Mission Architect and its free boosterpack code




Just a quick question if a purchase the MA edition from the store but already have all the boosters currently available what happens to the code?



Nothing, nada. You only get the valkery pack.

2 days ago i wasted 2x MA 'client' to get the pack, while already having both booster packs. The code applies, done. The MA client only has 1 'key', after you add this you will get the follow-up question wich booster pack you want. In case you already have both, you dont get the follow-up question.

If you only want the MA part (valkery, mission teleporter) you need the ingame-item version of MA, not the full version.

The full one:

Ingame only stuff:

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Think you may have got confused SinergyX Valkery and mission TP comes with the Mac booster (which i have) there's no parts in the MA (mission architect) pack instead you get the code for one of the boosters but as I have both boosters already i wondered what happened to the code?

(I would ask support but as I'm at 10+ days for a update on another issue I'm not holding my breath that i would get any kind of answer.)



Woooo indeed messing up MA and Mac bigtime.

I bought too much the past few days, so got them mixed up alot. And probably the reason also i never had the valkery outfit after applying yet another code. (so i bought the MA instead of Mac one), and payment history aint that great on the NCstore.

I cant say anything for sure now, since i probably gonna mix up once again You can always try a ticket for it, maybe you get lucky for a quicker reply.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Basically you get a months game time and then goodies for £1 - so you pay £9.99 for your game time (normally £8.99) and get either your booster pack or your Mac items depending on the pack you bought