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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    This is great news! It means Muppet Star Wars! With cameos by Wolverine and Aladdin!
    But it also means Jar Jar Binks can become a Herald of Galactus...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    yeh, but still want to know, What the hell did the sheep do to anybody?
    They started the clone wars.
  3. That site mildly amuses me. The internet is positive about Adolf Hitler. And Satan.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    And that's why you'll all be forever doomed as sheep. Don't feel too bad, though, it's human nature to run away from resistance.
    Is it? It's always seemed to me that most people seek resistance and name it "challenge"...
  5. Tenzhi

    SSA 2 pt 5 when?

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Thought you had to be VIP to access the SSA arc, even on beta.
    Provided the store is still working on Beta, one might theoretically be able to purchase the arc in the event that one did not have access to it.
  6. Tenzhi

    SSA 2 pt 5 when?

    Is it even getting released?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Vodka, I like. Well, good vodka at any rate. The cheap stuff is pretty nasty IMO. It's the tomato juice that I can't stand. Never did like that stuff. Don't like tomato soup either, for that matter.
    Heathen! I bet you're one of those mayonnaise eaters, too!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    I would be interested in trying a Hunchback, just to say that I have. But it sounds rather...disgusting.

    I might try making ketchup with bourbon as one of the ingredients, but I don't think I could drink it.
    It's really no more disgusting than something like a bloody mary as long as you mix the ketchup in thoroughly (a bit less disgusting than a bloody mary, I'd say, as I find vodka thoroughly unpalatable).
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I thought the story for Borderlands 2 was fantastic >> Loved Handsome Jack as a villain
    I wouldn't exactly say the story was great, but I thought the characters and dialogue were quite amusing. I found Handsome Jack to be a hilarious jerk who I looked forward to smiting throughout the game.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I read "most active" as the dev team currently working on Issue 24, 25, etc...

    I would however like to see a citation for "largest" MMO to be shut down. Without hard facts regarding subscription numbers makes me wonder how one can claim this. The best guesses out there atm are that CoH had between 50k-60k subs on 8/31/2012. I have no idea about games like SWG, Auto Assault, etc etc as I never played them nor had any idea how large their populations were. I am NOT saying Posi is lying.. I would just love to know the numbers for such a thing.
    It sounds to me like he's not going off of total subscribers, but rather the average number of people actually playing the game on a daily basis. I wouldn't be shocked if SWG had more subscribers but fewer people actually playing at the end, particularly given that one could have been subbed to it as part of a package deal with the whaddya-call-it... Station Pass, was it?
  11. Tenzhi

    Marvel Heroes

    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Pre-made characters were always optional though
    Putting aside RPGA events where it wasn't optional... Many things are optional in tabletop games that are not optional in video games. Most video games don't allow me the option of creating my own setting or house rules, either - that doesn't mean they aren't RPGs.
  12. Tenzhi

    Marvel Heroes

    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Maybe at your tabletop, but at the tabletops I've been at, we've always created our own characters.
    I've actually never used pre-made characters in my home campaigns, but they have nevertheless been a part of tabletop gaming. Many D&D published adventures came with pre-made characters to use (and many official RPGA events have required using pre-made characters). The original Marvel Superheroes RPG was setup to use published characters with no official custom creation option - there was a random character generator but I'm not certain if that was included in the original release. The later Marvel RPG from TSR that used cards and Mayfair's DC Heroes could be played either way. Some Call of Cthulhu adventures came with pre-made investigators (which could be convenient given the high mortality rate).

    I prefer to make my own characters (and often setting, for that matter), but it would be ignorant to deny that pre-generated player characters have been a part of tabletop gaming for quite awhile now.
  13. I'm going the opposite direction - I'll be in the forums until they close, but it's unlikely that I'll log into the game again except perhaps on the final day.
  14. I can't make characters that I really like over there, so it doesn't matter if they can get a place to hang their cape.
  15. I was prejudiced against GW2 before CoH was getting closed simply because of my experience with the first game.

    That said, just about any Halloween event would be better than those horrible zombie invasions and the tedious door-clicking Trick-or-Treat nonsense we had around here, IMO. (Mind you, the haunted house event was almost fun.)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    2. It would be unfair if AoE attacks were unavoidable by targets but not by the attacker. So they would not be.
    Including PBAoEs - that is, attacks which emanate in all directions from the attacker?
  17. I knew there was an option to disable it somewhere, as I recall having to *enable* it. I'm not sure how/why it was disabled for me at some point, but I prefer a chase camera unless I'm actively trying to view an animation from a different angle.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    Well, we know that BaB's is working over at Cryptic now.
    Didn't he say he was working on NWN Online over there?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Generally when I quote someone it is more so they know I am speaking to them personally or replying to something they said in general. I have been a Top Posting person since I started posting on forums back in 1995/1996 and I can honestly say this is the first time anyone has every said anything negative regarding it
    There was a time when replies often automatically put the quote to the bottom, particularly when many forums were also accessed via newsreaders (which could lead to terrible messes in newsreaders that also offset a reply directly under the post it was replying to, creating quite tangled trees). But I digress.

    The problem is akin to addressing a statement to a group of people and not establishing who you were talking to until after you've finished. Depending on the statement it may not matter, it may cause minor confusion, or it may offend people it wasn't supposed to be directed at.

    Mind you, I'm not telling you to stop.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    You'll find some great scenery in LoTRO. The Turbine crew have done some good work. If nothing else, they have gotten the epicness of MiddleEarth right.
    Yeah, that was one game where I just wanted to wander around unimpeded sometimes. Playing the game was too much of a tedious chore, though, and I couldn't stick with it long enough to explore as much as I wanted.
  21. Putting the quote below the reply is like putting effect before cause (assuming the posting language is naturally read top to bottom). And the more the reply relies on the context given it by the quote the more illogical it appears. Of course, if the reply doesn't heavily rely on context then quoting may have been unnecessary in the first place.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zem View Post
    Has melee become viable in CO? I only tried the game for like a month when it launched and I seem to recall anything ranged I tried completely owning anything melee I tried. Unless I was just "doing it wrong". Unfortunately, my favorite CoH characters are Stalkers. In CO, I think I ended up playing dual pistols when what I really wanted was a sword-wielding Samurai Ninja Robot Cowboy. Was that too much to ask?

    Cause CoH had it covered.
    You like Stalkers? ChO now has the slotted offensive ability for you! It's called "Night Warrior" I believe, and it gives you a stealth toggle and an assassin-strike-esque ability that can one-shot Super Villains. And when you're not one-shotting things from stealth I believe the passive also grants an overall damage bonus.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Inhospitable forums...
    I've seen inhospitable forums and these forums are far from it.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    (Just get rid of Foxbat OK CO devs?)
    No way, the Foxbat missions are some of my favourites.