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  1. HAHA

    Loved the video!!!

    "Where is Quiller?" I say that often... he's a slippery bugger.

    I missed this CoP, but glad you got the opportunity to do it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex
    Retentive freak :P
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Hopefully he (she?) petitioned and will get the badge but yeah, Starlight said that Star Matter's PC locked up or something to that effect.
    He did petition. Let's hope he gets it. His PC did lock up at the most inopportune time. The DEVS better give it to him.

    Originally Posted by Karmaa View Post
    CG Kids!
    Thanks Pops! Missed you there. WTF. :P
    "The Really Hard Way"

    Thanks go to our awesome league leader Kryptic Phantasm

    Carmina Godelica
    Frosty Igloo
    Ilvek The Warmage
    Mistress Emma
    Ms Liberty Too
    Ukase Rex
    Energizing Ion
    Tax E Girl
    Mistress Midnight
    Star Matter
    Blue Stonefist
    Zetta Blaze
    Kailey Cat
    Frosty Muggs
    Iron Quarterback

  5. Tax_E

    Wacky Wednesdays

    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Instead of Wacky Wednesdays, I'll be doing Working Wednesdays! It's a solo thing at the moment....



    Oh and Tax E, you never said what time....

    2nd Edit:

    Okay it's in the link but my point still stands; why put the date in your post and not the time? Y U NO TIME?!?
    Y U NO TIME?

    Because Energy Aura might run it later or not... we call it as it goes. We did an impromptu all INVUL itf the other day... it went well.

    We will endeavour to post times here and at the Calendar
  6. Tax_E

    Wacky Wednesdays


    Hosted by
    @Tax E & @Energy Aura

    Wacky Wednesday is a weekly event that is:
    Simple & Wacky…Large & Small…High & Low
    Basically it’s all over the place…Never the same
    Never boring…And always WACKY!!!

    So come join us…
    Weekly events will be announced:


    Flagship Event will be on June 27th, 2012
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_Light View Post
    @Tax E - how could you leave out "A tree fell on my fence" -- LOL

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    But I won't get on until 10:30/11pm at the earliest... but I'll login and see if there is interest I guess
    OMG well uh no. LOL I will be in bed me thinks.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Welcome back

    I, uh, mean maybe this coming Sat. night around the same time? *shrugs* Actually I know I have to go to a friend's (wedding) reception around 1pm...should be back by 7/8pm EST but...*shrugs*
    How about we try tonight? I will be on and would love to try for the badges. Need a full league I think. People who listen. Lol. You know, the normal crap.
  10. Tax_E


    Congrats on The Hard Way!!
  11. Tax_E


    Originally Posted by karmaa View Post
    i must have missed this thread all together.

    Belated congrats mate!

    Edit: Well crap, i just saw the time stamps on the posts hahaha! No wonder i missed this thing. Fun stuff...extreme belated congrats
    dork!!!!!! :d
  12. Tax_E


    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Well I'm a bit derpy...looking at all the people that have received the Really Hard Way badge and was getting jealous (a bit ).

    One of my reasons for not trying to lead one is I wanted the level shift bug to be fixed (so that all 24 people/pets get level shifts) but then realized...duh, with the RHW badge, no lights go out; so it doesn't matter if level shifts work or not.

    Derp, derp...

    Sooo...if possible I'd like to try to lead a RHW badge attempt (not a Mo run; we can try but really just aiming for the RHW badge) this coming Sat. night (the 16th)...maybe around 7 or 8 pm EST?

    I don't know if that interferes with a Hami raid or anything....don't want to step on any toes....
    Knock yourself out. I am not sure if I'll be around to host a Hami Raid this Saturday. Regardless, if I am around, I'll be there to support you!
  13. Tax_E


    Union and Virtue have both had MO completed. I would suggest checking out their congratulatory thread for input on what they did. Kudos to them. We need a win too.
  14. Tax_E

    Level Shifts

    I hear ya Bright.

    I ran a few BAFs last night and thought I was +1 (I was monitoring the amount of xp to next level - ha ha, which will always be 1)... and yet I was actually only 50. I felt dirty. LOL
  15. Tax_E

    Level Shifts

    I have my thoughts on this and would like to interject.

    I agree with you Ukase. It's your league, your rules. If no one likes that, then don't team with you. SIMPLE. Always has been a simple concept, always will be a simple concept.

    I understand that some people have limited time to play and just 'want to play'. Well, there are those of us that have limited time to play and want to succeed.

    My advice for naysayers... run your own league. This goes for Noyj's late rule too. Their league, their choice. Start your own league and start killing stuff. Start your own league and start your own trial.

    On the lighter side Ukase, stop filling the damn forum with YOUR posts... looks like no one is home on Liberty! lol

    Oh and Ukase... stop being so long winded!!!! Thanks <3
  16. I blame QP.

    The debuffs when applied are wow. Just awesauce. You need them that is for sure.

    I can definitely tell when I am on a 'farm' trial or a completion one... lol
  17. Tax_E


    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    But a lot of those names (on lb)I recognized from the iTrial circuit. Heck, even a half dozen were on my global list. But for whatever reason, they didn't want to do the weekly. And whatever the reason, I'd like to know what that reason is or what those reasons are.
    I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here...

    ...why is it any of your business what a person does with their time in game?

    Now before you get overly offended understand this... maybe they are doing other things and just don't want to team, plain and simple.

    I don't always feel like teaming or even socializing. But that shouldn't mean I have to answer every 'request' in LB or even justify why I won't want to do a weekly.

    That's just my 2 influence and I hope you didn't get too offended by it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    What's the strangest excuse you've ever been told for someone going afk or quitting a team/league on tf or trial?
    My husband wants to role play and I don't mean the Vampire: The Masquerade™ kind. ttfn.

    TRUE, it happened. 4 years ago.

    The silliest?
    I forgot I actually have to do chores before work in the morning and COH is not considered a chore.

    *rolls eyes* silly house man

    The most excusable?
    I think my wife is giving birth.

    The most inexcusable?
    Thanks for the mission, how do I quit team and how do I get back to Atlas Park?


    Discuss, debate.
    We have some weird folks in this game.
  19. Tax_E


    Awesome time.

    As for why no beacon and why all the hassle to get there... it is located in the ancient Mediterranean. It's not that easy to get to. Come on.

    Also, it's called bragging right Thirty-Seven. HA HA I did it faster! Beat me now! You know, the chest thumping kinda stuff.

    Regardless, awesome time.
  20. Tax_E

    Bucket List

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post

    See you all tomorrow. Pack greens and Destiny:Rebirth or Incandescence.

    Keyes : Avoids the green stuff.
    We'll tackle the others at another time, as we'll either nail it the first try and do a ugt to celebrate, or do another run or two to try for it.

    9pm central/10pm eastern in DA. Wednesday, 5/9/2112
    For the love of all things holy, PLEASE change the colour of your Rebirths to anything but GREEN. It helps!!
  21. Tax_E

    Bucket List

    You're running trials, you're not running trials, you're running trials... make up your mind... I keep editing my dang calendar!!! :P

    As for what I need with my main -

    Day Jobs - blasted Day Jobs...
  22. Tax_E

    MSRs and stuff

    Originally Posted by corinna View Post
    I've tried to get some other events rolling recently without much enthusiasm from the crowd (although the itf is a perennial fav) . It seems like the server blahs are somewhat pervasive the past couple of weeks.
    You are correct in this. Some other servers are busier than Liberty with events and it's sad to see Liberty failing to participate.

    Not sure what can be done to get the enthusiasm up again.
  23. I had the pleasure of teaming with you last night. That's right... but sadly, I have not seen your brother. CHEERS!
  24. Tax_E


  25. Tax_E

    Tanker Tuesdays


    Let's represent Liberty this week and welcome those from the other servers that will be partaking in the TTT!!

    We meet at the same spot... Kings Row... 9pm ET at the Independence Port entrance. Bring your Tanks... any level and we will go from there.