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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    How did you test it and what were your results?

    Did you attack a Monster/GM with a rare Alpha, break off, swap to a non-rare (or nothing) and attack again using the exact same conditions other than the swapped alpha?
    I went up against Eochai with my tanker..............I died. I did survive for 2 minutes. I had a rare slotted.
  2. No, I tested this the other day, the results were not good!
  3. It took 24 hours with me one time. A GM sent me a PM asking what the problem was, and I told the problem was yesterday. I did forget what the problem was though.
  4. I guess there were no problems on European Server, I had to work at those times!
  5. Beastyle didn't even bother coming to Pocket D 2 on Pinnacle Server. I know alot of us were upset about that. Didn't even get a gold title! >
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
    Avatea visited PD5 on Freedom, but just to tell us that all the codes were already given out.
    At least he visited! Didn't visit pocket d 2.
  7. Why are the Devs only visiting Pocket D 1 on every server? They Visited 2, 3, and 4 on freedon and virtue!
  8. Sukothai

    Ingame Emails

    Is there a way to send influence through the email system from American servers to European servers?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    I'm curious what people use for inspiration for their character names. I've been kind of stuck since Going Rogue went live - there is a particular powerset/costume I'd like to use, but I can't think of a name that fits the character/costume/backstory. And frankly it's becoming a bit of a problem, like some horrible kind of writer's block or just flat out obsession. I haven't been able to make any other characters, because I keep fixating on that one. And it's reaching the point that thinking about the Character That Refuses To Be Named leaves me feeling physically ill. And I'm not asking people to name the character for me - a friend already suggested several names, some of which were probably fairly good. I rejected them all because of some vague sense that if I don't pick the name, the character isn't really mine somehow. To the extent that any character in this game "belongs" to the player.

    What I'm looking for, I guess, is how other people get past being blocked on a name. Either because they've got the perfect costume/powerset and can't think of one, or their perfect name turns out to be taken.
    I always choose a name that deals with something in my life. For example; Sukothai I named after I came back from visiting Sukhothai, Thailand.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Really_Big_Bang View Post
    It seems like all the methods involve team-based activities. Am I wrong about that?
    I've noticed since the last update, (the day of the emergency server update,) I haven't gotten any shards when soloing missions, but when on a team or a TF/SF I get shards. I have even increased the number of enemies I fight to get shards, and still no shards. Anyone else noticed this?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KW STRYKER View Post
    These are the instructions from Ganymede in his special assignment of 'Getting Gertie's Garter" or better known as getting the Girdle of Aphrodite.

    You need one of these worthies to break the lockbox to get the girdle.

    I asked Villains and loyalists and rogues in Pocket D and got no response. I tried Emailing and got no response.

    How does one "get" a Villain or a Rogue or a Loyalist to complete this assignment??

    NOMANN is bereft.
    Which server were you on?
  12. Does anyone know if there is a European version to this disc, and if so where would I find it? Please provide a link.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hube02 View Post
    What is it called when a player joins you on a task/strike force and then disappears for the sole purpose of making your life more difficult or basically making it impossible for you to complete said task force?
    A word I can say on the forums!
  14. Sukothai

    Trial Account?

    Originally Posted by Eisenjager View Post
    Went to log in and got the message that I was on a Trial account did I want to upgrade?

    ??? This account is has been a full account for over 57 months. Wouldn't let me get on my character. Anyway said No and backed out of the menus and relogged and seems fine now.

    Just wondering if anyone else had this happen.
    Happened to me yesterday, but I logged back out and back in, and haven't seen it yet!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
    I'm actually glad the WST includes the lower level TF/SF. There are many that I've wanted to play but haven't been able to find a group for. Hoping this encourages more opportunity to run them.
    But the lower level players cannot recieve the "Notice of the Well."
  16. How can these be added to the weekly strike week when they are not level 50 missions?

    Sister Psyche TF and Silver Mantis are both level 20-25, so how do we earn shards from these?
  17. Sukothai

    Shard drop rates

    Now that I wrote this in the forums, I got more shard tonight! I think I'm jynxed.
  18. Sukothai

    Shard drop rates

    I unlocked the Cardiac Partial Radial Revamp (rare slot) and have gotten no shards since then.
  19. Sukothai

    Shard drop rates

    Since last week I have done 6 STF, 2 LRSF, and 5+ other level 50 missions, and haven't gotten a single shard. Did they lower the drop rates on the shards?
  20. What SG were you in, on Freedom? We decided to kick players out of our SG were did not play for more than 1000 days.
  21. Just transferred a character from another server to Infinity, and ran Lord Recluse's Strike Force. The server I was, did not know how to work as a team. They did not wiat for player to load on map location, they did not pull an EBs or AVs.

    But last night was different. All players waited for everyone to load on the map, and they did pull all EBs and AVs. JUst wanted to say thanks for the first experience on Infinity!

    My toon name was Miss Jennette for those on LRSF!
  22. The reason I would like a recipe collector; there are alot of recipes, that nobody is buying, so they are cluttering up the storage at the markets. For example: Invented: Accuracy for level 10, alot of players are selling them, but nobody is buying!

    That is why I'd like a recipe collector!
  23. Then why don't they get rid of the vault, inspiration collector, salvage racks and enhancement tables, if we have plenty of storage available?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gold_Aproch View Post
    Did anyone else notice DJ Zero giving out Snaptooth missions already?
    My brute is still getting Snaptooth missions from 2 years ago!
  25. Is anyone else having this problem? I'll write a post and when I submit it I get logged off, but the the post does get submitted!