Talen Lee

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  1. Quote:
    Dominators are hogging an entire powerset type to themselves,
    If we are, blasters are, and we're not, and neither are they. The proliferation of mental manipulation took very little effort and was bundled in with the release of psi blast.

    We are 'more isolated' than anyone else, sure - two ATs for primary, two for secondary, comparing to the mastermind's one primary, four secondary - but that doesn't un-fuzzy this lollipop.
  2. The 'special' thing is adding to us a set that controllers are also getting (to go with the set they got through proliferation) and giving us a blaster secondary (which as we know are too complicated to be given through proliferation).

    We got the fuzzy end of the lollipop. We're too minor a population to bother giving equal treatment. Deal with it.
  3. They don't balance for IO usage. And there's not a single brute in the world that needs a buff.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tylerst View Post
    Actually, according to his latest post(second paragraph), it's still a problem for toggles. He found a workaround by using a location based AoE toggle intead of enemy based.

    Link to post:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...73#post4063673

    About the only way this would work for Detention field would be if they made it an extremely small AoE(since it's meant to be single target)
    Tiny AOE with a target cap of 1, perhaps?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    Gee Talen, looks like you didn't get the memo. Scrappers are the new blasters, in terms of their total badness.
    I probably didn't get the memo because I round-file everything stamped with 'From the mind of an idiot.' These people, I swear...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    Speakling as someone who has delved into this deeper than you, it is currently not feasible without getting the programming staff involved. You are considering a haircut to be the same thing as bowel surgery.
    Thread necro's not nice, but I feel the need to bring this up: I was wrong, the programming staff have clearly overcome this problem in the time since I learned what I learned, and hoorah, this idea is far more feasible than I thought.
  7. Hm, toaster vs toaster. Hmm, hmm hmmm.

    Flip a damn coin.
  8. Quote:
    Or do I have to gather all the items again and creat the Spiritual one as well?
    Alas, you do. The system is pretty rough about that.
  9. The thing I truly love about this is that it's eminently clear that these others are only keeping up by burning inf too.
  10. I think with the presence of spiritual in the mix, the fact that a set isn't great for regeneration should yield the same sympathy that I give yacht owners who whine about docking fees.
  11. If you're relying on those powers when you're teaming Yogi, I don't know what Seeds of Confusion has to say to you, but I bet it's not pretty.

    The weirdest thing I noticed in Elec/ is that the sleep aggros, but the confuse doesn't.
  12. Energy Assault also has the most absurd levelling power in the world. Power Push at level 4 is gonzo, with its insane accuracy and damage.

    Also, the heal proc in static field heals the pseudopet.
  13. I live on a drip on them, and buy them off the auctionhouse while I run between missions. You wanna make easy cash, feel free to grab purples off a vendor and throw them on the market, chances are I'm buying them for a thousand times what you paid. ;p
  14. Bonus: Voltaic sentinel doesn't attack sleeping foes.
  15. Talen Lee

    Question on EM

    Playing Elec/Elec I can say that there is a point where you ache for good ST. It's one thing to vaporise a spawn on your own in your opening three hits, but then to spend thirty more to deal with one of the two bosses is painful.
  16. Talen Lee

    Staff Mastery?

    Not right now, and therefore, an agonising wait that no good right-thinking scrapper player should ever be expected to endure.
  17. Talen Lee

    Snowball power

    Just as a heads up, this power builds domination. It also can be fired at the combat pets like the Red Wisp.
  18. Quote:
    I completely disagree.
    You can disagree all you like. You're the one that said:
    I could not imagine playing without softcap def.
    If you need that to feel safe, if you can't imagine playing a dominator without that level of defence, you are one of those players best suited to playing a scrapper.

    Or, as I call them the weak.
  19. At this point on my home server, I have 33 characters. Of those, 12 are non-50s, and of those, 10 are locked to someone else's progress. So yeah, I'm an altaholic, but I do make sure my characters get some love.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I guess I'm just not seeing tanks as weak as Johnny is.
    Funny thing, Dechs.

    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    Incidentally, I know it's kinda weird for me of all people to be pointing to the topic drift, but I think it's worth underscoring that this thread, from Ultimo, is about the idea of adding ranged attacks to tankers, which I'm against because it diminishes the distinction between ATs, because it gives more survivability to an AT that doesn't need it, because it's tricky to implement and because I can't see what the game really gains from it.

    In this strand of topic drift, we're discussing JB's favourite bugaboo of 'Tankers Need Moar Damage' where he tries to rearrange the order of the words and hope we don't notice, which prompts me to remember something I did the last time this happened. I was playing my non-IO'd shield/ss tanker, in Crey's Folly, and thought I'd see how 'slowly' I defeated enemies. Not 'how much slower than a scrapper', but how much actual time it took me to kill things. With fairly standard slotting, no hasten, no recharge in attacks,

    The normal tactic of this character is to leap into a +0 spawn and shield charge them and then kill the lieutenant that was still standing. Since getting Foot Stomp, it's become leap in, Foot Stomp, Shield Charge, one-shot the remaining lieutenant. I do this primarily because it's fun and it makes me giggle to watch a large pack of freaks drop all at once. However, that's not really all that clear - after all, shield charge takes time to recharge, so I can't do it every single spawn. I alternate by bashing faces of lone or paired bosses in the area. Plus 'the activation time of two attacks' isn't really meaningful data for this little curiosity of mine.

    I waited until Rage was ready to go, then clicked it and closed in on the a trio of red (+1) freakshow tanks and just laid into them. Between that point and the crash of Rage, I killed all three bosses, killed one that had rezzed, and was halfway through killing the next that had rezzed. So in 90 seconds, that's 4.5 bosses. 20 seconds for a +1 boss.

    How much faster do I have to be before it's good enough? Twenty [censored] seconds.
    That post is from 2009. Over two years ago.

    From later in the same thread:
    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    I fear that too many people have been spoiled by playing the high end game that they don't realise it's not what things are balanced around. I fear even more that when I make a point and ask a question, people blithely ignore it because it's inconvenient to try and say 'Yes, you should be defeating +1 bosses, without IOs, faster than twenty seconds each, because otherwise I won't feel Super.' It does sound a little silly.
    I harped on it for the rest of that thread because at no point was anyone able to provide a satisfactory response. This is before bruising. And yet, here we are, two years later, with the same plainitive whine about the same non-problem by the same tedious chore of a player lugging around the same imagined cross.
  21. Quote:
    At this point in the game, there's a lot of the number-crunching done already for folks to copy....
    If you're copying numbers without understanding them, you're not a min/maxer. You're a monkey.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    I have been looking through a lot of dom builds posted here, and have not seen many builds with defense posted at all. I could not imagine playing without softcap def.
    Why, that's because you're bad at playing dominators, Virginia.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    My friend played a Dual Blades/Super reflex scrapper and me a Dual Pistols/Energy blaster.
    I wonder what possible reason one might have for being squishier than the other.