Hamidon raid - 8pm est




Nice work Rockmar.

To those that attended: it would be easier on the raid leader to simply follow the instructions laid out.

Follow your team leaders and if you don't know, ask for assistance.

There are key players in place to do specific jobs. Trying to interfere with it only adds stress to people. Please just let them do their jobs and enjoy the fruits of everyone's labour!

See you next raid! Saturday.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



A nice and successful impromptu Hami Raid tonight. One wasn't planned due to i22 being out and all that goodness.

Glad to see we still got it! Rough at some spots but we never gave up!

YAY! Congrats again Liberty!

Thank you again to all the team leaders and everyone for making it happen.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012