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  1. Looks like we still have some spots open. It's looking like a low-level team to start out with, but we'll steamroll regardless. If you're interested, please sign-up in subsequent posts. Please also let me know if I should move you from the alt list to the main roster. Remember, you might get a Trap of the Hunter!


    1. Sins and Needles, level 18+ night widow (@Textilian)
    2. Shocking Thoughts, level 17+ dom (@Siolfir)
    3. Wicked Fever, level ? corr (@Mr. Ultimate)
    4. Sunserpent, level 15+ dom (@Blood Spectre)
    5. Night Widow Amber
    6. La De Da, tba (to be awesome)
    7. @Electra-something-whose-message-I-read-right-before-falling-asleep-at-keyboard, level 30 brute

    Alts/Definite Maybes:

    1. Baron Chill, level 18+ corr (@Knight Chill)
    2. @Blood Beret, tba (to be awesome)
    3. @Toonies, tbd (to be ducky)
    4. @Capa Devans, tba (to be awesome)
  2. I like this idea, with the corollary of a penalty for failing.
  3. (QR)

    I enjoy playing my level 50s. For me to have reached level 50 on a character, I had to invest a lot of time and energy and in some cases emotion into it. I've thought of a name I like, a powerset. I've played with the costumes, experimented with different powers, respec'd it, played with slotting. I like to do ship raids and strike and task forces and trials and flashbacks. I like malefactoring down to play with friends, I like lackeying them up to play with me. I like hanging around in different zones and helping people, sometimes I like passing out some of the infamy I've aquired. I like running the level 50 missions to earn infamy to buy the perfect enhancement for my sweetie. I like playing stories in the mission architect. I like how it feels to steamroll through missions, to finalize a build, to PvP.

    I can't support an idea which will take away any of that. Nor do I agree with your assumptions on why it would be needed.

    I also loathe ratings by other players. I'm not interested in popularity contests. I play for my enjoyment, not the enjoyment of others.

    Oh, and nice preemptive strike:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I realize that this idea may be unpopular, and I fully expect many of the board regulars to get their knickers in a twist of the idea, but it does seem like it would be a solution for some of the games current woes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your statement is meant to invalidate any disagreement. My dislike of your suggestion is for valid reasons, not reflective of the state of my undergarments.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    My Friday playtest got moved to Sunday. The upshot, I can play this week!

    [/ QUOTE ]

  5. I'm fine with running in Kings Row or in Sharkhead Isle. As Siolfir noted, the reasoning behind the RWZ was to allow for co-op teams. If no one was dying to bring a villain this week, we can easily move back to Kings Row.

    My highest charecter on this server is level 35, although that will change rapidly if the board sign-up strike force takes off.

    So unless I hear an objection, let's move back to Kings Row this week so Kheldarn can come along. The power of the cute avatar compells me.

    This week's arcs:

    -How to Survive a Robot Uprising


    1. @Textilian
    2. @Knight Chill
    3. @Shadow Ravenwolf
    4. @Kheldarn
    5. @Siolfir
    6. @Blood Spectre
    7. @Arbiter Morrison

    Alts/Definite Maybes:


    Edit: And adding your recommendation to the list for next week. I greatly enjoy recommendations, when one person finds another person's arc they adore and considers it good enough to share.

    Next week:

    -The Incursion by @NovaFang - ID# 37783
  6. For those just tuning in, FFF really is a lot of fun, and not just verbal tennis between Knight Chill and I.
  7. Hey now, I don't go talking about your fetishes.
  8. The dancing guy makes me think you are a warm and caring individual.

    I heard it's a trap.
  9. This is tonight! We're starting at 6 pm and steamrolling our way to glory!


    1. Trade Winds, level 50 corr (@Textilian)
    2. @Mace Sanford, tba (to be awesome)
    3. @Siolfir, tba (to be awesome)
    4. Noxy, level 50 corr (@Laylia)
    5. King Tiger Man, level 34 brute (@Doctor A. Science)
    6. @Andel, tba (to be awesome)
    7. Electric Reflexes, level 37+ brute (@Rock Crag)
    8. Archon Hellheim, level 34 dom (@Blood Spectre)

    Alts/Definite Maybes:

    1. @Tiny Bolt
    2. @Gata

    Looking at the levels, there's either going to be a lot of lackeying going around, or I'll be switching to my level 36 corr and we'll run a mid-30s team.
  10. This week, May 29th, 2009, at 7 pm PST in the RWZ, we'll be running two longer arcs:

    -How to Survive a Robot Uprising


    1. @Textilian (Probably still on Countess Clink Clank)
    2. @Knight Chill
    3. @Shadow Ravenwolf

    Alts/Definite Maybes:

  11. [ QUOTE ]

    I look forward to next Friday.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's 'cause you missed me!

    I missed you, too! Hugs and accuracy enhancements all around!
  12. Textilian

    Maker Faire

    One never needs an excuse to wear a shirt with clockwork dinosaurs on it.

    But I'd like to know where you found the fabric, it sounds like potential pjs to me.
  13. Textilian

    so anyway

    If you want to be flamed, try out "Suggestions & Ideas." Suggest, hmmm, world PvP. You'll get your socks flamed right off.

    But the server forums tend to be friendly, at least until you give people a reason not to be.
  14. Textilian


    I like the idea of extending the tram to Faultline, as it is now a regular city zone.
  15. Textilian

    Pepsiman out

    I've never had Tim Hortons.
  16. Ooops, got confused by one of your zillion alts. I'll change the OP.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    No sane business manager is going to implement a strategy that:

    1. Has no guarantee of enticing that 80% in, and
    2. Will likely drive away that remaining 20%.

    Yet that's exactly what happened. Where's the 80% this change was designed for? I sure don't see 'em in the zones or arena. Seems like a failure to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I didn't PvP before the changes. I don't PvP now because of the changes, but rather because Slax started recruiting after so many of his friends left and he lured me in and tricked me into having fun.
  18. Mids made my game better, more fun, and helped me understand IO sets and slotting.
  19. I thought for the evening of the 29th we could run:

    -How to Survive a Robot Uprising

    Two longer ones, but both looked highly entertaining.
  20. Good, now he can rock the eyepatch with me.