purples in I24 will be a nerf or buff compared to current "flat rate" ones. The crossover point for that is going to be somewhere just below 4s base recharge time. The powers with 4-6s recharge times are the ones most people are going to currently have flat-rate purple procs slotted in. Because of that, I was talking about slotting that does make sense if you are slotting purples in a 4s-6s recharge power, to show that so long as you aren't doing something silly with how much recharge you put in them, they will come out ahead in proc activation chance in I24.

    I currently find it common to slot purples in even fast cycling powers when I am looking for other six-slot set bonuses than recharge. If I split the purple set by putting the proc in one power and the other five pieces somewhere else, I lose two of the six-slot bonuses I could have from some other set. So I want to put the purples all in one power, which sets up a conflict between where it is best to put the proc and where I would like the high recharge slotting of purples. In such cases, I will usually go for proc DPS, and put five purples, including the proc, in the power where I get the best DPS improvement out of the proc. Since this is often a low-cycle time power (the best places to put flat-rate procs), I usually omit the <effect>/recharge.