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  1. Supernumiphone

    Gravity Geysers

    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    If you don't touch anything on your keyboard at all while in flight, any powers you have active aren't doing anything to your trajectory anyway, so you should still land in the right place, providing you gently entered the geyser from the correct direction. I love the shard and I frequently use both SJ and SS with no problem on the geysers using that method.
    The problem is that unless you take your finger off the forward movement key the instant you enter the geyser, you will throw off your trajectory by a lot if you have a power enabled that gives you movement control. Sure if you step in and don't touch anything you'll be fine but in my experience it requires a light, fast touch to pull it off. Having all powers disabled means there's much less requirement for finesse.
  2. I have a rather spotty internet connection so mapserving is an sadly common occurrence. I couldn't tell you how many times I've had it happen while I'm fighting the last group of mobs in a big kill all mission. I haven't finished Efficiency Expert Pither's missions on any of my villains yet because I'm paranoid about my connection acting up at the wrong time.

    So anyway I feel your pain OP, and I do wish the map instances would persist for a short while when I DC. The standard code rant applies, but I don't think it would take that much to allow a map to remain open for a short while after becoming vacant. Whether that would result in significantly greater server load I can't say. There would still be the problem of allowing people on TFs to reset a bugged mission by logging out, but that happens rarely enough that map instances persisting for a minute or two wouldn't be a major inconvenience in those cases I'd think.

    I've been hoping for a change to help those of us poor souls with bad internet connections, but I don't think it's even on any dev's radar.
  3. This is happening today. I hope to see you all there.
  4. I'd like to join this but I'm scheduled to be part of an ITF run that starts half an hour after this SF. While it's certainly possible to do this SF in under half an hour, that's only with experienced people running it. It's not as much fun rushing through it anyway IMO.

    So have fun y'all, wish I could be there. This SF is rarely run these days.
  5. Just a heads up...I have some things going on this evening that might prevent me from making it for this SF. I still expect to make it and will try to do so, but you never know, things might run later than I hope. So I'd say if I'm not around at the scheduled time, go ahead and give my spot to someone else.
  6. Supernumiphone

    Hami Raid

    I picked up a bio nuke on my Dom yesterday so I'll have that to offer up for a redside hami raid. No EoEs but I'll try to join in if anyone's hunting for them.
  7. Looks like you're full but if there's room I'll bring Fuzz Ball, a War Mace/Dark Brute.
  8. Sign me up. I'd like to give it another go. I'll be bringing Killcupine again unless it looks like more support will be needed.
  9. Yeah my impression is that it's not all that unusual to have a no-show or two. I've had E PM me a few times when I put myself down as an alt and someone didn't show.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    The only argument that justifies this in my mind is that Regen was already so hard to kill that it actually needed a survival buff less than other Stalker powersets. I have a hard time believing that in PvE, though it may be true in PvP.
    My experience is that Regen on Stalkers is squishier than other sets in PvE. Raising the HP cap and thereby allowing DP to work fully would go a long way towards addressing that. However since that would also benefit Stalkers in PvP, I doubt it will happen.
  11. Dominators have a nice balance of damage and survivability, but a big part of their AoE damage usually comes from a PBAoE, so if you want ranged AoE, I'd say that pretty much rules them out.

    The best balance between ranged damage and survivability is Corruptors IMO. Fire/Dark has been mentioned, and for good reason. There are other good combos as well depending on your preference and what kind of slotting options you have available. For all-around performance using just SOs it's hard to beat Fire/Dark though.
  12. Okay I checked and I need this on one of my Stalkers. I was tempted to bring a Corruptor but given the lineup we've got so far I doubt that will be necessary. So I'll be bringing Killcupine, a Spines/Ninjitsu Stalker, subject to change of course depending on circumstances.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    100 endurance (110 with accolades, potentially upwards of 120 between accos and IO sets) is enough to attack almost indefinitely assuming proper slotting and smart power usage. While a power such as this (or an ally +max end power) might be nice, it's probably too powerful given the way this game works.
    So wait you've already got enough endurance to attack continuously, but more recovery would be overpowering? By allowing you to do what exactly? I mean if you can already attack indefinitly, what are you using that extra recovery for? Sorry it just seems like such an obvious contradiction you confused me.

    With regard to the OP, I still want an ally explosion power. I want to blow up my teammates. Give it a confirmation dialog so they can accept or decline. What would be ideal is if it was in a blast set, so you could roll AllyExplode/Rad. Blow up ally->Fallout->Rez
  14. Supernumiphone

    Hami Raid

    You can sign me up for a red-side raid. I'll probably bring a Dominator, but I can bring a Corruptor or Stalker as needed.
  15. Snipes are among powers that you take because they are fun, not because they are good powers. I like them but if I take one I do so with full knowledge that it's not an effective power by the numbers. It's just fun to open with a snipe though. They usually fall by the wayside in my builds when power picks get tight, but it's always fun when I manage to squeeze one in. If you want it, take it. Don't worry about what the guides say.
  16. I'll join in on this one. I can bring a Corruptor if more support is needed, or a Stalker if you want one for zapping the ambushes. I haven't run this SF that many times, but my impression is that there are so many waves of ambushes that wiping them four times isn't really that much help.
  17. I think the main reason Ice isn't that popular is that it isn't the best at much of anything. Other sets beat it for AoE and single-target damage. If you really want Power Boost it's probably the most well rounded set with it, but other than that there's not much reason to choose it. It has slows, but for the most part secondary effects are wasted on a Dom. Anything you can't control can probably two-shot you, so your slows won't help you much.

    It's a solid set, and a fun one. Not being the best at anything means it gets largely ignored by the number crunchers though.
  18. I'll join with one of my Stalkers. I'll bring Inducto but if we're really light on support and/or aggro control I'll switch to my other, sturdier Stalker.
  19. I'll offer to provide any of the mayhems here again. I don't think I need any personally but I'll be happy to fill any gaps there might be. Might be best to PM me because I'm kind of absent-minded about checking the Freedom boards for some reason. I miss out on some good events because of it, too.
  20. I'll join on the ITF if there's still a slot open. If so I'll bring Killcupine, a Spines/Nin Stalker.

    As far as mayhems go, I don't think I need any but I can offer any of them, with the possible exception of Kings Row. So I'll be happy to fill in any gaps there might be. Just let me know and I'll get them queued up in advance.
  21. I'm in. I'll bring Bone Prophet - Dark/Sonic Corruptor. Looks like I'll be the only one bringing a villain.
  22. I'll bring my Stalker, Inducto if you'll have him.
  23. I can lead and I have the computer in my personal SG base so I can start the SF.
  24. I'll join for this one too. I'll bring Bone Prophet, a level 44 Dark/Sonic Corruptor.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    I have not received a single stealth IO since I16 went live and the dates on the last 5 in both the run and jump categories on blue side when I last checked were going stale (last 5 with dates in weeks rather than days). None for sale at any level with multiple outstanding bids.
    I got one today red-side from a random roll, FWIW.