Tanker Tuesdays
Every Tuesday?
That's great news!
I missed tonights because I'd already posted to do something else.
But, I'll be along this next Tuesday!
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Most Excellent! I've been hoping that Liberty would go to weekly Tanker Tuesdays someday. What's better is that this coming Tuesday my ISP should be cooperating enough for me to come AND Titan Weapons release this coming Tuesday, so I guess I'll roll one of my Titan ideas as a Tank!
So either I'll bring a newly minted Titan Tank, or I can bring Storm Wrath, my lvl 53 Tank if need be. Hope to see you folks there!
@Raven Lord, who'll be even more stoked if his request for an impervium Statesman statue Titan Weapon was taken up on.
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."
Viva la Ice Tank!
Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.
We're going to have Tanker Tuesday on December 13th at 9pm. This week there's too many goodies that everyone wants to do something different. SO next week, we hit up Tanker Tuesday!!! Be on your Tank!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
We're going to have Tanker Tuesday on December 13th at 9pm. This week there's too many goodies that everyone wants to do something different. SO next week, we hit up Tanker Tuesday!!! Be on your Tank!
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And there better be TPN and/or MOM iTrials going when I get on after work tonight or else....!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I would request volunteers for various level teams. If you are willing and able please send me a tell in game (@Tax E) and I will have you get a team setup once we have all our Tanks present.
Let's have a fun night of Tankdom!
See you all there!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
December 13th - LORD WINTER, ITF and TIPS
We had 3 teams of 6 enter the Winter Lord Realm and defeated Lord Winter with 57 seconds to spare.

In attendance:
Bub J Simps
Glacial Crusader
Ain Teuon
Big Black Stick
Strong Woman
Winter Sky
Walk Like A Man
High Voltz
Uncle Hoss
Kthulu Magnus
Thanks to Moroso for leading an ITF. They completed it in 37 minutes 38 seconds. (Felt like 4 hours to High Voltz!)
Bub J Simps led the second team and we ran Tips in Kings Row.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Go Team Tank!
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
do we have anything planed for the TT on dec 27th?
Global @Pvt James Ryan
Liberty Server
Supergroup Leader
The Knights Of The New Age
Website: http://coh-tkotna.webs.com/
Thanks to Moroso for leading an ITF. They completed it in 37 minutes 38 seconds. (Felt like 4 hours to High Voltz!)
lol*(thanks for the 1 star)
Get Worked!
I was wondering if there was a TT on victory server. I have a tanker that would like to join if it was on Victory, but i was wondering just for fun, to have a Scrapper Saturday. Please post which servers TT are on. Sounds fun and hope to see you! Thats pretty amazing that you got an ITF done that quickly! Nice!
I was wondering if there was a TT on victory server. I have a tanker that would like to join if it was on Victory, but i was wondering just for fun, to have a Scrapper Saturday.
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There is definitely a Tanker Tuesday on Victory. As to when that is always announced in advance.
I would suggest you join the global channel (if you have access to joining them) called TankHQ. This is where you will find fellow Tankers who discuss builds, Tanking and of course, the Tanking Tuesdays.
/chanjoin TankHQ
A bit of history from @Warboss, with whom I discussed Tanker Tuesdays recently. They started out by a player named Pep Rally from Champion (which is the home of the Tanker Tuesday) a few years back. It filtered to Justice, Freedom, Virtue, Union and Defiant. They have recently started them on Exhalted (the VIP server). The have ran them on other servers sporatically but they have been done.
I spoke with @Warboss about Liberty having more reoccurring events and he gave his blessing.

Tanker Tuesday has been going strong on several servers for several years. Champion, the original over 7 years. Justice over 2. Freedom and Virtue for about 2 years, and the "Tour" is over 3 years old.
The "tour" merely means they shift to different servers at different times of the month. Here are a few links for you to peruse at your leisure.
The Calendar of Events for City of Heroes - Monthly View
Tanker Tuesday Each Tuesday - Tuesdays Event
Tanker Forums - All things Tank
So, as I said, join that global channel and check out those links. They will help you out in finding out when the next Tanker Tuesday is, especially for Victory. As for Liberty, we'll be every two weeks.

Tanks for writing!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
so whats the adgenda for the next TT?
Global @Pvt James Ryan
Liberty Server
Supergroup Leader
The Knights Of The New Age
Website: http://coh-tkotna.webs.com/

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Ohhhh yeah, it's that time of the month again!!!! This is tonight folks!! See you there at 9pm EST!!! Kings Row by the Independence Port entrance, on da wall.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
That is what was on the docket for tonight. We lost a few during the entrance into the Winter Realm. A few ran off to play alts (shame on you) and when all was said and done, we had 25 tanks grace the Tanker Tuesday event.
Widow Knight
Funwrecker 3000 (thank you for leading the Respecification team)
Asian v.2
Syberian Tiger
Maya Flame
Uncle Hoss
Sai Itaintso
Bone Shock
Median (thanks for having some tips!)
Tankin' Tart
Panda Security
Winter Sky
Warrior Maiden
GP Tanker (thank you for leading the AE missions team)
Cinder Imp
Daisy Diesel
Kid Yeti
Obsidian Iron

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
i was busy on tuesday due to the holidays but i would like to suggest next TT's adgenda. it would be fun to gather up and head out to PI for a visit to Giant Monster island.
Global @Pvt James Ryan
Liberty Server
Supergroup Leader
The Knights Of The New Age
Website: http://coh-tkotna.webs.com/
Hey...whens the next Tanker Tuesday?
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu

Thanks to the Tankers that came out tonight for two teams.
Team Citadel
Tankin' Tart
Butchers Choice
Benko Gambit
Deomayne Paul
Team Manticore
Bub J Simps
Walk Like A Man
Strong Woman
Moon Willow

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
I'll be looking for a few Tanker leaders for teams.
A few ideas I have for tomorrow night are:
- MSR Run - any level
- ITF Run - 35+
- Lady Grey Run - 45+
- DFB Run (4 in a row for the temps) - lowbie Tanks
- AE Ticket Run
- Weekly Strike Target (ew) Dr. Kahn
So if you have idea or have specific interest please feel free to let me know. I may just start this Tanker Tuesday early since there is no Hamidon Raid (at least not one that I am hosting).
See you tomorrow night for the Tanker Tuesday.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Please meet in Kings Row at the IP entrance.
Any tanker lvl 30+ for a Manticore WST run.
Any new tanker (especially Staff Fighting!!!) for DFB runs (4 for the buffs).
Let's level up some new tanks!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Thanks go out to all the Tankers that were in attendance.
The hosts and/or team leaders were much appreciated for stepping up
and helping the event run smoothly along with the 30 other
Tankers that got some merits and XP!
@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012