Dual monitors, 2. screen goes black
Tried switching back mon 1 & mon 2?
With video playback and some other stuff that's rather imprtant. Screen one should probably be the one you're "playing" on.
And check that the game is not fullscreen (as in fullscreen rather than maximised), I seem to remember having the same issue when I was running two screens.
Pyro means check if the game is set for full screen rather than window mode...
Ingame: Menu -> Options -> Graphics...
Odds are your forced repair/restart of CoX restarted it in 'CoX Safemode' with default basic gfx and low res full screen...
Are you running different resolutions on both monitors and have the game running at a different resolution to the desktop it is on. I find when that is the case activating an application on the second screen will return the first to the native resolution and you may find the screen will flash whilst it refreshes or even turn black. Also applications which are windowed will tend to reposition themselves.
Never had any problems with running full screen as long as you are not spanning the monitors.
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Check your settings in both the windows display properties and the nvidea control panel I had this very same issue a year or so ago turned out that the settings in the ncidea contol panel did not match the windows settings for the second monitor and the windows ones were taking preference some fiddling with the settings (sorry cant remember exactly which a played with) sorted it out tho.
...but wouldn't it be lovely if we could have the game on one monitor, maps, chat etc on the other!
Thanks for the help guys (and girls), Gaias_Minions was had the right answer, my screen 1 had different reslution to the in game one, switching it to the same fixed the problem.
And yes SingStar, having the chats, maps and etc on a different screen would be just über
Defiant to the last!
Im running dual monitors, and have been for a while. Everything was just playing nice. Nice to have a browser running on the second monitor to check paragonwiki or badges while the game is running on the primary monitor.
Then a couple of weeks ago i packed down the computer cause we where moving, yesterday i finally got everything set up and loaded the game to have some fun. As soon as i give focus to the primary screen, the secondary goes black. I can activate it again by moving the mouse over to it and clicking, but it is annoying. The game client has not been changed since it last worked, but i have fiddled with the placement of the monitors, eg which is number 1 and which is number 2.
Anyone has any clues to what the problem is? I run a nvidia 7900, a 19" as a second monitor and a 24" as primary.
Defiant to the last!