418 -
By VG I think you mean SG, and I'm in the violators SG anyway, oh, and expect to get whooped. lol
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Haha, just in link with my previous post we kicked your [censored] order of reckoning. Still that evil yaff guy was good. (with granite armor) -
OK, thanks alot, I might replace it iwth something like darkest night, or torrent or whatever.
I'm going for ghost widow's powers because of the following reasons:
1) It goes with the theme of my dark stalker
2) Soul Storm looks so cool
3) Since I'm a corruptor I get the mistress at the end. -
By VG I think you mean SG, and I'm in the violators SG anyway, oh, and expect to get whooped. lol
Well I think it's better that brutes take taunt, because they are supposed to use it on weaklings to build up thier fury, then they are stronger so they can go after the bigger guys.
Suggestion : PPP Tier 4 for Masterminds gives Kamikazi.
Robots run up and explode on their target, Thugs/Mercenaries have a satchel of C4, Ninjas ignite themselves and dive on the nearest enemies, Zombies become Embalmed Abominations.
Now that would be fun
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Yeah, I'd love that, but some people say that detonator is a load of donkey crud. Dunno what to believe with that power anymore -
I think that the best secondary power pool is dark miasma, you get a kickass heal, cool debuffs at start, the best rez power out there, a kickass fear power, shadow fall, and a pet, what more could you ask for.
OK, the only reason why I did not pick darkest night is because I mostly work in teams, and when you kill the guy I used darkest night on the whole power shuts off (sucks don't it). I don't know about black hole though, some people say it's awesome and some people hate it, can some1 tell me exactily what it does?
Stop fighting in Sirens. 1 hit killing isnt as common in Warburg.
Mezzes? Bring emps/sonics/kins... or simply bf's.
There are all sorts of counters, but they all require a team. Yes a team which is also why I love this game. Noone is powerfull on their own, but teams can own all.
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OK, I don't see what the big deal is, I mean PvPing heroes is for fun, no Xp debt for when you get killed, and you get big army battles between longbow and arachnos, I love PvP and for that I abandoned my lvl 21 MM to build up a dark corruptor, because siren's call is so fun. -
This is why I never go to Warburg. HvV combat is fair enough, but my idea of fun differs somewhat from being ganked the second I step out of the safe zone.
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Definitely agree with this, it's fun with hero vs villain even if I get kileld, but when it comes to villain vs villain it can be a bit pissy, P.S. I LOVE SIREN'S CALL!! -
This is why I never go to Warburg. HvV combat is fair enough, but my idea of fun differs somewhat from being ganked the second I step out of the safe zone.
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Definitely agree with this, it's fun with hero vs villain even if I get kileld, but when it comes to villain vs villain it can be a bit pissy, P.S. I LOVE SIREN'S CALL!! -
I agree with this, because of the pure pwnage and chaos in siren's cll, I left my lvl 21 MM to make a darkness corruptor, gonna be loads of fun for when I get him to lvl 20, already at lvl 12
I agree with ice/dark, with ice you get holds and slow effects, which will really help keep your frail corruptor out of harms way, and with dark miasma you get one of the best heals, kickass debuffs, a AoE fear power, black hole AND dark servant, how could you resist.
OK, I have plalyed on CoV for awhile now trying to get the right build, so what do you think of this of this one?
Level 1: Dark Blast
Level 1: Twilight grasp
Level 2: Gloom
Level 4: Tar Patch
Level 6: Moonbeam
Level 8: Tenebrous Tentacles
Level 10: Hover
Level 12: Swift
Level 14: Fly
Level 16: Howling Twilight
Level 18: Health
Level 20: Stamina
Level 22: Shadow Fall
Level 24: Fearsome Stare
Level 26: Night Fall
Level 28: Life Drain
Level 30: Dark Pit or Torrent
Level 32: Blackstar
Level 35: Black Hole
Level 38: Dark Servant
Can you guys give your opinions on this build, and could you please help me decide between Torrent and Dark Pit. Thank you, your criticism is appreciated. -
that;s a kickass story mate, for a newcomer to storylines you are pretty darn good, I hope your troll becomes a real success in city of heroes.
NOTE: I'll see you in PvP, I play city of villains. -
oh and progres for requests will now be slow, as its half term and there is no teachers to not listen to...
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lol, so you'r saying boring [censored] teachers inspire you to draw heroes and villains. -
Well now that I think about it after the 2 upgrades the battle drones are like mini assault bots, all they ever do is shoot, shoot and shoot some more, and act as cannon fodder.
I heal them (because let's face it, the ProtBots' heals tend to be haphazard to the point of uselessness), buff them, debuff their enemies, and how do they reward me? Half-hearted bubbling, that's how!
Time to reprogram my bots with a large hammer, I feel...
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Well hey, when both you and your master die and act for cannon fodder for so long, somethings gotta snap pal. -
And anway, if u want to try to leave repair til ater on because you will have 2 protector bots which heal and buff, and you have twilight grasp, one of the best heals for a MM. also you will have shadow fall which can work wonders in combat.
Not really bothered about this since I use traps and I have triage beacon and force field generator, I am also planning to get acid mortar.
I am sometime in the near future going to purchase city of villians for the access to base etc. and the game loli was wondering what the bases looked like if possible could you post pics of your bases.
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Hmm, It may not be such a good idea to post pics of your bases, as others that never joni the forums and have thier own raiding SG can look at your base and map it out, then challenge you to a raid, they would have an unfair advantage, nuless of course if u don't post pics of your defences. -
Heh - I would love to have a Freakshow Tank stomp around the base on security detail - that would be great fun - great idea
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I'm with you no that one, tanks are so cool. -
Yeah, brutes would like that now wouldn't they, all that fury biuld up against weedy little police officers.
I like how you control your mastermind, in certain cases it's better for MMs not to attack to all, because we are the squishiest of the squishy, but fly in my opinion is the best travel power for a MM.
Thnx for your opinions guys, I am gonna try and get;
Web Grenade: Have no choice, good aganist goldbrickers and longbow.
Triage Beacon: A lifesaver in some cases, excellent with robots.
Force Field Generator: Just love it.
Poison Trap: Not really sure on this one, never seen it in action.
Seeker Drones: Excellent bombs and cannon fodder.
Detonator: Cool with bots.
PS: Sorry about the typo on the thread title.