Impartial Claws/Nin advise pls. (SR passive)
SR without toggles...well..then even a hit and run build would be very hard:P...
and why is runnin toggles hard..I got my toggles perma on and can defeat 2 enemy's in 1 scrap run...I really don't see the point:P (nrg melee is very end heavy:P)
Btw..the mez protect isn't a toggle:P..its a click..if you go for a toggle less build go regen or stalker is toggle based ninjutsu but you have enough goodies to survive with a hit and run build without toggles on:P (pbaoe placate caltrops self heal etc)
Well I've only got a little level 16 Claws/Ninj, but enjoying it immensely so far.
I think the main plus' of it will be
- clicky mez protection - supposedly perma with 2 slots.
- tier 9 Ninj has boosted run speed and jump height ( great for all ur PvP needs.
- Focus from Claws is a great lil RANGED strike (coupled with KB or KU) with nice damage out of Hide, and with that boosted by Hide - then placate, then AS, u can really kick out some controlled damage
- Claws is supposedly End light.
- I can only imagine the devastation Shockwave out of Hide with BU will cause....
Shnyet AWAY
The merits of claws is of course it having a nice ranged attack to kill those pesky squishies that would otherwise be difficult to kill by other sets like EM. Squishies like bubblers, stormies, blasters standing in caltrops/mines etc. The attack also has about 100% knockdown in it, so unless the enemy has KB protection, they are easy pickings. Alternative is spines, but people use it too much and imo I just like claws better Claws suits hit-n-run quite nicely imo.
Ninjitsu is like SR, with little less total defense outside the final powers but it has very good self heal, kuji-in sha, which is essentially identical to reconstruction and keeps you alive quite nicely. Ninjitsu is easier to plan, you don't have to finetune the slots as in SR Nin also has retsu, which is essentially same as elude.
Drawback of ninjitsu is that it doesnt have KB protection in its anti-mez power.
Then again, Im no expert, but these are my thoughts and I liked my lvl 40 claws/nin in RV, although I may not be able to kill quite the kind of big boys the EM can, I can kill some peeps EM can't
However I feel that stamina is a necessity, especially since I plan to use fly along with SS. Danger sense feels slightly end-heavy.
I agree with that all..^^...but the +speed mean kuji-in retsu with that?^^..
one thing..ninjutsu has probaly one of the best mez clickies..fear and confuse res 2^^ thing..and a major miss in the KB res which gets you if you can fit acrobatics on
edit: damn you hammerfall..double post now:P
Problem of SR: just defense,mezz protection and +spd + recharge.
Defense is completely useless for PVP: everybody got slotted FA,or tactics or AIM or Build Uo (or everything lol).
So they just simply turn FA on and ..there you go ...the whole SR set is reduced to +spd,+rch and mezz protection.They just need ONE single power to make your secondary useless(aside from Elude).
Thats the bad side of SR(there are a good side but ppl already told u about that).
Problem of SR: just defense,mezz protection and +spd + recharge.
Defense is completely useless for PVP: everybody got slotted FA,or tactics or AIM or Build Uo (or everything lol).
So they just simply turn FA on and ..there you go ...the whole SR set is reduced to +spd,+rch and mezz protection.They just need ONE single power to make your secondary useless(aside from Elude).
Thats the bad side of SR(there are a good side but ppl already told u about that).
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thats not entirely true .. during the RV event i found defence was working well and saw alot of 'dodge' or 'evade' signs floating about me..true that was max lvl 40 but we'll see what happends in i7.
Claws also has had the animation time changed greatly in i7 with strike and slash having there animation changed so its alot faster.
You pointed out: max lvl 40 --> no FA.
Furthermore,I dont think the RV event was a sign of what RV will be on live: I lot of ppl using AT and sets they didnt knew how to play.
But youre right,the wiser is wait to i7 and see what comes up.
Problem of SR: just defense,mezz protection and +spd + recharge.
Defense is completely useless for PVP: everybody got slotted FA,or tactics or AIM or Build Uo (or everything lol).
So they just simply turn FA on and ..there you go ...the whole SR set is reduced to +spd,+rch and mezz protection.They just need ONE single power to make your secondary useless(aside from Elude).
Thats the bad side of SR(there are a good side but ppl already told u about that).
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You really underestimate SR..I've fought enough SR's (and my slotting is always acc heavy) and if they had a good build they where very hard to hit unless I popped BU..but even then the ''miss'' sign got shown a lot..and yes FA...but you forget the end heavy ness of FA..and indeed its 41+..and yes..thats for scrappers/ a stalker you don't go for go for teh squishies
..(unless you are EM:P)
I'm currently playing claws/SR and to be honest its the most fun I've had in the game for a long time. Shes the first stalker I've played who can solo bank raids as well (or even better than a brute). She plays more like a scrapper than a stalker so much so that I waited till lvl 30 before getting placate and have build up planned for 32. Claws + stealth is a great combo.
Claws is fast and with I7 gets faster and cheaper on endurance. Slash gives you a defense debuff and with I7 this is as short as the first attack.
Focus is the god power of the set, allows you to pull and hit and run incredibly well.
To try and build an SR set without the toggles you are asking for trouble, have you considered regen instead?
FA..and indeed its 41+..and yes..thats for scrappers/ a stalker you don't go for go for teh squishies..(unless you are EM:P)
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Killing scrappers and tanks was not that hard in RV event with a spines , but then again, it was without FA... but hey, stalkers get brand new epics... err.. patrons to counter, so who knows?. Btw no kb = sure death, if u plan to go nin, get acrobatics, otherwise id always advise to go SR (with aid self, of course)
Btw no kb = sure death, if u plan to go nin, get acrobatics
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Not sure i agree with that myself .. i've got a NB/Nin without the jump pool at all and i don't have a problem with kb in pvp.
Btw no kb = sure death, if u plan to go nin, get acrobatics
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Not sure i agree with that myself .. i've got a NB/Nin without the jump pool at all and i don't have a problem with kb in pvp.
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I have been PVPing with my blaster at lvl 40 without acrobatics quite successfully. Certainly there are some duels I can't win because of it, but as a whole and particularly in teams and pvp zones its not really needed.
After my experiences with my peacebringer in test server event Id go as far as say that acrobatics sucks.
Well basically every AT with a kb power will always win, and that counts for lots of ATs. Akheldian wont let u keep on ur feet, an ma scrapper, all the pets that kb too... i really think it's a serious disadvantage
Well basically every AT with a kb power will always win, and that counts for lots of ATs. Akheldian wont let u keep on ur feet, an ma scrapper, all the pets that kb too... i really think it's a serious disadvantage
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If your stupid enough to try and scrap one of those AT's with the pittiful amount of HP stalkers have then yes i agree with you you should lose but if you play smart its not a problem.
Well basically every AT with a kb power will always win, and that counts for lots of ATs. Akheldian wont let u keep on ur feet, an ma scrapper, all the pets that kb too... i really think it's a serious disadvantage
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Only ones I have had real trouble dealing with so far have been katana and claws scrappers - and Plight . Claws in particular is nightmare. But I dont duel that much.
Beaten one PB so far, cause he had to stay in dwarf form to survive.
EDIT: Errrr..... sorry for the offtopic. Im talking about my blaster here.
I'd imagine stalkers having even less need for acro since they don't really need to scrap. Accurate, pre-emptive use of break frees should be enough. Or use the sirens call bounty break frees that last for 3 minutes..
KB is what i can opnly dexribe as 'uber' against anyone with no protection from it if u can cycle KB powers quickly.
if i come up against a squishy i and i know their toggles are down or they are easy to KB, i can pretty much guarantee they are dead in 2-3 shots. maybe, just maybe, KB needs nerfing for pvp use, but in pve leave it as it is.
Been using 3 sloted hover(speed almost equal to swift+sprint) and the kb never been a real problem for me.
KB is what i can opnly dexribe as 'uber' against anyone with no protection from it if u can cycle KB powers quickly.
if i come up against a squishy i and i know their toggles are down or they are easy to KB, i can pretty much guarantee they are dead in 2-3 shots. maybe, just maybe, KB needs nerfing for pvp use, but in pve leave it as it is.
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not totaly true as its easy to TP away even when stood on powers like earthquake.. i've done it enough times to know.
KB is what i can opnly dexribe as 'uber' against anyone with no protection from it if u can cycle KB powers quickly.
if i come up against a squishy i and i know their toggles are down or they are easy to KB, i can pretty much guarantee they are dead in 2-3 shots. maybe, just maybe, KB needs nerfing for pvp use, but in pve leave it as it is.
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not totaly true as its easy to TP away even when stood on powers like earthquake.. i've done it enough times to know.
[/ QUOTE ]ok lets see, i7 detoggle rules or not
yup tp works for that. and by 'that' i mean the scenario i was describing, not the one someone imagined i was talking about.
Well playing stupid is how i killed stone tanks, ice tanks and spineys in RV event (ask hidden healer, or anyone that played against a stalker called PWN3R there ). So yeah, i like playing stupid, and even more if i win
. But tbh, it's quite easy killing a 'smart' stalker that hits and runs if u got anykb power on you (and most of the sets have some), let alone that some trollers pets kb too, and without detoggles in i7 u will ned more than just 2 shots to kill a troller thru his epic armor. Try and AS an illu, before u can chain 3-4 more shots u need to kill him make sure his phant will have u with ur mouth on the floor
I just got my claws/nin to 38 chap so if you want to tag along and see one in action anywhere just let me know.
I let u know, cherry
Well playing stupid is how i killed stone tanks, ice tanks and spineys in RV event (ask hidden healer, or anyone that played against a stalker called PWN3R there ). So yeah, i like playing stupid, and even more if i win
. But tbh, it's quite easy killing a 'smart' stalker that hits and runs if u got anykb power on you (and most of the sets have some), let alone that some trollers pets kb too, and without detoggles in i7 u will ned more than just 2 shots to kill a troller thru his epic armor. Try and AS an illu, before u can chain 3-4 more shots u need to kill him make sure his phant will have u with ur mouth on the floor
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AS is unresisted the first shot should bring a troller to 1% health since it normaly 1 shots them..
AS leaves a troller with hp bar in red in Sirens, where they dont have epic armor yet. Given that only the critic part of AS is unresisted, in RV it leaves the troller somewhere between yellow and orange. U need two hits with an EM or 3-4 if u play any other set to kill a troller/defender
Hey all,
Wonder if someone could spend a few lines eductating me about the merits, (or lack of) for a claws/nin build, both pre I7 and post I7.
As my in game mates have been hearing recently, i have a disability to play a character to which i cannot associate a good concept. As much as I know claws is at present weak, and at top end probably not the PvP monster i desire, i just cant get it out of my head.
An alternative to that, which i am thinking about, is to take SR, but only take the passives, not the toggles. (well up until the mez protection that is.) Trying to think about stalkers roles in PvP and PvE, my thoughts are in-out, no hanging about. As such i get meaty defence in hide prior to attacking, attack, and move away. With combat jumping in the build i'd be running at a lack lustre (roughly) 10% defence to ranged and melee all the time...
I just know how painful it is to run toggles in PvP...