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  1. The EULA has its ambiguities (as every EULA) that gives you some margin to play.
    I mean: Sister Psyche a Mind/Force Field (wich can be interpreted as telekinesis) redhead that is screaming Jean Grey real loud...or Psymon Omega a bald mind/mind that is screaming Xavier.

    Thats the margin you can use to create your characters(the same margin this corp uses).
  2. Been using 3 sloted hover(speed almost equal to swift+sprint) and the kb never been a real problem for me.
  3. Thing is: hasten + AM is 70% time up both(perfect for PVP)

    That put LR on 2 Acc,2 Rech,2 Slow with a recharge of 35 and a duration of 30...wich means you almost stop him with 5 sc pause.

    I prefer this slotting to 2 Acc,3 Rech,1 Slow wich is perma LR on target(1 sc down) but i guess is a matter of taste.
  4. Hi.
    Maybe Im not the best one to give advice because Im a real /Rad fan(40 fire/rad, 40 ice/rad)...and i would choose everyone

    Well,not really,fallout and ckocking cloud are useless,radiant aura and EMP are a-must(big part of the Rad PVP success) and I think the best advice is:"Dont doubt it! slot LR for slow(it REALLY matters)"
  5. You pointed out: max lvl 40 --> no FA.

    Furthermore,I dont think the RV event was a sign of what RV will be on live: I lot of ppl using AT and sets they didnt knew how to play.

    But youre right,the wiser is wait to i7 and see what comes up.
  6. Problem of SR: just defense,mezz protection and +spd + recharge.

    Defense is completely useless for PVP: everybody got slotted FA,or tactics or AIM or Build Uo (or everything lol).

    So they just simply turn FA on and ..there you go ...the whole SR set is reduced to +spd,+rch and mezz protection.They just need ONE single power to make your secondary useless(aside from Elude).

    Thats the bad side of SR(there are a good side but ppl already told u about that).
  7. Tchalla

    regen gameplay?

    Regen brights more on long fights rather than shorts stalker-way ones.

    If the fight last 5 sc(and youre gonna have a lot of these ones) the practical difference of having +600% regen or not having it is practical unnoticeable.
    It is the difference between 2 or 3 ticks(regen) and one tick(no regen).With dull-pain the ticks are larger yes but not enough to make it bright.

    On a 30 sc fight the issue is completely different(this is way regen is way too much better set for a scrapper).

    So solutions? make your fights last longer.Me? a stalker? Thats the problem.
    Maybe you should play the alpha strike-get hit-run-regen- repeat process style
  8. Well,dont worry.Some of us feels the "Buzzzz!!!" is so annoying we dont even plan to make one (or maybe mess with the .piggs...ummm....maybe .... )
  9. Looks like a decent final build to me.I like it.

    Anyway,i should look to slot end reducers on attacks before dmg and changing it later.

    The 10-24 road was gonna be a constant end problem and the 24-35 a real hell once you stack Siphon Speed + Hasten.
    Those and the AOE's is like you're a lighter: you burn 10-15 sc,everybody is dead and you got to rest because youve burned your whole stamina on 10-15 sc(real funny ).You'll level real fast this way anyhow.

    Nothing Transference cant solve at 35 but you know what they say:"The more a star shines the less time it shines"(so lets shine muaaahahahha! )
  10. If you are going the melee /kin concept you should consider:

    a)Kin has very low damage mitigation(light years from /dark,/cold,/rad)
    b)Melee damage > ranged damage for mobs
    c)You are squishy

    Those ones put together makes your concept difficult to solo so I guees you need the primary that gives u more defense: Ice.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Fury currently is bugged in PvP, wil be fixed in Issue7 (it doesnt build up fast enough).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    is this sure? They have stated it several times but the i7 patch notes does not include anything like this.....
  12. If I could choose one single power of DM it wouldnt be TG nor TP nor FS(extremely useful powers) but:

    4 Slots DN (3 ToHiTD,1 EndRex)
    -28% Dmg
    -44% ToHit
    0.375 end/s
    20 feet

    DN makes Bosses tankable for a corruptor ,penaut butter of Elite Bosses and makes AV's like an EB without DN.
    (not trying to convince you but i love it so much i got to said it )
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    1 SO Weave 4.0%

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Slightly off that .. weave is 3.9% 3 slotted ..2.5% base
    0.257 end per sec.. not worth the end drain in anyones book.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Im afraid you're not thinking in Brute's weave but in general weave.
    2.5% base is for everyone but brutes,scrappers and tankers.
    Weave base def is 3.25%(1 SO 3.9%) for brutes and scrappers and 3.75% base for tankers.
    (maybe we aint talking of apologies if i didnt understood it)

    Well ,I know weave is not very popular here and I am not its biggest fan.I just tried to said the distance between 20 def and 30 def is real big in terms of surviving and weave is a way of getting close to that(there are others maybe better than this).
  14. I see the numbers and....dont think Weave is a waste.

    Unslotted defense based armor power : 12.5%
    Slotted defense based armor power: 20.0%
    1 SO Combat Jumping: 3.75%
    1 SO Weave 4.0%
    1 SO +Def Stealth Power(Nrg Cloak ie) 4.0%
    1 SO Tough Hide 5.0%

    So we have a base def of 20(i guess most brutes will slot their shields).You can add +def in several
    Set Shields + CJ + Stealth power = 27.75 % (+38% from base)
    or you can go further:
    Set Shields + CJ + Stealth Power + Weave = 31.75(+58% from base)

    Your choose but the way I see it Weave is only useful if youre are planning to get tough,Weave is not really ggod enough to get a power pool (and you got only four) for itself.But If you got tough....Weave is 50% of the +def you get for SO slotting shields and the way I feel is:"No slotting dead brute,slotted god mode" so not a total waste imo.
  15. Tchalla


    Elec Armor looks pretty complicated to play IMO
    Its like playing Half Dark/Half Energy but without any heal nor any defense...really difficult.

    ...but well,we dont know the numbers yet(do we?).If the numbers are as usual 22.5% resist and so on I really cant see the benefits of this armor that compensates the obvious lacks.
    Resist based sets really needs a heal because they get hit and the regen is not usually enough.Defense based sets(but could use it anyway ) dont need it since you are not hit and your unslotted health regen is usually enough(not to fight an AV of course).
    So they have taken dark armor low-tier powers and energy high-tier powers and in the middle has changed a heal for +spd + does this help to damage mitigation? Well +recharge is +dmg since you can use your best powers more frequently and applying the 5D theorem (Dead deeds dont do damage) this is more protection but its so slightly noticeable i dont know how to play an elec armor...i mean,if youre a */fire brute(and this is the protection a I see on elec) youre a scrapper,you are a big bad evil flaming bunch of damage and you cant take it well,you know it and handle with it....but "What If"(tm) you dont have a heal?
    Now I see the situation:
    "Come on man,get into the room.Youre the tanker"
    "No,i am a elec brute(put fire here if you wanna).I really cant tank against 15 purple...really.Really im closer to a scrapper than a tanker"
    "Bahhh...nonsense,get your evelish [censored] inside that room and start smashing.thats what brutes do,no?"
    "Well,yeah,but I think i couldnt even survive the alpha.We better pull a little group"
    "Pull? a brute? ...shame for you and your archetype!Penitentiate!!!"

    When youre squishy and ppl thinks youre the juggernaut things tend to get complicated so absolutely no clue how an elec armor should be played.
  16. Once ive taken a decision no matter what it happens i take the decision Signed - A Ninja

    This frequently happens on small areas surrounded by obstacles(ie the open containers of the ships missions)...the first ninjas take their position.The rest of the ninjas cant get into melee(just because there is no space left).But...they have already chosen to go to melee so they simply keep walking at the back of the ninjas that are on melee doin nothing but run with a face that looks like "let me in! let me in ! plis! Im gonna kill that mob if you let me in".

    If the ninja cant get into melee they should use ranged and not been running the same 5ft(well I love moonwalking but when a purple boss is hitting you...lets leave it to the disco floor,right?) till the mob is dead.

    Solution: it usually gets solved putting on passive and instanly on aggresive(usually,the 3rd time you put on passive and the ninja makes the same moonwalking it gets irritating)
  17. I should go with Boxing + Tough instead of Jab + Boxing and use the slots of Health for slotting Tough.

    Try to take hasten(maybe dropping AS,u got enough primaries to make a full attack chain) when youll be throwing KO+ Foostomp every few seconds youre gonna really love it(but maybe youll need to slot more End reducers).Even if were not effetive I still would take it just for the fun.

    Only one hole in your resist for fire/cold/nrg/negative and few defense(CJ+ Tough Hide + eventual Unstoppable).Fire/Cold/Nrg blasters are gonna eat you alive in PVP(anyway fire/cold/nrg blasters eat us -brutes- no matter what we do till i7 and toggle droping chance decrement).Some hard AV's (im thinking specifically on that flaming ******* of Infernal) are gonna make you cry too ,so carry a lot of purples.

    Footstomp is awesome,theres never enough slots for this (best brute aoe with fire sword circle)

    And finally,dont take my words too seriously,expriment,try everything for yourself and above all : have fun .
  18. Add an importact factor of i7.
    Fury is gimped in PVP,it gives us Minion fury and it was intended to give us AV fury(I mean the fury u get from a AV).This is gonna get fixed on i1
    That would be a step ahead but how decisive or useless is still too soon to say.