32 -
Yeah I'm wondering if anyone can help with this too. I'm not in Closed but I want the client running correctly so I can dive right into it when it goes Open.
Yeah I like those modifications to it, contruct/earn them per character (like with the halloween salvage for the 5th slot) or buy them globally... And yeah, definitely a new interface with scroll bars so that they can theoretically implement as many slots as they want.
Maybe a way to buy them on a microtransaction type deal? Kind of like how we can buy more characters slots. I want more than 5 costume slots.
I have a shapeshifting character with like 40 forms, and while I'm not saying I want to be able to access any one of the 40 at any moment, I WOULD like to be able to get up to say, 10, 15 or so. A new UI for the costume change interface would be helpful in managing the more-costumes thing. Scrollbars ftw. :P
For what it's worth, the Infinity server had no issues at all that I noticed... Hardly even a lag spike during peak hours. Ran very very smoothly for me. I recall thinking during leveling that either I should be impressed that they had managed to run a stable 2X Weekend, or that I should be disappointed that not enough people bothered to play that it created the lag spikes. Ah well. More fun for me. :P
Everyone seems to not bleedout. hehehehehehe
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Yeah, cause if they did then my broad-sword scrapper could nearly solo STF. :P
Head Smasher on Black Scorpion. BS bleeds out, spills his brain and dies.
Disembowel on Captain Mako. Mako bleeds out and dies.
Hack on Ghost Widow............................................ Ghost Widow laughs, says that kinda tickled, reminds me she doesn't bleed.
Scirocco uses Head Smasher on me. I bleed out and die. -
Uh, we dont need Atlantis, and Lemuria is just another sunken or lost continent. Now, what do we already have in the game that directly points to the third of the famous 'sunken' continents of mythology? Hmmm, what could it be? Oh, I dont know; maybe...
We got CO beat in already using a sunken continent as backstory. Really surprised that no one has said the name in this thread already. Truly. Meh.
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Not Meh... Mu.Good point.
Bumping posts in order to keep them near the top of the list is also prohibited.
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This, I did not know. Wasn't sure, and I definitely wouldn't bump the thread over and over, but I figured one bump couldn't hurt since they do tend to scroll off to the next page pretty fast. -
I don't see a post from you in every single suggestion thread.
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I haven't READ every suggestion thread either. It got on my nerves when the views on this thread went 50+ with no replies. Know what I mean?
Sorry for me being snippy lately though. There is no excuse for that, but I have been in a grouchy mood. 3 jobs'll do that to ya. >.< -
Then tell me what you freaking think of the idea. I almost never do this, and the two times I post an idea here, I want feedback dammit.
Thanks for telling me you don't like the idea, that's better than not responding at all. Hence the reason I bumped it.
I have a friend with a level 80 Hunter and a long list of obscenities spoken who would like to disagree with the above statement. Big time.
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Um, I'm in that boat too actually, I have a level 80 Hunter and the long list of obscenities as well, and I still stand by what I said. -
Yeah, the Lemuria stuff was fun to play, and for the toon I had built at least (equivalent of a lightning blaster), it worked well. Turning Flight on made her use the flight animation instead of swimming animation, and kinda just felt (and sounded) like she had turned on a jet pack underwater. And since she was lightning... Umm, yes, can you say INSANE damage? She wasn't invincible but she did feel like an EB tromping around, LOL
As for stuff that roots you to the ground (I'm thinkin Granite Armor here), I would imagine it would just slow your movement more...like a Rooted effect. And Rooted would just flat-out immobilize you :P
I'd like to see this implemented, but I'd like to see them honor both the limitations AND advantages of such a setting. Sacrificing realism in the name of balance is not always a good thing, to put it mildly. Take WoW, they're so concerned about balance that they... ugh, totally ruined death knights. When I heard one of the devs say "A death knight shouldn't be able to just totally obliterate a rogue," ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes they should. When you see a DK coming you should go "OH @#$% HERE COMES A DEATH KNIGHT" and not "ho hum here comes another random class that's just as equally balanced as me." Sometimes in certain situations, balance needs to be thrown out the window, if you can't handle a DK bring more people. Likewise with the water thing if you feel your powers are being "dampened" too much in an underwater setting then team up with a lightning blaster. It's just playing smart. -
people can cry ripoff of lemuria all they want, coralax predate the existance of co by quite some time.
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Umm, no. Champions ONLINE, yes. Champions has been around since 1981, much longer than the COH universe. (Hell, even Positron was a Champions character before he was a COH character.)
I'm in the Champions Online closed beta and the Lemuria zone is...interesting... I'm not quite sure I'd want to see an equivalent in COH though. Still, if it leads to greater possibilities of the lore and storyline... Well, as a writer, I'd look for any excuse to deepen a story. So, chucking Atlantis out of the equation, I'll /sign this one. -
I did that to GM_Lloyd once. He flew through a wall and left me behind.
Well, actually, I don't have an idea for a CONTEST, but I DO have an idea for a prize. (Well, with MA launching, maybe there could be a contest for best overall storyarc, of course that would require the devs to play *THOUSANDS* of em.)
Anyway, what about giving away one of the signature NPCs as a playable character? Since not all of them are used.You know, like Scirocco or Captain Mako or Numina.
Just a thought. Caught myself thinkin yesterday about which signature character I'd pick as my persona if I ever became a COH dev. :P -
Again, which type of slots is the OP talking about? If he's asking for more costume slots, fine. /signed. Character slots, uuuhhhhhh, I don't really see a need but fine, whatever, /signed. Power slots? /jranger :P
But what incentive would we have to ever change into our NPC form? LOL
Kitsune, I'm 100% with you. The kind of discussion you're talking about is exactly the sort of stuff that's been going on in "that other superhero MMO's" closed beta forums and it's working pretty well. They ask, we answer, they respond accordingly. I know a game in closed beta is a very different animal from a game that's 5 years old, but when it comes to improving it, this process is still a good one regardless of the game's age.
I'm not sure what exactly to call this. "Scenario play" is the best way to sum it up for lack of a better term. What I'd basically like to see in the Mission Architect capabilities is the ability to set the player's model, level, and power lists -- not just the sets but specific powers.
By doing this, authors can put players into a specific scenario where they roleplay as another character entirely, with entirely different powers than what the player's character actually possesses. This is what we do every day when we log into COH (except if Chuck Norris logs in, he really IS an MA/WP scrapper), so why not when our characters log into THEIR little "game"?
As an example, take my "Ms. Liberty's Origin Story" arc. Ms. Liberty tells of a time before she was a hero when she was ambushed and held hostage by Rikti, but rescued by a hero. Currently she tells the player that she will put the player in that hero's place, but what if she could have that player BECOME the hero who rescued her?
Or there's my other arc that tells about a villain who turns hero during the course of the story. The player could play as the villain toon with her powers and experience the storyline firsthand rather than feeling like an outside observer (the only thing I didn't like about how I was able to make the arc). Even signature characters could be done this way, so the player could experience a mission through the eyes of Statesman, complete with Zeus' Lightning.
I keep picturing arcs where the contact says "Back then, this happened to me. Here, let me show you, you can step into my shoes," that kinda thing.
Oh and as for choosing specific powers? This would allow the custom player-toons to REALLY be custom, and each power would have a hidden attribute that modifies the experience rate received for the mission that toon is used in. Example, if the rate starts out at 1.00x, and the author adds Zeus' Lightning to the player's arsenal, that might have an effect of -0.15 to the rate, so the player only receives 0.85x or 85% of the experience for that mission, sort of like how adding AV allies incurs experience penalties.
Conversely, if the author gives the player very FEW powers, the opposite might happen. Let's say the rate actually starts at 1.50x or something, and each power the author gives the player brings it down a bit. So if a player goes into a mission and has NOTHING available to him but Nova, he might get 1.47x or 147% experience. So you are rewarded for added difficulty as a result of the system and penalized appropriately if the mission is made insanely easy.
Anyway I think that creatively this opens some great doors and I think the penalty system I've proposed is at least workable. Thoughts?
Oh and thanks for reading all this. ^_^ -
I know this is extremely unlikely but if i14 hits, um, next Wednesday (the 1st)...
...well, forget automated emails, that would be such an awesome birthday present. XD
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Nah, the 1st will have to be reserved for them to unveil some insanely stupid idea that they're going to swear is the theme of the next issue. After all, it will be April Fools Day