Teen Troll, backstoty.
Thanks for all your support guys, youve really helped my confidence Thanks again.... :/
that;s a kickass story mate, for a newcomer to storylines you are pretty darn good, I hope your troll becomes a real success in city of heroes.
NOTE: I'll see you in PvP, I play city of villains.
Pretty good. There are however two points of constructive criticism:
1: Your spelling is good but could be slightly improved. No real biggie though.
2: Learn the joy of paragraphs. Reading one big block of text is very annoying. Just a few well-placed spaces here and there can make a world of difference.
All in all I think this really has potential.
Lol thank you guys i will try to improve on my next piece, thanks for the tips.
Here's the back story to my new toon Teen Troll... im new at this sort of thing so dont laugh ok, please.
Beep....Beep....Thomas slowly awakend to the noise of the life support machine beside him, he felt a hand in his, it was his mothers, she sat there asleep on a chair beside him her masscara had run and she held a tissue in the other hand. He pulled his hand out of her hand she was woken she sat upright and glared at him for a few seconds the threw here self at him and held onto him kissing him and saying "why, why" she wept and dried her eyes and put the tissue under her sleave. Tom sat still and wondered why his mother was so upset he moved his arms round her back. He saw his skin was a pale green colour, he recoiled in horror pushing his mum away, he struggled and pushed his way up the bed and grabbed his pillow and hid his body behind it, he buried his face in it and started crying the tears ran down his face he tried to talk but could say nothing that made sense. He turned to meet his reflection in a mirror near the bed he let out a whail, that awoke nearly every old person in the hospital. He didnt understand what had happend he had huge canines that pertruded from his mouth he had green eyes and green skin, he couldnt come too terms with how this happend, he asked his mother. She told him that a week a go he was found lying in a ditch in the hollows by your cousins Beta Boy and Dyna Dude shaking uncontrollably they said the found you with foam around your mouth, they brought you here to Chiron medical centre the closest hospital to where they were at the time. I got the yellow line as soon as i heard, i told you those boys you were hanging around with were dangerous didnt i, she continued wheeping. He slowly come to terms with what he had found out, off course he didnt remember a thing. He had overdosed on supradine, the nurse said that his system couldn't handle the amount he took, he was thrown into a fit and ended up in a coma, she said in normally take time for supradine addicts to mutate but because off the amount and your size it was an almost instant transformation. Tom knew that if he had taken drugs then it was his first time and certainly his last. He had to deal with the effects of the drug which meant, his appearence, size and the abilites it gave him he also found that he had serious outbursts of rage and anger, which no therapist had the answer too. He slowly adapted to the abilites and some how managed to use them to his own will his mother noticed a change in his behavior, not a bad change but a good one, he learned that his fits of anger could be controlled. She did him the biggest favour of his life and signed him up to be a hero so he could use his new found abilities for a good nature, he has said that he has directed his anger twoards the evil in paragon city and will fight side by side with his cousins and their supergroup the Teenage Titans..