Justice Heroes & Villains
Even though I like this idea, this would also open up some people playing practical jokes to those that don't have the sense of humor to roll with it. I guess if you post anything you should expect everything as a general rule of thumb. Take the good with the bad. In any event good idea all things considered.
How about Justice Clones? Pretty much covers heroes and villains and since they won't be the real thing.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Even though I like this idea, this would also open up some people playing practical jokes to those that don't have the sense of humor to roll with it. I guess if you post anything you should expect everything as a general rule of thumb. Take the good with the bad. In any event good idea all things considered.
How about Justice Clones? Pretty much covers heroes and villains and since they won't be the real thing.
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I think the in game fiction behind Architect Entertainment as a simulation already covers this. Not like people couldn't create a knockoff of anyone easily enough already (with or without permission)...and they could be completely accurate with a bit of know-how with demo editing.
Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"
Even though I like this idea, this would also open up some people playing practical jokes to those that don't have the sense of humor to roll with it. I guess if you post anything you should expect everything as a general rule of thumb. Take the good with the bad. In any event good idea all things considered.
How about Justice Clones? Pretty much covers heroes and villains and since they won't be the real thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think the in game fiction behind Architect Entertainment as a simulation already covers this. Not like people couldn't create a knockoff of anyone easily enough already (with or without permission)...and they could be completely accurate with a bit of know-how with demo editing.
[/ QUOTE ]
I am not trying to promote the debbie downer side of things. Just setting the expectation with all things considered, again I mentioned I liked the idea.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Awesome idea. I'll be uploading my mains for inclusion in any and all shenanigans.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
I found a free online file storage site. http://fileqube.com/
Registration is pretty quick, the interface is simple, seems like a good spot to upload and share .costume or .critter files.
C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Custom_Critter\Tic-Toc.critter
Just a quick outline of what I did here.
1) Go to a tailor and use the Save costume button. That creates a .costume file in a C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Costumes\ folder
2) Go to a mission architect and create a new story arc.
3) One of the first options you have is to create a custom character as a contact. Load in the costume for your character, then just go through the rest of the steps to fill in the details. Powers, Bio, Enemy Group (ie Supergroup/Villaingroup).
4) That custom character should be auto-saved into a new C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Custom_Critter\ folder.
5) Once the character's made you can quit out. No need to actually make or save a story arc.
Using this data.
Again, pretty straightforward. Copy these .critter files into the C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Custom_Critter\ folder (create it if it doesn't already exist). Then the next time you go to the mission architect and create a custom character, it will show up in the list, allowing you to select it and use immediately or edit.
I figure people can either just put up their .costume and relevant info, or they can take the extra steps and make a custom critter for the mission architect and put up the .critter file.
Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"
tic, you can create and save critters without being in a mission creation.
just go to my creations -> my characters.
and use the Create Character button on the bottom.
They call me the Super-Genius of Justice for a reason... but they forgot what it was.
"Awesome... Awesome to the Max..."
Zero Tolerance: Get your towels ready.
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I thought we could start a repository of Heroes & Villains from the Justice server...for use in Mission Architect as custom enemies or contacts.
Not sure about the best way to share that information though. My first though was to copy/paste .critter file in here, as it has all of the information you could ever need, but it's pretty bulky. Ideally, everyone could upload their C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Custom_Critter\*.critter file, and those that wanted to use a friends character in their mission could just download it and go.
Any ideas or interest in creating a repository of Justicites...Justicinians...Justicans?
Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"