1263 -
I don't like the idea of removing the Auto SK as some missions seem to vary quite a bit in level range (i realise with i15 level ranges can be set on mission creation) and i would find it very annoying to be able to do the first 3 missions in a MA arc and then not be able to do the last because it has a higher level range especially as i cant put the arc on hold and come back to it later
I would leave the XP level as is because if its reduced your going to drive away as many normal players as farmers possible more normal players in fact as they would come of worst.
Inf should probably be removed MA has tickets to cover the purchase of things like enhancements so the inf is not needed
I'm not a fan of the removal of the MA buildings from the low level zones as there there now but perhaps something could be done with them turn them into architect training facilities perhaps with with some kind of level limitation system so when you look at the missions available you can only see missions up to a certain level say level 10. -
well i fired of a PM to Avatea with any luck she can either help me or point me in the direction of who i should be PMing
Well if any ones interested I've now been waiting since the 26/6/09 for a update (so 13 days) from support which just seems down right ridiculous for a issue to sit open especially as i raised the issue more than a month ago (raised it 29/5/09)
Think you may have got confused SinergyX Valkery and mission TP comes with the Mac booster (which i have) there's no parts in the MA (mission architect) pack instead you get the code for one of the boosters but as I have both boosters already i wondered what happened to the code?
(I would ask support but as I'm at 10+ days for a update on another issue I'm not holding my breath that i would get any kind of answer.) -
As you say as long as it was flagged to only allow threw heroes it should be fine so /signed from me.
Just a quick question if a purchase the MA edition from the store but already have all the boosters currently available what happens to the code?
This way a player can still reach Level 50 in the MA, but they are persuaded to partake of the real game too.
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By Persuaded you mean forced ? -
It would also be nice if they were to combine the Bane Spider Mace options with the normal Mace options would give a few more options to both power sets. -
Did the dev's ever actually say that i15 was going to be the big issue?
I seem to remember a while back (like several years) there was to be a paid for expansion which would significantly move the story forward and add new features but apparently due to player pressure the expansion was canned and the updates were then being worked into the issue update.
Which pretty much promised some really juicy issues but it seems what with the change in ownership and the creation of paragon studios that that game plan no longer applies i would say that that that big issue that was just over the hill that every one pinned there dreams on no longer exists.
Instead were going to be seeing new ideas and new stuff from the bigger rejuvenated team i thing GR is the new big issue even for those who don't purchase it its going to change things and between now and then it seems clear to me that the dev's intend to add to the game technically which dose seem to mean smaller issues for us but should give the dev's better tools to deliver us better content once all the new tech is bedded in.
What i mean is consider power customisation combined with the Dev version of MA which we've been told is better than ours using those tools combined should make it much easier to create enemy groups and missions featuring them which should be good for us -
I would imagine selecting the appropriate face will be half the battle when it comes to getting across the proper feel
I should add that there's nothing legally stopping NCsoft or Paragon releasing a character creator the agreement reached between Marvel and NCsoft was just that. basically it was a case of we wont take you to court if you police your self.
either party could probably brake that deal then it would be up to the courts and that's where things get iffy on one hand NCsoft could in theory be made to heavily censor the costume creator but on the other Marvel could be loose which would weaken there IP. So the other option is a agreement which allows both companies to move forward with there respective IPs. -
There actually is a fan-made version. IIRC, it even contains the Valkyrie costume pieces (from the Mac Pack).
Something occured that had made him/her remove the download link from the website, though.
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hint hint, marvel, like i already said
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Far more likely NC soft or Paragon Marvel can only get involved if either there copy rights are breached (and even then for them to have a good strong case you would have to be making some kind of profit from the copies or passing them of as your own work)
or if the software was in direct violation of the Marvel/NC soft agreement but as no one except those involved in the agreement know whats in it its impossible to say.
But if the software was fan made its more likely NCsoft -
From friday july 17th to the sunday july 19th!
Just for those people interested
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WooHoo i for one enljoy the raids -
Nope sorry i think this is a terrible idea badges should mark the progress of a toon and having one of the "epic" badges shows commitment to that toon making them ernable account wide would just cheapen them.
Oh i fully intend to keep at this till they close the ticket at which point ill start all over again its now become more a matter of principal I have a COV collectors edition and i dam well want to use it.
Can any one tell me the Def bonus stealth gives after you attack? and weather the bonus is still increased by slotting or not? -
Well i have continued to badger support and even sent them copy of my memorabilia ticket booking as well as supplying links to where the new post states that NC would be giving away copy's of COV: collectors edition'
But im still just getting a generic
"We understand your frustration, however we are not able to assist you with this issue. Thanks for your understanding."
yet it should be blatantly clear from my continued pursuit of the issue that I don't understand.
Also they seem very reluctant to answer my question about there support of copy's of the game that are given away as prizes I've even flat out asked
"Dose that mean that NCsoft don't support copy's of there games given away as
and no answer so if any one happens to win a copy of a NC game don't be surprised if NC Support wont help you out if you have issues with it. -
(not sure how i missed this thread)
the New stuff is looking great the new style seems to work really well for skin tones I'm not sure i like it so much for the buildings though but that could just be me. -
Hey I thought GG was banned from the US? could this be the end of Golden Girl
I think combining the server list is a great idea and should be done ASAP as it makes seance if were going to have a common forum we may as well have a common server list as well that way we can team with the people as well.
On the numbers thing I think but i could be wrong that a while back Ghost Raptor posted server numbers Union (not sure on the others) was above some of the US servers for number of players.
So while we would maybe see the removal of some servers as some point down the line it mite not be union -
As Sing says it could be one of the problem maps and maybe your friend is just lucky if you post up the Ark ID I'm sure a few of us will give it a try and see what results we get.
Failing that I would agree it sound like some kind of graphics issue mite be a idea to compleatly wipe the drivers for your GFX card and reinstall them -
Check your settings in both the windows display properties and the nvidea control panel I had this very same issue a year or so ago turned out that the settings in the ncidea contol panel did not match the windows settings for the second monitor and the windows ones were taking preference some fiddling with the settings (sorry cant remember exactly which a played with) sorted it out tho.
Actually the excample I gave happened and Daredevil lost and spend a month or so in the hospital.Even the comics thought that that was no match.
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But if the story had needed him to defeat the Hulk, he would have found a way to do it
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Only ways available in matches / fights like thsi arent available to us in game. What is available is get help.
And that is what you should do if youre a defender in pvp and you re facing a brute... get a scrapper or so to help you. Problem solved.
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depending on the what the defender is and what the brute is there's every chance that it would be the brute that needed the help -
and all this rubbish of using isps is cheating is a big steaming pile of dog poo
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I don't think it's cheating, but I do think the situation is unfortunate - do you want to PVP, or do you want to spend your time in the AH buying fat insps? Because the more effective insps are (and you propose to make them still more effective), the more there will be a pointless arms race where I have to buy a trayful just because my opponents have.
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That happens as it is when isps are involved and to be honest i don't see the problem with it at least with every AT having the same damage cap a tank could reach the same damage levels as a blaster or that blaster could reach the same levels off resistance as the tank.
I fail to see how there would be a arms race yes fat insps give a greater boost to your stats than standard isps but big insps aren't all that hard to get and tehy can be got by all. and even if you had a tray full your not guaranteed a win as you don't have a unlimited supply which for long fights would force the use of them tactically.