4490 -
Were I to guess, and it is somewhat uneducated on this matter, I would suspect it is to do with the fact that Kama are commonplace and well known martial weapons, and that the Scythe (as a symbol associated with death in western lore) is more exotic... and also works well with the Japanese's penchant of fusing different cultural elements (á là Bleach's use of many different languages to name things, mainly Spanish and German).
Quote:You mean normal mapping, methinks. Bump maps have been in the game for... well... forever.This. The problem with most new faces (and some costume parts) is that the devs recently discovered bump mapping and think it's the bomb. Even when it doesn't fit in with every other costume piece ever. Making every new costume/face piece look like plastic.
And I agree... the newest faces look down right bizarre in all their plasticiness. -
What's scary, Kitsune, is your musings sound entirely plausible. I think I want the Battalion to be Nemesis now.
What I find funny is that we have here 20 something pages discussing a revamp to an ancient enemy group (Issue 0) that was a very good one (minus a certain hairstyle). In fact, I don't have any idea what the issue with the Lore is that folks are so heated about, and I'd like to think a know a good deal about Lore in general.
Is this anything more than a quibble re: minutiae? -
I have never seen people on a League "spam" Incandescence. As such, I have no idea why folks would. I have it for use on Keyes and TPN, but use it rarely in any other situation.
Were I to guess, I would say that folks who spam powers that annoy others do it for one of two reasons: 1) They have no idea what they are doing and think it's fun to use. 2) They really love to annoy people. -
Quote:That... totally misses the point I was trying to make.That is fine. I can extend the post a bit next time to make sure it's longer than the disclaimer.
Quote:Hey, you have any experience with Fiery Aura/Titan Weapon tanks? -
I for one refuse to read your threads with disclaimers on them. The dang thing is longer than the post itself in some cases.
I only look to see if any interesting responses exist in the thread. I mean, at least for those, I don't need to spend a full minute scrolling. (Yes, that is exaggeration.) -
Quote:I wouldn't hold my breath.This is too good of an opertinuty to miss, marketing wise.
So I predict that we will have a scythe weapon this October!
Yeah, a Scythe for Staff Fighting would look... really weird. Titan Weapons maybe, but smacking people with the side of the blade or tripping people with a giant blade would look very silly, IMO. -
Quote:So... by that logic the folks who created all of the weapon customizations when i11 launched worked for free since there was no purchasable pack for it?Then again, you must remember weapon skins come above and beyond all the animations and mechanics for the power sets. They don't just press a button and the weapon self-renders. Someone has to make those like someone has to make the powers, and those people need to get paid for that work.
Also, let's try to keep our responses reasoned. I for one am not arguing anything like that. -
Quote:I really don't think this is a valid response to anyone who ever points out when the company crosses into "money grubbing" territory. (I don't know that I agree regarding this particular issue) but just because it is a business doesn't mean that any ploy or plan they use that might generate money is a good one.YEAH! How dare they try to make money! It's almost like they're trying to be some kind of business or something!
There really is a line, and it really can be crossed (I'm just not sure whether this particular issue crosses that line). However, it really does seem kind of ridiculous to be purposely limiting in the options that are released for free and then charge people for the other options that could have likely been released at the same time considering at least a few of them were already in use in the game already.
*shrug* -
(What's amusing about this, is at first I exceeded the forum's limit for number of smiley images in a single post!) -
Quote:I agree with you a lot, it seems.It's just a matter of perception.
BEFORE the Paragon Market, we only got new power sets during the release of SOME issues.
Now, we get power sets released with every issue, PLUS more power sets available on the Paragon market.
See, it's just a perception issue.