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  1. My new electric/electric Dom, Doctor Zebulon (and his Amazing Golden Arm)

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Can you please both confirm and deny that Water Control is one of them?
    Didn't one of the Devs say recently that for water control to "look right" it would require Ultra Mode and that because of this they didn't want to do it? I could swear I remember reading that somewhere.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    That's because they are.

    There are a group of players in this game who have been asking for some kind of end game for YEARS. They have been completely ignored up until very recently.

    Now the devs are finally paying attention to them, and the people who didn't want an end game are throwing a fit because the devs are paying attention to someone else.

    Lately the forums have been sounding like an opera singer warming up their voice: me me me me me

    Yes, the devs are paying attention to someone other than you. The people they are now paying attention to have been ignored for years, but that doesn't matter, does it? You are more important than them, and are in fact the only person who deserves to get what they want. Right?

    That's the sentiment I'm getting out of a lot of people on the forums these days. The sense of: "How DARE they pay attention to someone that isn't me!"

    If I were the devs, I'd be honest about the end game. I'd tell people straight up: "Hey, we're finally getting around to paying some attention to the people who wanted an end game, and we feel bad for having ignored them for so long. If you are not one of those people, we'll get back to you. But I'm sorry, you'll have to wait for a while, just like the people we're paying attention to now have done for the last 7 years."
    Y'know, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my personal feelings on this issue. A thought occurred to me this morning that I think may explain how I (and maybe some others) feel.

    Every MMO that I have ever played that HAD an endgame, was ABOUT that endgame. In every one of them, the phrase "the real game starts at the cap" is bandied about all the time, and for those games it's true. I remember a guildmate in A Certain Fantasy MMO asking once what he could do to help out the guild. The response he got was "get to the cap and gear up for raiding, that's how you help the guild."

    Obviously, CoH has really never had a true endgame until now. The focus of the game has always been about leveling characters, and having lots of alts. Now we have an endgame for the folks that have asked for it. But as I've already said, I've never seen an MMO that had an endgame that didn't focus entirely on said endgame. I think that is the reason for my concern, and the reason I'm fighting tooth and nail for solo options.

    I just don't want to see CoH go the route of other MMO's. Are we at that point now? No of course not. But auras and capes at level 1 for alts is I feel a step in that direction. I understand the Devs wanting to give people lots of rewards as part of the endgame. But I don't want to see that endgame become the only way to get cool new stuff in game. I really do worry that is what will happen. One need only look at the entire rest of the MMO industry to understand why I worry.

    We've had 7 years of an established culture of altism in this game. Having lots of alts doesn't typically mesh well with endgame systems. And given the number of people I've seen complain about how tedious the grind is to "gear up" all their alts in the Incarnate system, I would daresay the same holds true here, at least for now. So no, I do not begrudge you your fun, not at all. But I do not want your fun to become the only valid path to rewards in this game. Call me a doomsayer if you must, but there's an entire industry of precedent fueling my feelings on this issue. Announcements like the most recent one aren't helping in that regard either. Now if the Devs come back and say "hey we're also adding these other auras and travel power graphics that you get this other, solo way" I'll be just happy as a clam.

    Anyway, I've rambled enough. I really need to go to work now.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    To me it seems the decision was based on giving us more reasons to want to do the trials, and therefore find them more enjoyable. Where the disconnect is coming in is that I don't think they understand that there are people who don't enjoy them or want to do them (especially in the ammounts needed to get the rewards they want) and that there are some who don't want to participate in it at all, and they're feeling completely left out in the cold...
    Exactly my friend. There really is no incentive the Devs can offer to get me into those trials short of sending me real world money. And even then it would have to be a significant amount and I still might say no. The more shinies they hang off the trials, the more irritated with the Incarnate system I become. I understand there are people that these costume unlocks and auras will motivate into playing the trials. I just happen to not be one of those folks. And yes, I am starting to feel a little left out because of it.

    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    Yeah to be fair I'd pay up front probably twice the normal booster cost (so £12 for me) to avoid the grind.

    The problem is they will NEVER offer this simply because they cynical git in me says the reason they're introducing these things now is because running the trials is starting to tail off (slowly admittedly) so they're bringing this in to get people back into grinding the trials. They want people grinding the trials so they can look good to their NCsoft bosses, simply as really.
    Actually my personal take on it is that if they don't keep people running the trials, the Incarnate system will quite simply collapse under its own weight. For the system to function there must be a decent number of people willing to do it at all times. I don't deny that business concerns probably do play a role somewhere in there as well, but I don't think it's the sole reason behind it.

    But as for the topic at hand, yes I would pay for a booster pack that gave me those features without hesitation. If that's the only way I can get the stuff I want without doing what I consider a painful and stressful activity then so be it. I wouldn't particularly like having to pay cash for it, but that would be my decision. After all if the cash was that big of an issue I would simply buy an enormous supply of aspirin and play the trials.

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post



    The other three or four flamefest threads, plus all the others that have devolved into bickering, those weren't enough? Someone woke up this morning thinking, "You know what we need? Yet another thread talking about stuff being gated behind Incarnate trials and how we can get out of doing them!"?

    I see no flames. It really doesn't have to go that route.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    Oh lovely. That means Stalker should get it too right? I really want to try Ice Melee but I hate Tankers. Please give it Scrapper/Stalker. :P
    The one thing that could make me reroll my 50 Tanker is if Brutes got Ice Armor and Ice Melee. I'd respec all his IO's off him and redo the character in an instant.

    I just don't believe all the "it hurts Fury" crap. I have run my Ice/Ice Dominator with a friend's Brute, using every trick I had to slow the mobs down, including staying in melee with Arctic Air running, and he had no Fury problems at all.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Cool. Whats the estimated number of Incarnate merits required to unlock them?
    Oh, I laughed so hard.
    Bravo sir. Bravo.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    With this thought process, there is not much that is not already represented in the game other than Weapon sets, and MM sets.

    Recoloring, and Proliferation can cover about anything.
    Dark Control. I would do backflips and stand on my head if they gave it to us. I also think a Sonic Control powerset would be nice.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Personally, I'd be interested to see ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN INCARNATE, and sooner, rather than later. If Matt Miller and his separate development team focusing entirely on end game content intend to keep working in this stuff the entire time, they're going to have to do this without reducing content in all other directions to a crawl.

    Powersets being as work- and cost-intensive as they are, they seem like the first thing to get cut. It's somewhat ironic that even now with the supposedly much larger development team and budget, we're back to looking for least-cost suggestions like we were back when there were only 15 people on the team working on a shoestring budget.
    Y'know you touch on something that has been bothering me too.
    When all this was first announced, I distinctly remember the Devs saying that the end game system would be worked on by a separate Dev team headed up by Matt Miller, and that would leave the rest of the Development staff open to do other projects. I remember thinking at the time that was a good idea, because it would give people the end game system they wanted while preserving the Devs' ability to do updates to other areas of the game. In practice, this does not appear to be what is happening at all.

    As long as there is a Medieval weapon or Eastern martial art not covered by the game, there's a good chance there's at least one power set is some stage of development.

    New power sets based on actual super powers, especially mainstream ones, yeah we've seen the end of them.
    What makes you say this? Just curious how you arrived at that conclusion.
  9. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    no question that he current setup is prohibitive, but as of the ustream chat a few weeks ago, they know we want a solo option that is a bit more viable, they, in the past have implemented things they knew that the community wanted, but it takes time. Right now they are going for a traditional raiding endgame and need to fill it a bit fuller than just 2 trials over and over, once that is added to a point that it is satisfactory, I would be very surprised if they did not also have some form of slower solo advancement as well. my chief warning was that trapdoor and the fun twins are also solo content, and several players had significant trouble with them.

    so solo content does not mean content that is easily soloed by everyone. i shredded them with rian and violet, a scrapper and a dom, and they were significantly harder with my defenders. so brace for the content to be a bit tougher initially, much like the rials were when, in the first week they were impossible to complete, but now people with the proper experience go through them efficiently.i'm trying to head that reaction off so i don't wind up punching my computer screen forums are starting to get to me a bit.
    Lol, I hear ya on the forums getting to you. They pretty much did get to me over the weekend and I've had to take a step back.

    I fully expect any solo Incarnate story arcs to be challenging. I wouldn't have it any other way. Not saying you feel this way at all, but I get the impression from lots of people that they think "solo" automatically means "super easy." It doesn't necessarily mean that at all. I think it would be highly unrealistic for people to expect to be able to take any random build and solo endgame material with it.

    I suppose what really bugs me about the recent announcement is the types of things they're choosing to hang off the endgame system as carrots. I'll admit I'm more than a little irritated at the capes and auras for alts at level 1. I understand the desire to give people plenty of incentive and a variety of goals for the endgame, but I just don't feel giving advantages (albeit cosmetic ones) to alts is the right idea. Especially not when those advantages are features that have been requested for the core game for quite some time. It reminds me of the criticism they got for having the Super Tailor as part of the Science booster. A lot of people were unhappy with that one too.

    Ah well, here's to hoping they do indeed unveil a solo system at some point. I won't lie, I would prefer it be sooner rather than later. And honestly, I think that would be good for the playerbase. If nothing else, it would defuse the growing split over this issue before it gets any worse.
  10. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    You can get shards soloing paper missions. If memory serves, I was getting around 8 an hour ripping through them at full tilt at +0/x8/yes/yes difficulty.

    We'll say 5 hours of that. Per day.

    Of the 40 shards, once a day you can swap 10 shards for 10 threads. For the other 30, you get cut in half.

    25 threads a day. 5 common pieces every 4 days. You can extrapolate from there what it would take to unlock the 4 incarnate buffs and craft even tier 3 pieces. It's a loooooonnng farkin ride.

    Or just run 3-4 incarnate trials a night (that's only 2 hours a night) for 9 days or so.
    Ah I see now. There is technically a solo way to do it, but it's prohibitively long and expensive in terms of inf. I was under the impression that to unlock everything past Alpha, you absolutely had to do the trials. I just looked them up on the Wiki and see now that you can technically purchase even the unlocks with threads and inf. I say technically because from what I'm seeing of the conversion costs and time required, you'd have to be freakin' nuts to do it that way.

    Yeah........that sucks.
  11. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    you will likely be able to craft rares in all 4 at that level, provided your teams arent bad, and lb i will just suggest they probably wont be. as for very rares, as you probably noticed with the alphas, very rares really dont enhance things that much, outside of some of the lores. they help, but they are definitely prestige levels, the additional power over rares is frosting, but rares will provide the significant bulk of your power. i didnt see you specify tier 4s, so i didnt take that into account, but i see a good number of players stopping at 3, and i have myself. its where i got my shifts, and its where i got most of my power for relative low investment of time, if you want to run 3-4 times as many to get to the tier 4, then yah, make it higher, but tier 3 is really enough. I actually found that in the time it took me to unlock the slots, i could make tier 3s and never even dealt with t1s or 2s so i started at high strength.
    Thanks for the info. I'm willing to bet then that the people I've been seeing talk about 100+ trials are trying to get multiple characters through the system. I probably just misunderstood and thought they meant ONE character.

    as for you warshade, impressive, ill admit, with rian(my main hero) i have yet to ever get him to a billion inf, and fully slotting him out took significantly longer before i started running tfs(only joined lb a year or so ago) now i was slotting alts as well, so i was raising about 8 chars at once at the 40+ range. and i didnt farm katie or ae, those who did went faster, but for the case of the "regular" player, id be surprised if they got all the ios that a teamer could get it would take longer.
    Thank you. I will admit I lead a bit of a charmed existence when it comes to drops. I seem to get purple drops quite often when I play my 50's, a fact that has caused my friends I run with to curse me to no end. Also, when I decide to really go for broke on a character's build I tend to play that character exclusively until it's "done," then I move on to the next one.

    So I suppose that yeah, I'm not really your typical soloist, and that I probably should have pointed that out when I mentioned the time it took to get my Warshade's build together. But you are right, a soloist would definitely take longer than a teamer to "IO out". My original point was not really about the time spent so much as it was that it could be done. To my knowledge with the current setup of the Incarnate system, a soloist literally cannot progress through it at all beyond the Alpha slot.
  12. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    for lambda, i have seen it take between 4-5 runs for me to get interface and about the same for destiny. bafs take longer, maybe 10 runs if you arent on the ambush team and just focus on the avs. it takes less time if you are good with the market and have extra cash, 2.5 mill really sint that hard if you just cash in 2 aligment merits, get something like a kinetic combat and pop up 100+million. lesss if you actually are savvy with the market, im not, an 88 or even my one sgmate can make several times that in a few minutes, but im going for the foolproof way. that can chop off significant amounts of ixp needed.

    trials can stack pretty fast, so i have had nights where in a 2 hours i have run 4 successful bafs with no prisoners escaped(more astral merits), you are on lb, right, i know you are a liberty-ite. You will undoubtedly say that 20 runs is too many for judge and lore(about 10 each if you dont cash in or get on ambush teams), but that really is only 10 hrs, and on lb we tend to run 3-5 at a time, so you will have little standing around and much quick, competent teams.

    one other thing i have to address, soloist could achieve the same amount of power technically as teamers during the io era(back when hamis buffed more, teamers had a distinct advantage unless they had a teaming alt or a sg sugardaddy to give them ho's) it was not as easy, several recipes were locked behind running tfs, so you had to either be fantastically lucky with a boss(they had a low drop rate), or got preternaturally lucky and got a full purple set from drops,you had to farm, or you had to buy them at inflated rates from the market. none of those were particularly "fun-speed" for a dedicated solist, a teamer always had a distinct advantage, and if you had a good number of alts you wanted to power up, it really became significantly difficult to run at parity with a teamer for a non farmer/marketeer. so while your statement was technically correct, you would be hard pressed to say it was realistic for a good portion of players who would be dedicatedly soloing because of shyness, time or system issues.
    In regards to the number of trials required, are those numbers you're stating to completely get all the way to Tier 4 in all the currently available slots? The reason I ask is I have seen people claim they have done 100+ trials and STILL aren't "done" with the slots currently in game. Not contesting your numbers, just confused because the numbers you're stating seem quite low compared to what I've seen others say. Again, I don't know, because I won't touch the trials myself with a 10 foot pole.

    As for time required to outfit a character solo in the IO system: my Warshade is my absolute favorite character. If I had to declare any one character my "main" it would be him. As a result, he's the one I've spent the most effort into outfitting. I don't know how much in total the IO's in his build would "go for" on the Market, but at a guess I would say at least a billion, possibly more. I've known people to immediately roll up Warshades themselves after seeing him in action. I achieved this on him in a little over a month of dedicated play after he hit 50. Now granted, that was not 100% solo, but the vast majority of it was. So I guess I disagree with your contention that truly maxing out a character through solo play is prohibitively time intensive. I will concede though, that back before the merit rewards system it would have been much worse than it is now.
  13. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
    Damnit. That was exactly what I've been trying to say, yeah.
    But you basically did say that in your first post.
    I think I personally have been too concerned with dancing around the issue and pie-in-the-sky game theory debates to be able to just state it that succinctly. Seeing your post made me think "yes! that's what I've been trying to say."
  14. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
    Fair enough. I have run TFs, and they were fun; I'm not unwilling to run them (again). I just don't have the hours in the day.

    And I suspect that I'm not the only one.

    Not directing this at you, personally, Geko, but there are many who are able to trial, trial, TF, trial, and don't understand that others don't have that kind of time - even if they'd like to.

    And the most recent set of offerings seems directed more at those with "more time to play" than the previous several years' worth did.
    Just one thing I'd like to point out that popped into my head when reading this: yes the Trials are short by design. An individual trial can be run very quickly. But how many trials does it take? Since I haven't done them I honestly don't know, but my impression is it takes quite a few (as in more than a dozen). So while yes an individual trial is short the overall time investment required is quite large. But then, that's typical of endgame grinds. All the ones I've ever seen are set up that way, so in that regard CoH's is no different.

    I think what does give us a slightly different situation is that, as ThatGuy said in his first post, prior to now a solo player could achieve the exact same "level of power" as a team player. That is no longer the case. It is that change that has caused me to question the lack of a solo option in this system.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
    When all of the announced new content since November is being funneled into either the Incarnate System or paid booster packs, people are absolutely entitled to wonder what is in it for them. Paragon has to earn their business, too. Development is clearly happening, but the focus is not on the things that were the reason they stuck by CoH for years. Why continue to invest in the game? Here's a hint: It's not for the opportunity to run costume contests in Atlas Park. People don't play a game for seven years for that. They play it for new powersets, costume pieces, archetypes, missions, zones, mob groups, new stories, zone revamps -- that all-inclusive content that players, old and new, can enjoy on their own terms and that CoH has provided largely without restrictions. We expect CoH to give us the same standard of what it gave us for the last seven years and that now makes us sound entitled? Or our years-old playstyle is now "weird?" Or that we're in a "tiny minority" for not being pleased with the state of affairs? Shame on Paragon Studios for setting such a high standard and shame on us for holding them to it.
    Very well said. I agree with this completely.
  16. Steel_Shaman

    Solo content.

    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    True story: A dev told me in beta they were afraid people wouldn't run the trials they put so much work into if there was an alternative (even if the alternative was slower).

    Instead of just making sure the trials are fun and stand on their own merits, they decided to force play of them by making them the only way to advance.
    That's incredibly discouraging. So the Devs acknowledge they don't want to give us options. That's Honestly, words fail me.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
    For example, if you unlock the Frost Path Aura, you can unlock it on all the characters you choose.

    You purchase the item from a vendor and you get something that is delivered via the gleemail interface called a Certificate, and it looks just like a gleemail but is labeled "Certificate". The item is attached, and you can claim it on as many characters as you wish. The Certificate doesn't expire, unlike other mails. You can delete the Certificate on any character after you claim it and not before, but the certificate will still show up for other characters, even characters you create after you have made the purchase.

    The auras you purchase via Incarnate Merits are available to be applied to a character even if you haven't unlocked general auras on that character yet, much like the auras from Booster Packs, even if you are level 1.

    There are also items called Vouchers that work in a similar way, but they can be used only once by any one character on your account. Vouchers use the same interface, but once they are claimed on one character, they are no longer available to any other character. One example is that for 10 Astral Merits you can buy a Voucher that will let you unlock capes or auras early on any one character. Log into the character to claim the voucher. (Current prices are Beta, as a reminder.)

    (Just to be sure, I went on our internal server and tested all of this to be sure before posting since I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it if I was inaccurate!!)
    You guys seem interested in making auras and capes no longer be level-locked then. That's a good thing. So why not just do it? Why tie it specifically to the Incarnate system? What's the thought process behind requiring someone to participate in that system for something this big?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    If you ask me, the coolest bit of Ultra Mode is seeing your character's shadow on the ground when you fly. It's not so much the big details as it is all the little details coming together to make things look more real.
    Exactly. I noticed that when my Bane goes back into Hide, his shadow vanishes. The first time it happened I was like "what the heck?" then I thought "you're invisible, dummy! no shadow!" I was actually impressed the Devs took the time to code something like that as part of the shadow tech.

    I did a Renault SF last night and was very pleased with my system's performance. Even with a full 8 man team and power effects going everywhere it was all smooth as silk. I need to see if any of my characters has a mission on that blasted new warehouse map with the "blue room" and see how that does.

    To Sam: I feel your pain. You're in exactly the spot I was until a few days ago. My new system is not top of the line by any means, but its vid card (GTX 470) seems to play very nicely with CoH.
  19. Yes, yes I know I'm late. Ultra mode has been in the game for some time.
    But you see, until yesterday I didn't have a system capable of actually making use of it without coming to a screeching halt. Yesterday my first new PC in three years (hereafter referred to as The Beast) arrived.

    So after getting CoH set up, despite the very best efforts of the NCSoft Launcher (grr), I cranked up the video settings. "You must restart the game." Fine fine, just DO IT. I wanna see!

    And boy have I seen. Having seen Ultra Mode firsthand for the very first time I am quite impressed. Excellent job Devs. The game looks absolutely wonderful. At one point I found myself just standing in front of a mission door in St. Martial because I was entranced by the shadows of the trees behind me falling across it. I have a feeling this is going to slow down leveling my Bane Spider quite a bit, because of all the pausing to admire the scenery. Good thing he has stealth.

    Ah well. Come along Beast! We have heroes to defeat and banks to rob!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Thing is, Je_saist has a point.

    People are whining, when the devs have already stated there are plans to add what they're whining about.

    They just aren't implemented yet. However, this is of course not good enough for them.
    Actually for myself it's a case of making damn sure the Devs don't forget for even one second how thoroughly unhappy some of us are with the current end game design. I'd rather it doesn't take them until Issue 40 to get around to these solo and small team options they are promising. The best way I know to do that is to keep reminding them.
  21. Steel_Shaman


    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I could see a branching system if it branched *earlier* (somewhere between lvl 10-14.) 24 is just ridiculous - especially with the forced respec then. One of the things I can't *stand* about it (moreso when going huntsman.)
    Now that I think about it, I could get behind branching if it happened earlier, and didn't force a respec. Let the first few levels have common powers all characters of the AT share, and maybe every few levels open up access to different pools, allowing for further customization of the character's abilities. Perhaps choosing some pools would lock access to others and unlock still others. It could be interesting.

    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    I really don't see them (if peats happen at all) following the same template of the Veats...if for no other reason than they already did that, with the Veats.
    A good point. The Devs seemed determined to have the Red and Blue epic AT's possess a unique "schtick" no other AT had: shapeshifting with Kheldians and branching with the Soldiers. I could see a third epic AT having something completely unique if they followed that premise.
  22. Steel_Shaman


    Actually I would hope they never saddle us with a branching system like the VEATS again. I love my Crab. I adore my Bane. My Fortunata positively makes me giggle.

    I did NOT love my Crab and Bane being AR blasters for the first 24 levels. The claws scrapper period my Fortunata had to endure positively gave me hives.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    However, what sinks City of Heroes' graphics is that you need frankly unjustifiable levels of hardware power to run what is ostensibly an old, ugly game. I can play Oni these days and never really bat an eye at the segmented character models because I know it's an old game, and because I can crank it to whatever ridiculous resolution I want, slap it with anti-alising, anisotropic filtering and so on from the nVidia Control Panel and it will still run at a framerathe that's twice my monitor refresh. Not so for City of Heroes.
    I knew with absolute certainty the moment Ultra mode was announced I was about to start seeing performance issues even though my current system greatly outstrips the minimum for CoH. And sure enough, as soon as Ultra Mode hit I had to tweak a few options down because all of a sudden my system couldn't handle them even with the optional Ultra Mode turned completely off. The same exact thing happened with CoV launch and the small graphical update it gave us too.

    I can run a new game released in March at 50 fps. CoH? 30 if I'm lucky. Fortunately, I have a new system coming tomorrow (yay!) and it will most likely make Ultra Mode look amazing. But to Sam's point, it shouldn't take a beefy system to run CoH.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
    I did a search *just* now, from levels 1-20, there were more than 50 matches. From 21-40, again, more than 50 matches. Also keep in mind, that I'm a villain only player so I don't get to see the more populated side of the game.

    For fun, doing a search in a 10 level range:

    1-10: 26
    11-20: 31
    21-30: More than 50
    31-40: More than 50
    41-50: More than 50

    Granted, it's primetime but I also can't see hidden people.
    I have not seen numbers like that in each of the level ranges in a very long time. I would assume you play on Virtue or Freedom, yes?
  25. Steel_Shaman

    Death penalty

    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    I'm reading this thread as polarizing into two camps:

    On the one hand you've got those who just want to run through content with as little challenge as possible and move onto the next thing, and any impediment to that is a PITA.

    The counter to that is that with no challenge there's no sense of achievement, and there's a far smaller but still significant portion of the posters in the thread that actually want the game to be more challenging.

    I've made no secret of the fact that I find the lack of challenge in this game very bothersome - but on the other hand I've only ever had about 3 months out since I started playing 5 years ago so I can't hate it that bad.

    It's one thing to say "Screw you I'm gonna play the game the way I want to and that's fine up to a point but MMOs are largely social experiences and that attitude has a limited lifespan. There's probably an interesting pseudopsyche point about regression towards the mean here but I CBA to get into that too deep.

    The real thing here is that most humans are lazy and will gladly get spoon fed rather than having to work for any reward. Maybe it makes for a less interesting experience but it's kind of understandable in the wider context of survival.
    "The Death Penalty is fine" translates to "I don't want to be challenged"?
    I think I'm going to have to leave this thread now because any response I could give to this would be inflammatory at best.

    Have fun everyone!