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  1. Sorry I missed out on this run. I did this with you before and it was a good time. This is what I get for being so lazy about keeping up with these boards.
  2. I'm in for this. I'm not sure who I'll bring, I need to check which of my toons don't have the badge yet. I'd be happy to bring whatever would help make a successful run though.

    Edit: Okay I checked and my Brute doesn't have it yet. So I'll tentatively say I'm bringing Fuzz Ball, a War Mace/Dark Aura Brute. I may switch up depending on the final team makeup.
  3. Supernumiphone

    Hami Raids?

    Originally Posted by metalhead300 View Post
    if you play villain side it will be a little bit more difficult to gather a group.
    That is an understatement.
  4. Sign me up for both with Painberry, a Night Widow.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    I'm thinking I might get better results buying losers. 10 million per rare piece-o-crap under level 41 you bring me.
    If you ever decide to go ahead with this, send me a PM. As long as you don't mind if they're already crafted, I can probably get you as many as you want. I have a lot in storage.
  6. You can put me down as an alt also. I could bring whatever. Probably a Stalker since it looks like you won't have one.
  7. I don't tend to use common IOs all that much these days, except for those powers that don't take or won't be getting sets. That's mostly laziness. I used to try to frankenslot at lower levels but with how slow the redside market is, that has proved to be an exercise in frustration for me so I just use DOs and SOs in the early levels.

    I start with sets in the early 30s usually, and continue on as I level and gain new slots.
  8. I like taunt on my Brutes. I try to take it when I can. There are some great sets available for the power. I was on a MoLRSF recently that would have failed if I did not have taunt. I'm not saying Brutes or taunt are needed for MoLRSF, just saying this particular one would have failed without it.

    I don't think badly of people who skip the power. Brutes have more in common with Scrappers than Tankers IMO, so I wouldn't blame those who choose to play them like Scrappers.

    Even so, when squishies are constantly getting their faces chewed off I'm a little surprised at Brutes who just pound one mob and ignore the ones causing defeats and team slowdown. A little aggro control can go a long way. Brutes are more often recruited to increase team safety, not for the damage they bring. It seems to me a bit dishonest to join a team with the intention of ignoring everyone else and just scrapperlocking your way through everything without warning people up front.
  9. Well Plant/Psi is a ridiculously good combo, but if you've gotten yours to 32 and haven't come to the same conclusion by now, maybe none of those three are for you.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DragonTiger View Post
    but how much recharge are we talking about?
    It's been a while since I looked at my Elec/Regen, but I think I'm somewhere around 80% global recharge + Hasten. Not enough to perma Hasten but enough that it has relatively little downtime. With that plus well slotted powers, they come back pretty fast. Lightning Rod is available for every group, sometimes more than once for large battles.

    Even with all that +recharge that Stalker is still mighty squishy. I've started reworking the build to add in some defense and resistance. It's not unusual in my experience to have enough incoming damage to overwhelm my regen and heals once MoG wears off. The main problem to me is the low Stalker HP cap. Anyway it's been really surprising to me how low my survivability is on a +recharge IO Regen build compared to a defense-based Stalker.

    I suspect a lot of my deaths have come during the Thunderstrike animation. In a set that's so reactive, being locked out of the ability to react for that long can be and is at times fatal.

    So my suggestion would be to try to fit in some other form of mitigation into your build through IOs rather than focusing solely on +recharge. Get as much +recharge as you can, but find something else to stack onto your regen and heals, either resistance, defense, or both.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    Mind/Fire and Ice/Psi.
    Originally Posted by Exxar View Post
    Elaborate pls.
    Mind/Fire mostly because Mind/ is a fully ranged control set, and /Fire is one of the better assault sets to play from range. It's also one of the most damaging. It has no secondary effects besides damage, but that suits a set with a lot of control like Mind/ just fine. Some of the other pairings for Mind/ put forth have merit as well, you just have to pick the one that appeals to you the most.

    Ice/Psi because there is very strong synergy between the sets. Ice/ plays in close to get the most out of the set, and also gets a lot of its control through slows. The thing about slows is they don't eliminate incoming damage the way hard controls do, they just reduce them. /Psi has Drain Psyche, which turns you into a regen Dom. Especially once you get your patron shield, you can absorb the few attacks coming your way and regen back the damage you take. Drain Psyche is best used in close, same as Ice/. Then there's Psychic Shockwave, another great power used in close. The playstyle that arguably gets the most out of both sets is nearly identical. They seem made to go together.
  12. With the Singularity out that one mission has you facing three mezzers at once, one of which is a boss you can't downgrade with difficulty settings. It's a bit much to handle without mez protection, especially at that level where your build is not fully mature. A couple defeats is not bad at all IMO. I doubt you'll face anything more difficult for quite a while.

    Since I play a lot of squishies I've gotten in the habit of just dropping that mission. Sure I complete it with a specialized inspiration load, but it's not worth the hassle. I gladly drop it every time.
  13. I'll join for the Saturday villain events (#2, #3, #4) and the Sunday villain event (#9). I'm not 100% sure yet what I'll bring, I'll update once I work it out.
  14. I do 5 Posi's Blasts and a recharge IO.
  15. I haven't looked but I'm sure I have a few 33s if you're still looking.
  16. Where possible you'd want to invest in IOs that have greater value on the side you're switching to. I wonder if there will be enough of that going on to stabilize prices between sides on certain IOs. My guess is no, but it will be interesting to see.

    Offhand I don't know what would be best to use. Blue->Red maybe pet IOs. Red->Blue I don't know what has greater value on blue side than red.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    It isn't a real limitation, more of an annoyance.
    That's my main problem with it. That and the fact that market savvy people will be only be inconvenienced by it, while "casual" players will be the ones hit hard.
  18. According to this interview with war witch, it looks like we won't be taking our inf with us when we change sides. It's not completely spelled out, but seems pretty clear.

    if you just pick up and walk away from everything you’ve accomplished as a hero, there are consequences to your decisions. If you’ve made a name for yourself in the higher echelons of Paragon City, what makes you think you have any street cred in the Rogue Isles? You’ll have to establish yourself on the other side.
  19. Hmmm...four SoAs and a FFG...I have a feeling this is gonna be fun.
  20. Supernumiphone

    My first 50!

    Epic archetypes unlocked!
  21. I wouldn't count on it coming any time soon, or at all. Unless there's been an update I missed, BaB said he thought he could fix it, then ran into a snag and the fix wouldn't work. Last mention of it I saw he said he'd keep looking at it. Maybe he'll find a clever way to fix it, maybe it just won't be possible without tech changes. If the latter, it could be months, years, or never before we see it.
  22. I'm in for this. I'll bring my widow, Painberry.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JAXMAN View Post
    I doubt I'll play the Defender much. I like Scourge that much.
    I've had that problem for a long time.