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  1. Well, from my perspective you have a myopic view of "moving forward". That's not meant as a dig, though I think I probably can't avoid it sounding that way. But my reason for saying that is that I feel my characters are more powerful in an unqualified way. Outside of DA, they can survive higher difficulty settings beyond just moving the levels by +1. So if I was on 52/x6 before, now I'm often on 54/x6 or even 54/x8.

    Inside DA, I am very, very sure I could not survive foes like the BP (and sometimes the Talons of Vengeance) at the settings I am on (again, 54/x6-x8) without my +3 shifts. In fact I am not sure I could survive BP that were +3 to me even if they didn't have +14% to hit me.

    So, to me, the "progress" is real and perceivable, and directly related to my additional Incarnate powers.

    Also, I don't understand your claim regarding foes with 50% resistance. No matter what resistance the foe has to you, if that foe is 54, the difference in being 50+3 and being 50+1 is that a 50+3 deals 38% more damage. That's not inconsiderable, and I definitely notice that difference on my characters. Is the problem here more Blaster-centric, where even such a large difference in DPS isn't enough to keep you alive because of lack of mitigation?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    Going back to fault, I stand by my statement. It's a great power but it's too great in the sense that for most, in my opinion, situations it's overkill. Your enemies are either disabled or they aren't, you don't get style points for extra magnitude unless one of your teammates is keeping that tally for you.
    Huh? I honestly don't understand what you're saying. Fault does both KD and stun, so it will mitigate even foes it doesn't immediately stun. And all mezzes are binary. So I don't get what you're saying.

    You don't run around adding Fault to your attack chain just for giggles. You use it when there's still something you need disabled standing near you that you can't or haven't gotten to with Seismic Smash. If you're over-stacking the stun on other stuff, that's kind of irrelevant, so long as there's something that it is worth using it on.

    It lets my Stone/Fire fight stuff in DA on +4/x8 without being in sight of the incarnate softcap to exotic damage types. There is no doubt in my mind that I could not pull that off without it.

    Also, what attack chain are you talking about? I have an attack chain of SF, HM, SS and Gloom that doesn't take 200% recharge. I'll have to go dig it up, but I know it's around 200 DPS with no Musculature or Assault Hybrid based on Pylon smashing.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Actually I'm pretty sure what the OP is talking about has to do with changing to different tiers of the different Hybrid powers. As such, it's actually NOT because of problems unlocking the Hybrid slot, but because nearly everyone uses the 1 inf Empyrean Merits in beta to immediately jump to T4 without testing the intermediate stages.

    The only way to have accurately (that is to say, not through luck) caught this bug before launch would have been to disable the penny merits from the Ouro vendors.
    Actually, people with multiple, different T4s could have caught this. Slotting two different levels of the same branch is a subset of the problem that changing what's slotted can cause the passive to stay active, no matter whether you're changing within the same branch or not. As such, it's more likely this would have been noticed if more people had unlocked multiple versions, whether in the same branch or not.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Actually, you're wrong about that. Apex & Tin Mage are good examples of providing access to content based on incarnate slotting.
    No, they're not. You can go on them all you want. You just suck real bad. Your rewards are exactly the same, though, which wouldn't be the case if you were -8.

    Actual levels make it strictly impossible to attent, period.

    Speaking of which, there is no coding reason why the other things you describe can't be tied to level shifts.
    Were that true, I find actually find it very unlikely that the Magisterium trial would be gated purely on having Lore and Destiny unlocked, instead of slotted. Unlocking them gives you a badge, which is something that gates access.

    And that is the problem with the Incarnate slots/system. It is a half-baked idea that didn't actually meet a lot of player's expectations.


    And that doesn't meet a lot of players expectations as to "level shift".
    No, it did not meet your expectations, and apparently the OPs and GuyPerfect's. Are you representative of "a lot of" players? How do you know? Perhaps people I play with just don't talk about it, but I don't find your expectations to be something I hear mentioned by others in game, which leads me to question that assertion.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    When forum threads move into the territory of debating what words mean... I am out.
    Unfortunately, it's a consequence of how some folks like argue. For example. party A says something, then party B rebuts it. Then party A argues a fine point or meaning of the rebuttal which is slightly tangential to the point. Party B then needs to clarify the tangential nature of that if they don't want their point undercut by it. Then party A argues a fine point of the clarification. After just a few passes, the debate is basically unrecognizable, even though each exchange was tied in some way to the one before it.

    Naturally, that approach does little to actually defend party A's position. But if they're good at it, and party B doesn't catch on, it can look that way.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Im usually one to complain, but ive NEVER seen magi trial fail before Tyrant..... I mean the team would have to be sooo bad.
    I have.

    One went for the simultaneous AV badge, didn't have the DPS for it, and didn't pull out.

    One couldn't defeat Black Swan. People refused to move out of the Excalibur nanite patches.

    I'm pretty sure neither had a prayer against Tyrant.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    I don't believe this was ever the subject of debate.
    Then I think one or more of the following is true, in varying degrees.

    • You are applying the English language, common phrases and idioms, and common game terminology in a way that would confuse or mislead many posters.
    • You are attempting to be so clever in your argument that it is actually heavily obscured.
    • You have actually "moved the goalposts" of your argument several times.
  8. Yep. That's correct. I thought about that too when I was writing my previous post, but lost it somewhere between being undecided on how important it was to add and plain forgetting to add it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I decided to try to make all the tier 4 Lore pets on my main. Problem solved. New problem now: that'll probably take years.
    Hah, nice.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    A level shift will make a yellow con as white and your powers and theirs will be affected accordingly. You know, like a level does.
    A level also gives you:
    • More max HP
    • More damage per attack
    • More mez duration on mezzes
    • More healing delivered per heal (this usually tracks max HP)
    • A power or either 2 or 3 enhancement slots
    • Higher reward per even-level foe defeated in terms of Inf and XP (unless you're 50 for the XP part)
    • Possibly higher buff caps, depending on the attribute in question
    That's a partial list.

    There's also a lot of non-attribute stuff that might be unlocked by your security and combat levels, such as access to contacts, titles, storage increases, ability to slot specific enhancements, etc. None of those can be tied to level shifts, because level shifts are transient. They are a buff that's applied to you, rather than an attribute of your character.

    What a level shift gives you is analogous to one part of a long list of things you get when you level.

    Ergo, a level shift is not a level.
  11. Note that the Combat Attributes window shows the "bonus cap". Your total damage would be 100% plus that number, so when at the cap, MM pets are doing four times their base damage (100% + 300% = 400%).

    Critters have ATs too. As far as I know, all entities that do anything in CoH have the same list of stats, whether we see those stats come into play. Tar Patch has hit points, mez thresholds and mods for +defense. Damage cap is one of those stats. No entity will ever have an infinite damage cap, out side of some fairly spectacular bugs.

    There may be exceptions, but I believe the damage cap shown here is typical of all pet entities, even ones that deal damage for ATs with higher damage caps. That means that Burn patches from Brutes/Scrappers and Rain of Fire from Blasters may not be able to benefit from as much +damage as the ATs that cast them can. (This is known to be the case for some of those examples - I say "may" because I'm unsure if any exceptions exist.)
  12. I mostly read the Pylon thread for fun, geek interest and inspiration. I have only rarely gone out and tried to mow something down.

    On the note of both inspiration and the times I have gone pylon hunting, I'm fairly pleased though to have numerous melee characters in the 200-250 DPS range despite having things like Cardiac and Spiritual rather than Musculature as their standard Alpha. But I finally picked up T4 Core Musculature on my BS/Inv, combined that with T4 Core Assault, and took him out for a spin today and, by his standards, mutilated a Pylon. I need to build him an Ageless so he can actually do that sort of thing without winding himself halfway through. Rare will probably be fine for my purposes - I usually tote Rebirth or Barrier around for scary foes.

    Edit: While I prefer to solo, I clearly have no issue running lots and lots of iTrials. Some of my 50s are starting to groan under the weight of their piles of iSalvage.
  13. Problem Statement
    For those fortunate enough to gather multiple Incarnate powers in each slot, managing them in power trays is becoming cumbersome. See below for more details.

    Proposed Solution
    Create a "slot power" icon. For example, imagine a single power icon for activating whatever Destiny you have slotted, another for summoning whatever Lore you have slotted, and so on.

    Detailed Reasoning
    First, let me mention that I'm aware that it's possible to create a macro that activates powers in exactly the way I am describing. I already use a keybind that does the same basic thing. The issue with macros is that they do not show you the recharge status of your powers - not particularly helpful for long-recharge clicks. To reasonably view the recharge status, you need the power icon in a tray. The "Powers" UI window is not suitable for this.

    Even though we own a potentially large number of powers for any given slot, the "slotting" requirement of Incarnate powers means that only one is available at any one time. Even if all you want it in a tray for is to check on its recharge, you need to either have a bunch of Incarnate powers in trays (most of which are disabled) or to reconfigure your trays each time you change your slotting, neither of which is particularly ideal.

    Since Incarnate powers to date that belong in a given slot all share the same recharge time, it seems that a common icon could be used to control whatever one happens to be slotted, and then represent its recharge status.

    I realize that the UI and power activation "plumbing" to allow this suggestion may not exist. I am proposing that such plumbing might be a good investment, as our list of Incarnate slots is only going to grow, and long-standing characters are potentially going to accumulate more variants of previous slot powers which they then would need to manage. Having a single icon for each slot would make this much, much easier to manage.

    Functional Specification
    Something would have to be done with the "slot power" when nothing is slotted in a given Incarnate slot. Perhaps the power icon could become available in your powers list once the slot is unlocked, but would be disabled if nothing is slotted.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    They put in a new feature that requires specific content to unlock with no alternate paths (like the Astral/Emp vendors). As such, screwy behavior like this gets missed. Simply because you can't find enough people to do the content enough to unlock you.

    In the future, they need to put in unlock methods immediately and worry about gating it LATER.
    Maybe agreed. They could do that or set aside a window for testing the gate after which they basically bypass the gate. Sure, some (most?) people will just wait for the bypass, but some impatient ones will join the folks who actually want to test the gate content.
  15. It's probably reasonable that we'll get more toys that allow temporary or conditional level shifts. Powers that boost our shifts for a short time or debuff foes with negative shifts for a short time seem quite reasonable options. Adding mechanics that do that in missions, via granted temp powers or effects like the Light of The Well are pretty good examples, because they keep the level shifts from being something you have to bring on your own.

    Imagine a "level shift Build Up". Something like that might be reasonable, and yet still actually pretty powerful both defensively and offensively.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by herotoonefan View Post
    Man, I always have a question.

    Ok, the spreadsheet says "slotted recharge"--does that mean the attacks recharge only including recharge reduction that is actually slotted in the power--not global--or does my global recharge count too?
    For I24 PPM calculation purposes, only the +recharge from what you have slotted in the power matters. Global recharge doesn't matter.

    I have two different values--the recharge time I get from looking at the detailed info on the power, which is just counting slotted recharge reduction, and the value from mids taking global recharge into account. Which do I use?
    Use the enhancement percentage value you see, either in Mids or in game, when you mouse hover over your power. So if you have 3 level 50 Common IO recharges in a power, you probably see 100.4% on the recharge enhancement. Use that number. If you get the number from Mids, use the ED-modified number, not the "Pre-ED" value. (It looks like Hopeling's spreadsheet does the division by 100 for you, so you won't need to add the "%".)

    There's one caveat - Alpha Slots that enhance recharge are more complicated. The part of such Alphas that does not ignore ED counts for I24 PPM purposes. I think the simplest way to get that number is to take the listed total and subtract the amount of Alpha benefit that you know ignores ED.

    For example, let's say you have two 54+4 Common Recharge IOs slotted in something. That should show as around 95.3% recharge after ED. If you also have Spiritual Core Paragon slotted, that's 45% more recharge, 2/3 of which ignores ED. My Mids shows the final slotted recharge after ED as about 127.5%. 2/3 of 45% is 30%, so subtract 30% from 127.5% to get 97.5%. That's the number to use in the "slotted recharge" column.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Oh, yeah, you're right.

    I wanted an i24 spreadsheet myself, and didn't want to wait until Friday, so I made my own version.


    I mean, thanks!
  18. As far as I can tell, all the Hybrid versions have variations on these bugs. It sometimes won't turn off, sometimes won't stack, and sometimes you lose the passive. Folks I play with were reporting getting multiple passives going on after slotting different Hybrids.

    It's all kinds of broke.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    My own feeling is that the set gives up too much for fault. Why shouldn't it? Fault is a crazy power. To me though it's a lot like stone armor: you get granite but you pay a dear price indeed. There are other issues, like stone mallet's mediocrity forcing you to try to make a chain out of stone fists, heavy mallet and seismic smash, a fool's errand.
    Why is that a fool's errand? It seems like a very respectable single-target attack chain to me.

    It doesn't have any "flow" to it in any sense of the word. It has undeniably strong powers yet little synergy between them. Bleh.
    I'm not sure how important synergy is when it's got a one-shot hold for bosses attached to its largest DPA attacks and the ability to juggle minions forever, both of which are fairly incredible levels of mitigation.

    Sure, in the modern game, lack of AoE is frowned upon. It's not really that big a bother to me, though, as I have a number of characters who predated the ability to consistently find, let alone consistently survive enough foes to make an AoE focus such a compelling consideration as it is today, and I still enjoy them immensely. A Stone Melee Brute happens to be one of those. And yes, I skipped Tremor completely.

    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Brawl Index! Oh man, there's a term I haven't heard in a long time! You're showing your game age there.
    No doubt!

    In fact, I was considering pairing it with Regen since I've been wanting to make a Regen Brute I could like (I've made a few attempts already). Its mitigation abilities should be helpful in giving regen time to do it's thing.
    As someone who has paired it with Fiery Aura, I can say that should work swimmingly, again assuming you're satisfied with a single-target focus.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    Want to see the stats? I didn't think so. Well, here is a link to the screenshot anyway...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Changing the spreadsheet for i24 should actually be super easy - just type in the enhanced recharge rather than the base recharge, and change the PPM value to 7.5 instead of 6. Well, unless I am forgetting another part of the changes; haven't read through that thread in a while.
    I tried that, and doing it that way breaks the calculation for the Radial side's damage.

    Because of that, I actually added a column for slotted recharge and changed the proc chance calculation (only) to account for it. Then, because I wanted to be able to compare I24 and I23 versions more easily, I added a "toggle" field to let me turn "I24 mode" on and off. If it's off it ignores the slotted recharge and uses the PPM rate you entered, and if it's on it uses slotted recharge times and multiplies the PPM by 1.25 in the proc chance calculations.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    I'm on the other end myself, primarily playing my MM again, and I don't want to do Magi because of being more of a liability.
    If I had a MM, I would probably do the same thing. I might not if one was my main or my badge collector or some such, though I usually hold off a couple of weeks on any serious badge collection in new iTrials anyhow, just because I am happy to let others trail-blaze the strategies.
  23. 16/no pets is definitely easier, but 24 no pets is still very manageable. It just takes a little longer.

    It's going to be so much easier when the various pets can get back into the fray. Yes, even the Mastermind ones.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by herotoonefan View Post
    Cool! Could you post your PPM adjusted one for us like Hopeling did--that'd be awesome!
    I'll look into it. I only have a Google account due to having an Android phone - I never use it for stuff like Google Docs (or Gmail). If I can get at Docs using my existing account, I'll toss it up there.

    If that is challenging for some reason, I'll find a place to host the raw excel.

    It might not be till Friday night, though.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Well, the one place we've seen it so far, it's pretty scruffy.
    Nega Pendragon in the Magisterium trial has it.
    Oh, I know. Actually ShadowHunter gets it too, when he turns into a dog/wolf thing.

    But I figure there are strong limits to what we should infer about how it will work for players based on those early examples. While not an example of new mechanics, per-se, Cimerorans looked like they were going to be early indicators of what Shield Defense might be like, but would actually have been pretty awful to use for that projection.