739 -
You make rather funny and interesting Lists.
That is all...
Thank you for the time... -
Quote:Bravo Sir!! BRAVO!!!* All zones no longer divided into PvE and PvP... now simply referred to as "Buffet."
* Say good bye to Lusca.... say hello to Sharkzilla...
* Not to say anything bad will happen to her... but you may want to get your Believer badge NOW...
* A strange fish-like guy walks up to you wearing a fake mustache... he warns you that Captain Mako has been spotted nearby and the only way to protect yourself is rub these herbs and spices into your skin then hit yourself repeatedly with a meat tenderizer...
* No matter how large/small the body of water... whenever you are running/swimming through it two or three shark fins will appear and follow you... and yes... that includes the sewers...
* Flying sharks with laser cannons in Shadow Shard!
* (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..."
* Running the Admiral Sutter Task Force just got a LOT more interesting...
* At the end of the Death From Below trial instead of the two hydra heads you find Mako with a dreadfully distended stomach... you still get all the bubble and vortex attacks (bad gas)... but instead of attacking him you must spawn the temp power "Pepto-Bismal" at him over and over again..
*Defeat Mako's forces and get a Jabberjaw as a summonable pet!
(wish I had the Orson Wells Clap gif...)
And Yes! I get the Candygram.
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Quote:Pretty Much, DAMN RIGHT!!!For all of you old School Anime Fans I will recommend
Yamato: 2199
HD remake of Space Battleship Yamato season 1.
The series is being released as a series of Movies, followed by Home Video release. The series will be broadcast on TV in Japan in 2013.
-I've caught the first 6 episodes (7-10 won't be out til October) and it's well worth your time to see.
-Minor plot changes to the original, some clean up the now disproven Sci-Fi elements. If you've seen Star Blazers this totally blows it out of the water imo. It's that good.
Seen 1-6 as well. I've very much enjoyed what I've seen. Hell, even the battle at Pluto in ep 1 is amazing. And the firing of the Wave Motion Gun in Ep. 4.... Jaw Dropping...
There is enough homage to TOS and yet just enough tweaks to the Story, Backgrounds, and Character designs to make this a fresh take on the Yamato's legend. And there's more active Female Characters expanding the overall cast!!!
It'll be interesting to see the next four eps.
While the one thread had more snark in it than it deserved, I'm enjoying Sword Art Online. I Like the premise, and the approach so far. I'm not familar with the original novels and the Manga scans I've seen are interesting. I like where things are going.
I've also taken an interest in Accel World. Based on a Novel series from the same author as SAO. Just seeing the relationship developing between the two lead Characters is worth it.
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PKD, Do you have a Fry's Electronics near you?
I've seen at the one near (Relative term...) me carry the 60-day Fastcard NCSoft cards & the 30 & 60 day DVD case NCSoft Time cards.
Might be worth a try if you have one near you.
I've also seen the Game Stop near me still carry the Fastcard 60-day Time cards, so it might vary by location...
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Basically, Dr. Aeon was there highlighting the new 30-50 Bricks & St. Marshal Content for I24. Not much else.
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Quote:First, it started out as a Japanese Light Novel series. Then there have been Manga and Anime adaptations. The Anime started airing beginning of July. Apparently Crunchyroll has the legal net rights to it. Links for that and translations for the novels and scanlations of the Manga can be found in the Tropes link I gave up thread.Still gotta think about this...it'd probably help if I watched/read whatever this was about...it's an anime you say?
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Quote:And that's the thing Arcana....Without a failsafe way to experience and exit the game, I wouldn't enter someone's virtual reality powerpoint presentation. A virtual reality game with even the theoretical capability of doing what SAO does, even if no one could figure out how to do it, would be one of the greatest evolution accelerators since the Black Death. Volunteering for SAO would be more insane than volunteering to be the first passengers to fly a pilotless commercial airliner powered by an autopilot running on the Sony Playstation Network.
It wasn't until the Live, Day one launch of SAO that the apparently God Complex Crazy SAO & VR System Creator pulled the logout and called that a Feature. Apparently during the Beta, the thousand testers could login & out at will. And from what little backstory is mentioned so far, the VR System was a safe platform for various gaming applications. SAO was the the system's first MMO.
And it's that aspect, to an extent, I find interesting and frightening. More of how could the creator been allowed to pull such a act in the first place? Granted there should of been some kind in-game player command or action that could allow the user to remove the helmet and force a disconnect. Of course that is assuming that the 'fry your Brain like an Egg' wasn't in place...
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Quote:Actually SAO players couldn't.Heh. Yes. But I was trying to stay within the scope of the question.
One could just pull off the VR gear once this is found out and risk it. So the question is, do you do that or play the game? If you play the game, how do you play it?
Saying you just pull the gear off and risk it is a perfectly valid choice.
As mentioned in ep 1 by Kirito, the VR gear supersedes the players physical neural input and translates it into actions in the Virtual World. So in the Real World, you're just laying/sitting/whatever with the VR helmet on your head and seemingly asleep. If someone in the RW removes the helmet off of you, the helmet's microwave-like stuff overloads and fires your brain like an egg, killing you.
As to letting the sub expire and whatnot, I would figure the game could be like Guild Wars: Pay once, and you can login/out all you like (If it wasn't for the fact that the Creator has a God Complex and trapped the players in his Virtual World...)
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Quote:Wouldn't be surprised...intresting watch..thanks afew of my normal weekily watchs have stopped was searching for something decent
it reminded me of Accel World kids fight in a VR for points
Both were written by the same person. Mentioned on the Tropes page, there's supposedly a SAO/Accel crossover. :::shrugs::: Go figure...
Quote:if i was in that game id hope to be a beta player.....i would be awesome though and prob solo heh
I guess my biggest issue so far with eps. 3 & 4 is something that really isn't explained clearly. Granted, I'm not familar with more Open-world PVP-centric MMOs, but isn't the ability to see at least the player level of others available? In both eps. 3 & 4, Kirito's active level is significantly higher than those he was with and/or facing. Especially in the Titan's Head ambush in ep. 4. You would think if he's that much higher, in relation to the ambushers (figure a 30 level difference, or so), it would be idiotic to attack him. Even in a large pack.
Otherwise, I've found SAO interesting.
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Ah Steelclaw....
Nice to see you have returned to the forums.
And please 'Ko or somebody Get this video made!!!
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Someone beat me to starting a discussion on this.
Got to admit that the premise is very .hack-ish. Considering it's based on a light-novel series (surprise, surprise...), it seems kinda interesting.
Of course, the TVTropes link should be mentioned.
As to the OP's questions: It's real time. From one point in the Manga, it's been nearly 2 years since everything started. And the 'Front Lines' are only 3/4 of the way through...
As to Dark One's comments, it's hinted to in the Manga that those who are 'playing' will be found by the various governments and taken to places where their physical bodies will be kept alive. Also keep in mind that the VR system has a back up battery on the off chance of a power failure.
I've liked what I seen so far. Episode 3 is questionable, but it has it's moments.
Now there's an interesting, if worrysome thought about the madness the VR System/SAO's creator: Are you so demented that you'd create a VR Environment and kidnap 10K people just to see how it turns out? I mean, roughly 2.5% of the player base was dead with in the first day. 20% with in the first month. I mean, you'd think that there would have to be some kind of governmental intervention some how?
Should be interesting to see how much get's animated.
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Also don't forget that there's gonna be a new companion after the 5 w/Amy & Rory. So this could be an interesting season for sure.
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Just after seeing these two sets in action, I'm impressed.
Now I have a couple of Character rerolls/concepts in mind...
DP/MC Blaster (another variation of my DP-AR/EM Blaster)
Wtr/MC Blaster (a 'bender' type Character, currently a Wtr/MM Blaster)
Dark (I think, maybe Mind)/MA Dom (Something Ninja-like)
I'm actually impressed with MC. Inner Will, Reaction Time, and Reach for the Limit are gonna make Blasters fun. RftL, along with the Blaster Inherent, are really gonna give a more Brute-like feel, damage wise. Inner Will is a nice 'Oh PANCAKE' button. Especially when facing several Tsoo Yellow Inks. Depending on what Reaction Time takes (Guessing Slow & Heal sets) and End cost, I can see it being used for Blappers for sure.
Can't wait for I24 to hit Beta now...
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Definitely interesting for sure.
So this is gonna cover TDKR Books 1 & 2. Cool. Not 100% sure I like Weller voicing Bats, though. Guess I used to hearing Conroy or the gent voicing Bats in YJ/YJI. Just doesn't 'feel' right.
Visually, it looks great. This'll be something to see.
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Quote:Seriously, though, bookmarking this thread. Don't have time to read it all right now, but there are some interesting ideas here.
*Obligatory statement not guaranteeing anything here*
Oh lordy, Sam...
Look at what ya done...
I28: Rogue Isles Revamp
Otherwise, some interesting ideas there, Sam. I like the concept of the PO/Cap makeovers. I'm just concerned about some of the contact Storylines in Cap. Mainly Marshal Brass & Wheeler's Arcs.
While Wheeler's Arc isn't the greatest, it does have some fun stuff to it and you get some good action through it as well. And Brass's Arc is a solid way of getting Ouro access in the teens. (Beyond someone opening up a portal). As well as giving back story on that crazy Prof...
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Yes there is a way to change the limit info.
You need to log into your master account. Then go to Billing Summary.
Next to your CC info should be a link called 'Change card'. Clicking that will take you to a new screen to change your CC info and at the bottom is the limit info section. You can set it up to $400 US max for a 30-day period.
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Quote:Look up the Voice Cast for Gargoyles some time...In fact, when I was looking through IMDb's listing on BTAS, I was surpised at some of the names, specifically ST alumni, that had voice roles in that show.
Riker, Troi, Worf, Data, & Janeway off the top of my head. As well as the rest of the overall cast of that show. Now that is a show I miss...
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Quote:In the 07/11/12 Twitch Chat, the OP asked Synaspe if there was gonna be any forseeable updates to the Base Systems. The replys from Synaspe & Z amounted to: Not really 'casue the Code is so wonky it can break the Game. Hence the 'Jenga on Fire' comment from one of them (I think it was Z...).What? Did the Devs make an official announcement that they would never, ever, ever be making any new updates to Bases? Did they actually announce that there was never to be any further Base love at all? If so, where is this official announcement?
Would it be nice to see a Base System Overhaul/Base 2.0? Yes.
Would it be worth the manhours & "OMFG!!! WTF did you do to my Base??!!!" fallout? I don't think so. Hell, I still have one base I've been meaning to finish tweaking (again). I really don't want to go through the hassle of rebuilding the thing from Scratch (and that's one of several I have Red Star/Design privileges on...).
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Now I'll admit I haven't read through the thread, but here are my thoughts:
I understand the appeal of Social Media. It has it's uses and can be a good thing. What I don't care for is 'You must use XXX Service to get a Shiney for use in our game' marketing. I just find 'exclusives' like that demeaning.
As of now, I don't use Twitter or Facebook or similar outlets (I have a Youtube account, but that is more for access than anything else) and don't intend to in the foreseeable future. It isn't something I care for. If the Aura or the Facepalm emote were offered on the PMarket, I'd get them. I am not going to go through bloody hoops signing up for a third party service on the 'chance' of getting a shiney.
Z, if you really want to get a understanding of some of this negativity, Take a look back at the fervor from when the Game Stop Pre-order enhancements for GR were announced. In essence, it's a similar kind of thing.
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Quote:I don't think it's a good idea.Pulling this out as a suggestion:
why not give every freemium players access to FREE regular non setIOs/Common IOs and FREE access to a THIRD build? (the one that only unlocks with Incarnate content?)
what do you all think?
Not from a player accessibility aspect, but more from a back-end POV. Something like this could affect how things drop and are listed in the Recipe listings and the Market. I think the overall hassle is not worth any perceived gain by letting Premiums access non-set IOs.
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OP, You're not gonna like what I have to say, but here it is:
City of Heroes is not a F2P game. Yes, there is free access and limited functionality. The game is Subscription Focused. In other words, it is a Subscription-Hybrid. That has been the Dev's intention from the first announcements of CoH:Freedom.
You Sub, you get access to all Story Content and a good number of Costumes and Powersets. You don't Sub, you can pay, a la carte, for what you want to use and get more functionality unlocked as you progress through the Rewards System. This awards those who had subbed for extensive periods and those now who wish to throw gobbs of cash to Paragon/NCSoft.
That doesn't mean VIPs get everything either. There's still Costumes and Powers/Powersets VIPs also have to pay for. But that was true (at least Costume-wise...) in the pre-Freedom days.
Does it suck that premiums have to use the web site for assistance? Yes. Then again that is all apart of the design, gate enough services/content to get someone to pony up the $15/Month.
Right now, I'm a T9 VIP. If I had to drop to Premium, I'd lose the following (and then have to pay for):
First Ward & Night Ward Story Content
Leather & Chainmail Armors at least (I think there a couple more, not sure...)
Dark Control/Assault & Time Manipulation Powersets
Incarnate Content (not that I have any 50s anyway...)
550 Paragon Points/Month
SSA 1.1-1.7 & 2.1 (and that would get longer with each added installment)
SG Rent payment (Considering I have Red Star and/or Payment privileges on a half-dozen or more SGs, that's a big hindrance...)
New T9 VIP items when they become available
Access to about 2/3 of the overall characters I have (I'd have the 2 + 20-25 Global Tokens, I think)
That's a lot, to me, and I feel enough of an incentive to keep Subbed.
As I said above, This may not of been what you wanted to hear, but the Dev's approach, I think, is respectful enough to long-term players and incentive enough to new players to keep subbing.
Thank you for the time...