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  1. Hmm, Lifetime LOTRO subscription so I should go play that more, Champions, and STO lifetime as well. I've been playing a lot of DDO and enjoying that. Secret World doesn't like my computer so I won't be keeping that subscription. A shame the game looks decent. I suppose I could pick up my WoW subscription again. ::sigh:: And I do have GW2 since I've already bought it I think I'll not dump it besides that isn't really fair to the poor guys at Arena.net but really 5 character slots? COH spoiled me for shear number of characters I can have.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Try The Secret World from Funcom.
    My computer doesn't like it. Not with framerates of 1 - 15 fps.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Hmmm so can the just keep the forums up?
    Sure no one turned them off. And at a guess no moderators are currently assigned to it since they just laid them all off. This should be interesting. I wonder how long the boards will last once NCSoft realizes the boards are here.

    Remember they generally don't have forums for their other games. At least not forums hosted by the game company its self.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Between fumbling Aion and Blade & Soul, NCSoft lost $6 million last quarter.

    So of course they kill City.
    Of course. It makes perfect sense to kill the game that is making you money not the ones you screwed up on.

    Someone needs to save face by cutting something and they can't admit their mistake so cut the thing they aren't personally associated with. Makes perfect sense.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Whatever. You are obviously WRONG!!!

    Now, I get to say I'm really tired of hearing from people like you and will be glad to say so until this game closes. You are finally off ignore. Laughable that you are still trying to spin things.
    He isn't actually. NCSoft isn't cutting the game because it is losing money. I would guess that the costs associated with starting GW2 were enough that they want to cut something to make their books look better. And sadly for us they appear to be cutting Paragon Studios and COH.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Safeguard View Post
    Surely it would make more sense to sell CoH off then to just close it down right? DC Universe and Champions are still up and running and CoH HAS to generate more income than both those games right? Isnt Everquest still running and that game is how old?

    Someone must want to buy this game?
    The problem is that NCSoft appears to believe in shutting down games rather than keep them running so long as they bring in more money than they cost to run. You give several good examples and I could list quite a few games out there that are still up and running with not that many players.

    In this case NCSoft appears to be doing a close for the books thing not for any good reason since COH appears to be the very definition of a cash cow.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I would guess Paragon Studios was only just told about this today. It's not the first time I've seen corporate stooges do a ninja shutdown. There was a company in my hometown a couple years ago that shut down it's offices over the weekend and shipped everything to Mexico. When the employees came back Monday they found an empty office building.
    Yes I'm getting the impression that they rounded everyone up this morning red them the announcement, gave Andy just time enough to post the announcement then showed everyone the door. I see several devs listed as being logged into the boards, which is likely their computers at their desks still being on.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
    It has been posted on FB, Twitter, and the main site. A redname confirmed elsewhere on the forums.

    And now I will go back to wondering why I am crying over a video game.
    Maybe confirmed. We only have Zwill's post. I believe he has access to update the FB, main site, and post. And there is one error with how he posted things. Mind you that maybe simply the shock of being asked to post that announcement. But the announcement should have gone to the announcement forum and there isn't a copy there with a discuss: Announcement thread where the announcement is posted on the boards.

    Mind you it is just as likely the shock of being asked to post that announcement which caused the mistake. But there has been no other confirmation post by any other redname besides Zwill that I've seen. So in theory if his account was hacked all that could be done from it. Not likely true but I want to see someone else confirm it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Pure guesswork here, but this wouldn't actually surprise me. Real-life video captured into a digital format and interpolated between pixels should hold a lot of information from that interpolation between the various frames, because the more detailed real world can flow between those more seamlessly.

    Unfortunately for this thread, that doesn't really work on computer-generated animation that's pixellated at creation. Maybe if an original scan existed somewhere and that were rescanned in higher detail, then that could work, but as the character model textures stand right now, to make them more detailed we'd have to create that detail from whole cloth.
    Exactly. With video each frame contains slightly different data so one can use a computer to fill in a frame with data from other frames. It would be a big pain in the neck resource wise. Which is why it needs modern computers and software and isn't a common tool anyone can use.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You're quite welcome, Dink I try to pitch in with stuff I know whenever I can, but don't worry about correcting me when I say something terribly wrong.

    It's not just about what looks better, but what a costume piece actually "is." For instance, the old-old Gladiator shoulder was quite low-res, leading to some people using it to represent metal, others leather and still others carapace. When it was up-rezzed and made to look like beaten iron, most of those "other" designs no longer worked. That's what I mean when I say you have to invent information where none exists.

    Low-res textures are a bit like a Rorschach ink blot test, in that they often look like splotches and each person who looks at them sees something different. My "uprezzing" them, you ARE making better textures, but you're also making much more specific textures at the same time. The more detail you add to an item, the more specific and particular and unique it becomes and the more uses it can no longer fill because it's obviously not what the low-res version might have looked like.

    Uprezzing old textures is a lot of work, since an artist would basically have to make brand new ones with the added burden of having to keep to a very strict look. It's like tracing over 320x240 graphics in Flash (which I've done), in the sense that sooner or later, you HAVE to start making your own details because the resolution is so poor small details turn into blotches. It's a lot of work, and at the end of the day, you're creating something that has a very high chance of not really being what people thought it should be. Again - look at the Medieval shoulders and tell me what pattern that is on the sides. I'm told it's a Celtic weave, but what kind? And is it really? Because it doesn't look like one to me.

    That's why David made the decision he did - keep the old pieces, update whenever possible and leave both pieces in. He even wanted to work on a toggle button to hide "old" costume items in the editor, and tech for that already exists with the button which hides all items that aren't owned. That is, to me, the safer approach. Add "better" versions of old items, but don't remove the originals. Just hide them.
    Exactly, and I'm reminded of the first upgrade I had in my video after I started playing. I think it was going from an Nvidia GS6600 to a 7600 but it could have been a 5600 to 6600. Anyway. ... I was shocked at the changes in how some of my characters looked. Just with that one upgrade.

    And that was just improving my video card not actually changing any of the underlying graphics in the game.
  11. I think "Slap in the Face" is worth two drinks. Not just one.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post

    Would you really rather go back to having one or two new powersets every couple of years, or what we're getting now?
    From the OP's complaint I'm certain he wants to go back to a new power set every 1 - 2 years. Multiple new power sets every 3 -4 months is something he obviously doesn't want.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Lovecraft's style is strange - mostly because he's trying to describe things, feelings and sensations that are beyond words.
    His usual method is to start off in a very dry, precise "educational" way - there are usually quite a few facts, dates, references and history, real and made up, that helps to give an impression of normality and make the situation seem real - but as the story progresses, his writing becomes more and more weird, using older and rarer words and a more "poetic" style to give the impression of the previous normality breaking up as the "truth" is uncovered.
    Never forget that squamous and ruggous will come up in the description as well. Squamous being scaled and I forget what ruggoeus is. tentacled maybe?
  14. There are generally several issues with why MMO's don't do as well as expected.

    1. The biggest is that they get sold to investors and publishers as the next big game that will break 30 million subscribers world wide. The reality is that if they break 100K they are doing good. If they break 500K and hold it they are a major success. But because they were sold as going to bring in millions of subscribers they are all considered a failure by their investors and publishing house.

    You would think that at least the publishers would have a more realistic view of things.

    2. Often are very focused on some aspect that caught the developers fancy and can turn out crippled or odd because of that. This isn't to say that a development team should never stick to their guns on what they are developing, but when you get consistent feedback that there are problems with the fundamental design/goals of the game you should at least consider it.

    3. Unrealistic expectations of players. Far too many players appear to expect a mature game with lots and lots of content out of a just launched product. That isn't going to happen unless a product was 5 - 10 years in development where that time was spent all on content additions and not just rebuilding the game multiple times to get it right.

    There are others but those are the big ones. I left off designing to the newest latest and greatest video cards/computers for example. That by the way is one of the reasons the the mega game still does so well you can run it on pretty much any functional computer out there without needing the newest most modern machine to enjoy it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    This is the episode I was reminded of, though it was from the more recent series so it couldn't've been seen in the 70s.
    I'm pretty sure it was a movie but hey I was young at the time so who knows if it was only an hour long. I believe what I saw was at least 90 minutes. And no that wasn't it. Hmm, oh well it's like a bunch of other movies and the like I remember watching on creature features and later on Sunday afternoons that I've never seen again.
  16. TerraDraconis

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Adelante View Post
    Will there be another wipe so people can have names to use? It's so crazy that the dead realms have all the good names reserved still and yet theyre never active.

    Anyone know if they're working on a way to improve this? It's getting very limited for creations and imagination. Alot of us are already using capital I as lowercase L to bypass this.
    Ah yes and on what basis would you delete character names? Just asking?

    Keep in mind with Freedom every single account is now active. There are no inactive accounts. This means that even if you haven't logged into your character for 7 years and it hadn't been previously renamed it should be available to you.

    So what are the rules you would use to fairly free up names?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    "Who killed all the Daleks?"

    "Who do you think."

    Delightful scene.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Reminds me of Blade Runner, that one Nazi from the Hellboy movie, and Project Zeta. Looks pretty interesting.
    throws me back to a movie I saw in the 70's about androids who didn't know they where androids. Humans had died and the androids had a couple that they had carefully raised who could breed. I just remember bits and pieces of that movie.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
    Best headache EVER.

    Psychos suck.

    Definitely the best headache ever. Something I never thought I would say to anyone. And I'm very sorry this happened in your town let alone that it happened at all.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Ok so what was the gag from the first episode?
    In the first episode as Jack and daughter are driving into town the car coming towards him in the rain flashes it's lights at him causing him to be blinded for a moment and the run off the road to dodge some animal getting stuck and needing vehicle repair in Eureka. Oh and his daughter glances at the car as it goes past and sees herself and her dad in the other car.

    That is the first scene in the series and so for the last episode we get that scene from the future Carter's points of view.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I admit, I cried ... once. Lots of returning guests and a surprising, or not, cameo. I liked the ending (very last scene). Somehow I expected that.
    I've always expected that last scene to be in the final episode. What I like is that they didn't explain it and Jack quipped, "I'll deal with that tomorrow."
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
    Dug, upon what information are you basing this assertation that NCSoft is about to go bankrupt?

    You'll excuse my disbelief.
    His vast powers of imagination.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocPhotonic View Post
    The phrase "jumping the shark" comes to mind.
    Except that is being something else. Unless the shark and hero are the same gender.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    If he bought it from the store, it's a PPM proc, not a flat 33%. And today, the proc rate is a function of base recharge, where in I24 it will be based on enhanced recharge. PPM procs are being nerfed, no doubt, and Paragon as a whole hasn't done a very customer friendly job of mingling sale of these items with feedback.

    Feedback was posted in the I22 beta forums saying that things like purple PPM procs seemed too good to be true, yet they went on into the Paragon Market unchanged, and now a future downgrade is pending.
    I got that difference finally. Oddly I never even noticed that the proc's for SBE's where PPM and I have some. ::shrug:: You can tell I typically don't obsess with the numbers... Oh but do remember that global recharge rates will still work like they do now. Only enhancement based recharge bonuses on that power and the alpha slot will modify the proc.

    As for changes based on feedback in a beta ... unless they are fixing something game breaking or something they expected to need alternatives ready for most issues found don't get addressed immediately. They do get addressed but it typically takes 9+ months for non emergency issues found in a beta to get attention from the devs. Note that clearly Synapse has turned his hand to to the problem of PPM versus non PPM proc's and it has been about 9 months before he had a chance to do so.

    Basically if a fix requires major system changes and isn't something that can be addressed by changing one formula or some similar level of change it requires time to come up with an approach that can get approved and then be worked on. The proc change is exactly such a case. It looks to require extensive system changes to bring the systems into alignment.

    Actually the answer appears to be that they are turning all proc into Proc Per Minute ones. Well aside from what Zombie Man labels Proc120 which are staying exactly as they are.

    The nice thing here is that Synapse brought the proposed system changes to our (the players) attention before he actively began coding to add it to I24. Which means that we have gotten to give him feedback before he has even coded any of that. And that is good. After all a dev always reserves the right to listen to what you say and then still do it their way.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    That said, it would be nice if the new procs only considered the part of recharge from alphas that is subject to E.D. not the part that ignores E.D.
    That would be spiffy.
    Synapse stated in this thread that was how he was planning to have it work.