Hamidon raid - 8pm est




A request is being made of all level 45+ (preferably 50) to arrive at the Hive by 8pm EST for a Hamidon Raid.

We have Mindless Mass who will be our Hamidon Taunter.
We have Hewn Stone who will be our Mitochondria Antibodies Taunter Team leader. (That's the Yellow Ones.)
We have FlyingCodeMonkey who will be our Mending Mitochondria Holding Team leader. (That's the Green Ones.)

Each of them will be directing their teams so if you end up on their team, pay attention and have fun.

I, Tax E Girl, will be leading and using Request to give out directions.

Let's bring down Hamidon and reap the rewards. What are the rewards? I am so glad you asked. You have a choice; between a Hamidon Enhancement or 53 Merits Rewards.

I am requesting that everyone who wants a spot to please meet at the safe rock in the Hive at 7:30pm for instructions. Please shout out in Broadcast for an invite.

For those that want to come prepared there are a few macros that will be helpful. Simply copy and past them and you will have a button on your tray to use.

/macro assist "assist" - This macro will aid you in targeting off the Mito team leader (depending on what team you are placed on).

/macro mito "targetcustomnext enemy alive Antibodies" - This macro will assist anyone who is on the YELLOW taunt team, you will be able to target only the YELLOW Mito's and rest assured, only the ones that are alive.

/macro mito "targetcustomnext enemy alive Mending" - This macro will assist anyone who is on the GREEN team, either holding or damage. You will only target the ones alive. THIS macro will most likely only be used by the GREEN team leader as everyone else will be assisting through them.

/macro mito "targetcustomnext enemy alive Electrolytes" - This macro will assist anyone who is on any team to target the BLUE mitos. This should be used by the GREEN team leader and the YELLOW damage team leader. Everyone else will be assisting through them.

It will be imperative that everyone work together to have success. So let's enjoy ourselves and get some goodies. See you all there - TONIGHT at 8PM EST.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Many thanks to everyone who showed up and we WON!!!!!

I learned a lot for the next raid! YES, next raid will be December 29th - same time, same place!

Thanks to Hewn Stone (@Ill Conceived) for TANKING HAMIDON.
Team 1:

  1. Tax E Girl
  2. Bunni Kins
  3. Hewn Stone
  4. Silksif
Thanks to Raven's Armor for leading the YELLOW TAUNT team.
Team 2:
  1. Raven's Armor
  2. Xerxes MK II
  3. High Voltz
  4. Paul Metcalfe
  5. Uncle Hoss
  6. Ximu
  7. Bat Out of Heal
Thanks to Daleaha (@Daleaha) for leading the BLUE ASSAULT team.
Team 3:
  1. Daleaha
  2. Ivona Burnalot
  3. Star Matter
  4. Shining-Bolt
  5. Keiranen
  6. MegaWhat
  7. Hells Deliverance
  8. New Age Healer
Thanks to Lady Brynhild for leading the YELLOW ASSAULT team.
Team 4:
  1. Lady Brynhild
  2. Panzeer
  3. Crush N Run 57
  4. Thorston
  5. Pentacle
  7. Zineroth
Thanks to Coals (@FlyingCodeMonkey) for leading the GREEN ASSAULT teams (2).
Team 5:
  1. Coals
  2. a wizard
  3. Pyron 2.0
  4. Toxic Biohazzard
  5. Imperious Rex
  6. Frosty Frozone
Team 6:
  1. Apidae
  2. Frantic
  3. Goldbeak
  4. Mistress Midnight
  5. QuantumParticle
  6. Frozen Kiyyun
Most importantly to everyone who attended.

Without any of you this wouldn't have happened. Thanks for letting me lead you all to victory!!! YAY!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012




Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Was fun Tax E, thanks for getting it together

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



That was a fun raid. Excellent job on leading Tax E. And ty to all who showed up to make that raid possible. Got a small chunk of change @WW for my HO

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Looking forward to the next

Get Worked!



I dunno why I enjoy leading Green. I just do.

Looking forward to the next. In the meantime, questions and observations:

In general, what is the minimum AB/PB needed on the nucleus taunter to survive that task? I get the sense that it's in the range of four or five stacked, but I've never known for sure.

It was really, really nice having the mix of control and damage in the green teams. Without the damage ATs, we simply can't overwhelm healing on the first green mito.

There was a (very) slight coordination problem following one of the mito blooms in that the blue team happened to start on the far side of hami from the green team. So while we were taking out the first couple of greens, they weren't able to finish off the first blue for some time because the greens on that side kept healing it.

Depending on who shows up, and assuming we have mez protection from blue terrorize effects, I sometimes wonder if it might not be effective to start with both control and range damage on greens, annihilate them quickly, then move to blues. We ended up doing that anyway on the second bloom. Down side, the yellows team gets bored because their job was over a while ago.

Maybe nothing to worry too much about, I dunno. In the past I've been present for the opposite problem, too: not enough damage to overwhelm the first green mito, so we sat there distracting it until the blue team finished their task and was available to assist us.

As a very random aside, your UI is arranged incredibly differently from mine (even allowing for raid considerations), and that's fascinating to me for inexplicable reasons.

See ya at the next,

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
I dunno why I enjoy leading Green. I just do.
Well, I for one am glad that you ran the Green team. I will be looking for you to assist in future raids too, my friend.

Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
Looking forward to the next. In the meantime, questions and observations:

In general, what is the minimum AB/PB needed on the nucleus taunter to survive that task? I get the sense that it's in the range of four or five stacked, but I've never known for sure.
First off, I've known that taunting outside of the goo is best, but some Tankers don't have the range. It's finding that sweet spot in the area to taunt and I haven't found it yet as a Tanker on different server raids. I'll have to be more attentive to see where it is. I don't even think the AB/PB stacked is overly necessary. 1 or 2, maybe 3. It's being inside the goo that will screw the tank over.

Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
It was really, really nice having the mix of control and damage in the green teams. Without the damage ATs, we simply can't overwhelm healing on the first green mito.

There was a (very) slight coordination problem following one of the mito blooms in that the blue team happened to start on the far side of hami from the green team. So while we were taking out the first couple of greens, they weren't able to finish off the first blue for some time because the greens on that side kept healing it.

Depending on who shows up, and assuming we have mez protection from blue terrorize effects, I sometimes wonder if it might not be effective to start with both control and range damage on greens, annihilate them quickly, then move to blues. We ended up doing that anyway on the second bloom. Down side, the yellows team gets bored because their job was over a while ago.

Maybe nothing to worry too much about, I dunno. In the past I've been present for the opposite problem, too: not enough damage to overwhelm the first green mito, so we sat there distracting it until the blue team finished their task and was available to assist us.
You are correct. For my first time out I wanted to follow a standard run and work from there. For future runs, I'll take more into account for ATs and gauge from there. It could be faster in getting all the GREENS then BLUES. In fact, I'm sure it would go faster. So that will definitely be an alteration on the next run. I'm glad you brought that up.

Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
As a very random aside, your UI is arranged incredibly differently from mine (even allowing for raid considerations), and that's fascinating to me for inexplicable reasons.
Now, you know how much real estate I have on my screen. It's definitely not always fun to work with but then again, I don't think I need that many chat windows up for a raid. LOL


@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Death to aggressive jello!

Keeping the blue and green teams on the same side of Hami seems like a good idea. We-of-the-Blue really did have a bear of a time killing our first two targets when we started on the far side from Team Green.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Death to aggressive jello!

Keeping the blue and green teams on the same side of Hami seems like a good idea. We-of-the-Blue really did have a bear of a time killing our first two targets when we started on the far side from Team Green.
I don't think I instructed that to happen, so for next time I will make sure everyone starts on the same side OR GREENS first then BLUES.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Congratulations on another successful raid!!!

A bit of a shaky start but all things aside we stayed the course and finished the raid. Hamidon and his band of mitos were making us work for it!

This might have been the last raid of the year! But another will be led next week either Tuesday or Thursday.

Thank you again to Coals (@FlyingCodeMonkey) for leading our assault teams against the Blue and Green Mitos. Thank you to Hewn Stone (@Ill Conceived) for tanking Hamidon. Thank you to the @Paul Metcalfe for leading our Yellow Mito tanking team. Thank you as well to Panzeer (@Karmaa) for leading the Yellow assault team.

Most importantly, thank you everyone for making this one an unforgettably painfully long raid. LOL WE DID IT!!!

Btw; Centriole's still are useful. I have a lot!!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Woot! Another Victory!!

Great leading Tax! Bah, it would be boring if it all went smooth. Had fun all.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Hami tried to stage a comeback, that time. Denied.

Having led both the dedicated Green Hold/Assault and the united Green/Blue group, I have mixed feelings on which was the better approach overall. The endurance drain and other effects from the blues was certainly worse than I'm accustomed to seeing while leading Green. From this I may conclude that it's nice to have a separate, dedicated Blue group in order to draw that fire away from us! But that's mean.

I think, in the end, it probably depends on whether we have enough ranged damage to form both a Blue assault and to mix in with Green assault. If there's enough for both a dedicated Blue group and in support of Green, then it probably makes more sense to hit Greens and Blues at the same time, as long as we start on corresponding mitoes. If instead we're short on ranged damage, then I think I'd do exactly what we did today: starting with Greens then moving radially outward to Blues. Opinions may vary.

I'm also trying to figure out how Hami staged his recovery at the end. Did it take so long that everyone's EoEs ran out, at which point yellow damage became a problem? Did a lot of people miss the cue to pop EoEs at the 25% mark? I know many folks don't pay direct attention to Hami's health bar.


Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
Hami tried to stage a comeback, that time. Denied.
As one person said... the Yellow Mitos came to his rescue again lol.

Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
Having led both the dedicated Green Hold/Assault and the united Green/Blue group, I have mixed feelings on which was the better approach overall. The endurance drain and other effects from the blues was certainly worse than I'm accustomed to seeing while leading Green. From this I may conclude that it's nice to have a separate, dedicated Blue group in order to draw that fire away from us! But that's mean.

I think, in the end, it probably depends on whether we have enough ranged damage to form both a Blue assault and to mix in with Green assault. If there's enough for both a dedicated Blue group and in support of Green, then it probably makes more sense to hit Greens and Blues at the same time, as long as we start on corresponding mitoes. If instead we're short on ranged damage, then I think I'd do exactly what we did today: starting with Greens then moving radially outward to Blues. Opinions may vary.
It does all vary on league makeup. A lot of minor issues creeping up but that is neither here nor there, we manage to deal with it. I know some people are concerned about the change up of Green to Blue back and forth, or at least I was told there was killing of Greens then Blues and back and forth...? Regardless, you're the lead for those teams and I trust your judgement. However you decide is a best method, let me know and I'll brief everyone quickly at the next raid.

Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
I'm also trying to figure out how Hami staged his recovery at the end. Did it take so long that everyone's EoEs ran out, at which point yellow damage became a problem? Did a lot of people miss the cue to pop EoEs at the 25% mark? I know many folks don't pay direct attention to Hami's health bar.

Hami went down fast. I barely had a chance to see his health get to 25%, I was looking for my macro quickly and BOOM - "I see dead people!" lol

I believe that was my fault on not getting the macro up fast enough to get people to pop an EOE and have the tankers get back to their mitos quick enough. Dang those Yellow Mitos... they wanted to make us work for our merits/HOs!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



*** Next Hamidon Raid - January 3rd, 2012 ***

Ohhh yeah!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



>> at least I was told there was killing of Greens then Blues
>> and back and forth

Not by me. My pattern was strictly Greens clockwise followed by Blues clockwise. Anyone fighting a Blue before all of the Greens were defeated, was not with me. My target selection was quite tight, as well. In that environment though, some amount of confusion is inevitable.

>> Regardless, you're the lead for those teams and I trust
>> your judgement

Not any more, I fear. On January 3rd at 5:00pm local time I'll be sitting at my desk at the office, wishing y'all well, trying to remember what I do for a living, and already looking forward to my next set of vacation weeks from November 2012.

But yeah, as mentioned I am starting to think that may be the guideline: either (1) separate Blue/Green groups IF there's enough damage with care taken to start on corresponding mitoes, or (2) one Green-then-Blue group if there's really only enough ranged damage for one effective assault team. I must say though, next time I am able to attend one it'll be really tempting to bring an Ageless. The endurance drain from Blues on the second bloom was brutal for a while.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Hami raids by Tax E are so aweseome. Maybe one day i'll be a awesome leader. I doubt it. :P

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
I believe that was my fault on not getting the macro up fast enough to get people to pop an EOE and have the tankers get back to their mitos quick enough. Dang those Yellow Mitos... they wanted to make us work for our merits/HOs!
For me, I didn't have any lag, per se, but I did have rendering issues. I had to use /assist to target what FCM had targeted. And my team was targeting through me.

So, I was one that had no idea where Hami's hp was. This, in my opinion was why the 2nd bloom went so smoothly and the 1st and 3rd did not.

I think - and I could be wrong, given the nature of the beast - that the leader really has quite enough to do without the role of empath as well.

I've not led a hami raid, but I have done the emp job, and there's already too much for an emp to do without worrying about macros. Just sit back on the rock and delegate is my suggestion.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
I believe that was my fault on not getting the macro up fast enough to get people to pop an EOE and have the tankers get back to their mitos quick enough.
Ahh ... were the tanks on the Nucleus with us during the last bloom? If so, I guess that would be part of the problem. Historically, the taunt tanks should approach the nucleus and get a few hits on it while we're working towards either the 75% or (more often) the 50% bloom, then quickly back to their posts before that bloom actually occurs. If we're going to press through the 25% bloom to victory, then they need to be at their Yellows already waiting for the 25% bloom to happen. Otherwise, yep ... all six yellows will be firing into the crowd. Ouch!

That would make sense. It seemed like we were doing well, perhaps for right about sixty seconds, at which point even the folks who had eaten an EoE at 25% would be in rapid trouble. The last time I was a tank on Yellow taunt, we ran in once between 75% and 50% to throw a few hits on the nucleus. We spent the rest of the raid at our stations so as to get them taunted asap. Ideally, it's a rather dull task.

Switching topics, Ukase raises useful points. I often forget that draw distances vary tremendously. Standing at the rock, I can see and target any Mito, even the ones on the back side of Hami, but not everyone can even see the near ones. It's not something we can really overcome since different folks have to keep their settings at different levels, but it is a detail we should keep in mind.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



*** TONIGHT ***

Let's get ready to rumble!!!

Meet in the Hive at 7:30pm EST for the Hamidon Raid which will commence with defeating of DE and then the assault on Hamidon itself!

Your leaders will be:

Myself on Flaming Tax E with help from Paul Metcalfe for the Yellow Taunting Team.

Hewn Stone will be leading the Hamidon Taunt team.

Panzeer will be leading the Yellow Assault Team.

Ukase Rex will be leading the Green Hold and Green/Blue Assault teams.

Let's do it!!!! 53 merits or a Hamidon Enhancement or 4 Incarnate Shards!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



I feel so excited.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Success... again. Ty everyone! See you at the next raid. Date to be determined. Might be this Saturday, maybe next Thursday!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Yet another awesome raid Tax! thanks for leading! The league performed great.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



*** Hamidon Raid ***

I think Hamidon has been sleeping too long. We are due for a raid. So meet up in the Hive at 7:30pm EST on January 10th! That's this Tuesday folks!!

We will also be running a raid on Saturday, January 14th at 8pm too, be there for 7:30pm EST!

Let's get ready to rummmmmbllllllee!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Hamidon!!! Look out you big Pile of JEllY!!!!! Rawr

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu