Get Your Charecter Sketched!
wooo it's britain man drawing his fellow heroes again
Every artist has to start somewere Orion, keep up the good work matey.
On a related note, take a look at this site
The quality of these is unbelievable. I was VERY tempted to try and get one done featuring my CoV/CoH characters facing off and framing it on the wall in my house...
Then I realised that no matter how I explained it to visitors, the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
On a related note, take a look at this site
The quality of these is unbelievable. I was VERY tempted to try and get one done featuring my CoV/CoH characters facing off and framing it on the wall in my house...
Then I realised that no matter how I explained it to visitors, the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
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Well, this is free
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
ohohoh, you must skecth mine :P got a picture here somewhere :P
hmm or maybe not, i'll try to find a pic later ^^
Edit: Sent trought msn =)
k, i have a maths lesson tomorow, ill do it then
*hopes his maths teacher dosent play this*
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
remember the pink one :P
the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
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Ah, erm .... erm ....
*whistles whilst walking away*
Great , please do mine!
(sent through E-Mail)
Ok, Il's and nitris's are done, ill scan and upload them tomorow.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Ok, Illusionists:
the head weny a bit wrong, i may colour it if i can be bothered
I got a bit creative with that one....
anyways hope you like them
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Nice drawings, i really like the way you draw, and thanks for drawing my character to
Wooo very nice!
Love the way Flux looks like shes 80 :P
dude, you know me, and you know my guys, but heres some reminders, plz doodle them for me, i have done some before but i can't rely draw, so im handing you the pencil, GO MAN GO!
greek Shadow Fury
Blasted Fury
Shining Fury
Just to scar your young mind! want them all in the same pic?
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
up to you dude
I'll save paper
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
good stuff, save teh tr33s!!!!!!!
oops, sorry i completely forgot about this, ill start yours tomorow.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
hehe take ur time we wanna make em good :P
On a related note, take a look at this site
The quality of these is unbelievable. I was VERY tempted to try and get one done featuring my CoV/CoH characters facing off and framing it on the wall in my house...
Then I realised that no matter how I explained it to visitors, the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
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Well, this is free
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That is very true, althoug hI would love ny robot MM in a sketch it is a bit expensive.
On a related note, take a look at this site
The quality of these is unbelievable. I was VERY tempted to try and get one done featuring my CoV/CoH characters facing off and framing it on the wall in my house...
Then I realised that no matter how I explained it to visitors, the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
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Well, this is free
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That is very true, althoug hI would love ny robot MM in a sketch it is a bit expensive.
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it is indeed expensive but u have to take into account its one guy drawing, inking and colouring your picture and he can only sell it to you. with a comic they have individual drawers, inkers and colourers so each picture can be finished a lot faster and can then be sold to multiple customers. considering the time and effort he takes I think the prices are actually pretty reasonable
On a related note, take a look at this site
The quality of these is unbelievable. I was VERY tempted to try and get one done featuring my CoV/CoH characters facing off and framing it on the wall in my house...
Then I realised that no matter how I explained it to visitors, the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
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Well, this is free
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That site is realy amazing if i had a few hundred quid lying around i would so get my person done, i dont think its geeky. Your drawings are cool too i like the fact they are done in school lessons rather than in your free time lol
Wow I think its kool that you like drawing peeps characters. The one of hero-1 is good well done. Keep up the good work!
Right, if you want your toon sketched please post here with a link to a screenshot of your charecter, (you can upload it at ) Please make sure the picture shows the front of your hero/villain , at daytime, or a screenshot of them in icon/facemaker.
, i wont be able to do action shots, only still pictures. if you want it coloured, itll take a bit longer, and i can do headshots if you want them.
Please note, I do these at school, wen im bored (all the time ^^) so, they may take a few days to complete, some may turn out badly, sorry if yours dose
example of one here:Clicky. (its hero-1
thanks for looking
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]