Tempest's Cathedral of Pain 1/22
I am in! If you still have openings
United Powers of Paragon
"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."
-Henry Rollins
www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)
Hopefully EI will be a hero by that time....and I'll be available to join!
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
You're in, Dead. With another off-forum reservation, two spots remain. :-)
You know.. I am finished with the Day Job badges... I think I need to tie up a few loose ends and move Patriot back to the proper side.
I am so there if there's room for a Broad Sword/Regen Scrapper.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
There should be, Mystic. Like I said above, everyone may not be able to bring exactly the character they want, but everyone who has a spot should be able to bring somebody.
Mystic's in. One spot remains!
I'm in if that's 9:30 PM EST >D I'd like to bring one of my toons that doesn't have the badge yet.
@Naa - Liberty Server
It is, and it's yours Melanie. :-)
We're now full folks-- but I would looooove to how a few folks on standby. Any Libertines willing?
There should be, Mystic. Like I said above, everyone may not be able to bring exactly the character they want, but everyone who has a spot should be able to bring somebody.
Mystic's in. One spot remains! |

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
I will offer up myself as a backup on dmg, debuff or even healage. Let me know day od if you need a backup.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Thanks, Tax E!
@Archon Knight,
Xerxes Mk II, fire tank pls
Archon Knight 50 BS / Regen Scrap
Xerxes Mk II 50 Fire / Fire Tank
Neutrino Bomb 41 Rad / Rad Def
Bio Bomb Monkey (AKA the gen'd Poo Flinging Monkey) 49 Dark / Dark / Dark Def
Id be more then happy to be a back up dmg buff debuff or tank I have the badge on both my badgers and would be happy to help get more of these going for others.

List of my toons http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/1854
I'll keep you both on the reserve list, thanks!
We came, we saw.. we even got Lanaru the Mad and we still kick it's ***!
Unfortunately I don't have pics, but Dead West should be along shortly to share the awesome.
Great run folks! Now.. let's do it again so I can get the badge on Patriot.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
Yup. The Mighty Purple Aspect fell to our combined might!
Thank you so much to everyone who came-- not only did we win, but it was a HELL of a lot of fun. :-)
I only have one picture but it's not that great (had screenshotui 1 on)....ah well...
Great run and ty again all
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
As predicted I have the screens. Unfortunately I didn't get any close ups on my kamikaze Burn runs to his feet.
This was where he tried to run by climbing the wall. It didn't work.
Had a lot of fun. So much in fact I want to run this every week. Let me try to set something up in our base. Maybe we can have a different SG to host each week.
United Powers of Paragon
"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."
-Henry Rollins
www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)
Glad to see Chronocraft made it into your screenies
I would totally be down for running this weekly, or bi-weekly at the very least.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
I'm fine w/ running it at least once a month I know Monkeybutt (and others) missed out
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
More is definitely good. I can't commit to leading them regularly myself at the moment, but I'm happy to provide any kind of support if someone else wants the big chair. I can always swap sgs and/or lead individual teams if you let me know. :-)
I think we can work this out. If we plan ahead as to who will lead from week to week and maybe not even hold it on the exact same day that way others who cant make Sunday might be able to make Saturday.
I dunno something like that. But I had a lot of fun on this last one and I want to keep my temp power lol
United Powers of Paragon
"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."
-Henry Rollins
www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)
The Perfect Eye is meh, I actually feel like I miss more now with it..
I think before we (UPP) hosts scheduled raids, we need to clean up around the base so as not to bog down folks with slower systems. Though that's a bit of a sidetrack..
Back on topic, I noticed one thing that made me smile, we had nearly 35 people who showed up to Pocket D last night, even more who heard about the CoP though LB and wanted in. Maybe next time we can get two raids going side-by-side. Maybe even have a race.
Seeing Liberty participation like this makes me really happy.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
I can offer up the Legion SG base...it has all teleporters/etc....I just couldn't participate in them unless, again, they're on Sat. nights.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Yeah I was hoping to get in on it, but couldn't shoehorn myself onto a team. I would be down for these more regularly as well.
This Saturday 1/22, we're trying another blueside CoP! And we're almost full!
Time: People-gathering begins 9:30 EST in Pocket D, launch ASAP afterwards.
Who can come: Any Hero or Vigilante. I'm not doing a complex team configuration; each team leader will be responsible for making sure that their team is balanced and sufficiently damage-y. Show up with the toon you want to play, but be open-minded about swapping if there's a need for another type of character on your team.
Can I reserve spots? Absolutely. Post here or send me a tell in-game: @Tempest Teacup. I have four spots remaining as of this writing, and they'll go first-post first-served. After that I'd like to have a waitlist of a few people to replace the inevitable no-shows; if you get in after four people already have signed on and you're willing to be on standby, let me know.
Do I need to have done a CoP before? Nope. Ample instructions and leadership will be provided.
Do I need Shivans? No, but it wouldn't hurt. HVAS and Envenomed Daggers would also be lovely.
What strategy are we using? The one that made the pickup CoP the other week work. Each team has a brute or tank with a damage aura who stands under their cube and doesn't move. This is partially for aggro control but mostly because by the time the things pop out of the cubes the minions are already half-dead. It apparently makes killing the cube spawns much, much quicker.
Are we going to quit if we get The Bad Purple Version? Not until we've at least tried to kill him! That's no fun.
And that's it! Get your reservations while they're hot, and feel free to post any questions.