Moar costume slots?




Maybe a way to buy them on a microtransaction type deal? Kind of like how we can buy more characters slots. I want more than 5 costume slots. I have a shapeshifting character with like 40 forms, and while I'm not saying I want to be able to access any one of the 40 at any moment, I WOULD like to be able to get up to say, 10, 15 or so. A new UI for the costume change interface would be helpful in managing the more-costumes thing. Scrollbars ftw. :P



If I had to purchase a micro transaction for every character to get new slots, I'd probably hang myself. And I'm not even one of those altoholic types. Maybe if it were like the MA, were we can "globally" have more slots for every character we play, it would be better.

Still, I'd wish the devs could throw us a bone without attaching an additional price tag to it, even though it's more of a "vanity request" anyhow.



I'd love to be able to earn, construct OR buy more slots. Earn or construct them per-character, buy them in lots globally. I think the main issue is, not that they aren't willing to do so, they might not have the proper setup for another extra slot yet. Remember, when they started with the "extra 5th slot" all characters have that slot SHOWING, but not AVAILABLE on their character. We were all, "what's that last one for? aaaaare we getting a new slot?!?" I would have to wonder if they'd have 10 slots shown, as an example, but only if you earn/buy whatever them, they're not accessable? that'd be kinda sloppy on the screen.

new interface anyone?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Yeah I like those modifications to it, contruct/earn them per character (like with the halloween salvage for the 5th slot) or buy them globally... And yeah, definitely a new interface with scroll bars so that they can theoretically implement as many slots as they want.



With the new I16 character generator and tailor screens... maybe this might become possible. I hope. I totally need more.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!