In Issue 7 you will get the 'flashy buff' warning before something like this runs out. Otherwise you could use Hero Stats (you can google for that) which monitors CoH.
I tend to go by instinct.. 'I think I will crash soooon...'
I have 2 Recharge and 2 Resist Dmgs. But I will swap that to 3 Recharge and 1 Resist Dmg, but ultimately I want to 3+3 it in my next respec.
I don't know optimal slottings, but I know what I like, and it works for me. But maybe I'm just ok at adapting to the builds I make
Enjoy, it's a power I put off for a very long time, and now that I have it see it really is useful.
One thing I was considering, was picking up Phase Shift, to self phase near the crash, heal, then come back out swinging. I'm not sure how that will work though, the crash might knock it off . I understand popping a few purples (shield) insps near the end can be good for the soul too, which might be easier.
Good luck
[...] the crash might knock it off [...]
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah . I've been lucky myself a couple of times by popping Conserve Power and crashing between endurance usage ticks, allowing popping a Catch a Breath for good measure - but more often that not, your 0 endurance will cause a total toggledrop
I choose unstoppable at 32 and it has left me eating carpet regulary ever since, dont get me wrong it is great but how can you tell without having a stopwatch handy that its goin to run out?
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I7 will help with this. Buff icons (including the icon for Unstoppable) will flash for a few seconds before they end. Very useful indeed - try it out on Test!
Is there anyway of making it last longer?
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'Fraid not.
By my 50s shall ye know me:
Tundra, DVM, The Late, Neutrino Ghost, Sir Clanksalot, End Of Days, Prof. Migraine
Howler Monkey
but ultimately I want to 3+3 it in my next respec.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously hope you are joking.
Since with one dmg res slot you're already at 85% res to all but psi, with that and Unyielding you're capping all of your res without need to waste further slots for damage res enhance(because goin over the cap doesn't count against debuffs).
An optimal way to slot it is 1 dmg res 3 rec redux, the end recovery is already good enough without enhancing.
I've got it with only the default slot for dmg resistance and it works great for me as I use it mainly as a panic button, if you want it to become part of your tanking style and have it up as often as possible put 3 recharge in there aswell and get used to the duration
I use my own eggtimer in my head basically but i used to time it and it can be caught quick.
First pop a break free before you crash in case you are under a hold duration when you crash and then the moment the sound of the crash happens you pop a blue then hit dull pain then toggle up.
You can leave a AV taunted and then go hide crash and return within 5-8 secs and still have the AV taunted with only eyes for you when you return (people muust think ive chickened off when ive done this lol).
You will need to make the crash to return as quick as possible and slot taunt up with atleast 2 taunt durations to keep him busy as the taunt in the tankers aura is no good, it doesnt last long enough. I have 2 recharges on unyielding as i want that back in 5 secs incase i am detoggled pvp but its good to have it off for when unstoppable crashes (making sure you use that break free) and get it back asap.
Any health and endurance buffs you can get from a defender is just lush as you dont have to have any of your toggles drop at all, but sometimes you can have a good crash withoit buffs and still have all toggles on this is down to power low end cost and catching the crash on a stamina tick (luck more than anything).
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Shannon is right, but if I have a couple spare blues on me i will stay in wit hthe AV as I have such a good Unsoppable crash, its a risk but it hasn't failed me yet
As with any power of nature - Light form, Moment of Glory, and to a lesser extent elude - once you get used to it, it will no longer be a problem. And as mentioned before in i7 the icon will flash when its about to drop which is a brilliant idea
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Shannon is right, but if I have a couple spare blues on me i will stay in wit hthe AV as I have such a good Unsoppable crash, its a risk but it hasn't failed me yet
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Give it time, anyone who knows me, knows i actually have no intention of showing off how good i can crash in a fight, the risk is always there and luck always isnt, a five second block yourself compared to a "ress me please?" with an AV standing over you is much better, ressing people at an AV's feet is a bad thing, some defenders do try to res in a panic only to see the person accept and getwiped again however a res to pull away whilst floating does work sometimes. In i7 tanking will get easier alot easier and so will the infight crash just pop lucks.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Shannon is right, but if I have a couple spare blues on me i will stay in wit hthe AV as I have such a good Unsoppable crash, its a risk but it hasn't failed me yet
[/ QUOTE ]
Give it time, anyone who knows me, knows i actually have no intention of showing off how good i can crash in a fight, the risk is always there and luck always isnt, a five second block yourself compared to a "ress me please?" with an AV standing over you is much better, ressing people at an AV's feet is a bad thing, some defenders do try to res in a panic only to see the person accept and getwiped again however a res to pull away whilst floating does work sometimes. In i7 tanking will get easier alot easier and so will the infight crash just pop lucks.
[/ QUOTE ]
How long before they nerf lucks?
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Shannon is right, but if I have a couple spare blues on me i will stay in wit hthe AV as I have such a good Unsoppable crash, its a risk but it hasn't failed me yet
[/ QUOTE ]
Give it time, anyone who knows me, knows i actually have no intention of showing off how good i can crash in a fight, the risk is always there and luck always isnt, a five second block yourself compared to a "ress me please?" with an AV standing over you is much better, ressing people at an AV's feet is a bad thing, some defenders do try to res in a panic only to see the person accept and getwiped again however a res to pull away whilst floating does work sometimes. In i7 tanking will get easier alot easier and so will the infight crash just pop lucks.
[/ QUOTE ]
How long before they nerf lucks?
[/ QUOTE ]
Issue 7
"The modification to PvE critter accuracy coming in Issue 7 has been balanced with defense inspiration values of 5/7.5/10% in mind. Defense inspirations of these values have been used in all internal Cryptic tests since January 2006"
[/crystal ball]
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
If they're changing the defence system to match the value and survivability of resistance based power sets then they'll need to either tune down the Lucks(25% is more than what an ice tank can get without a fully powered Energy Absorption)or buff the resistance ones(who does need a 5% resistance, seriously...).
I choose unstoppable at 32 and it has left me eating carpet regulary ever since, dont get me wrong it is great but how can you tell without having a stopwatch handy that its goin to run out?
Is there anyway of making it last longer?
Ive got 3 SOs in it for recharge time at the moment whats the best way of slottin it?
[/ QUOTE ]
3 recharge and everything else is up to you.
I use herostats to time it when I need, but its possible to use dull pain as a sort of 'timer' as well, since it recharges faster (about 2 mins with 3 recharges).
"The modification to PvE critter accuracy coming in Issue 7 has been balanced with defense inspiration values of 5/7.5/10% in mind. Defense inspirations of these values have been used in all internal Cryptic tests since January 2006"
[/crystal ball][/color]
[/ QUOTE ]
Erm... this was a joke, yes?
I choose unstoppable at 32 and it has left me eating carpet regulary ever since, dont get me wrong it is great but how can you tell without having a stopwatch handy that its goin to run out?
Is there anyway of making it last longer?
Ive got 3 SOs in it for recharge time at the moment whats the best way of slottin it?