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  1. TerraDraconis

    Er- wtf is SSA?

    Keep in mind that they are supposedly going to be releasing these forever not just for 7 months. Though after SSA7 the next one should start a new story arc.
  2. What there is no love for Carp Melee?

    How about Shark Summoning where you summon sharks with F'n lasers on their heads?
  3. You fail to understand just how easy it is to introduce bugs into complex computer code and just how hard it can be to find and eliminate all of them.

    Really the game code is approximately 10 years old. Every time they add or change stuff it can and often does break other things. At a guess the amount of coding needed to link the costume bits to the store broke something with costumes. ::Shrug:: it happens and in turn it will get fixed in 2, 3, 4, or 8+ months. it frankly isn't all that critical since it can generally be worked around. An annoyance? Yes, a critical must focus programming time on now to fix it issue? No.
  4. TerraDraconis

    You must die!

    Of course not. Why ever would I accept a simplistic explanation like that. Even if I were to be convinced that time was linear and that killing me would even work I wouldn't go along with it.

    And probably the going back is what makes me the focus point.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    Are they effected by the set's upper level? So a 30-40 range will cap out at the same levels as the standard level 40 IO?
    Yes they do cap at the upper end of the set. So a 30 - 40 set would really go from 27 - 40 as it's effective level. Hmm, are there really any 30 - 40 sets? I thought the ones that ended before 50 all started lower than 30.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    Where's a list of which enhancements are available in store?
    I'm guessing that Paragonwiki will have it eventually if they don't have it now. One useful trick between beta and live they changed how they are displayed in the store and now they are displayed by the lower level of the set.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
    Not quite. It depends on the level of the individual enhancement, not the range of the set.

    Check out this page on ParagonWiki for more specifics on how exemplaring affects IOs.
    We are talking about the Store Bought Enhancements. [IE the ones you buy from the Paragon Market for points.] Not regular IO Enhancements and sets.

    SBE's don't technically have a specific level because they auto level with the player who has them slotted. That is why the sets range is important because there is no individual level for any of these enhancements.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
    Will Every Month Be A Fight To Receive Reward Tokens?

    It is the new Ustream COH wrestling pitting Friggin_Taser versus Positron.

    You must wrestle Positron {Matt} on camera to receive your token. And you must win.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    Does anyone know for sure how far these enhancements will mal down?

    Is there any place to go to find out this sort of information?
    Actually yes. From using some in beta to -3 of their lowest level. So if a SBE has a 25 - 50 range the lowest it will auto adjust down is to level 22. Which is also the first level you can slot the enhancement.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gezus View Post
    so what about something like a StJ/stone armor brute? StJ/Inv scrapper/brute? Or. . . gimme some good powerset combo's lol
    The stone armor brute is going to be the slowest brute. But that is simply because stone armor has a fairly heavy movement penalty. Really within the Brute or Scrapper At's it becomes personal style and preference more than anything. They all perform well. Basically each specific power set has a hole in it's attacks or it's defense. That by the way is a design feature.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Note that's "per 1200 points purchased" (which includes the bonus points for buying in bulk), NOT "per 1200 points accrued." In other words, a VIP's account's monthly 400-point stipend doesn't count toward reward tokens. Though paying for that month of VIP does.
    Correct. Basically a rough calculation of token value is 1 token = $15.00. Once they decided that they decided not to worry about complexities. By that I mean a monthly subscription is $15.00. If you buy multiple months the actual amount you spend per month goes down. but you still get 1 token per subscribed month. This by the way is why points awarded for being subscribed don't count towards your point total for a token. You got the token for those 400/550 points for the months subscription.

    By the same token [joke] buying 1200 points costs $15.00. Spending more money at once gives bonus points. Again just like with decreasing subscription costs they didn't want to have to calculate all those differences so they just went with the rule of thumb that 1200 points = 1 token regardless of if you actually spent $15 for those points or not.

    TLR - it's tied to 1200 points = 1 token. Bonus points aren't counted separate from regular points.
  12. Scrapper or Brute are the two fastest soloing AT's. That said any AT can solo even and Emp/* defender. And by solo I mean solo all the way to 50. The key is speed. The Scrapper/Brute are at the top of speed list while the Emp/* Defender is at the bottom of speed list.

    After Scrappers/Brutes you have Mastermind and then it gets fuzzy and more about personal style than any specific AT being better than any other one.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    That's a fascinating tidbit that appreciably ups their value in my eyes.

    Are we SURE about this?
    Yes I had them in beta and they worked great.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    Okay, I confess I have not thoroughly investigated every branch of the Paragon Market, but am I to understand that full IO sets can be purchased for real world money from the Paragon Market, and furthermore they have the characteristic of leveling up with the toon so that they never ever have to be replaced? Holy crap!

    I'm going to have to check this out, just out of sheer curiosity (i.e., which IO sets are available and how much they cost). I personally dislike the notion of using real money to buy power increases normally obtained through game play, but I can see how this might pull in big revenue for NCSoft.
    Yes isn't really cool.

    So far it only uncommon sets. Though the knockback resistance IO is one of them.
  15. Cool Where can I petition to have Pay To Win added to the game?
  16. Jinx I'm not so sure about his coming back. Something I noticed all along with the opening credits. The regulars where all there all season but Jinx was never in the group shot on the catwalk at the end of the opening credits.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    EULA's have zero bearing on retail law.
    Not exactly. Basically they do heavily undermine any attempt on your part to use a lawsuit. They are not binding in that they can't really restrict you from doing something but ... They can also be used to show that you are aware of something like the fact that nothing in an MMO is set in concrete and all of it may change without warning or notice. Which pretty much demolishes any attempt to use a civil suit to pursue remediation because your game play experience changed.

    Oh some companies have tried to enforce EULAs in courts and failed but the reverse is true also. Some customers have tried to sue and had their suits fail due to the existence of the EULA. It pretty much serves as a first line of defense protecting against lawsuits. And in countries where the loser pays it definitely acts to discourage random lawsuits.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    If he's a returning player then he'll have 2+x unlocks depending on vet status. Those unlocks are Global Unlocks and can be used on any server, however, once used on that server they can't be reused on another server. Server Unlocks are specific to a given server and as far as I know are only used when you move a Free/Premium account to VIP.
    Actually it's to the specific character. So a Premium character that is unlocked can be moved from server to server using a character transfer each time. Mind you I'm not certain why anyone would do that but hey you can.
  19. TerraDraconis

    VIP to Premium

    Just to second LordLunder on this.

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    So I will retain my access to the trenchcoat costume piece.

    Will I lose my access to the controller/MM AT since I didn't specifically buy them with Paragon points?
    Yes you will lose access to any controllers and Masterminds until you have either bought the AT's in the store or filled in Tier 5 on the rewards chart.

    Since I purchased GR, I keep access to the GR alignment system, praetoria, and the power sets eg Dual pistol? If I unlock MM, I still have access to Demon Summoning?
    This is correct you have access to all of these things since you purchased the GR boxed set.

    What about character slots? I have 2, and seemed to unlock 2 more, so I'll have access to four toons?
    Correct though my fuzzy memory wants to say you'll have 5 slots you can unlock 4 is probably the correct number. Ok I went and looked at the side by side comparison chart and can't see why I think 5 so yes 4 slots is correct. 2 for Free/Premium 2 for the GR box.

    Is there a UI that allows me to pick which toons are active? The character creator shows something about 3 global unlocks, so are those more slots I have for some reason? Should I allot them before downgrading or will they still be available afterwards? I've never purchased character slots separately.
    Ok, first if you have 3 global unlocks at the top you may have 5 not 4 slots available when you go Premium. No and don't bother spending them before you drop to premium unless you need more than 12 slots on a server while still VIP.

    Anyway the first time you login after dropping to Premium you will see all of your characters greyed out. You will have 4 or 5 unlock tokens showing at the top of the screen and can unlock specific characters. Once they are unlocked you will be able to play them. Controllers/MM can't be unlocked until you have access to those AT's.

    I have 2 (or is it 3?) server transfers. Will I retain those after I downgrade?
    I would predict you will retain them but not earn more unless you go VIP again.

    What happens to IOs slotted in characters I keep playing? Are they grayed out and inactive until I buy the IO license? I probably will buy the IO license, but just want to know what would happen if I didn't.
    They stay slotted in your character but are greyed out and inactive until you have access to IO's. Best option is either use your alternate build available at level 10 for DO's/SO's or buy the $2.00 license each month.

    I'm just curious about what its involved here and how to maximize my premium experience.
    It sounds like you are on the right track planning ahead.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post

    When you buy something, UNLESS they state up front that part of what you buy will be issued at some point AFTER payment, they are legally required to grant EVERYTHING you paid for a the time you paid for it.
    To paraphrase the EULA portion that is standard to all MMO's. "Game play may change without notice."

    Basically they warn you up front that anything and everything about what features you have access to and how it all plays may change at anytime for any reason. So yes they state up front that any part of your game experience is subject to change. All MMO's do this. None of them promise that things will never be taken away, changed, added, or otherwise modified.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by flipside View Post
    Great! And how do you do that? I currently can't seem to buy anything in Tier 9 VIP.
    If you have filled in Tier 8 you should be able to pick any slot in Tier 9 regular or VIP.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_South View Post
    Shame. Kinda figured with a lack of money being made off of characters resembling other characters, it'd be less of a problem.
    I expect that it would be considered more of a problem not less of one actually.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
    I don't see where I claimed to not know where information was?

    I don't disagree, yet there is a difference (at least to me) between looking at build info in Mids versus actually playing it.
    I expect it is more that you didn't express that in the way you wanted to.

    Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
    Were we able to get a reasonable means of previewing and testing these sets prior to purchasing them, I would agree.
    Doesn't tell me that you would prefer a way to test play the set. And has anyone tested to see if you can test it on the test server?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    So do you retract your accusations that I "spin fantasies about mendacious reasons" or not? (What in fact I did say was: "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by computer error.")

    As for how long it will take to fix the error or what they have to do, since I'm not the manager of Paragon Studios' billing department, that's not my concern. This is a customer service issue, and either it's resolved or it's not (it's not).
    You are correct I mixed up your replies with All_Hell's. You never have attributed any of this to malice or mendacious reasons. Simply to what you perceive as poor customer service.

    I am corrected on this.
  25. Since TG apparently missed this in Von Kriegers transcript of the October 5 Ustream chat.

    The whiteboard reads Street Justice.

    TANGENT: Zwill complains about his coffee.

    We have some things to talk about before Synapse arrives, with the Intrepid Informer article on StJ going up now.

    They're working on writing up an article on the Paragon Points/Tokens issue. There was a bug in the system database.

    They'll be awarding the points on the 11th or 12th, and working their way back to the 1st over the next seven months until it gets back to your proper billing date if it's before the 13th.

    Paragon Reward tokens were meant to reward on your billing date, but instead they're awarding on the date you would've received your veteran badges, as there is a huge, complex formula involved with that. They will still be going out on a monthly basis.

    They'll be trying to get a post clarifying this later today.

    Zwill: "Oh my, that's an interesting e-mail. No, it's not pron!"

    Yes, he said pron.