582 -
I will offer up myself as a backup on dmg, debuff or even healage. Let me know day od if you need a backup.
That is awesome Dead!!
I love the bar code! The "FATAL!!!" is too eye catching... I would make it the same font as the rest of your communications: error... and a different colour, but OMG the rest looks amazing! Price, issue and date... can be done without as this can be a special edition... ohhh special edition! hehehe
Great stuff, I wanna see more! -
How about a barcode in the bottom left hand corner?
Definitely an action sequence would be great to give the awe-some factor.
I really think incorporating the sheriff medallion into the title somehow would be great, too me it's seeming crowded and as well, the D's fuzzy dripping looks odd. I like it, but it's odd.
Great tho, can't wait to see more.I have some for Tax E Girl. hehehe Anyways, enough about me... I wanna see more!
I would suggest looking through http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=111673 for any Villain group advertisements.
You can also join some global channels, which too are listed at the top of the main Liberty forums page and inquire there. I don't know of too many that are recruiting or if they are even as active as you may want.
With Going Rogue a lot of people tend to stay rogue/vigilante so they can benefit from both sides of the game without having to be a part of an SG. It seems global channels are where most of the teaming and meeting of people are occurring. You might want to try a few different global channels.
Enjoy! -
Quote:LOL - that just happens to be the name for my red star in my SG.I will get online and put a list together sometime too, but if you were wanting The Great and Powerful, too bad. Scooped that one up the other day.
As for my list:
Static Bubble
Al Bientot
Ya, that's all I got... for now. -
LOL! Too funny.
I'm almost positive I had .Switch on my global at one point and they were not trying to be you. No one can be you my friend. LOL -
Quote:I hate when that happens! Did that on a few of my toons. Doh!I spent some time working out in Mids an I19 respec for Schadenfreude (50 villain AR/pain corruptor), then started to do the respec when I realized I had never unlocked a patron AV for her. My respec build needs Scorpion Shield for the lethal defense, so I aborted the respec and started Ghost Widow's patron arc, soloing 5 of her missions before calling it a night.
Really??! OMG, I have been shown the light! Thank you so much for the earth shattering news. I can now die a happy woman just knowing how it was all done. Thanks!
Edited to place sarcasm in post and smiley face. Don't wanna get nerfed by a mod. -
Dude! How ever did you keep a straight face for that sequence?! LOL!
I love it. -
Am I the only one that just doesn't care?
YAY! -
Quote:I'm withdrawing my request and donating my 200M to this fine person here. Check your global, I'll email you first then email you a second with the funds. It will be tonight.Considering you totally don't have to do this? I'd be patient! Speaking of which, I'm perfectly willing to be patient if funds still remain to match my own $200m in funds. My smaller SG can use the funding in a pretty serious way...
I think I need to PM this to you also if I read correctly, so if I should have done only one or the other, I apologize for redundancy.
Global: @Elizabeth Shirako
SaS: Virtue - Blue side
My funds offer: $200m
Also, yay for my forum handle and info /finally/ being right so I can POST!
Tax! -
Since we put the fun in dysfunctional, I thought Liberty as a whole could use its own theme.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBpYgpF1bqQ (very safe for work)
<3 -
I'm so up for this, it's fun! 200M, Liberty!
@Tax E
I burned my first 2 Billion to see mwahahah -
Great job guys! Definitely one I know a few will want to try for.
I know several IRL and I text/facebook with several others. I'm sure if the opportunity came up for some meet/greet with friends I'd meet even more. Besides the meet/greet that is setup in the States, that's a bit far for me to go. But yes, I've met several. Good times.
Two teams did this:
Night Dawn led one and they finished at 2:18
Tax E led one and we finished at 2:52
Team Make Up
Overrated Tax E
Forge Fire
Spawn Point
Lava Blast
Radiant Distortion
Phantom Legion
Got our cookies (cause I can't say what I wanna say) handed too us on this one. Good job everyone. -
Unless they changed it, each time I did the CoP, I was a Vigilante. Which technically is still a hero... nvm carry on. -
Pocket D, Rikti War Zone, or even Cimerora on the bridge to Rommies... lots of choices.
Quote:I would love to be there for that conversation.I'll talk to my boss and get that day off so out me down for a Cold/Ice blast Def and I have a SG friend with a elec/NRG Dom for range dmg. If something else is needed then a def let me know I can switch what toon I bring.
Laseracid: HI um, boss, can I talk to you for a sec?
Boss: Sure thing. What's on your mind?
Laseracid: Well, you see coming up soon there is this uber wicked CoP and I totally need to be there for my homes, so if I could have that day off, I would be so stoked, otherwise, you'd be just a big time griefer of my chill time.
Boss: Whodawhatahuh?
Laseracid: I need some me time November 11th.
Boss: Sure, whatever, see you November 12th.
Laseracid: kk, thxbye