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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I only have Hybrid done on one of my 5 incarnates. I will continue to run it as I am sure many people will. Many people have many badge toons And if there is a "nerf" to this; especially toning down Tyrant some.. I am sure it will be ran quite regularly as it is not that difficult of a trial to begin with. Also..lest you forgot... this is the only way to get Hybrid...and new 50's are born every day
    Yep, I've gotten Hybrid on 2 50s. 9 more to go!

    I have completed the trial on 10 of my 11 50s. I forgot to do a non-farm run on my Night Widow. >.<

    Spending that time doing full completion runs is why I haven't unlocked it on more 50s, though.
  2. I concur with this post. I have spent quite a few hours this past weekend researching Tyrant's powers. His regen is a function of his HP only. When his HP are below 50%, his regen rate goes up linearly the closer he gets to zero HP.

    The "Favor" bar is just a graphical representation of this effect.

    Edit: Damz, that avatar is bizarrely hypnotic.
  3. UberGuy

    Extra Power Tray

    What I'm looking at doing is migrating the tray-swap binds I have now to simply load in bind files that map my number key binds to powers for the specific form I'm switching to. That way I can keep my main (1 through 3) trays loaded with a mix of human form "primary" powers and other pool/accolade powers, which better matches what I do with other characters. Yes, my human form powers will disable and become slack space in those trays, but now I no longer have to dedicate an entire tray to just my human or form powers. I use a lot of trays around my screen, so I am pleased by this.

    I agree it needs an option to be disabled for those that dislike it, but I am pleased to have it.
  4. If he really has any powers that heal him based on deaths or hospital trips, the best way to test it is probably to try and trigger them before his HP drop below 50%. It's possible that any such healing or +favor powers also only work below some HP threshold, but if they don't, then they'll be easier to see if he isn't having his regen buffed by being at lower than 50% HP.
  5. UberGuy


    It's a nice power, but it's not really sufficient if you're going to clear a mission full of Arachnos on x6 to x8. That's just too high a likelihood of multiple Tarantulas, Night Widows and / or Fortunata Mistresses. (There are usually lots of minion-rank Fortunatas, but they aren't usually enough threat on their own unless their Psi damage is piling in with the higher-rank Psi damage dealers.) I tend to find that if I need it as an "Oh crap" power in such a map, I'm going to need it more often than it recharges, even with around 70% global Recharge plus Hasten.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    I have a theory (that needs to be tested), what if his Favor of the Well was proportional to the DAMAGE TYRANT DEALS? So if he does an AOE and it hits lots of people, he gains more favor. Likewise, the players get favor as they deal damage.
    I really don't think it is. I think it's only related to his current HP.

    Edit: To be extremely specific, Tyrant has a power called [Favor of the Well]. Here's what that power does.

    (1 - minmax(source.Cur.kHitPoints / source.Max.kHitPoints, 0, 0.5) / 0.5) * 3.5 Regeneration for 2.25s

    This is only in effect if his current HP are below 50% of max.

    (This power also sets the flag which strips him of his ability to summon new Olympian Guards if his HP go below 40%.)

    He has no other personal powers that heal him or increase his regen rate. I can't find any powers seemingly related to the trial that would do so which aren't personal powers of the Tyrant critter, such as zone-wide powers.

    I believe the hints about his capturing your soul are purely to explain the barrier mechanism in the hospital. I don't think we should read too much into this - it's just a variation on the hospital timer we find in the other trials that have hospitals. (Folks did notice that there's no timer and pop-up "trials are dangerous!" message, right? It's been replaced with the decaying health of the soul barrier, which is a much better conceit, IMO.) There is only one power I can find related to this is called "Release Soul", and all it does is control where you teleport, depending on whether the cutscene has played or not. (If it hasn't played, it needs to send you to the pre-devastation Magisterium, etc.)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
    Last night while we were running the trial, I did notice that when we brought his health down to 24, the Favor of the Well was at around 40, and at that time, he accomplished multiple kills on pets and lores, and with that, the Favor of the Well immediately decreased, and Tyrant's Health went up.
    The problem with this observation is that it does not clearly suggest what you're saying it does. If he is at any given health level that's below 50% of his max health, his regen increases. If he kills a bunch of stuff, the DPS on him drops. If the DPS on him drops, his regen gets to raise his HP faster. If his HP level goes up, his favor decreases, because it's related to how far below 50% of max his HP is.

    I honestly don't think killing people directly affects his favor at all. I don't think people going to the hospital affects you at all.

    Key to beating him is having a team ready to extinguish the lights and avoid any summons of any sort. Stop the Well from decreasing by avoiding death as often as possible, and Tyrant will not gain insane regen and avoid defeat. Give it a try.
    Uh, no offense, but I've been running this a lot. There's no version of this trial where his regen does not become very high, because it's directly related to how low you get his HP. Again, this is not speculation.
  8. I'm not going to gripe if they tone Tyrant down. However, I do not think they should start with that. I think they should fix/adjust Notice of the Well to affect the full league every time. The explicitly stated intent of the Lights of the Well was to allow leagues to choose their difficulty. Making that mechanic random is in wild opposition to that stated intent - by definition random is not controllable. Giving 9 level shifts to the buffing Defender (or to Dark Servant or some tier 1 Mastermind henchman) is not terribly useful for defeating Tyrant in a DPS contest.

    So if they do anything, they should fix/adjust the Notice first, and then see how that affects success.

    Despite that I personally would not have built the trial the with the front-loaded iXP begging to be farmed, I will be disappointed in the devs if they abruptly cut off the "farmability" without a thoughtful pass at the whole trial. I don't expect them to be heavy-handed with this, and will be quite disappointed in them if I am wrong about that.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
    So was ED a preperation for IO's? Forcing the player to earn their ridiculous tank mage levels? I started playing during i8, so everything prior to that I have no experience with. From what I've read though, ED does sound like it was implemented for IO's.
    Loosely, yes. The devs were planning a system of some sort, and felt allowing full 200% or more enhancement was a barrier to it. Note that back then the Invention System as we know it now was not even designed on paper, but they were working on something loosely related which they eventually abandoned. I think it took a couple of iterations before we got what we know of today as Inventions.
  10. UberGuy


    My BS/Invul Scrapper does have Cardiac because he honestly needed it to go full bore. I just snagged Melee Core Hybrid. I was a little torn, as Radial has +defense, and +defense is good (my Invul is nowhere near the iSoftCap except to Lethal) but it has no non-scaling benefits. So I tried Core. I then went into PI and pulled up an Arachnos scanner mission set to 54/x6.

    I soon came across a spawn containing two Tarantula Mistresses. This would have previously been a serious problem if I did not have a fresh Rebirth or Barrier running. Instead, I deliberately avoided using Destiny and tried my luck with Hybrid Melee alone. It worked great. I actually left the two Mistriesses until late in the spawn. I can promise you it would have normally been a very bad thing to have two +3 LTs beating on my with psi attacks, let alone their -defense debuff. But the fairly high +regen and the added resists (Including Psi) really made a big difference. I was impressed.

    I can't offer much about the end drain. I suffered with that in the Arachnos mission due to the high prevalence of Mu on large team settings. They never drained me fully, but my blue bar spent a lot of time hovering near the bottom. I could have used inspirations, but I didn't. IDF are a bit more brutal even than Aracnhos about end drain, having three types of critters that can hammer your recovery. Banished Pantheon can be rough, too, but I think IDF are the worst.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Well, it is fair to say that the devs didn't listen to some people's feedback. That's a fact. Whether it was a good idea to listen to their feedback is another matter entirely.
    "Listening" to feedback does not mean that you always do what was suggested by that feedback. This gets cast in this light frequently, but it's an unfair characterization. "You didn't do what I suggested" isn't the same thing as "you didn't listen to my suggestion."
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
    Every kill Tyrant makes will allow the Favor of the Well to decrease and grant him a health boost. His health is inversely proportional to the Well, so having the well to a 100 is ideal to kill Tyrant.
    I see no evidence of this at all. Do we have any dev statement to this effect?

    He has no power listed which does this. His Regen is very explicitly only a function of his HP, and this in particular is not speculation.

    I have also seen him defeat several people and not had his health spike in any way not explained by his high regen. So I very much question this description.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    But it makes failures extremely frustrating, which is why so many people saying they will never run it again.

    Also why so many people are bailing on full runs, cant find a farm, join a full run and bail.
    Because people are so reasonable about other things they can fail, right?

    The only difference here is that it's also so easily farmed and the only thing that gives Hybrid XP. If there was a reason for people to have farmed the Underground, people would have in a heartbeat.
  14. OK, at this point I'm fairly sure this is down to bugs.

    I correctly tested Regen, and Vigor is buffing the chunk of +regen granted by Melee Core, and it's buffing the part you get per-foe. However, it's not buffing the auto/passive Regen buff we get from having Core Melee slotted (Melee Boost Very Rare).
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I have to say it, this excellent response good sir, is a slap in the face to my expectation about the internet.
    Your expectations were set by a placeholder version of the internet, which has been replaced by a different one that was intended all along.

    How cool would it be if that could actually happen?
  16. I don't prefer to lead things. I'll do it, but I'd much rather someone else do it. And the reason is alluded to above - I don't wish to be responsible for the other players' happiness. I'm not afraid of that responsibility, but I find it draining, and I'm much more relaxed if I don't have that to worry about.

    I'll say that the above is mostly true from an iTrial perspective, where instructions given and attention paid both to trial ques and what players are doing are often important to success. I'm still not eager to form teams for less complex content, because it's still more stressful to me than "just" participating, but not nearly so much so.

    On the topic of the OP, I am completely spoiled by CoH's teaming, and have regularly been off-put by the way it works in almost every MMO I've seen since CoH came out.
  17. If they didn't consider that people would do this, they didn't read our feedback in Beta. People, including me, posted that day one of VIP beta. It's just obvious based on how front-loaded the trial is with iXP.

    But those people who were quitting non-farm trials were freaking idiots.
  18. I am not a fan of the toggle state, but I disagree vehemently that the end cost was viable or acceptable. I do not have a character who could have soaked that end cost proposed (0.5 EPS) - I would have needed to completely rebuild them around the Hybrid I intended to use, which I would consider basically unacceptable.

    My characters don't have "extra" recovery laying around. They're built to use what they have. And they have a lot - 3.5-4.5 EPS recovery is typical for my 50s, and that doesn't include Performance Shifters, so it's actually a bit better than that. Yet despite that, I could not affort 0.5 unenhanceable recovery without using Ageless as my Destiny full time. What's that mean for folks with more mundane recovery?

    But that's not the point, really. As mentioned above, the point of the high end cost was that the devs didn't want us to run Hybrid full-time. That anyone would "fix" their build (or Destiny choice) to run it full time directly violated that design intent. They didn't change it because some people disagreed with the end cost -they changed it because it left some characters able to run Hybrid all the time.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canine View Post
    This situation feels a little to me like the debacle of the AV regen change way back when it was still Cryptic. I'd have thought that the lesson that the player base don't really enjoy fighting massive sacks of HP with huge regen values would have stuck, but maybe that's my natural cynicism coming through.
    I really don't think it feels like that, though. A massive sack of HP has a HP bar that just creeps along. At risk of making it sound like a jovial thing, this feels more like tug-of-war. You can get Tyrant's HP to the 30% mark pretty easily, and then it bounces around between around 20% and 40% as you continue to fight him. Yes, the fight can be long, but it's much more manic than just beating on something with tons of HP.
  20. So I build Hybrid Core Melee on a character who has Cardiac Alpha, and noticed that my DR buffs were exactly the rated value. I thought that was strange, as I expected Cardiac to boost the DR buffs. For giggles, I changed my Alpha to Vigor and tested whether it buffed the +Regen, and it did. So basically I'm kind of confused by the inconsistency and wondering if it's a bug. I did actually submit a bug report in game.

    But does anyone know from beta info if this is expected?

    Edit: Actually my regen test was flawed. I need to redo it in the morning. I think Vigor probably did not boost it. But even if it's consistent, it seems odd.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I've also heard people say that each player-death heals him... but I don't know the veracity of that. But needless to say, death significantly lowers one's DPS, so, should be avoided. When a handful of people don't scatter at the "Air Crackles" warning and are hit with Lightning Columns, often stacked on each other... it's insta-death for them and a loss of DPS for the League. The death penalty is significant for this battle. Players really have never had to deal with significant death penalties before and have become too casual about being defeated.
    I can't find anything to substantiate things I see said often in-game by leaders.
    • Dying heals Tyrant.
    • Being hit by lighting heals Tyrant.
    Nothing in the detailed descriptions of his powers suggest either of these things is true. I strongly suspect that what is happening is that when people die or when they have to run away from his lightning, DPS drops, and if Tyrant is at low HP, his correspondingly high regen causes his HP to spike very soon after the DPS applied to him drops.

    He does feed off of his Olympians. It does not look as if that heals him, however. It boosts toHit and damage, though, and his KB (heh). He stops summoning Olympians if he's brought below 40% of his max HP.

    Other info about him:

    His eyebeam sweep has several unusual debuffs, but only to the following:
    • Blasters
    • Scrappers
    • Brutes
    • Stalkers
    • Khelds
    • Soldiers of Arachnos
    These ATs suffer -20% damage, -10% heal, and -10% def for 25s when hit by his beam sweep.

    The flow lightning deals energy damage, but also applies stacking -resistance to energy damage. That's why standing in it is quite so bad.

    Amusingly, when he is deflated and loses his connection to the well, all his normal powers are stripped from him and he's given [Brawl]. =D
  22. Since it is highly dependent on DPS, there may be some subtle things that vary from league to league and lead to dramatically different results.
    • Too many low-shifted characters. In many ways, despite having extremely high shifts on Tyrant, the Lights of the Well (when they work) make this trial more forgiving for less shifted characters than any of the new ones. (The first four AVs are still rough, though.) However, if you aren't +3, even when you have all six Notice shifts, you're facing a +1 to +3 AV, which does reduce your DPS. This isn't normally a big deal, and I don't think it's a big deal here in general, but it might be enough to keep a league under the DPS envelope they need.
    • Too much melee. I'm not one to complain a lot about the "run away if you know what's good for you" effects we get a lot of these days. Clearly, that affects melee characters more than ranged ones, but I don't mind that as much as some folks seem to. However, if too much of a league's DPS is melee, having them have to run away may mean Tyrant gets to regen too much while they're off fleeing. (The problem isn't that you have to flee, per-se, but that there are usually lightning flows near Tyrant, meaning you can't get back in melee with him. A good taunter can help a lot here by pulling Tyrant out of the flows.).
    There's nothing terribly different about bullet one than the more recent iTrials. You don't want too many unshifted characters going on Keyes, Underground or MoM. As mentioned, they're probably more help in the Magisterium fight than most other shifted iTrial fights, but too many may hurt too much.

    Bullet two is subtle - it may not be obvious to all league leaders whether it will be a problem for their particular league. I'm hardly suggesting that people should eschew melee, though I fully expect some leaders to do that. If they have a lot of melee, though, they should have someone try to taunt Tyrant out of the place he was when he summoned his lightning. I've been on leagues where taunters did this, and it does help.

    Resistance debuffs and +damage can be important on this trial. Tyrant is highly resistant to regen debuffs, and large regen debuffs are a frequent means of winning DPS-vs.-regen contests. (In beta, this was used to crush him even going for "The Really Hard Way" badge, and so it was adjusted so that was harder to do.)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    The Lights of the Well are a little TOO unforgiving. In every run I've done, we've had them all down within 10 seconds of spawning, but that 10 seconds is enough to get Tyrant from around 20% health all the way back up to 40%. (I've been putting a nav marker on the light and jumping back to its position when the counter shows 3 seconds, so at least one is being taken out just as soon as the Quills power activates.)

    I've also noticed that his lightning attacks continue to do damage for a second or two after the visual effects dissipate. And when he's surrounded by lightning, all I can do is fire off Energy Torrent every 8 seconds, with the occasional blast of my Judgement power whenever that manages to recharge.

    My two cents on how to improve this encounter:
    1) Make the Quills temp power animate faster.
    2) Give about 5 seconds between when the Lights of the Well spawn and when they actually buff Tyrant --OR-- let us stop them from spawning altogether by allowing us attack their spawn points a couple seconds prior.
    3) Do something about the Lightning. Either make it so the beams can't overlap (any time I've died to them, it's been because I've gotten hit with 3 or more at once), add an additional 15 seconds to the power's recharge, lower the damage, or lower the total number he can fire at once. Or some combination thereof.
    You may have missed this earlier in the thread, but the Lights do nothing to Tyrant. His regeneration is only a function of his current HP. How many Lights are on have nothing to do with it.

    The Lights are supposed to suppress level shifts granted to players, so that when all lights are out, everyone (in theory) is +6. This doesn't seem to be working right.

    Edit: I have noticed the damage after the visual for the flow lightning fades, and do agree that's quite frustrating. I wouldn't complain one bit if they fixed that.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    The highlighted portion is the key point you continually ignore. Yes, to YOUR GROUP all these are easy. Again, I was on a STF this last week where we very nearly failed it, despite several skilled players on some good toons.
    I am NOT ignoring that. I never once anywhere in that post claimed that "we" was everyone. It pisses me off to no end that you'd be so damn childish that you assume I would take that stance.

    "The crew I run with" is not who I do all iTrials with. If I'm lucky, 2-3 of them are on most trials with me. And I can't accept that everyone on Justice is twinked out and IO'd to the gills, because I know better. So frankly, whether or not "the crew I run with" can faceroll battles with Reichsman is largely irrelevant to the question of whether iTrials like the Magesterium are too hard.

    Let me ask you: do you suspect I'm some CoH prodigy? Because I sure don't. When I play, I just do stuff that I think makes sense. That's basically it. I'm not doing anything brilliant. I'm using common sense mixed with game knowledge. And that's what "the crew I run with" is about. It's people who, generally speaking, do intelligent stuff when playing the game. If we can do these things, anyone can. So why aren't they? What's the problem?

    What I see too often for my tastes is people who do stuff that I'll just say doesn't seem like common sense. When they do it and it works, then I figure they know something I don't. When they do it and it goes horribly wrong, I try to help them by suggesting a course that seems more like common sense. And if they refuse to accept that advise and still fail, then I deem them dumb and want little more to do with them. Most people don't fall into that unfortunate latter category, but there are enough of them that I don't enjoy pugging as a rule.

    In a heartbeat I forgive people who lack my game knowledge. I've been here eight years and change, and I do dig into the game, so it would be ridiculous of me to assume every Joe and Jane knows all the crap I do. Some people wear their ignorance like armor, but most seem willing to learn if you offer them knowledge. But knowledge and what they do with it are two different things.

    If people do sensible things, this game is usually very easy. I attribute the vast majority of things that are "hard" to people approaching them either in ignorance of how they work, which is forgivable (to a point) or with really bad tactics, which I am less prone to forgive.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Thats not exactly true either.

    I dont think a team comprised just of incarnates at the nominal level for a trial would succeed. I really dont think a team of 24 incarnate at +3 with no io's at all could do it, that being said, I dont think everyone need io's either.

    They seem to balance team content around a mixed bag, and solo content on very light io usage.
    No, they don't.

    The players just play as if they do.

    When you don't have IOs, you need to play smart. You need to pay attention to your team composition, and people need to not run off and try to solo spawns of Trial mobs without help. People need to move together and not create a train of members when they need to travel quickly. They need to be buffed and healed by appropriate characters, and they need to stay in range of the buffers and healers.

    If people always had bubbler/shielders, always had a good meatshield, always had backup healing, and always traveled around in supportable formations, they wouldn't need IOs. Self fulfilling prophecy, because many players like playing the lone wolf, they get IOs so they don't have to play that way.

    What IOs do is lower the degree to which everyone needs buffs, heals, aggro management in general - in other words, help from teammates. Lots of players play as if everyone needs no help, because they don't need help and assume no one else does either. This is what creates perception some have that IOs are required, not the devs. Because the way the core of a league or team plays often results in everyone else to get less support than they might need if they have a plain SO build.