582 -
I think you're reading into things a bit too much.
Yes, we didn't have some new shinies that have presented themselves. Staff Fighting and DA... people are still enjoying the Dark control sets and Beast Mastery.
I was actually on Liberty for a Tanker Tuesday last week and only 2 people showed... so don't take it too personal... people are busy, bored, burnt out... it happens.
I personally don't go to too many MSRs as they are quiet boring for me, but when I do go, I give it my all.
Hang in there, it'll get busy again, especially when F2Ps can send tells! ACK! -
Please meet in Kings Row at the IP entrance.
Any tanker lvl 30+ for a Manticore WST run.
Any new tanker (especially Staff Fighting!!!) for DFB runs (4 for the buffs).
Let's level up some new tanks!!
Quote:Sadly, there is no proof to say someone went to grief 'your' raid.Someone spawned Hamidon to try to grief our raid but failed to grief the raid. At least the raid is successful
I've been to the Hive plenty of times to see Hamidon already spawned. Some say it was a glitch, some say it was a failed attempt. Some say it was a grief.
Regardless, thanks to the efforts of all your supporters, it was a success. Everyone did a splendid job. -
Quote:Dude, it's your $15 bucks!!!So I made an Elec/Dark Dom without Gremlins and I got kicked off a team because the team leader was like Y U NO PETS! /kick
Then I started my own team and my teammates were like Y U NO PETS! lololol!
Quote:An empath without CM, Fortitude, RAs or AB? -
A nice and successful impromptu Hami Raid tonight. One wasn't planned due to i22 being out and all that goodness.
Glad to see we still got it! Rough at some spots but we never gave up!
YAY! Congrats again Liberty!
Thank you again to all the team leaders and everyone for making it happen. -
I'm going to treat DBL XP as any other weekend, I just want to be doing something.
Awesome Ion, I'll be there if you have room.
I'll bring my main for the fun but if you need 'tank n spanks' I can do that too. I'm there to help out. Yeah, who'da thought... Tax E helps.
This is pretty much what my screen looks like for all of my characters as well. I'm blind, so I have to have big windows. No small font for me or I'd never be able to play this game.
I have too many chat channels, so a tip for those that have a lot, group them by server. Have the one you talk in the most set as Default. So if you click on that tab ( and you have the A for AUTO checked just above the chat dialog area ) then you will automatically chat in that window.
The big key for setting them on each character was already discussed by Ukase, so that was a big saver for me too.
I'm actually glad to see other UIs so that I can try and find a better way of looking at things. As it stands, I have little realty space left on my screen to enjoy the game, SOMETIMES.
Oh yeah forgot one thing; regardless of what toon I am on, I prefer to see the buff line for each member of the team. Weirdness.
Nice work Rockmar.
To those that attended: it would be easier on the raid leader to simply follow the instructions laid out.
Follow your team leaders and if you don't know, ask for assistance.
There are key players in place to do specific jobs. Trying to interfere with it only adds stress to people. Please just let them do their jobs and enjoy the fruits of everyone's labour!
See you next raid! Saturday. -
This weeks Tanker Tuesday will be varied teams depending on your level. Please meet at the usual location. Kings Row by the Independence Port Entrance. ** Let's meet for 8pm ET **
I'll be looking for a few Tanker leaders for teams.
A few ideas I have for tomorrow night are:
- MSR Run - any level
- ITF Run - 35+
- Lady Grey Run - 45+
- DFB Run (4 in a row for the temps) - lowbie Tanks
- AE Ticket Run
- Weekly Strike Target (ew) Dr. Kahn
So if you have idea or have specific interest please feel free to let me know. I may just start this Tanker Tuesday early since there is no Hamidon Raid (at least not one that I am hosting).
See you tomorrow night for the Tanker Tuesday.
Every two weeks on Tuesday (off week of Tanker Tuesdays) and Every Saturday.
So, there will be no Hamidon Raid this Tuesday due to Tanker Tuesday. See you Saturday for the Hamidon Raid.
Excellent fun!!!!
MO APEX in 1 run with 7 scrappers and a stalker! YAY!!! Can't wait for the next Scrapper/Stalker event! -
I have family over at the moment, therefore tonight's Raid will have to be hosted by someone else who is willing to step up to the plate. Have fun and good luck Liberty!
It was fun and quick. That's what she said!!!
Take care HP!
I give to you... everyone 7th Power in the Secondary Powersets!!!
Yet another successful Hamidon Raid courtesy of all of YOU!
Thank you for joining guys! Having these as a recurring event is fantastic.
Every Tuesday and Saturday at 7:30pm EST!
I know what it is like to lose SG mates. My thoughts go out to you and your comrades. Best wishes to all of you. RIP to your dear friend @Goob.
Quote:MM Mondays are off until further notice.I was gonna do a regen brute team, but after all the clicking on my scrapper I decided against it.
@Torment and Agony is doing MM Mondays...
@karmaa is doing Scrapper Saturdays....
@Tax E is doing the Tanker Tuesdays...
Questions? Comments? Derogatory remarks?
Scrapper/Stalker Saturdays are every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Tanker Tuesdays are every two weeks. This Tuesday there is one.
Just a heads up on that so there are plenty of days you can do this.
HA! I seem to be getting Nucleolus or Centriole's... sigh. I want Ribos and Cytos!
My computer kept putzing out on me and Coals stepped up to the plate and lead the raid. TY everyone for being there and for sticking it out and succeeding. Excellent. I was pissed at my computer but happy for all of you!!!