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  1. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    L&P sounds nice I know what lemon is but the other fruit? I'll give it a go maybe as long as the other ingredient isn't some weird hallucinogenic Polynesian plant .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, I don't know of any weird hallucinogenic plants, at least non that aren't available most places in the world.

    L&P = Lemon and Paeroa. Paeroa is a small town in New Zealand, and originally the soft drink used to be basically a lemon drink with Paeroa spring water. Now they've syrupised the unique taste and we're slowly introducing the rest of the world to the flavour . I'm always tempted to get my family to ship over a crate so my mates here at work can try some, heh. I bought a pack of Gingernuts from a New Zealand shop (for an extortionate price!) and handed them out here. Everyone was impressed that they basically couldn't bite into them, until they had been soaked in tea for a solid 5minutes . I wish they were here in the UK. Definitely my favourite biscuit ever, sigh.

    Good plan Blade dude, bring J Doggs alts into the SG. Just be careful that Puma isn't on when you do so... Ya know sometimes I'm glad she doesn't frequent these boards! She'll likely tear you a new one if someone unknown joins without her knowing first. I get away with it because... well, I already explained that last night on TS I'm sure.

    Hrm, this makes 5 'J's in our SG (me, Blade, J Dogg, Dutch, and Cleo is a J too). Trendesque.

    That reminds me, did that random guy that Cleo invited into the SG end up sticking around? I haven't seen him pop up for a while now, still haven't had a chance to be properly introduced and put him through 'The Initiation'.


    Bleach joined us with a new alt also, I forget the name now. Maugli or something. Will be interesting to team with all these new faces sometime soon

    Laters all.
  2. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    I'm not sure if anyone 'invented' marmite. They sort of scrapped it off something I think, as a practical joke.

    Never heard of your drink, might take a look.

    Shouldn't be a problem getting your PB into the SG mate. I'm off to the movies tonight, probably back around 9.30/10, a good time to catch ya it seems

    We've got a decent amount at 12/13/14, which we pull out every now and then

    Laters all.
  3. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sigh. I miss New Zealand Marmite

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *reaches at the thought of the horrible black tar*

    [ QUOTE ]
    And L&P (Lemon & Paeroa... A soft drink/'fizzy'/soda), it's taken forever to get Australians to stock it (but they do!), I can't imagine it getting all the way around the world to here anytime soon, heh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Never heard of it..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, nicely random 'digging up old posts' post dude

    Check it out:

    *retches at the thought of the horrible black tar also*

    Seriously, I can't stand marmite here! It's... *shudder*. But if you've ever tried Vegemite, that is far more similar to NZ/OZ marmite than the marmite here is

    I've never bought anything of that link above, but I have been tempted... It's all imported from South Africa/New Zealand/Aistralia, so it's all way overpriced of course. A 355ml can for 99p? In NZ, that can would cost the equiv of 40pm at a guess.

    Some great NZ food that I occasionally think 'omg I could do with some of that!':
    Griffins Gingernuts (like ginger-flavoured CONCRETE! I'm not even kidding )
    Watties Spaghetti (Watties is owned by Heinz, but the taste and texture is completely different!)
    Real new zealand ice cream. I don't really do Ice cream, but when I want some, feel sorry for you brits...

    I'm sure there is more, but they have slipped my mind if so

    I went home to NZ over xmas. First thing I did when in NZ airport was pick up a bottle of L&P . In one hotel down there they had 'spaghetti' as a breakfast, I was like 'omg, spaghetti! I haven't had that in over a year! Is it watties? Or crappy heinz :S'. Mmm that was good.

    Of course, the food was very far down the list of reasons to go then , it was of course summer time there

    Ok back to the SG!

    Welcome to the group J Dogg. If anyone sees Lekto, a little level 19 blaster running around the halls of our SG, say hi
  4. Tower_EU

    Dark Armour

    Ah, very nice, thanks for that Spacedog, backs me up a fair amount I think

    So I guess in summary, you can optionally turn yourself into another black smudge on the map if you wanted!

    I do love to see Scrappers playing non-regen. I really can't get into that gyroscope-shaped greenness emanating from somewhere around their gall bladder... It just doesn't look right!

  5. Tower_EU

    TF 16th May

    Hmm, pretty sure it's 10-15 (ex to 16, nada xp) and 15-20 (ex to 21, no xp).

    But I might be mistaken. I'm pretty sure about the top levels, and I tend to do them when I get nearer to them rather than trying it lower, since these two TFs are just insane at those levels.
  6. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, if you're taking Poweramp out, i'll bring Lekto along if you need some numbers.. hehe. He's a it rusty though.. ;D

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah dude that would be mint we'd need to keep track of kill counts though

    Poweramp is the lvl 19 blaster that I was talkin about taking on Synapse and Posi with ya He is Ice/En now, as I really didn't care much for a lot of the Energy blasts. Shrug.
  7. Tower_EU

    Dark Armour

    I think... that it should be fair to point out that those screenshots are basically just Cloak of Darkness.

    Cloak of Darkness makes you slightly dark, and removes your character model from the screen. If you don't run it, you're not invisible (stealth for the pedantic - invisible on screen).

    It is a great power though for stealthing things, gives you a defence buff, and provides immobilisation protection (which if you are immobd you can toggle it on and run around then turn it off again if you please).

    Cloak of darkness + Superspeed = Invisible. You can stand next to almost any enemy and not be noticed (ignoring the drones/sniper/GM aspect that all invisibilities deal with - although Illusion controllers with Superior invis can dance in the midst of Lusca's tentacles ).

    If I remember to, I will post a shot of my /DA running all his shields except Cloak of Darkness, for you to compare with. I have a mate who doesn't run Cloak of Darkness because he likes the look of his toon. I don't run it when teamed with squishies (squishier than I, heh) because I want to be noticed, over them.

    Maybe someone else can post the pic before me. That would be fine also.

    Don't give up on /DA. It's a great set even with the knockback problems .

    I haven't rolled a /Regen, and given the fact that 90%ish of scrappers always appear to be /Regen, I'm in no rush.

  8. Tower_EU


    In Issue 7 you will get the 'flashy buff' warning before something like this runs out. Otherwise you could use Hero Stats (you can google for that) which monitors CoH.

    I tend to go by instinct.. 'I think I will crash soooon...'

    I have 2 Recharge and 2 Resist Dmgs. But I will swap that to 3 Recharge and 1 Resist Dmg, but ultimately I want to 3+3 it in my next respec.

    I don't know optimal slottings, but I know what I like, and it works for me. But maybe I'm just ok at adapting to the builds I make


    Enjoy, it's a power I put off for a very long time, and now that I have it see it really is useful.

    One thing I was considering, was picking up Phase Shift, to self phase near the crash, heal, then come back out swinging. I'm not sure how that will work though, the crash might knock it off . I understand popping a few purples (shield) insps near the end can be good for the soul too, which might be easier.

    Good luck
  9. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Heya Dutch dude.

    I probably won't be on till 9ish UK time either mate, so that's cool. I'll leave my TS server running if you guys wanna use it without packing up the Union one.

    After that? No plans. Will jump in, see who's around, and then pick something up.

    I brought Ashens little (lvl 16) ice/ice tanker into the SG, so might take poweramp out with him, unless he'd like to escort our 13/14s around a bit

    Will see what happens!
  10. Tower_EU

    TF 16th May

    Synapse would be... difficult, soloing all the way.

    There is an AV at the end, and I don't think that the scaling technology affects AVs in TFs (ie making the AV an EB).

    That said, you could very likely pick up some Shivans from bloody bay and give it a decent blast!

    Positron you might have a chance. No AV in that one. But unless you're built as a highly offensive defender, you might have trouble.

    Once again try it with a shivan and you might be sparkling

    I'll help when I manage to get online dude.
  11. Yah, making them so cheap and with no requirements apart from a workshop was key to thier usefulness. Having to make your base powered and controlled just to build them would have been counterproductive I think

  12. Hrm, I don't think I'm going to be around for most of this evening or tomorrow, doh.

    Most likely quite late if I do come on, things to see, people to do, all that jazz

    Thats call about your WS and scrapper, we have a WS and a couple of scrappers already so no biggie . But yeah yell out if your other toons want to meet some of my lot, you should get along well I think.

    Will catch up with ya eventually

    Not sure about our defiant toons, lol. They were just for play since I had never tried a broadsword scrapper, and we're not sure how far we'll bother taking them (it's just myself and Blademan/Death Kiss who started them) since our current SG would be a little miffed if we got too far before letting them join in with us... lol.

    They defo won't be oft played, but if that's cool with you, then yeah we'll go ahead and do so.

    Oh, the weirdest thing, totally! We're very nearly level 10, I believe. And we have had absolutely no SG invites. None. Noones asked if we want in (mostly because we don't team much there) and noones blind invited us. I think our plan was to keep duoing (or trioing if you come along etc) and see how far we get bafore one pops up, and then we can make one... I'd post my one's name, but I don't want someone here to blind sg invite him just to ruin it . We'll see what happens. You know his name though, and I would have thought it great enough to be blind invited a load! lol.

    Contrast that with Atlas on Union. Wow, is defiant less spammy? Hmm..
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I am currently lvl 19 Rad/Rad def and have been having trouble with people dropping out half way through TF's. On Saturday we had a team of 6 breezing through Positron when all of a sudden people had levelled and no longer getting XP so quit, which then lead to the rest of the team quitting and leaving me standing around on my own. Then yesterday I was off work and had a /tell asdking if I was up for a TF so I replied yes quickly and was invited, there was 8 of us standing around in Skyway (Synapse TF is it?) for about 10 minutes while people enhanced etc. When everyone had arrived we started and instantly 3 left cos they then realised they would get no xp. This was fine as we were doing well without them. 3 missions in and I look down to my team window and watched 5 turn to 4, to 3 to 2 and then once again, me.

    I'm sure it ain't me doing anything wrong cos everyone seems to state how useful rad/rad is...

    Are there a few people on here that would be up for a TF this evening?

    I am up for either Positron or Synapse (If this is the one in Skyway), and if possible I wouldn't mind doing the Cavern of Transcendance trial as i've been posting a request for this for a while now but nobody seems to have it...

    I'll be online from about 6ish this evening as Badge Hunter and my global is @J Dogg. If there isn't enough interest then gimme a shout if there are any other badges going this evening as i'm getting more and more badge hungry every day!

    Happy hunting people!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's a pity I have hardly had a chance to catch ya in game dude.

    I have a level 19 blaster/blapper that is up for everything, but never manage to know anyone in decent level ranges, so gimme a shout sometime and I'll join ya for Posi or Synapse, but posi might have to be split a bit. Could duo it with no sweat, if we got some fillins.

    Cavern of Transcendance: Skull Bender (my controller) runs this occasionally. If I've got a free 20mins I'll bring him on and put you through it. My record is a tad under 10mins (not including teamfinding time ), and averages running it in 20mins or so. There are loads who want this and loads who don't mind helping out. Most of my SG has this badge just due to me yelling for some fillins. Course the XP is nice for them when only 14 too

    I'm still needing to get your toons into my SG J Dogg! . I'm guessing by now you've found a new SG to join though, gimme a yell if you've got any free chars that you would like to join us still.

    Catch ya'll.
  14. That exactly seems to be the problem/issue!

    They give you a 'warning' that your rent is coming due, 2 weeks before it is due, and then 4 weeks after the due date your power gets cut off.

    The problem being that if you pay when the warning comes up, the next 4weekly bill starts immediately, which means that 2 weeks later you get the next warning! It looks like you pay rent every 2 weeks, because noone realises that it is just a notice rather than the 'PAY ME' that you expect to see. Gah. It's so clear now.

    So by waiting the 2 weeks till your rent is actually due, then waiting 4 weeks after that before your base is shut down, you get a free month, and it's far less than it would be if it worked it out at the time you paid it!


    Thanks for the explanation Dead_Calm, you've clarified it for me very well, now I can actually explain to the other leaders why rather than just saying 'because I was told it was the best way to save prestige', lol.

  15. Grats guys

    Was glad to be there for the big day!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    So far, my ice tank has been able to keep full aggro of spawns WITHOUT it, so having it wouldn't really kill me

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was meaning fear rather than in actuality . In general I think that the 'tanks go down WAY too fast' is soo a myth. Unfortunately it's widely perpetuated and many buy into it, and is possibly a factor in a lot of tauntless tanks.

    That and the fact that the devs changed the Taunt to 10, making it seem like the purpose of tanks was to scrap, and not being completely aggro magnets...

    Shrug... *sigh*
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, maybe the reason tanks dont take taunt is cos they cant survive all the aggo... now that all other toons are taking cowardly single target effects?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are a good many tanks out there that don't take taunt for this reason, I'm quite certain. I doubt they'll admit it though.

    Even on my little level 14 tank I taunt and taunt till I fall over or everything is dead. There is no shame falling over when you've done your job, it's easy to get back up again, dust yourself off, and continue. Many Blasters live in constant debt, and don't complain. Most people taking on this attitude will find that if they fall over, the mob will be down to highly manageable chunks by then anyway, for the rest of the team to be safe cleaning them up. Falling over in a team that is glad that you sacrificed yourself for them is far better than staying alive at the expense of your teammates. You'll likely run out of teammates soon with that attitude, imo.

    Maybe that's why many tauntless tanks are 'built for soloing', muahahaha!

    I'd love to know if having debt a lot, while being in a team of 6 or so would still level you faster than soloing with no debt. Personally it's not much of a problem for me. I either team with people, or I do something else. Soloing is boring, even a PUG is interesting in some way

  18. Tower_EU

    Tank Playstyle.

    Aye, it will depend on the teams and the enemies how you play.

    On a team full of scrappers, you will likely play as a scrapper and wade through mobs, gauntlet works quite sparklingly in this kind of situation.

    In a blaster heavy team, you may need to use taunt a lot more. I tend not to taunt through people, because I'm worried that they will have shifted target before I get to them.

    Taunt-pulling... That is something I rarely do with my Inv.

    Most of the time it's much a case of select the closest ones, sprint in, leap over them to the back of the mob, then taunt the front ones back. This puts you in a great position of watching your team, and being able to quickly locate mobs that are moving back to them without watching health bars.

    One great thing about invulnerability is being able to jump into a big mob, and seeing none of them hit you, because your Invincibility has maxed out it's little defence buff. It's not really comparable to something like Ice or Stone, but it's a good buff. And those that get through, they don't hurt that much at all really. That's why we're known as Invulnerable heh

    Superstrength has better gauntlet than Axe, if I understand it correctly. Quicker attacks, more AoEs, and huge damage (with Rage). Of course Rage does have the huge downside of leaving your teams in the lurch when it runs out . Or so I understand it.

    Playing defensively is good. On a team based tank I find that you shouldn't need a great deal of attacks. Hell on a lot of teams I very rarely get to attack, I'm just taunting and watching, with the odd cone attack for gauntletting.

    You will adapt your own playstyle My first main was a Controller, Ill/Emp. I didn't find it a huge transition. I actually find blasters and scrappers hardest to enjoy...

    Good luck, and enjoy!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    The other reason is I have been teaming regularly with more than 7 people and if they are all on I would like to get them all into the final mission if possible...

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Tech Tower will join ya then . I wanted to sign on but didn't want to jump on any DWs , but if you're gonna slip us all in, I missed Green Jet dinging and never forgave ya
  20. I read this on the US forums.

    Don't pay rent for 6 weeks after the notice comes up.

    The reasoning was along the lines of:
    1. The next rent payment comes up one month after you pay it
    2. Your base is still fully functional for a month after the message comes up
    3. The rent does not increase if you pay it late

    I'll try to hunt down the source. It might be old though and out of date with I7, I'm not sure.

    Oh, and yeah, I7 will be much friendlier to smaller SGs, I think something along the lines of 3 or 4 people getting a (semi-)functional(/useful) base in a month of average play.

    Shrug. Lemme see if I can dig up that link. If anyone else wants to search while I'm at it, feel free
  21. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed but you went there for yourself, and the offer to do it was appreciated, but I know how difficult it is, travelling and getting bearings and meeting people in the flesh. And it wasn't as if no one else wanted something drawn .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I had taken printouts down I could have just left them at the desk and said 'draw these at some point' and walked off but I didn't have any of anyone, dammit. Hopefully next time they do it they will have the PCs hooked up to the net, either that or I'm going to find a way to hook my laptop up through my phone or something, so that anyone can get into CoH like back in Brighton! May need to find me a GSM card or something. Hmm.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll just have to force myself to the next one and get a dozen done just for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Damn straight . Actually you were even closer to Bristol than I am! You could have shot up for the day and back in time for dinner (and given me a lift back ). Actually with the FA cup final going on in Cardiff (right?), Bristol roads were choked on Friday/Saturday I believe.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd like to do this one, as well as the first one again, DK some other time maybe this time for Death Kiss. Think if there are four of them then I will need the first 3 for DK, as I only did the last one with him.

    The first one is the long one so thats one to do over a few days I think which can be a problem, but we've done it before

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yup true. If we start it at some point anyway, then anyone online can solo in it for a bit if they want, until the parts where you need like 4 people or somethin to click glowies etc.

    Hey Ashen, if you want a hand with those Croatoa mishes, Satisfaction can exemp down and team with ya. I'm trying not to outlevel everyone with him, so exing will be good. I guess I wouldn't get xp anyway so could possibly just crash through them for ya Bring Trig along for a ride if he manages to squeeze some time in game. Don't want to leave him for our next lot coming through that'll be a while away!

    Laters party ppl!
  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Hours and hours and hours. Gah, I think I'm in more pics of the NCSoft booth than the guys running the booth

    On the Saturday we didn't get a hell of a lot of time in the comic con really, I got a duo of Tech Tower and Puma drawn by Ian Gibson (I didn't know him at all, but it came out quite good, and Green Jet said loads of good things about him). I'll hopefully get everything scanned later today when I go home. The two pics that I have posted are just photos, so I'll get proper scans done.

    I didn't go down with print outs, which made it a bit more difficult, I should have thrown them on my thumb drive, but I put them on a memory stick instead, so it proved to be a bit of a hassle getting them off and on to the PC they had there to show the artists. Eventually got there though, thanks to Honburg bringing a USB cable so I could hook up my PSP to read the memory card

    Sorry Blade dude, I didn't manage to get yours drawn . I tried to, and tried to get back to the queue for last artist that was there but he was doing his last pic so I didn't get a chance. I got Dutch Barbarian drawn around 4.30pm on Sunday, and they shut up shop at 5. There was a big gap in the afternoon with no artists around, where I just sort of sat around talking to Pinkinatrix (/Quilla) and Honburg, Stasis, Silver Weasel, and Ditsy IP.

    Saturday I think we spent more time in the pub than at the comic con

    Anyway, plans!

    Should definitely get the hunters out a few times this week. I am pretty sure I'm catching a movie on Wednesday (MI:3) though, but that's still to be confirmed. I don't currently have any plans this weekend, so will probably be around in game if we want to plan something for then.

    If we can drag our 27-29s up a bit, we might be able to do the Croatoa TF? Satisfaction, Red Earth, and Miss Mindreader are 32 I think, and Red Earth and Satisfaction are near to unlocking the TF contact. I'm not sure what level Dutch Courage or Triggarin and Ashen are though. I think 28/29? Shrug. The Croatoa TF is great for SOs and XP, and a quick one at 1.5 to 2 hours. Possibly something for Thursday/Saturday Avo? Manticore is 30-35 too I think, could do both or something.

    I'd love to do the Shadow Shard 2 TF at some point, with Tech Tower. It's a lot shorter than the 10hr SS1 TF, weighing in at about 4-6 hours I think? That might have to be a Sunday thing, if anyone wants to do it.

    Will catch everyone online tonight anyway and we can chat on Teamspeak and stuff about it. I'll probably be home late. Had a [censored] travel getting in today, busses late and running sloooow .

    Anyway, catch yas soon.
  23. Skull Bender would help ya start any you need dude (lvl 50 controller), but I wouldn't bother coming back for the final mission just for the badge, would help if need be at any points though, Tech Tower is my badger, and I'd rather not lock him into TFs that I wouldn't be taking part in (plus he has them all except sewer trial and shadow shard 2)

    Good luck to ya either way.
  24. Tower_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    so its quite amazing really that a few Villan groups are WAY above some hero ones

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not overly amazing, imo. Heroes lost a lot of people due to it being CoV year (no new CoH content for what, a year and a half?), and also to CoV itself. Take Max Powerz for example. He's a convert, he hardly plays heroes nowadays, all of his villains to into the same SG, and he drives his SG hard there to farm prestige for his base, including a very motivated recruitment drive.

    CoHers are fragmented across a lot of SGs, and even though 50s can fund prestige on lowbies, it doesn't happen as much as you seem to think, especially with very few (overall) 50s accounts that are still actively heroes.

    Plus CoH cliques tend to make SGs less inclined to push for new members, and harder for new people to get into old establised ones (barring the 1AT who are quite open). I think my SG has around 10 distinct accounts, maybe a dozen, and we don't recruit and do pretty well for a small SG I think.
