respeccing to Mace Mastery???




I have an SS/WP Brute, and I got the Mu ST and Ranged AoE to 'round' her out. Problem is, concept is pretty darn important to me, and I want her offensive 'Powers' to really only be Super Strength based. Alas, you're really cutting yourself short by foregoing a Ranged Attack and Especially Extra AoE Attack from the there she goes, shooting Red Lightning in between her Footstomps and Knockouts...

But I thought, by going with Mace Mastery, then her 'real powers' could still be just Super Strength, she just happens to have procurred a Tech Based Item that packs some extra Ranged and AoE punch. That'd work for me.

But reading the Power Descriptions and some posts here and there, I'm a bit worried about Mace Mastery.

First, there's Knockback described in the powers. I know it's not the best thing for a WP secondary to be knocking foes away, but I can live with it if it's not too problematic. So, how disruptive is Mace KB?

Second, I've read some 'HATE' posts about the Forced Redraws. Is it that bad? Does it pretty much rule using the powers in an attack chain?

Thanks for any input



yeah.. mace redraw is pretty horrid when it comes to brutes.. meaning, a corr can pull the mace out before it's in range of npcs... on a brute, you pretty much live in melee and are constantly attacking, so it's just bothersome.



Redraw really isn't half as bad as most people make it.

I've got a Bane that uses the Mace single Target attacks and the Rifle AoEs, constantly jumping in and out of melee and it's really not much of an issue, even if I just stay in melee range and use the Target AoEs, skipping the Cone.

You're probably gonna have to try for yourself.



Well, I do have a couple of respecs to burn, so unless someone jumps in with a big 'NAY!' I'll probably do it the next couple days...

Thanks for your imput guys



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I have an SS/WP Brute, and I got the Mu ST and Ranged AoE to 'round' her out. Problem is, concept is pretty darn important to me, and I want her offensive 'Powers' to really only be Super Strength based. Alas, you're really cutting yourself short by foregoing a Ranged Attack and Especially Extra AoE Attack from the there she goes, shooting Red Lightning in between her Footstomps and Knockouts...

But I thought, by going with Mace Mastery, then her 'real powers' could still be just Super Strength, she just happens to have procurred a Tech Based Item that packs some extra Ranged and AoE punch. That'd work for me.

But reading the Power Descriptions and some posts here and there, I'm a bit worried about Mace Mastery.

First, there's Knockback described in the powers. I know it's not the best thing for a WP secondary to be knocking foes away, but I can live with it if it's not too problematic. So, how disruptive is Mace KB?

Second, I've read some 'HATE' posts about the Forced Redraws. Is it that bad? Does it pretty much rule using the powers in an attack chain?

Thanks for any input
My SS/Invuln level 50 has Mace. I recently respec'd out of the AOE blast and the pet (decided to take everything in my primary and secondary, but may spec back into them at some point). The KB isn't bad. If you're fighting at +2 or higher on level, then you will probably not knock anyone anywhere, or at least not many. I don't generally use it for close up fights anyways, I used it for smacking a spawn across the room who was picking on a squishy comrade. It's more a way to get their attention than an actual attempt to do DPS.

The pet (arachnobot blaster) is nice and is good to take some aggro from the spawns while you beat down a boss or EB. It can take a pretty good beating

The redraw on the mace is slow, but it's not intolerable.

I like the web power, however, as it's helped me bring down flying foes to beat them up, especially when there are several of them.

Overall, I think it's an OK powerset

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Soul mastery with gloom and dark oblit is a lot less noticeable than Mu. I'd probably go this route.



I have played with all the Patron powers on my SS/Invul brute. Currently I am using Soul mastery. Got to say its my favorite. I did use the Mace for a while. I decided to give it a try for the extra 100 percent recharge proc you can get with KB powers. Now the redraw did not bother me at all but KD drove me nuts with the mace. Similiar to WP, Invul you want mobs to stay close for more Def(wp healing clearly). The extra recharge proc was not as huge as i thought it would be because it overlap alot and newer buff would not overwrite the old one. Thats the reason I respec out of it. Having said that. The Mace AE hits 16 mobs so you would see the proc more consistantly pure activation. On the other hand FS has a fast recast time. Honestly, you going to get MACE put the 100 precent rec proc in both and see how you like. Its not huge but a nice bonus.

Finally I find if you have concept with a toon you want to stick with it. You can make it work. I liked the mace. Its not the power gamers choice but It will work well enough for you.

Best of Luck,



Well I respecced into Mace. The KB isn't bad at all. Redraw is a little bothersome, but not overly so. Would be nice if they could speed those up. Heck I'd be fine with most of the SS Animations of the Mace remained in hand. Pleased with it overall, especially the Mace's appearance and effects.

Thanks for your input, guys...



The redraw issue is going to be fixed Soon™.

In the meantime, if you Brawl an enemy with the Mace drawn, you'll smack the enemy with it.



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
The redraw issue is going to be fixed Soon™.
Really? I missed this in all the announcements... If true, that's awesome!



I wouldn't count on it coming any time soon, or at all. Unless there's been an update I missed, BaB said he thought he could fix it, then ran into a snag and the fix wouldn't work. Last mention of it I saw he said he'd keep looking at it. Maybe he'll find a clever way to fix it, maybe it just won't be possible without tech changes. If the latter, it could be months, years, or never before we see it.