regen gameplay?
Regen has no defences as such so is going to take the full damage of an attack so its heals are important.
With reconstruction,dull pain and instant heal you have 3 powers to rotate but will not save you V high burst damage.
I could suggest taking Tough from the fighting power for melee S/L resist to go with resiliance to give roughly 20% S/L resist.
Make sure Dull Pain is slotted with three heals, three recharges and make sure it's running before you run into battle.
If you get hit hard, use reconstruction and leg it until Hide kicks in again.
Regen brights more on long fights rather than shorts stalker-way ones.
If the fight last 5 sc(and youre gonna have a lot of these ones) the practical difference of having +600% regen or not having it is practical unnoticeable.
It is the difference between 2 or 3 ticks(regen) and one tick(no regen).With dull-pain the ticks are larger yes but not enough to make it bright.
On a 30 sc fight the issue is completely different(this is way regen is way too much better set for a scrapper).
So solutions? make your fights last longer.Me? a stalker? Thats the problem.
Maybe you should play the alpha strike-get hit-run-regen- repeat process style
i agree, regen is more for the longer fights. Scrappers has great use for regen.
allthough i had 3 regen scrappers in RV during the event, the ma/regen i have on live as well as a katana/regen and a bs/regen. and i lasted well long with all of them.
you must also think about the fact that you cant play a regen toon as you do with others. it takes training and learning to get it together...
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
I pretty much stopped playing my regen stalker for this very reason, I simply got fed up with it dying all the time. Regen for stalkers is flawed as they don't have the same base hitpoint as scrappers so the regen rate is slower.
I rolled a claws/sr stalker and am having much more fun and success playing her than I did with my regen.
I pretty much stopped playing my regen stalker for this very reason, I simply got fed up with it dying all the time. Regen for stalkers is flawed as they don't have the same base hitpoint as scrappers so the regen rate is slower.
I rolled a claws/sr stalker and am having much more fun and success playing her than I did with my regen.
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ye the other defensive sets seems much better for staklkers, and it fits the whole "cant see me, cant touch me" feel stalkers have
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
I pretty much stopped playing my regen stalker for this very reason, I simply got fed up with it dying all the time. Regen for stalkers is flawed as they don't have the same base hitpoint as scrappers so the regen rate is slower.
I rolled a claws/sr stalker and am having much more fun and success playing her than I did with my regen.
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Hmm I found my Regen stalker a god , Loved it that much that I went onto a scrapper and I still prefer my stalker... Are great in PvP also
Dull Pain, Instant Healing, Took 3 scrappers in Siren's a while back with no problem and I don't even have reconstruction there :S
tbh i found regen not that good in rv due it toggle dropping and controler holding me while bs/regen scraper while hitting hard as he can.
tbh i found regen not that good in rv due it toggle dropping and controler holding me while bs/regen scraper while hitting hard as he can.
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why are you sticking around to let controllers hold you in the first place ? lol
Trollers should be the first AT to die.
he was ice/ff and i thought i will As him while he not look to wonder he was in pff and then you know how i died.
first thanx for your answer.
the more i play the more i see */regen stalker.
i really don't understand how this set can be saw as great.but on the other hand i must admit that regen scrapper are nightmare to kill.
why was i lacking heal or did'nt have the time to heal me in fight at RV while obviously dull pain IH and reconstruction seems to work well for some of you.
i mean even with retsu(i avoid some of the damage contrary to regen) i had to heal myself and ki rin is basically equal to reconstruction :/
Hmmmmmm I'm hoping that my dark / regen stalker can last fairly long - since dark debuffs acc therfore making you harder to hit, not exactly defence, but not exactly a kick me sign either.
with recluse victory event i had the opportunity to a regen stalker at high level and i am a little confused.
maybe i did not got the trick but blaster 2 shooted me same as rava. i was taking toom uch damage to heal them properly andby the way healing was denying me to attack so i was not going to win anything like that.
after taht i played a nin and if with retsu i was still sometimes hit hard a lot of hit was dodged which gave me ,plus the self heal of the set, the time to kill my foe.
alot of time saw that regen was the more good in survival capacity, so i wonder if some regen stalker, or not (although rava have way more PV en regen rate than us), could tell me how this set must be used? maybe heal mustbe poped the good way (i was, even with hasten, quickly lacking of healing to compensate the crit or the BU/AIM i was taking).