I agree, this shouldn't be hard to do. I'll try and make it to these runs bringing allowing me to, that is.
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu
When Raze ran a few Magis last week I ended up getting Ready to Rumble and Shadow Master, so I don't need those two. However we missed Triple Threat by a few seconds because Chimera regenerated 3% at the last second...
In other words, I would want to bring Patriot America for the Triple Threat Magi run, but would be perfectly willing to bring Chronocraft (my Radiation/Sonic) on the other Magi runs.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
I will be there, already got 5 Ultimates and 11 SUper reds, I also have 5 of the team +damage inspiration from the store.

Ill be there.
Union and Virtue have both had MO completed. I would suggest checking out their congratulatory thread for input on what they did. Kudos to them. We need a win too.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Wait, wait, wait....some people already have the Ready to Rumble badge and the 3 AV badge?
I'm sooo behind...
Only nights I have available are Sat/Sun nights....
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Wait, wait, wait....some people already have the Ready to Rumble badge and the 3 AV badge?
![]() *cries* I'm sooo behind... ![]() Only nights I have available are Sat/Sun nights.... |

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Don't panic. I plan to run a few tries on another couple of nights. I want the badges for my main, but have soooo many toons that can use that random rare, as well as whatever the rng gives me. I dont' want to announce those times yet - would hate for everyone to wait until the next run and leave me with nothing to do but run a dfb.
![]() |
I was planning on leading Mo runs (or at least badge runs) once the level shift bug has been fixed; mainly because I'm lazy and don't like to say 'no' when there is space available

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
First, thanks to all who came out. I know I type too much and don't say enough some times.
We tried, and we did finish the trial, but got no new shineys.
However, I haven't given up on the idea. We have other leaders who certainly have a much different style of leading than I do. It's my hope that they won't give up on it either.
I'm at 1354 badges, still need MoLRSF and MoCuda and a bunch of heroes in RV. (heh, that will be fun - lore pets, a heavy, maybe werewolf, a shivan, Amy......just have to hope some sneaky stalker doesn't try to engage in battle)
My luck, ol' HP would wait until I had the av down to a sliver before he gave me an AS.
So fear not, my obsession for shinies still hasn't subsided.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
First, thanks to all who came out. I know I type too much and don't say enough some times.
We tried, and we did finish the trial, but got no new shineys. ![]() However, I haven't given up on the idea. We have other leaders who certainly have a much different style of leading than I do. It's my hope that they won't give up on it either. I'm at 1354 badges, still need MoLRSF and MoCuda and a bunch of heroes in RV. (heh, that will be fun - lore pets, a heavy, maybe werewolf, a shivan, Amy......just have to hope some sneaky stalker doesn't try to engage in battle) My luck, ol' HP would wait until I had the av down to a sliver before he gave me an AS. ![]() So fear not, my obsession for shinies still hasn't subsided. |
Lol, global Hide > No posting that u are going in there > kill fast lol
Otherwise there might be a few stalkers show up

All in good fun tho ;-)
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu
Well I'm a bit derpy...looking at all the people that have received the Really Hard Way badge and was getting jealous (a bit ).
One of my reasons for not trying to lead one is I wanted the level shift bug to be fixed (so that all 24 people/pets get level shifts) but then realized...duh, with the RHW badge, no lights go out; so it doesn't matter if level shifts work or not.
Derp, derp...
Sooo...if possible I'd like to try to lead a RHW badge attempt (not a Mo run; we can try but really just aiming for the RHW badge) this coming Sat. night (the 16th)...maybe around 7 or 8 pm EST?
I don't know if that interferes with a Hami raid or anything....don't want to step on any toes....
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Sooo...if possible I'd like to try to lead a RHW badge attempt (not a Mo run; we can try but really just aiming for the RHW badge) this coming Sat. night (the 16th)...maybe around 7 or 8 pm EST?
I don't know if that interferes with a Hami raid or anything....don't want to step on any toes.... ![]() |
One of the issues that this badge presents is that it IS really hard. We NEED the ultimate inspirations and Rages. Many of our more casual players will let those of us that are truly ocd about badges "carry them" -so to speak. With some, it will be willful - with others, it will be cause they simply do not have the resources.
You may see my +3 fire/rad controller named Zethan. What you might not notice is that at present, he has no interface and no judgement. Just a t-3 clarion and lore pet.
So many of our players are good people - but don't have the time or resources to devote to make their main toons as advanced as others. Other servers are placing fairly strict requirements on this badge. I would like to think that most who are very much wanting this badge would already bring more than what's needed. But, my experience tells me that it needs to be spelled out, and somehow verified.
I will help in anyway I can. Just let me know.
Ukase Rex Ice/ice/cold T-4 Rebirth (or any of the others ), t-4 warworks, longbow, t-4 Cryonic or Ionic
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Well I will be standing in DA on Saturday waiting incase one does go off

So many of our players are good people - but don't have the time or resources to devote to make their main toons as advanced as others. Other servers are placing fairly strict requirements on this badge. I would like to think that most who are very much wanting this badge would already bring more than what's needed. But, my experience tells me that it needs to be spelled out, and somehow verified.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Well I'm a bit derpy...looking at all the people that have received the Really Hard Way badge and was getting jealous (a bit
![]() One of my reasons for not trying to lead one is I wanted the level shift bug to be fixed (so that all 24 people/pets get level shifts) but then realized...duh, with the RHW badge, no lights go out; so it doesn't matter if level shifts work or not. Derp, derp... ![]() Sooo...if possible I'd like to try to lead a RHW badge attempt (not a Mo run; we can try but really just aiming for the RHW badge) this coming Sat. night (the 16th)...maybe around 7 or 8 pm EST? I don't know if that interferes with a Hami raid or anything....don't want to step on any toes.... ![]() |

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Honestly this is why I don't feel like bothering with The (Really) Hard Way yet. I wanna give it some time to work out the kinks before trying for a badge that basically brings back the old LRSF issues when it launched.
I'd love to have it eventually on my badge collector for completeness' sake, but being one of those more casual types, I know Palrah wouldn't come close to passing the "gear check" a serious attempt would require... not to mention the whole issue of his pilot not exactly being "pro" to begin with.

So... Yeah. I'll give it some time.
It's not like the badge is going to go anywhere in the meantime.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
In all honestly, I just want The Hard Way so that pesky progress bar goes away. I really couldn't careless about this -current- 'dev' challenge badge.
At any rate, I'm afraid I won't be around this weekend to help out. I'm gonna be busy with a move.
Good luck to those who attempt Really Hard Way.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
Ill be there if we are forming an Really Hard Way attempt. I have a number for ultimates and large red inspirations.
Kat/Inv|T3 Musc T4 Reactive or Diag| Cims| Barrier, Clarion or Ageless|
I can craft other stuff as needed.
Close but no cigar. Did 2 runs tonight; first run came the closest I think (23/100 HP); second run got him down in the 20s too...just not sure the exact #.
I (we) just need to practice/work on the moving away and then going back to Tyrant asap.
I think the 'Air Crackling' message happens every 45s or so? If so, then I could set a timer/stop watch/etc, and every 43s I say, "move" so that people have more time to read/respond and go away from melee range of tyrant and then the attack happens, we move back into melee range of tyrant.
Also, depending on judgements, but use judgements while running away from Tyrant.
Possibly if we get really coordinated, coordinate Rebirth usage. Sometimes have 2-3 go off when only 1 is needed...might help a bit.
First run; we did lore pets out as soon as cutscene ended and then again at 5 min mark.
Second run; we waited to use lore pets until 50/100.
Possible suggestion is to wait until 40/100....50 might be too soon.
Overall, we got the Hard Way badge at least (2nd run) so..that was a nice thing
We'll triumph yet!
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Congrats on The Hard Way!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
TLDR version: MoMagisterium Trials Monday night, 10pm Eastern in DA.
It's time, I think, for liberty to step up.
There are several badges that are fairly easy to get in the Magisterium trial.
Triple Threat - beating Chimera, Nega-Pendragon and Shadow Hunter within 5 seconds of each other.
Some of us have done this, others have not.
It's my opinion that this would be easier to get with 24 than with 16. Because of the lights of the well not working properly, this means that Tyrant will be a lot tougher. But, that doesn't mean we still can't get him.
Monday Magisterium - If there's interest, we'll try 4 runs. One for each badge.
For the hard way, we are required to beat tyrant only using 12 lights, or less. For this badge, I am honestly thinking 16 league members is the way to go. However, it would be awkward to decide which 8 people would have to wait their turn, and I just think it would get too ....silly. So, despite my best thinking, we'll try for the hard way with 24, and if we get that, try for the really hard way.
For the really hard way, (and the hard way), I don't care what you call me, I want your toons at +3. While we are at +3, Tyrant is at 54+5. That's a +6 level difference.
Please reference those two links if you think I'm just making this stuff up.
With ultimates, we pretty much double our effectiveness.
Each ultimate lasts 3 minutes.
If memory serves, the time alotted to defeat Tyrant is 15 minutes. So, 5 Ultimates is what I would ask each of you to bring.
Additionally, I will be using the large team red inspirations - each one lasts 5 minutes, so I'll likely get 5. Two for the effort in getting black swan within 8 minutes, and 3 for Tyrant.
The first run will be a warm up - to gauge whether we might need a little more of this, a little more of that.
Word on the street is that preferred lore pets are the longbow cataphract and the nullifier. In my mind, it really won't make that much difference. I would expect player debuffs to do impact the av about as much as we can. The lore pets are more for damage.
All leagues are not created equal. Some will have more synergy, or better leadership, or simply, one collection of players might not have lag issues.
If you are a player that continually has lag, I urge you to get in touch with support to try and find ways to reduce it. If you know your system is ancient, peruse the tech section of the forums, there may be some things you can do to minimize the effects. (for example, disable chat logging)
If we do not succeed - I may try and do a hard way with 16, just to see if it's any easier.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese