Level Shifts

Agent White



Many of you know that I try to do a good job leading. I'm certainly not the best - nor even one of the top 5. But, I do try to do my homework, and I don't think anyone is more disappointed than me on the very few times that my leagues have failed.

Today, I was accused of having something stuck in my back side because I said that level shifts were preferred for the Magisterium.

Obviously, anyone who knows me knows that I have let unshifted people join my magi trials in the past. I try not to let too many - but I feel like players that are willing to switch for the good of the league (and thus not make progress on their alts) should get a mercy spot. This has been discussed in the past, and most folks feel like they've earned that spot. The problem comes from too many wanting them at that same time.

Try to understand, please. The only reason my back side aches is because I have a new chair - and it's not quite broken in yet. I was not the one who gated access to this trial. I am also not the one who made lights not provide shifts for more than 16 players. This is a bug, and will surely get fixed at some point.

If any of you think ill of me for looking out for the other players in the league as well as myself, just do us all a favor, type /gignore @ukase in your chat box when you log in next. Then you'll never have to worry about my leagues or stiff recruiting policies.

That is all.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Well said

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Today, I was accused of having something stuck in my back side because I said that level shifts were preferred for the Magisterium.
I angrily glare at anyone who brings a +2 or lower to anything after UGT (only time I did this the league leader tried to queue lambda and we got TPN - we gave it a shot for iXP and we got the mid-trial reward). And I glare at anyone who brings a +0 to ANYTHING and they have anything past alpha unlocked.

I understand not everything is available at all times, but honestly, people could at least understand that WE WANT TO SUCCEED. Bringing lower level characters is asking for problems on a trial like the Magisterium. Then again, I've been told I have something of an attitude problem myself, so I'm probably not the right person to defend your position, Ukase.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Maybe they thought you were just doing a farm? Because frankly I can't imagine anyone would be dim enough to think they should bring anything below a +3 on the latest and hardest trial that pits you against several 54+3 Arch Villains right after the other. Not to mention the end boss at 54+5, even with the +6 from the wells when it's working means you're on -the same level as him- at +3 shifts.

I wouldn't feel bad. It's your call as a league leader and you made the right one.



Well I hardly think the the Mag trial is the hardest one out there. IMO it's one of the quickest lol.

FYI, this is in response to the topic...not the OP's post.

As far as lvl shifts...

I have and will most likely again bring a +1 or even the daunting +0 to a BAF or LAM. If we can't succeed a BAF or LAM with a couple +0 or +1's on the team on those iTrials...them we just suck and should quit playing the game.

As far as the others, I've never brought anything less than a +2 to a UGT,TPN, Mag, MoM. So in those cases I guess it depends on the make up of the team, the league leaders decision on what they want to do in that situation.

Im not saying that a +1 or +0 should be excepted at every turn, or on every trial, not by a long shot.

Again, In my mind it's up to the league leader. If u don't like the way he/she is running it, don't join it. Form your own, or find somebody else that will do it the way u are wanting. If a league is going for a particular objective, then they should plan accordingly with the people and lvl shifted toons they know can accomplish that goal, and fill in with the rest.
Otherwise, iTrials should be a fun experience and something to look forward to doing with your fellow server peeps. If it becomes a chore (everytime) then well...it becomes a chore. For the leader AND everyone else on the league.

Smile and Wave. Tis all good.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Just send 'em my way....I'll accept anyone at any lvl for a MoM/TPN/UG!

*I may just use recall friend them into large groups of angry mobs and watch them get die...then say, "see if you were +3 that wouldn't happen" and then kick them from the league*


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Success or failure, you do a fine job leading iTrials. Its no ones fault if players do not understand what works best for the league.

An unshifted player on a Magi? How beneficial is that person to the league? This isn't BAF.

Inviting a +0 to a normal run Magi is like inviting someone to leech imo. Not fair to everyone.



Your league, your rules. Were fighting level 57 avs and 1 level 59 at the end of it. Its not intended for unshifted people to join and it often fails hardcore as a result when some do join. If they get mad just politely tell them to deal with it.

I actually received a hate tell recently for not letting someone join the msr for being well past the cut off time. For those that don't already know; I started enforcing a rule that if you are more than 5 mins late you don't join the msr league. Recently a few of the big time late offenders didn't like it and made a fuss about it in LB. I'm sorry but if you can't be on time for an event that is scheduled with start and formation times posted and updated here on the forums and in 2 global channels (usually posted weeks in advance) then I don't know what to tell you. The rest of us are there on time killing pylons that yield zero merits, xp or inf and usually by 5 mins almost half of them are already dead. I expect everyone to be on time and there to help with the entire event, not just for the vgmerit/shard farm.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I have my thoughts on this and would like to interject.

I agree with you Ukase. It's your league, your rules. If no one likes that, then don't team with you. SIMPLE. Always has been a simple concept, always will be a simple concept.

I understand that some people have limited time to play and just 'want to play'. Well, there are those of us that have limited time to play and want to succeed.

My advice for naysayers... run your own league. This goes for Noyj's late rule too. Their league, their choice. Start your own league and start killing stuff. Start your own league and start your own trial.

On the lighter side Ukase, stop filling the damn forum with YOUR posts... looks like no one is home on Liberty! lol

Oh and Ukase... stop being so long winded!!!! Thanks <3

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Well said Noyjitat and Ukase. Your league, your rules. The end."

I have never had a problem with requiring level shifts and understand the need for participation and contribution. I have been guilty of bringing a +2 defender to a UGT or a +0 to a BAF or LAM when it was my highest shift character on the server and with the league leader's permission. I don't try to sneak in like some people. I've seen the consequences when people lie about their incarnate abilities and level shift and it isn't pretty.

As far as the MSR goes I'm all for the 5 minute rule. When people show up late it can lead to outright cancellation of the raid and we've seen that happen. It's selfish, rude, inconsiderate, and in general ticks me off almost as much as raid leeches (who go straight to /ignore so I never invite them again).

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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I have one completely lvl shifted Tank. Everyone of my other are more than likely +0 all alpha unlocked so I guess I'll be glared at by some. Shrugs

As much as I play I am a causal player. I enjoy fun teaming, duo'ing and the occasional Task Force, and Trial. I have been blessed with good fellow players who have invite me and have allowed me to join them on TF and trials.

If a league/team leader tells me to tank, I tank. If they tell me to sit, I sit. They are the team/league leaders, If I have a problem with that I keep my mouth shut, make a note finish the missions and move on. If I can't live with their rules I don't team. I Solo. I've played this game for 8 yrs and solo'ed most of the content that is soloable, But I'm no Peace.

In Leagues where LvL Shifts are required and important I would hope the league leaders take into account the casual players who may not have a clue on what they need to do next - Including what lvl shift is the lowest acceptable for the Trials.

I would also hope that the players themselves lots who don't read the board would understand that some things are a certain way because they are that way. Lets remember to play the game and enjoy it as we seem fit.

Hope to see you in game.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
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Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

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Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
Oh and Ukase... stop being so long winded!!!! Thanks <3
Methinks you ask too much. Can a leopard change his spots? If I'm ever quiet, then you know something is seriously amiss.

Or maybe I finally got a job.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
*I may just use recall friend them into large groups of angry mobs and watch them get die...then say, "see if you were +3 that wouldn't happen" and then kick them from the league*
You're doing it wrong. The correct answer is to Vengeance, Fallout, THEN kick from league.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Heh. 'Shows how out of touch with the game I've become, I guess... but I had no clue it was now considered a Bad Thing to bring an unshifted character to a BAF or Lambda. I've been starting my flat-50s with those for as long as we've had them, and no one has ever said a word about it.

I guess we're all expected to rely on shards and WSTs, or to solo DA a few times to get the bits for our T3 Alphas, now? o_O

As for the rest... as far as I'm concerned, there are perfectly valid *reasons* for wanting shifted characters on some trials, and under those circumstances it only makes sense to limit the league in that way. A +1 just isn't going to be all that helpful on a Magi run, no matter how skilled its player may be. The game's systems and numbers just are what they are.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Heh. 'Shows how out of touch with the game I've become, I guess... but I had no clue it was now considered a Bad Thing to bring an unshifted character to a BAF or Lambda. I've been starting my flat-50s with those for as long as we've had them, and no one has ever said a word about it.

I guess we're all expected to rely on shards and WSTs, or to solo DA a few times to get the bits for our T3 Alphas, now? o_O

As for the rest... as far as I'm concerned, there are perfectly valid *reasons* for wanting shifted characters on some trials, and under those circumstances it only makes sense to limit the league in that way. A +1 just isn't going to be all that helpful on a Magi run, no matter how skilled its player may be. The game's systems and numbers just are what they are.

For whatever it's worth - I do recognize that some players ( @noyjitat included) prefer to get their alpha unlocked via BAF and Lambda. That's each player's choice.

That being said, aside from UGT, getting a very rare is just that - very rare. It's soooooooooooo much more easier for me to do a couple of weekly task forces to get my t-4 alpha than to wait on the rng to determine when I'm worthy.

If someone doesn't have a +3, and all they have is a +0 or +1, I will generally let them join a magi - because they do get shifted to +6 or +7 if the lights are all put out.

As for BAF, Lambda and keyes - the ONLY reason I run those is so I don't have to reject anyone on the magisterium, DD or MoM. I've done those (baf, lam)until I'm blue in the face - I literally will only do those under certain conditions.
1) To help someone get the min. number.
2) by special request from a global
3) My own toons lack the threads from global email to unlock it that way.
If I've got surplus astrals, I spend them on shard conversions and unlocking lore and destiny to get the level shifts asap.
4) If I notice a large collection of players needing it to progress and whoever's leading them is not doing well leading them. (I think the server had a rough patch for a few days where the person leading was not assigning key roles and a few met with failure. )

Mind you - when there is a large number of unshifted 50's on a baf or lambda league, I expect it to be significantly longer and more difficult. And of course, on BAF, it's far more likely to lose the extra astral merit (and random uncommon component if your toon has never gotten 0 escapes before) when the league is largely unshifted.

BAF, Lambda and Keyes are the starting point for incarnate growth, so I would never turn anyone away on those unless it was an Mo effort. (and maybe not even then - though I would mention that level shifts are preferred.)

I certainly don't expect anyone to share my philosophy of "If the character is no good alone, it's not going to do a team much good, is it?"
Nor would I expect anyone to go about getting incarnate progress the same way either. However, for me - I have never brought a +0 to any iTrial unless that particular powerset was specifically needed (like my emp on a keyes). I choose not to because I hate to toggle powers on. When unshifted, I find I get defeated more than 3 times as much. It's that much of a difference to me. That is why I choose not to go unshifted into any trial. Some of you may play better and not have the issues I have. <shrug>
@brightfires - if you don't know, I'll come out and say it - you and @fcm have helped me so much with ugt, you could bring a level 5 dom, and if the game would let you lfg in, so would I. But, typically, you're always volunteering to switch -which earns you that mercy spot we've spoken of in the past.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Dude - the way you rocked the house tonight with ugt, tpn and magi - if anyone gives you flack - you put them on global ignore.

I gotta hunch they will probably need you before you need them.

Don't know of anyone who explains stuff so a fella knows what's going on the way you do.



For what it's worth, as a player BAF and Lambda are the only iTrials I'll take a flat-50 on. They're the only ones I feel like an unshifted character can make much of a contribution towards. I don't go into Keyes or TPN without at least a +1. And even then, TPN depends entirely on what the toon in question is...

A support-type like Nem can do a lot in there with only one level shift, where oneof my tanky- or damage-type probably wouldn't handle it as well. I'd hold off until I had the second level shift on one of those. Likewise Underground. I might (and did with Beans, IIRC) take a +2 support type along, but I still feel a lot more comfortable with a +3. I have a similar impression of DD, and even more-so of Magi.

... And I'm not setting digital foot inside MoM with anything less than a +3 with full-slotted Shadowfall. Ever. You know how I am about that thing.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I hear ya Bright.

I ran a few BAFs last night and thought I was +1 (I was monitoring the amount of xp to next level - ha ha, which will always be 1)... and yet I was actually only 50. I felt dirty. LOL

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012