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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
    I will sum this up by saying this:

    "Todays noob could be tomorrows community leader"

    Show respect,
    help when you can,
    If they are willing to learn great! If not move on.

    Also my general philosophy. I don't mind playing with new people and can't stand the elitist attitude some of the veterans have towards someone new to the game because they don't know the fine points of properly stacking damage mitigation, the 'correct' strategies, or what IO sets are crap.

    We were all bright-eyed, fresh-faced, and new to this game at some point. And someone else either showed us the ropes, or we stumbled across them ourselves.

    Originally Posted by Baalat View Post
    I'm sure this is a paraphrase of several posts so far, but here's my 0.02. I'm not trying to sneakily call anyone out, here:

    I find long-time players who cling to rigid play styles far, far more annoying than new players who simply don't understand how things work out of sheer inexperience. People lording their vet badges or the fact they were in the CoH beta as some kind of symbol of their deeper understanding of or special entitlement to the game irritate me far, far more than a dozen blind invites to AE farms ever could. New players will always be able to overcome inexperience, but plain obliviousness in more veteran player is more likely to linger. Offending the delicate sensibilities of players because you don't understand the etiquette and culture of the game or server is far more tolerable than the small number of insufferable veteran twits with their inflated sense of entitlement. And don't even get me started about the difference in new/old players and starting and perpetuating ******** drama. Not many new players on trial accounts baiting people with accusations of elitism or power trips over channel migrations, now are there?

    It's not a very professional saying, but I'm often reminded of the saying, "Ignorance can be cured, but stupid lasts forever."

    eta: <3
    Yeah, basically that.

    I'd rather play with completely wet behind the ears, don't have a clue what they're doing, but genuinely fun and nice people than hardcore, twinked out, jerks any day of the week.

    Plus with the newbs, I get to strut my stuff. :P
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheFrog_NA View Post
    So, this has been around a while, so many of you may have tried it, but I'm curious, what kind of gamer are you?

    Me? This is me!
    60 - Socializer
    53 - Killer
    47 - Explorer
    40 - Achiever

    I'm surprised at how low I was in the achiever category, but that's probably because of the 2 or 3 questions that were would you rather have X or "more/faster experience"...and it would be stupid to take XP, a finite thing, over something that you couldn't get some other way.

    I don't really want something that gives me 10% more damage against other players, but once you've gotten all the XP you're gonna get (which eventually you will), something is better than nothing.
  3. Tic-Toc

    JFA Redux

    Originally Posted by Kauket View Post
    Too bad being leader in building the community is often synonymous with pasting a target on oneself, but I, for one, certainly appreciate their efforts.
    It drove me pretty mental. Q seems to handle it better than I ever could. I honestly believed that it was possible to make everyone happy, that everyone could get along, and that failing to do so was some kind of fault of mine. But the sad reality is that some people are just *******, enjoy being *******, and enjoy being recognized as being *******. They'll intentionally pick the biggest target because it'll get them the most drama.

    Q, you've done a fabulous job of helping keep the community on Justice together and it makes me sad that life is too hectic for me to be a part of it these days.
  4. Tic-Toc

    JFA Redux

    Originally Posted by Maribelle View Post
    I'm still confused about the over moderation comment.
    I think Iggy is confusing JFA with other channels.

    Wait. Did he get banned? Or did his account finally lapse?
  5. Tic-Toc

    Things change.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyway, you’ll notice that my avatar is way better than everyone else’s. I didn’t mean for this to happen, and I apologize. What I suggest, is that you refrain from looking directly at the image for prolonged periods of time, as this may cause bleeding of the eyes as well cirrhosis of the cerebellum.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please finish your guide so that I too can have an awesome forum avatar like yourself!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? Beside the fact that we have pretty repetitive maps in the game right now, what about when GR hits and we (I'm hoping) get a large number of new maps? With a click you can just see the whole layout? Where's the mystery? The sense of discovery?

    This game is easy enough as it is without nerfing the FoW.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe if the sense of discovery is that important to you, don't push it?

    When I was a kid, I used to go hunting for Christmas presents. I would even unwrap and re-wrap presents multiple time during a season. I've never been big on surprises.

    But if I were, I'd have no one to blame but myself. I couldn't blame my parents for not hiding the gifts better or for leaving me home alone and giving me opportunities to hunt for them. I certainly couldn't blame the manufacturers of scotch tape for allowing me to hide my activities.

    You should probably also avoid visiting vidiotmaps when the expansion comes out, cause I'm pretty sure those guys will have a detailed map, with all of the badge locations, zones identified, mobs in those zones, etc all printed on the actual map texture. That'll be done before the end of beta.
  7. Tic-Toc


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What the hell is it with old people?!

    Do they think that because they're old they have a [censored] license to be rude or something?!

    At work we have a 1-800 number that's literally one digit off from the old-age pension division of Human Resources Canada. So, at the middle/end of every month we get these old, [censored] codgers calling up (usually women, I'm not sure why) wanting to talk about their pension.

    I always answer the phone the same way... "Flight Operations, [last name]" and what happens... ? "Yah, I recieved a letter in the mail, I haven't gotten my pension cheque... bla-bla"


    Then, as if that's not enough, once I make it clear to them, usually by having to say it five times that this is TRANSPORT CANADA, and not HUMAN RESOURCES CANADA (it's not even the same number of syllables for [censored] sake!!!), they then proceed to argue with me about what phone number they dialed!

    If I'm lucky, they'll just hang up. No goodbye... nope, no "oops, sorry about that", nope. Just "Oh- *click*" as if it's my fault, as if somehow I've inconvenienced them.

    That's if I'm lucky...

    If I'm not lucky I then have to have a 15-minute conversation with some 70-year old French-Canadian woman who sounds very much like she was rode hard and put away wet about how it's MY fault that she misdialed and answer a survey about what number SHE dialed, what number she was supposed to dial, what MY phone number is and who the hell I am.

    I had one old [censored] actually ask for my supervisor because he thought I was giving him the run-around. So convinced was he in his own infallibility that it never occured to him that he dialed the WRONG [censored] NUMBER!

    I swear to dog, I'm going to surround myself with honest people and if I ever get to that point where I'm a rude, self-entitled old jerk that they'll just put a bullet in my head and bury me in a shallow grave somewhere, as befitting people who are [censored].

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, you're Canadian?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, you're BackAlleyBrawler?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, where's my chat log you were going to send me where I griefed people in the RWZ or something?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    What's a Meow Farm?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Meow teams, meow missions...whatever the code word for 'farms' in the MA was.

    All I remember as a bunch of people standing around in AE broadcasting "Meow?" "Meow?" "Meow LFM!"
  9. Tic-Toc


    [ QUOTE ]
    What the hell is it with old people?!

    Do they think that because they're old they have a [censored] license to be rude or something?!

    At work we have a 1-800 number that's literally one digit off from the old-age pension division of Human Resources Canada. So, at the middle/end of every month we get these old, [censored] codgers calling up (usually women, I'm not sure why) wanting to talk about their pension.

    I always answer the phone the same way... "Flight Operations, [last name]" and what happens... ? "Yah, I recieved a letter in the mail, I haven't gotten my pension cheque... bla-bla"


    Then, as if that's not enough, once I make it clear to them, usually by having to say it five times that this is TRANSPORT CANADA, and not HUMAN RESOURCES CANADA (it's not even the same number of syllables for [censored] sake!!!), they then proceed to argue with me about what phone number they dialed!

    If I'm lucky, they'll just hang up. No goodbye... nope, no "oops, sorry about that", nope. Just "Oh- *click*" as if it's my fault, as if somehow I've inconvenienced them.

    That's if I'm lucky...

    If I'm not lucky I then have to have a 15-minute conversation with some 70-year old French-Canadian woman who sounds very much like she was rode hard and put away wet about how it's MY fault that she misdialed and answer a survey about what number SHE dialed, what number she was supposed to dial, what MY phone number is and who the hell I am.

    I had one old [censored] actually ask for my supervisor because he thought I was giving him the run-around. So convinced was he in his own infallibility that it never occured to him that he dialed the WRONG [censored] NUMBER!

    I swear to dog, I'm going to surround myself with honest people and if I ever get to that point where I'm a rude, self-entitled old jerk that they'll just put a bullet in my head and bury me in a shallow grave somewhere, as befitting people who are [censored].

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, you're Canadian?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Positron doesn't like farming, but we're now getting the ability to appear as an 8-person team while solo?!? Color me (with customization) confuzzled.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the main opposition to farming was that it can be infectious and change the nature of the game for many of the players, including those who aren't doing it. I've seen this happen myself many times in the past, where some method of gaining experience or rewards faster than expected starts leaking out, people stop being secretive and start just broadcasting their plans to exploit, and the game starts shifting towards funneling more and more people into doing this one singular thing rather than all of the other content that exists in the game. Portal farms, Dreck farms, Chimera farms, Meow farms, Hami farms, etc etc. It's happened time and time again and will continue to happen until players stop playing.

    Some people can handle that type of game play just fine. Some people have been here for 5+ years and have played all of the other content multiple times and are now only interested in grinding up a specific powerset as quickly as possible for one reason or another. But many people can't handle this, and that's bad for the game as a whole. If someone new is introduced to the game and quickly roped into farming a single mission over and over, they're going to get a very narrow and shallow view of what the game is. And that view is going to establish certain benchmarks that are probably not realistic.

    If someone's first experience to the game is getting a character from level 1 to 30 in 2 hours, simply because they happened to have stumbled into a farm team that just needed fillers, then it's going to be nigh-impossible for that person to adjust to the game outside of using that exploit. Or worse, once that exploit has been closed, and it now takes 100 hours to reach the same level. Chances are good those players will be soured and won't continue to play. That's bad for everyone, farmers and non-farmers alike. I can't say how often this happens, but I know it does happen.

    There's also been a very definite push to keep the mission architect 'pure' and ensure that it's used for players to tell stories and share those stories with other players, not for convenient leveling or gross power-leveling. Clearly, theyre not there yet, but any change to the MA to curb 'farming' (gaining experience or other rewards faster than other areas of the game) is absolutely consistent with their stated design goals for that one specific area of the game. I wouldn't expect to see them stop any time soon. However, I do feel they're much less likely to make radical changes or delete characters that have been power leveled anywhere outside of the mission architect.

    So while this does provide a very handy tool for individuals or small groups to power level, it also provides much less incentive for people to draw other unwitting players into these power leveling schemes. Not everyone can crank up the difficulty and solo through 8 person spawns, thus not everyone can use this as a power levling tool. The people who are capable of doing that are most likely the same people who are capable of handling that pace, who are more interested in rapid gains, who don't need a variety of content to keep them interested enough to keep playing.

    It's a bit unorthodox, but could end up being a win-win for everyone.
  11. Tic-Toc

    Thanks, Kat

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is why I love the Justice server and all my Justicite family members.

    I got on thismorning at 1130 EST and asked if there was anything going on. Kat was on and I said something about wanting a team.

    That's all I said...

    The next thing I know Kat's got me invited, and like three other people. After about an hour we had a full team. No longer than about an hour after that we were doing the Manticore TF.

    She did it all by herself for what felt like simply a request on my part. She didn't have to. I don't even think she's even aware of it, but she really made me feel special for doing it. I almost felt like she did it entirely for me.

    She didn't, of course, and I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that it was all because of me, but for a brief moment I allowed myself to feel special because of Katfood. She's a nice girl, and she's my friend.

    Thank you, Kat.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kat's the main reason I joined Tempest Legion and Team Awesome. She's an awesome SG leader and always putting together teams to run things.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I got along well with both Giggles and Misty Dare. I started teaming with Giggles right after CoV started, and bless his heart, he stayed up until 3 am for my first villain 50.

    Both Giggles and Misty would come to my rescue while I was trying to get shivans many times (so if you feel you got ganked after killing a pve'er like me, yes, it was my fault). I know they both could be annoying, but they also were good people. It just depended how you conned.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah Misty Dare was cool Didn't she leave in i9? Its good to hear some folks still remember her.

    Giggles was a cool guy when you got to know him. It was the other folks that didn't know him that hated him.

    But in regards of "Celebrity" you don't have to be liked to be a celebrity. Giggles fits the bill. He left the game in November and yet the harsh things he did to certain folks are still remembered. To stay on topic of this thread to put it short. YES Giggles is a Celebrity on Justice. As many others are, some good some bad but a celebrity non-the less. Everyone at one time either knew or heard of Giggles from i6 - i12.

    We all know how he lived and died pvp, but he was genuinely a nice guy. (Sure sometimes he has a case of the gimme's but he was still a good dude to those that knew him.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's generally quicker, and easier to build a lasting legacy by being an [censored] than by being a genuinely nice person or trying to help other people out. I could tick off a dozen names that probably everyone would remember, but I refuse to do that because these are people who shouldn't be remembered.
  13. Tic-Toc

    Dead emotes

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really wish the emote pop-up menu picked up more of the newer ones. I forget they are there, and I feel silly keeping a print out of them on my desk.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Many of the new emotes are tied to exclusive content such as Booster packs. Our quickmenu system isn't robust enough to discern whether or not an emote is something that you can actually do, so there'd be a lot of confusion for players if the Wedding pack or Cyborg pack emotes suddenly appeared in their quickmenu, but they couldn't actually use them.

    However, some of our more clever players have figured out that you can edit the quickmenu on your personal system and basically set it up to do whatever you want. A bit of searching and I'm sure you can find a link to the how to for that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So one of the DEVS is suggesting we modify our client?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're not modifying your client, you're adding a text file that is used in lieu of the text file embedded in the pigg files. It's not any different than downloading maps from vidiotmaps or using the splasher screen thingy to replace your tailor screen backgrounds.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Doug the Troll was freaking excellent. I agree with Chyll's sentiment.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thirded. Doug was awesome and is sorely missed.

    I wish I could chime in on this thread, but unfortunately most of the people that I think are well known on Justice are either in my SG or happen to be members of TA. So there's probably some bias there.

    I will give a shout out to Feral Kat/Katfood for being a stupendous SG leader, fan art [censored], and all around awesome person to play with and chat with. Whether people do or don't like her, there's no denying that she's one of Justice's most well known players.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I probably hate you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just a quick question..

    What is the purpose of putting this in the sig? You just go around looking for fights? I mean if thats the case then fine but it just seems a little off for someone posting in a community of people.

    This is the first time i have ever seen you post on the Justice boards too. You new to Justice?

    Btw PL to your hearts content. I'm sure you'll have fun!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First thing that came to mind and it's pretty much true. People are so infinitely hateable (no really it's a word) as can be seen by the posts around here pretty blatantly (yes, including mine). I've been on justice (and several other servers) for years, and I post on any topic I have input on.

    Ed: I'm also a leo. I like walks in the park, video games, horror movies, mocking people, lego...

    Ed again: I also hate not being able to find the blinkie! Grrr!

    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. Can't you now set arena matches that use the 'old-school' PvP rules?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Champions Online is new so it will kill CoX"

    I got tired of hearing it too. Most of this seems to come from people who left here bitter

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe you should wonder WHY they're leaving bitter.
    Maybe the devs should too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jonny, for all of your rigamarole why can't you accept the simple fact that no matter what the devs do or don't do, someone is going to be bitter about it. That is not a failing on the devs part, that's a failure on our part as players for being human. Voicing opinions and providing suggestions is one thing, but you put entirely too much effort into defending your ideas or trying to sway other people's opinions.

    I don't think this game will ever be what you personally want it to be, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game. It's just not the game for you. I'm not even sure that game will ever exist, but from most of the things I've read from you it's even less likely to exist in an MMO format.

    I do think you're seriously deluding yourself if you think those other games on the horizon will deliver you to the promised land of comic-book godhood, but I do hope that you can find enjoyment out of your recreation time in whatever game you end up in and learn to temper your expectations a bit so you don't sweat the small stuff so much.
  18. Actually, you can't please all of the people period. Not even some of the time.
  19. Tic-Toc


    [ QUOTE ]
    What the [censored]?

    You went to Freedumb? Thats why your computer is fried right there! Silly Jester. Tricks are for pimps!

    But i hear ya, my computer has been limping around on one tire for the last year. I just patching it up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mine was running pretty clunky but a couple of passes with a registry cleaner, some spyware cleanup, emptying out the recyle bin, removal of a lot of software I wasn't using, and some defrags really helped it out.

    Then my harddrive started making funny noises, so I got a new one and went through the whole re-install everything dance.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I love reading the suggestion forums and looking at all of the requests for things that the other game is offering.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you search back far enough on our forums, you'll find the originals.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Manoa and Arwen Thanks for the info it makes sense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't forget LJ (Jesus, not Judas ).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well that's a fine how-do-you-do.


    [/ QUOTE ]
    Pfft, if you still played people would be messing up our names all of the time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For the longest time, I thought LaserJudas was originally LaserJesus, who was forced to change their name because a GM/moderator deemed it offensive. I remember the first time I saw both of you participating in a conversation in one of the global channels at the same time.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok im going to be careful on how I word this since at times it seems like if a player has anything to say other than COH is the greatest thing since powdered toast others seem to take a personal offence. I was skeptical at first over issue 14 pretty much believing it a way (and still hold to some extent) that this was lazy devs way of getting around actually doing their job and producing new story arcs but instead have people pay to do their jobs for them.
    I still hold that to some extent however I do find the Architect and some of the player arcs fun. So I say Devs you did a great job! Now please dont touch it. It has barely been up and yet I am already hearing how there are plans to nerf tickets, fix a percieved glitch in leveling and daily deletions of player created content.
    Perhaps it is just me but there seems to be a schism between what players consider fun and what Developers consider fun. If we like and are playing it dont touch it. In my opinion what you have implemented here is something that is balancing and self regulating.
    Many players may not want to do weeks worth of level grinding. I myself who has a number of 5's have power leveled not wanting to go through 1-20 pain. In this you have a system that allows players to avoid certain pains to level grinding and provided pvp players who want to experience high end pvping a way to level up a toon with out weeks worth of work.

    Now all you need to do is fix pvp and provide high level and better content for those who enjoy the pvp experience. Since this issues implementation I have seen a significant drop in the price gouging that was going on in the market allowing characters to purchase IO sets and salvage without having to spend billions in influence.
    I have seen salvage drops such as prophecy or Pangaea soil go for as high as 10 million on the block. Thanks to the ticket system now they are affordable. the system you have implemented is self regulating. By running a farm of this nature a player actually has to learn how to play his or her build properly if they are going to farm. Also players who have been power leveled are easy to spot by other veteran players and word gets out fast if a person does not know how to play.

    So I personally see no need to make "changes" to the system and I would also say there is no fear in this becoming an excessive farming tool that would endanger pve or pvp content.

    This is a new toy for many players and like all new toys people will play it, eventually get tired and return to pve. Since you the devs are in the entertainment business it is about what your audience likes and not necessarily what you the developers may want to think of as fun.
    Since most of what I have read seems to suggest that most players like mission arc I hope you keep that in mind in the coming weeks. Once again Great job on this latest issue

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Slight misconception here. The developers don't make money on anyone having fun. Fun is a secondary concern to subscriptions. If it comes down to a choice between the two, they're going to go with whatever choice they feel will keep the most people subscribed for the most amount of time possible.

    Anything else is suicide.

    How fortunate we all are that fun and staying subscribed are generally tied together. This is a case where they're not.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    That one works Tic.

    As a hint to anyone else that follows the link, if you are using Internet Explorer you need to right-click the Download File link and select Save Target As .. In the prompt that comes up, find your City of Heroes installation folder and open the Custom_Critters folder. Save the file into that folder. If you simply left-click the link, it will open the file as a text file in Internet Explorer. You can select all of the text and paste it into Notepad then save it in the Custom_Critters folder under the name Tic_Toc.critter but it's much easier to just right-click and do the Save Target As .. steps.

    If you use Firefox, left-click on the Download File link and select Save to Disk and click OK. In the box that pops up, navigate to the Custom_Critters folder and save it.

    Both save methods I listed above (not counting the text file in IE) will already have the name as Tic_Toc.critter so you don't have to enter the name.

    It's nice that the .critter files are simple text files, since you can view them in any text editor. I prefer Notepad, but WordPad, Word, or any other text editor should work equally well. I know that Notepad won't add any extra characters or try to convert anything to HTML which is why I use it, plus it's part of the default Windows installation.

    If you download anyone's file from File Qube, use the steps I listed above and you'll be fine.

    This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by the Technical Support Staff for the letters T and J. That's TJ to most of you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wish they weren't quite so monstorous, or we could just post them here in the forums.
  24. I think the problem was I put up a link to the non-shared URL. It looked fine to me of course, because I was logged in.

    Give this one a try: