419 -
Looks like we still have some spots open. It's looking like a low-level team to start out with, but we'll steamroll regardless. If you're interested, please sign-up in subsequent posts. Please also let me know if I should move you from the alt list to the main roster. Remember, you might get a Trap of the Hunter!
1. Sins and Needles, level 18+ night widow (@Textilian)
2. Shocking Thoughts, level 17+ dom (@Siolfir)
3. Wicked Fever, level ? corr (@Mr. Ultimate)
4. Sunserpent, level 15+ dom (@Blood Spectre)
5. Night Widow Amber
6. La De Da, tba (to be awesome)
7. @Electra-something-whose-message-I-read-right-before-falling-asleep-at-keyboard, level 30 brute
Alts/Definite Maybes:
1. Baron Chill, level 18+ corr (@Knight Chill)
2. @Blood Beret, tba (to be awesome)
3. @Toonies, tbd (to be ducky)
4. @Capa Devans, tba (to be awesome) -
I like this idea, with the corollary of a penalty for failing.
I enjoy playing my level 50s. For me to have reached level 50 on a character, I had to invest a lot of time and energy and in some cases emotion into it. I've thought of a name I like, a powerset. I've played with the costumes, experimented with different powers, respec'd it, played with slotting. I like to do ship raids and strike and task forces and trials and flashbacks. I like malefactoring down to play with friends, I like lackeying them up to play with me. I like hanging around in different zones and helping people, sometimes I like passing out some of the infamy I've aquired. I like running the level 50 missions to earn infamy to buy the perfect enhancement for my sweetie. I like playing stories in the mission architect. I like how it feels to steamroll through missions, to finalize a build, to PvP.
I can't support an idea which will take away any of that. Nor do I agree with your assumptions on why it would be needed.
I also loathe ratings by other players. I'm not interested in popularity contests. I play for my enjoyment, not the enjoyment of others.
Oh, and nice preemptive strike:
I realize that this idea may be unpopular, and I fully expect many of the board regulars to get their knickers in a twist of the idea, but it does seem like it would be a solution for some of the games current woes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your statement is meant to invalidate any disagreement. My dislike of your suggestion is for valid reasons, not reflective of the state of my undergarments. -
My Friday playtest got moved to Sunday. The upshot, I can play this week!
[/ QUOTE ]
Squeee! -
I'm fine with running in Kings Row or in Sharkhead Isle. As Siolfir noted, the reasoning behind the RWZ was to allow for co-op teams. If no one was dying to bring a villain this week, we can easily move back to Kings Row.
My highest charecter on this server is level 35, although that will change rapidly if the board sign-up strike force takes off.
So unless I hear an objection, let's move back to Kings Row this week so Kheldarn can come along. The power of the cute avatar compells me.
This week's arcs:
-How to Survive a Robot Uprising
1. @Textilian
2. @Knight Chill
3. @Shadow Ravenwolf
4. @Kheldarn
5. @Siolfir
6. @Blood Spectre
7. @Arbiter Morrison
Alts/Definite Maybes:
Edit: And adding your recommendation to the list for next week. I greatly enjoy recommendations, when one person finds another person's arc they adore and considers it good enough to share.
Next week:
-The Incursion by @NovaFang - ID# 37783 -
For those just tuning in, FFF really is a lot of fun, and not just verbal tennis between Knight Chill and I.
Hey now, I don't go talking about your fetishes.
The dancing guy makes me think you are a warm and caring individual.
I heard it's a trap. -
This is tonight! We're starting at 6 pm and steamrolling our way to glory!
1. Trade Winds, level 50 corr (@Textilian)
2. @Mace Sanford, tba (to be awesome)
3. @Siolfir, tba (to be awesome)
4. Noxy, level 50 corr (@Laylia)
5. King Tiger Man, level 34 brute (@Doctor A. Science)
6. @Andel, tba (to be awesome)
7. Electric Reflexes, level 37+ brute (@Rock Crag)
8. Archon Hellheim, level 34 dom (@Blood Spectre)
Alts/Definite Maybes:
1. @Tiny Bolt
2. @Gata
Looking at the levels, there's either going to be a lot of lackeying going around, or I'll be switching to my level 36 corr and we'll run a mid-30s team. -
This week, May 29th, 2009, at 7 pm PST in the RWZ, we'll be running two longer arcs:
-How to Survive a Robot Uprising
1. @Textilian (Probably still on Countess Clink Clank)
2. @Knight Chill
3. @Shadow Ravenwolf
Alts/Definite Maybes:
4. -
I look forward to next Friday.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's 'cause you missed me!
I missed you, too! Hugs and accuracy enhancements all around! -
One never needs an excuse to wear a shirt with clockwork dinosaurs on it.
But I'd like to know where you found the fabric, it sounds like potential pjs to me. -
If you want to be flamed, try out "Suggestions & Ideas." Suggest, hmmm, world PvP. You'll get your socks flamed right off.
But the server forums tend to be friendly, at least until you give people a reason not to be. -
I like the idea of extending the tram to Faultline, as it is now a regular city zone.
Ooops, got confused by one of your zillion alts. I'll change the OP.
No sane business manager is going to implement a strategy that:
1. Has no guarantee of enticing that 80% in, and
2. Will likely drive away that remaining 20%.
Yet that's exactly what happened. Where's the 80% this change was designed for? I sure don't see 'em in the zones or arena. Seems like a failure to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't PvP before the changes. I don't PvP now because of the changes, but rather because Slax started recruiting after so many of his friends left and he lured me in and tricked me into having fun. -
I like to plan ahead.
Mids made my game better, more fun, and helped me understand IO sets and slotting.
I thought for the evening of the 29th we could run:
-How to Survive a Robot Uprising
Two longer ones, but both looked highly entertaining.