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  1. Is it possible to farm with FM/FA ?, i have a lvl 50 and would love to turn him into a farming brute, but i am not sure how to, or if it is even possible, if not could i at least make him less squishy, i fitted him out with common IO's but he is still very fragile, can anyone help me ?

    Oh and i want to keep recall freind, if it's possible

    FM/FA 1

    FM/FA 2

    Many thanks
  2. Anyone remember the bug that removed all the fog ? i spent a lot of time in there then, it's actually a very nice zone when you can see it, the hero statues are different from all the other statues in the game as well, they look like they are made of marble
  3. Actually scratch that, i will keep super jump as my travel power, i just remembered how slow fly was when it was unslotted, and seeing as i dont have the slots to spare it's super jump ftw

    Thanks again
  4. Exellent thanks for putting this together for me, i wouldn't have had a clue as to what IO's to slot

    Just one thing would switching combat jumping and super jump for air superiority and fly have an adverse affect, as i would prefer fly as my travel power ?

    Many thanks
  5. Ok guys i need help rebuilding my first ever lvl 50 toon, i haven't played him in ages (been busy redside) now i want to get back into the hero side of things.

    I made this toon way back in the day when i first started playing and before ED came along he was a god with perma elude, then ED was introduced and i moved a few slots around but he was nowhere as good as he was so i shelved him

    Now that we have IO sets i hope he can be fun again, but here lies the problem, i have never slotted an IO enhancement in any of my toons ever, and to be honest i dont know the first thing about IO slotting, even though i have been playing for 4 years on and off i have never even made one, i just sell all the salvage and recipe drops i get it's sad i know

    So can anyone help me with a new build for him ?

    Here's what he looks like at the moment, sorry it's in pics and not the fancy hero builder format that i see everywhere but i have never used one of those either

    MA/SR 1

    MA/SR 2

    Many thanks
  6. Well i cant wait for this to be implemented,

    create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialogue and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall.
  7. Ahh thanks a lot for info. i thought i had lost everything there for a while
  8. Thanks for the info, however i just logged in to claim my free character slots and they are not available, neither is rename character or server transfer or buy new slots, is everyone else getting this as well ?
  9. Another N52 user here, however i use the thumbpad for movement, leaving me with 44 keys to map as i please, best bit of kit i ever bought, mouse allways inverted.
  10. As we all know the cox character creator is the best there is, so here's a thread to show off all your wonderful creations.

    I will get the ball rolling with this pic of 3 of my female villains.

    From left to right
    Twisted Vengeance, Twisted Rebel, Twisted Chills
  11. Totally_Twisted

    My first video

    I want to start making videos using the demorecord function, but didnt know if i could could put it all together, i have never made a video before but heres my first attempt using official cinematics for the game.
  12. Thanks guys i went for Scirocco, cant wait to pick up electrifying fences and see all those pretty numbers flying out of the mobs heads, is ball lightning worth picking up for even more aoe damage ?
  13. Ok so i just hit 40 on my fire/fire brute and now have access to the patron power pools, but i dont know which patron to choose ?

    Can any fire/fire brutes out there help me out, looking for something to help with Burn and maybe add a bit more aoe damage.

    Many thanks Twisted
  14. Totally_Twisted


    Dont mean to hijack your thread, but seeing as i am after a grav/fire build i thought i would post here rather than make a new thread

    Anyway i have an idea to make a concept toon, he was a well respected magician who has been kicked out of the magic circle after one of his fire tricks went horribly wrong and resulted in the death of a paticipating audience member, shunned by the magic community and no longer allowed to put on shows he vowed to clean the streets of the various villainous factions in a bid to win favour with the public who would then put pressure on the magic circle to reinstate his act.

    Well thats a rough draft of his background, but now i need help with the build, so anyone got any advice as far as must have powers are concerned i have never played a dom before and have no knowledge of the grav power set, so far i know i want propel and for travel powers either fly or teleport as i think they would suit the concept more, so what do you think

    Now i present to you

    The Twisted Magician
  15. Thanks for all the advice guys, heres my first stab at a solo build, not to sure about the patron powers though as i have never used/seen them, just thought sharks sounded kinda cool lol, anyway hows this for a first attempt ? will add slots later

    Many thanks

    + Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
    Name: N/A
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Corruptor
    Primary: Ice Blast
    Secondary: Radiation Emission
    01 => Radiant Aura ==> Empty(1)
    01 => Ice Bolt ==> Empty(1)
    02 => Ice Blast ==> Empty(2)
    04 => Accelerate Metabolism ==> Empty(4)
    06 => Radiation Infection ==> Empty(6)
    08 => Combat Jumping ==> Empty(8)
    10 => Freeze Ray ==> Empty(10)
    12 => Enervating Field ==> Empty(12)
    14 => Super Jump ==> Empty(14)
    16 => Ice Storm ==> Empty(16)
    18 => Bitter Ice Blast ==> Empty(18)
    20 => Swift ==> Empty(20)
    22 => Health ==> Empty(22)
    24 => Stamina ==> Empty(24)
    26 => Bitter Freeze Ray ==> Empty(26)
    28 => Lingering Radiation ==> Empty(28)
    30 => Acrobatics ==> Empty(30)
    32 => Blizzard ==> Empty(32)
    35 => Hasten ==> Empty(35)
    38 => EM Pulse ==> Empty(38)
    41 => School of Sharks ==> Empty(41)
    44 => Shark Skin ==> Empty(44)
    47 => Spirit Shark Jaws ==> Empty(47)
    49 => Summon Coralax ==> Empty(49)
    01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
    01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
    02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)
  16. Because of my late night play most of my toons have to go solo, (its hard finding a team at 3 in the morning lol) i allready have 4 brutes and 3 mm's, but now i want to make a couple of corrupters, allready decided on a fire/dark, but need another, so is ice/rad a viable solo toon ? or is there something better ?

    Many thanks
  17. Totally_Twisted

    Power choice ?

    Thanks for the suggestions guys, but i thought about it and decided to go for build up for a couple of reasons, i rarely team because of the times i play so no taunt, i dont want teleport i hate it on my WS, i am normally fighting +3 foes and round up a couple of spawn groups in granite so i think the build up plus fury should put a big dent in the boss's health, anyway going to see how it goes and i still have a respec to use if i need to change.

    Thanks again
  18. Totally_Twisted

    Power choice ?

    Hey all i have just hit lvl 41 on my stone/stone brute, and was wondering what would be the better power choice, build up or minerals ? or is there something else i should consider ? here's what i got so far

    Stone Fist
    Stone Mallet
    Heavy Mallet
    Seismic Smash

    Rock Armor
    Stone Skin
    Earths Embrace
    Mud Pots
    Granite Armor

    Super Speed



    Recall Freind

    Can minerals be up at the same time as granite ? not sure how much protection minerals will give against psionics but the only things really hurting me at the moment are carnie master illusionists.

    Many thanks