1383 -
Quote:It's a non-argument that you can't back up other than with selfishness.But, specifically for DA, I object to catering to teams on principle. Teams have a ton of trials and content to run, AND they're vastly more rewarding for the purpose of powering up Incarnates. Leave DA to the soloists and small teams and go back to running trials if DA fails to please on a large team, because trials are for that.
I am a soloist. And duo/trio player. And iTrial runner. And badger. And a whole lot of things more. And I want to have the option to bash on AV's solo or duo if I feel like it.
It wouldn't diminish DA in any way for you or anyone else. Except in your own head, maybe. Your 'principle' is nothing but petty childishness. -
Quote:No, it really doesn't. Unlikely far-fetched scenario is unlikely and far-fetched.While personally, I see nothing wrong with EB's rolling up to AV for teams, as it works everywhere else, and in fact I think it's a bug I also can't let this statement slide without pointing out the problem.
There remains the possibility, no matter how slight, that if enough teams start steamrolling the DA content, and AV's meant better drops, that eventually it would led to the Dev's further reducing the rewards in zone.
This would only hurt the true Soloist, as the teams would just keep trucking and or go back to trials.
Small and unlikely yes, but still prevents one from saying 'Nothing' that strongly. -
Quote:Besides there's an easy fix. Just replace all the in game IO drops with the market versions!If it is not working as intended, then it _should_ be fixed, better now than 3 months-3 years down the line when there will be many unhappy customers.
If it is working as intended, and the developers do decide to nerf it, then it will be on them to refund people their points. But honestly, I don't think it's broken. It is better than the normal version, but so are all of the SBEs. And if they do nerf it, it's not going to be because of this thread. And if they don't implement the Gaussian proc at 1 PPM, it won't be because of this thread. If it wasn't meant to be in the game, then it wasn't meant to be in the game, thread or not.
Being all secretive over stuff like this is pretty silly.(OK, "easy" might not be the word I'm looking for.)
Quote:This is an absolutely moronic stance to take. Not to mention petty.Because not all the content in the game needs to accommodate teams. Just like not all the content in the game accommodates soloing. People insist there be special content that is team only, so, again, I see no reason this solo oriented zone should do more to accommodate teaming than it does. It certainly supports teaming better than iTrials support soloing.
The comparison you draw is so ridiculous, even you have to see that.
You, as a solo player, lose absolutely NOTHING by having people be able to spawn AV's in the Dark Astoria arcs.
On the other hand, whole idea behind the iTrials is to have challenges and mechanics that can only be completed by a cooperating group of players. You simply cannot do that and simultaneously make them soloable. It defies the whole point of them. -
Meh, don't care much that it got cancelled. I watched a couple of episodes and I found it a crappy show. The plot was all over the place while leading nowhere and the acting was at times horrendous.
Next, please! -
Quote:I curbstomb those EB's solo, set on +3*8. On low damage characters.No thanks.
You can struggle along with 7 others to bring down a villain that really has no business story or lore-wise being that powerful if you want to, but I don't. You have the entirety of the remainder of the game to do that.
But DA is dedicated to making our Incarnate characters actually feel like demigods. When a team of demigods get together, it should be a curbstomp.
Working as intended.
AV's for group content please! -
I love the Dark Astoria arcs. They give a sense of 'Epic' to story arcs that wasn't there before in soloable content.
Quote:Meh, I anticipated that this would be the case from the very start. It's the reason why I intend to thoroughly play it through as each class once I got the time and at the same time it's also the reason why I never even planned on cancelling my CoH sub.And I will agree with the article writer on this score: the single player experience is very good. One of the better I've seen in any MMO recently. No question the spreadsheet jockeys that made that knew how to make a good game. However, in my opinion that did not translate into making a good MMO.
And as someone else mentioned, it's a new game. CoH, nor the current market leader, nor the OT named one (to name a couple of successfull ones) were anywhere near the games they are today when they launched. The space fantasy devs have established a solid base to further build their game on. I expect good things from it over time. -
Quote:Auto exemping'll just piss a lot of people off because they wouldn't be able to use certain powers in the lower zones. Having people show up in your mission uninvited when you just want to solo a bit would piss a lot of people off too. Including me. And I'm very pro (some) team gated content (or rather content that is designed so that it's only completable by a team, like the iTrials).(SSK is good, but how about if every zone in the game auto-exemped you to its max level? Sharing mission completions and improving rewards for teams is good, but what if you didn't even have to invite other people to your team at all? Oh hey, most character builds are self-sufficient, but almost any team-up is greater than the sum of its parts.)
I'd personally been thinking for a long time the devs should remove levels from critters all together. Make every enemy in game work with a similar system that's used for Rikti invasions and the likes.
For example take The Skulls: Under that system any Skulls would con white to you at all levels. But they would still be designed for the level 1-15 content, they'd still only have attacks like punch and pistols and barely any defenses to speak off. A level 50 character would still wipe the floor with a large group of them because of that, even though they con white. Likewise Nemesis and Malta would still pose a too high a challenge (for most people anyway) for low level characters that lack a good chunk of their stronger powers and enhancement slots.
Imo it would make for a lot more fun street sweeping through out levels if you don't have to deal with to high level enemies or boring greys. You wouldn't have to deal with resetting missions because you leveled up and it's now 'old'. There would also no reason to put contacts in level brackets (or rather no reason for you to out level them, it'd still server as a guiding system.)
Of course there would be a lot of major and minor practical issues to overcome with this system, (like how to scale rewards for high levels that go hunt kill skuls, purple recipe drops, ...) but it seems like a workable idea to me. -
Quote:I'm sure you think there's some logic to your reasoning there, but I'm not seeing it.At the same time, they could have waited a week after the new Issue to release this set and made sure it had no problems. But instead they've made themselves look bad because now it shows they would rather rush things out instead of making sure they give out a quality release. And the reason they do that: $$$$
We'll release a product we've already done improvements on without those improvements, all because releasing an unimproved product a week early will guarantee us more $$$! Yea that works.
There's only one reason why it's released now, and the updates later: a fixed release schedule. Nothing more nefarious than that. -
Quote:The thing is that I've got 1 character, maybe 2, were I have the 5 current slots filled with non-filler costumes AND have a potential use for any more than that.Costume slots still apply to every character on your entire account. You're not just buying "one" slot - you're potentially buying access to dozens of them.
This is why I've never had any problem with their cost. I bought 5 extra slots six-ish months ago and have gotten many, many hours of fun from them. To me they were well worth the price. *shrugs*
I'd buy a couple on that character (again, maybe 2 chars) for 50-60 a piece. Globally unlocked slots are near useless for me. So I'm not going to pay 600 or 800 points (or 400 or 200) for just those few costume slots I'd actually use.
That's why I've found the global unlocking storage'n stuff always a bit odd. Going by my in game environment, there are a lot more people like me than there are who actually fill out all their costume slots on the majority of their characters and would get a lot of use out of even more costumes after that.
I think they would've made more money of offering them per piece per character for a small sum than doing it like this. -
The problem I have with exclusives like this in MMO's (as opposed to SP games) is that they're only available for a limited time and MMO's can have a relatively long lifespan. Players come to the game at different stages of that lifespan. There are plenty of players who weren't around for the start of the game and the release of collectors editions for various reasons, among which are simply not knowing of its existence at the time or not being old enough themselves at the time. Those players can become devoted and loyal fans who would love to have been able to buy all those collectors items but can't through no fault of their own. (As an example: My kid brother was 7 at the time of this game's release. He's been an avid fan for the past 3 years who spends a good chunk of his allowance and birthday money to be able to play this game.)
Taking that into account the whole "I bought it way back when and I want to show how special a snowflake I am, so none of those noobs can have it EVER!" argument really falls flat to me.
As someone who has the CoH: collectors edition (tracked it down online well after its release date. How's that for dedication?) I hope all the CE items get released on the market at some point.
The same thing goes for those loyalty program items. I get why they are done and I don't have to much of a problem with them (my subscription keeps going, so I get them all anyway), but I wouldn't mind it either if it was decided to release those on the market say, some 2-3 years after the fact. That way they are far enough away to still have their desired effect, but people who actually start playing after the fact or unlucky persons who really couldn't keep up their subscription at the time (for reasons best summed up as 'life') can still get a shot at those things later on if they're interested. -
Quote:I actually agree with this. I think the Celestial pieces are pretty neat, but I haven't used any of them for any of my costumes because I can't find a way to incorporate them with older pieces and have the result not looking off. Also, colors not actually being the colors I select is kinda annoying.Could you go back to using Bump maps? 'ever so slightly' tends to mean 'will not mesh with any other metallic costume due to colours looking wane and sickly' which makes it annoying to use any of the new stuff with any of the old stuff.
I preferred the metal we had with things like Tech Sleek and Valkyrie.
There's sets where I'd love to use bits like the Celestial armour, but it just looks -really- out of place for no discernible (to my eye anyway) benefit.
Thanks for the answers though. Much appreciated. -
1 was definitely more than enough. The third one is actually better than the second imo. But then, that isn't a real accomplishment since Transformers 2 is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Take away the pretty CGI and there's absolutely nothing decent left over. No acting, no story, no cohesion, no sense.
Way to many characters doing nothing sensible at all and every single one is an unfunny slapstick sidekick. -
Quote:You know, I've started and deleted at least 5 replies to various moronic posts in this thread. Each time concluding that it really wasn't worth the hassle.I suspect Dink really did work on these in her own time, which makes her a class A awesome person.
However whomever waited until last night to give her permission to post it is the worst kind of ******* ever.
But I couldn't resist letting you know that I appreciate how you raised that whole "they kicked my puppy cynical bitterness"-shtick to an art form.
Even the disillusioned ex-fan boy rantings of FFM don't compare.
You sir, are an example to aim for. A true Paragon. -
Why don't people stop making non constructive posts? Quote:Yes?
Oh... stuff for female avatars.
Quote:I am mostly pleased by this news.
With one nagging question. Why not port the Renegade hat to females, too?
Really wish people would keep their personal vendettas with other players to PMs and assorted dumb comments/questions just to themselves.
Quote:This might not have been the place for expressing such sentiment, but it didn't deserve ridicule or a frivolous dismissal. -
It's very nice to see how this has been handled so far.
Even though I'm not all that interested in this costume set, I was one of the early voters in the polls to show my support of the idea (most of my votes ended up winners too). For the same reason I will spend some of the relevant month's entertainment budget on the pack when it gets released, even though I don't have a direct use for the pieces. (Provided it's decently made of course, but I have little doubt it will be.)
Oh wow.
*Dusts off character idea he had sitting on the side for years* -
Quote:How? If you disregard the emotes and the power (I do, since 'not interested' and 'already own' respectively) they're still offering a discount when you buy the pieces as a pack. From 480 to 400 points is still a ~15% discount.
For me, it isn't even about the limited time deal (( though it is completely ludicrous that civilian costume parts are limited time purchases)). What gets me is the fact that in order to "save" points, I need to buy a pack that already has stuff that I have already previously purchased e.g. Dance emotes and VIP Pass. Why are these on here? One party Pack gives me all of these emotes. Why should I have to pay for something I already have? It comes off as greedy.
You guys got an odd sense of entitlement there. How dare you offer us a discount! We want MORE discount! -
Great costume pieces, will buy the pack as soon as I log in. Have wanted something like this for years. Now all I need is a tracksuit, in terms of leisure time clothes
It's also nice to see all the pieces lined up in a post like this.
But ...
I still don't get why you made this the 'valentine pack' and thus made it a limited time offer. Nothing about this pack says 'valentine' to me. I was expecting (and hoping) for the normal valentine costume items + some extras (since there's only a few). You know, like you did for those other events: Halloween, and the end of year holidays.
This item pack contains costume pieces a good number of people have been wanting for a long while now. And it really strikes me as an odd move to make them a limited time offer when they are perfectly usable outside of the valentine period.
This is the second odd move you made in terms of timed packs and their contents tied to this event. (The Roman costume pack, their limited time offering, and the exclusion of the non Romulus weapons but inclusion of the Romulus shield. Still trying to figure out the logic behind that decision.) -
1. Syrusb/Liz (my favourite overall)
2. Henri (best use of theme)
3. Leaf-nin (nice colouring)