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  1. Astoria, today, sometime

    The dreadness of Astoria could be tasted in the air, Lucy moved with all the stealth a ghost can muster, focusing on the target, letting the whispers flow over her. Ages of dealing with the Others had hardened her mind, and her mastery now allowed her let the Others deal with the demands of the whispers, guilt and sorrow they knew in abundance.

    The new natives of Astoria might glance towards the space Lucy occupied but Lucy was running with barely a foot in the real world, hunkering down into the Void when a hard gaze fell upon her. She knew fighting the natives was not going to help at all.

    Finally Lucy could see the wards glowing ahead of her, the sanctuary the Midnighter team had set up, she could see the weakness’ in the wards, the Midnighters were struggling.
    Slipping past the creatures standing watching the ward circle Lucy entered the Midnighters encampment.

    Converting her form to her normal flesh clad look Lucy approached the Midnighter shouting commands. The man looked haggard and grey skinned with the strain and worry.

    “ Hello, I am Lucy, you must be Mister van der Goolff , yes ? “

    “yes, yes..you are Dire Lament ..we were told you were trying to reach us…” pausing to gulp a deep breath he continued. “ you have brought the material yes ? “

    From deep within her coat Lucy drew forth two very old looking scrolls and a crystal jar, and with great care passed them to van der Goolff.

    “ these are the items , do you think the plan will work ? “ she questioned.

    “ we.. Can but hope.. If we can last long enough.. “ van der Goolff struggled to say, clearly his physical strength was fading as much as his magical.

    Lucy looked around, all of the Midnighters where in a sorry state, the fight was being lost here, and she knew that each and every encampment would be needed for the plan.

    Needlessly dawning a deep breath herself, flesh still clung to the ways of the living, she considered the risks.

    “ Mister van der Goolff, give me your hand.”

    Lucy gripped the hand of the Midnighter and used a magic she knew would attract unwanted attention, the Xoci magic of the Orb, the Tear of Life gathered , a cloud of invigoration and health expanded outward , coating each of the Midnighters , restoring their bodies , clearing their sleep deprived brains, fuelling their metabolisms, giving them the strength of many, many days full rest.

    Van der Goolff almost choked as his body final breathed freely for the first time in days.

    “ Th-an-nk you, that was so powerful , whe..”

    Lucy cut him sort with a shake of her head, “ not here, not now, I must go now, but may be I can help in another small way “

    Lucy moved to the carefully crafted pattern the Midnighters had use to erect the wards, glancing deep beyond the shadow of reality Lucy dumped raw magic into the wards powering pattern, infused the wards glowed bright and strong once more.

    Van der Goolff nodded once to Lucy and then moved once more to command his groups work.

    Lucy fled the flesh and stepped back deeper into the Void, gathering her reserves she sort the sky above and escape from the battleground..
  2. Just dug out my BS/regn scrapper, what is the current thoughts on the best Alpha slot for him ?
  3. 1 AM Downtown Atlas

    From atop the Atlas Park skyscraper the figure of The Shrouded Rune seem to stare at the horizon, an hour of the night passed and the unmoving shape remained. The helm covered his eye, but if anyone could follow their gaze they pierced the gloom and saw far beyond the range normal sight, to the luridly flickering Warrwalls that now enclose Dark Astoria.

    Two hours of the night departed before he moved, a simple sad shake of his head, his body joining the sad emote , “ not for me” a weary voice muttered. The helm turned downward and the looked upon the trouble streets of night time Atlas., “my task” .The figure stepped of the ledge and into a freefall…
  4. Darn it, i am not around Friday.. please take and afterwards post lots of screen shots
  5. Thanks Nitro, its a huge help, one silly question.. is Day 1 Tuesday or Wednesday ?
  6. Further thought…

    If, as Nitro suggests there is a 4 week span of integrating the events from i22, could we have a pre planed timeline of these event s, with a day to day break down, so that we can slot in news reports etc. to tie in with it. Make it a thread and all the related tales and happens can be in one easy place for everyone to look up and react to.
  7. Nice synopsis Nitro, can I make a suggestion, make a list of those characters that their owners want to have / have had any direct involvement in the events, a list of those who will reference the events in things happening to their characters , and a list of those who saw it on the news / were elsewhere that week / or only deal in street level crime.

    For example, I already plan that Lucy will be visiting alternative places while all this starts, GD will be tied up Praetoria side, as will Dee Koi, so for all three it will be a news media event. Long term Lucy may poke around in the new DA. However I am planning on using the i22 stuff to indirectly bring back a old toon, and I have a new one planned as a result of it, may be two. So from that I can say how we, the unionRP tribe IC / lore deal with it need zero impute from any of my characters unless anyone else’s desires to drag them in.

    I can see the Recluse related stuff having impact on KG, but my toons there are minor and followers rather than instigators.

  8. No the Union RP view seems to favour it hasnt happened until the in game arcs and misssions reflect the change, which i think is issue23-ish. until then he is still alive, as he can be visited and spoken to in game.
  9. Cool,

    so how do the rest of us start to do things , also is there going to be a thread for us to post our " what happened" bits or do you want to keep everything in game ?

  10. *Kornak waves to Pointy.
  11. Hello Echo

    Bad Moon Rising aka Edward Witchvale will be at the trying to do the Digging Deeper stage, however his lack of magical contacts , and the fact he is working alone will have caused him, problems. So he is more than willing to work with anyone else that he finds also to be investigating the Seals.

    Depending on how he meets these other he will stick to either his BMR or Edward persona, the two are kept separate like each other’s secret ID.

    BMR is a costumed Hero were as Edward is a shady investigator of “strange” things. Though both display clear powers identifiable as those of a WS, they act differently.

    His reasons for investigating a purely personal, and he will not disclose them at this stage.

  12. - Apparently I'm supposed to leave Praetoria at level 20, never to return. Is this correct? In character I've made friends there in the Resistance, why should I leave forever? Why is going to First Ward not a problem?

    yes that is how the arc is written, but most adapt it to suit their Characters own story, for example, my GD toon crossed to Primal to counter Cole-ite activities, set up safe houses for wounded resistance fighters and work with Primal side factions to help fight Cole. She often returns to Praetoria to make raids and work with her new primal contacts. As First ward was written after the orginal arcs its is a bit out of place. The contacts for it are primal side so there is no issue with returning to it.

    - I don't feel like either a Hero or a Villain. My character is anti-authoritarian, has been fighting the law, PPD and such her whole life. Becoming a law abiding citizen isn't exactly what she's good at. But going Villain doesn't sound right either, she wants to fight the good fight.

    TBH the Hero / Vill tag covers a whole mess of character types and moral views, no one is going to moan at your villian being a good guy .. the whole thing is a bit redundant these days as you can swap between them all quickly.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    According to lore, the ancient Greek 'gods' were actually some of the earlier Incarnates.
    i am not totally upto date with the latest Well/incarnate/god retcons . . but doesnt that mean all the human know gods were either not gods but incarnates, of gods from somewhere else ? having transended their own version of the well ??
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Cosmic power isn't enough for godhood... Kheldians are essentially cosmic powered, but they're not gods.
    was using cosmic in the slang / comic book vein ..ie uber, beyond normal , an 11 on a 1 to 10 scale.. not the astrophysical usage, also as a hint at that the power comes from "somewhere else"(TM)

    Lore wise is there any mention of the Khelds having gods ? as the only detailed non human race we have,thats playable.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    actually, no, servant of a God is not the same backstory and not nearly as fun as an immortal being trying figure out mortals

    again...."god" does not equal phenomenal cosmic powers.....

    a god trying to figure out mortals actually does sound fun, a diety of anthropology...

    tbh the phenomenal cosmic power bit is what i see seperates the god from the meta/incarnate .. Zeus' lighting bolt is way zappy-er than any Elec blasters, or Thor's hammer vs may War mace ... the only issue is when someone claims that their god is every single power at cosmic levels.
  16. Calling yourself a god in CoX is just painting a huge target on yourself, there are plenty of canon groups that would seek your fall, not to mention a lot of players seeking the status. It doesn’t give you can real in game powers, and any you may claim only work if your fellow Rpers go along with it.

    Now I can see plenty of plot hooks that can come from there being a god around, but unless you’re a very weak god what is there to achieve?

    With the normal by-laws of RP we all agree to no ones character is killed or much harmed without agreement, so being a god offers no real advantage.

    The only workable RP I could see is if you form a SG of gods, then go read up on the antics of the Greek/roman or Norse ones and go from there.

    What I think does work is to make a character that is the follower or servant of a made up god, then you have all the fun backstory, with little of the grief.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Echo 13 View Post
    Woops! And I bet I got Kornak's global wrong too....I'm bad with these ^^'
    nope you got it right, which is rather good as there are three to choose from
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    [/LIST] Yeah, my global is "Nitro v. IV". A surprising number of people get it wrong. If it helps you remember, it's Nitro version four.
    *worries ... what ever happened to versions 1, 2 and 3 ??????!!?
  19. OK after careful pondering, no dice were involved , i will offer up my WS for this one, he may not be a magic user but he does have good personal reasons for being interested in the Seals. He trades under the name Bad Moon Rising for masked matters which is his secret hero ID, but also operates publicly mask-less as Edward Witchvale. He keeps the two IDs very seperate.
  20. Well i have a few toons that would be interested in such, one a Vill, one a Vig, both magic orgins, cant think of any heroes that would leap in.

    Given what the seals claim to be able to do i am guessing your looking at highlevel /powerful characters invovlment, which often leads to blance issues, ie Venom backed by the KG makes it hard for lone operators to do much as an example

    Are you looking at a slow burn plot or an all action fest ??

    Oh and no Lucy would not go near them..she already knows how to "reduce" her foes, from her backstory.
  21. Tefkuf

    Botched ritual.

    i was lucky, after botching the ritual i got the lvl 40 mobs bug so my lvl 31 Mm could not progress and i alted to do other stuff... such a fun arc.
  22. We did have a small chat about this in ther URP channel, and i think it was agreed that until they remove him from the game, i23, we treat his death as limited to "in arc", much like other arc events that do not appear in the main game world, ie the blowing up of Skyway.

    Seems a bit silly talking about his death when you can still meet him in a number of locations across Paragon.

    There was also the question of, until the Devs make game wide changes, would it impact on anyone, beyond a item on the News.
  23. Ooook, yes, erm i just looked at Dire's page..on that she is level 10, currently she is level 50 with +3 Incy shift and a full set of T4 slotted Incy powers...so yes its a bit out of date, consider that a orgins page
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    So. I indeed had the wrong Lucy. I've read the page, care to update it sometime? Nice background story but it seems a bit hard to roleplay. Apparently you're doing fine nevertheless or the character has seen quite a bit of developement since then.

    Could you divulge the names of some of the other characters from the Pocked D thread so I can look those up as well? Or anything else I should look into?

    I've started putting some of my characters in there as well still very preliminary, but then I can ask others to give some advice when an initial version is written down.
    Lucy was always intended to be a evolving character, from that start point i had from day one a number of ideas of development, and RPing gave me a bundle of others.
    Saddly RL time needs and massive alt-ities means i simple lack the time to keep my pages up to date, i then to view them as a historic starting point now.

    I am not sure who has pages, upto date or not , your best bet is to just lurk in a corner and watch us, the number of people varies a lot from night to night, so you will have to keep peeking. A number of players have lots of Alts, so you may need a note book and a wall chart to keep track.

    As said do join the channel, then you can ask ingame, and we can drag you in.

    9pm UK time, upstaires bar, blue door side is where you will find us starting to gather.

    Hope to see you there soon.