Kind of desillusionned about PvP
Brawl has a detoggle rate (1 toggle removed) of 33% Apparently...
Well i've been pvpin' more and more and i'm starting to understand how it works.
Carry break free i mean a lot and everything goes smouther.. I use brawl and jab to de-toggle tanker and scrapper and it does make a lot of differences!
I think most brutes feel this way, when their in PvE they feel invincible but as soon as they step into PvP, they get royally owned.
Obviously one of the reasons behind this is toggle drops, which will be toned down in i7.
In the mean time, brutes should always have a corrupter behind them. corrupters really are the most powerful villain AT and a godsend to teams, they have the best buffs in game. A brute with forge, and a couple of fire shields is a force to be reckoned with.
Also regarding not killing them i'm curious to see your attack slotting, most PvE brute slot something like 2acc 2 recharge 2 endurance redux or such, so they can build fury fast. Thats one of the main problems with brutes in PvP their PvE slotting also brutes, well they will never rule the zones solo, as most their damage comes from fury and in PvP theres jst not enough time to build it solo. In issue 7 howeever with level 40-50 and more villain vs hero team battles, with a corrupter having your back, you should be good to go, and be able to build fury with ur frontline nature.
Add an importact factor of i7.
Fury is gimped in PVP,it gives us Minion fury and it was intended to give us AV fury(I mean the fury u get from a AV).This is gonna get fixed on i1
That would be a step ahead but how decisive or useless is still too soon to say.
I believe that they (Cryptic) are looking again at toggle dropping because of the gimping effect it has on certain ATs and powersets. Hopefully the chance of it occuring will be lowered considerably. 33% is just too high.
The other reason that Brutes struggle PvP wise is that Fury builds at such a slow pace when one on one as opposed to being pounded on by hundreds of minions in PvE.
It goes without saying that if you don't have a well slotted secondary and either a good combat heal like Healing Flames you won't last long enough to build enough Fury to kill things.
I love PvP, but since I'm invisibuled I just play like a weak stalker without AS... I guess Brutes will never be gods of PvP since we're simply not as tough as scrappers in a stand-up fight and debuffs really really hurt us. Our inherent, as mentioned before, is almost below worthless in PvP - we do have a superb damage cap though so if you can find a friendly kin corruptor to FS you (Warburg only!) off a large mob of foes, then you're laughing.
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
I believe that they (Cryptic) are looking again at toggle dropping because of the gimping effect it has on certain ATs and powersets. Hopefully the chance of it occuring will be lowered considerably. 33% is just too high.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah well, toggledropping was introduced in the first place because some ATs were seriously underpowered against toggles.. It can easily swing that way again if they nerf toggledropping TOO much..
Brute inheret is atm bugged in PvP, and you don't get as big boost to it for attacks made by/against a PC than you're supposed to.
Hit LvL 40 Yesterday, so far its been a fun ride and more to come once I7 goes live.
You feel the smash with SS/INV. I do feel usefull aswell in a team, Unyielding draw mobs to you and make things easier for everyone, footstomp is most welcome and knocking down everything that dare coming close to you. What can i say? Like i said, i have nothing to complain about as far as my PvE career is heading!

As far as PvE is related nothing to say but pure fun. To be able to keep a boss knocked on his back for the duration of the fight, footstomp in a tight group of mobs, KO Blow minions, LT's and even bosses to oblivion. Yep great fun
However, sadly i might add, the smashtastic feeling i have fade away as soon as i step in a PvP zone.
I can hit them, i can hurt them but i can't kill them. Of course i've caught people offguard, who did not.. I killed heroes and villains but that was rare and usually they were caught with some toggles down. What make SS great is the pletora of knockdown in your attacks most of them have a chance to knockdown and if you have air sup, it only add more knockdown! Suffice to say, this doesn't work in PvP as everyone and their mom are resistant to it. Whereas other melee set are less resisted, energy for one, dark melee debuff your accuracy, others will debuff your defenses or even stun.
I'm most likely going to pick the patron power that gives the mace, at least i'll be able to deal energy damage. :<
One more thing, whats up with brawl detoggling?!