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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    technically, that would have been the option: "continue fighting for justice outside the law" assuming you mean "I don't care" as in you keep on doing it.
    The other "I don't care" would have been revealing your identity and keep going anyway.
    The third "I don't care" would have been retiring.

    You have three "I don't care" options, really.
    Number 9 is the question about Fame/Notoriety >.>

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But a story arc still counts for slapping an evil Cole, so helping Maria Jenkins can also give the same amount of Cole-slapping action as the KTF
    Technically there are only 3, then. The two Column TFs and the legacy Maria Jenkins arc.

    Since the new one is a clone it's not -his- face. It's the clone's.

    Though if you're looking to punch his face without regards to whether it's attached to him you could always print out a picture of him to punch or put your fist through a monitor.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    And now there are 4

    And technically, there are actuallt 6, if you go back in time to fight Tyrant on the Hero's Hero arc, or punch his clone in the face on the Hero's Epic arc
    Nope. There are just the two, right now.

    Two are storyarcs, not TFs, and the other two aren't in-game, yet. The only Evil Cole you can smack around is Nazi Cole.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I'd go with 100% failure to save one or the other. My pre-emptive answer, I save my wife and let 10 unknown people die. I won't deny that those I choose to love are vastly more important to me than the unwashed masses. (Did I just give away far too much of my "hero" status?)
    Uh oh... now you're going to have Evil Geko and Golden Cole following you around and asking which hospital they should bomb. >.>

  5. Wow... I didn't think I'd wind up slapping the government in the face nearly as bad as your little survey asked me to...

    Incidentally: Save the loved ones and the strangers. It just wouldn't be right to let some die when you could save them. If I fail that coin toss at least I'll be in the afterlife with my family. If I succeed: Everyone lives.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Wouldn't this have the opposite effect that you intend, then? If it becomes a detriment to have larger groups (as the Tanker, you wouldn't even want to herd to the aggro limit because otherwise your damage per enemy takes a hit), then you'd see people pulling smaller and smaller groups, to keep the numbers down, versus herding up large amounts of mobs.

    Considering that mobs do heal back damage over time, it's better to do a lot of damage to 10 enemies than it is to do 5/8ths the damage to 16. Also, as a Tanker, that means that I'd be generating only 5/8ths the Threat on those 16 mobs than I'd generate one the 10 I would have hit. Meanwhile, the Blaster is still generating 100% of his aggro when he throws out that Fireball.
    But it's 100% of 5/8ths the original damage, and thus balances.

    Aggro generation isn't just a matter of how often you hit a target, but total damage done, damage done in a set amount of time, etc.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HeavyTank View Post
    so where do i sign up to plant my fist in evil coles face?
    Well there's two places, actually.

    One for Heroes

    One for Villains

    Hope that helps!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MasterElemental View Post
    This isn't about Defenders this change wouldn't effect them. and I don't have it slotted or have it in my tray as in my point as it's a waste
    And for my Earth/Storm O2 Boost would be a waste.

    I debuff and control foes using my patches rather than slapping them with my AoE immob off the bat. If someone is out of my patch before my Immob is ready to land I use Gale to push them back into the patch (Quicksand and Volcanic Gasses make an awesome pairing!) and then immob them.

    I solo, so being forced to take O2 Boost at level 1 would be a complete waste, since I cant use it on myself. At least Gale does some KB and a teensy hit of Damage in an AoE.

  9. Steampunkette

    Ambush AI

    Originally Posted by ioshie View Post
    For you to imply I'm not making a suggestion because what I am suggesting is "impossible" seems like a rather limiting view of what can be accomplished the developers of this fine game.

    Granted, I don't have access to the code and this generates two "problems" with making suggestions about changing said code.
    1) I will not be able to make a suggestion as specific as you seem to feel I should.
    2) Any specific suggestion I make may be impractical because of the way in which things are coded.

    So, assuming that you are 100% correct in your assessment of how the ambush AI currently works, are you saying there is a magnitude of aggro placed on the player or a timer or both?

    And if it is either or both, why would it be impossible to have a logical statement in the code that goes something like:
    If(not attacked && not taunted)
       Aggro magnitude on player = 1000 for 1000 minutes
       revert to normal aggro rules
    end if
    It's not Code. It's a series of mathematical numbers. This isn't C++ we're talking about.

    the ambush method is based on an equation rendered from a set of numbers the engine already uses, rather than an in-engine line of code. The engine created the variables and math in use (Aggro on a percentage scale, duration in seconds) and from that the method is derived.

    What you're suggesting would be a complete re-work of Aggro and how it's handled, essentially creating a pseudo "AmbushAggro" variable which can be negated through aggressive action.

    THAT is a suggestion that, in a forum, we can create constructive debate on. Well done!

    Personally, I think it's too much effort for too little net gain, but I wouldn't oppose the change.

  10. Steampunkette

    Ambush AI

    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Interesting thought, but I don't see a single target Placate being that useful against an ambush wave.
    If it were just masterminds it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

    Controllers, Corruptors, Defenders, and Dominators all have these tools or similar ones at their disposal. It's Blasters and Stalkers that should actually be worried.

  11. Steampunkette

    Ambush AI

    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Well, to be fair, he did suggest that the reproductive activity that players would perform with the AI would be within the sanctity of marraige, so I don't think it would be unlawful, exactly.
    So long as Divorce exists and homosexuals aren't allowed to marry there is no sanctity in marriage, only hypocrisy.

    Though you're right about it being -lawful- carnal knowledge rather than unlawful.

  12. Steampunkette

    Ambush AI

    Originally Posted by ioshie View Post
    I am aware of the two ways in which ambushes currently function. I thought it was clear that I was talking specifically about the former from my original post. I don't think there is a problem with the latter.

    I also thought it was clear that my suggestion was specifically about changing the way the aggro of ambushes in method 1 work. I didn't mean to imply that I just want it randomly changed to something else.

    My specific suggestion is that the mission holder start with a large aggro bonus that can be broken if the MOBs are aggroed in any standard way that MOBs are aggroed (i.e. taunts, damage, distracting them with a shiny object, etc.).
    I understand you were referring to the first of the two methods. I'm pointing out that there is no way to make it work otherwise.

    Without a certain amount of Aggro an NPC won't follow a PC beyond a certain distance from it's spawn point. The greater the aggro, the longer the "Leash" so to speak. So the aggro must be capped and then some for the NPC to follow the target from one end of the map to the other.

    Without a specific knowledge of how long it takes to get to the PC on the map, the Aggro duration must be incredibly long just in case the NPC gets hung on terrain or has to walk from one end of a very long map to the other.

    There is almost no chance for any other player or NPC entity (Pets) to out-aggro the ambush spawns -because- of those two requirements.

    So unless you can offer a third method of controlling Ambushes your post devolves into "I don't like this, change it" which is not a Suggestion. Many players and even some of the Devs probably agree that the method is not ideal. But without a third method it's the only one we've got which ensures the Ambush reaches the target players.

    As for:
    Originally Posted by ioshie View Post
    LOL I re-read my post and do not I see where I called anyone a derogatory name, not even something as benign as a tool. I was really just trying to be funny; kinda tongue-in-cheek because I know that there are going to be people who disagree with me. And I'm okay with that. In fact, if you could tell me why I'm wrong in not liking the current AI for ambushes I might change my opinion of it.

    I also refrained from the use of exclamation points in my post, and I don't really appreciate you suggesting that I meant to use them
    I was paraphrasing your post. Which boiled down to an appeal to ridicule. The logical fallacy that people on the other side of the argument are ridiculous because they're on the other side of the argument.

  13. Steampunkette

    Ambush AI

    There are currently two ways to work an ambush.

    Method 1: Place a long-lasting and large aggro bonus toward a target so that NPCs will path across the map to attack that target, ambushing them no matter where they are. This causes the Stalker-Hide uselessness problem, Defenders who can't drop aggro even with the tank taunting, and Masterminds getting slammed while their minions flail at the passing ambushers.

    Method 2: Declare a specific location on the map for the ambush to rush toward. In which case they will not aggro on any target along the path they take unless attacked or taunted, and may not run into the target at their destination if the ambush-victim leaves the area of the ambush location.

    By all means! Suggest an alternative method of creating an Ambush AI. A different method of designation for targets of any sort. Posting "Hey! Change This! And anyone who disagrees with me is a tool who adores the current method and wants to perform sick unlawful carnal acts with it!" is just going to get you flamed.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    I figured it'd be more like the Redside Arc plays out.

    The 1st tier clones are incomplete or failed copies, resulting in a mix of powers that don't follow the MM's.

    2nd Tier clones could be Replicants with toned down version of the MM's powers (Secondary)

    3rd Tier would be a perfect Clone. Only without the ability to clone. Can't have copies making copies.

    Just how I'd imagine it though.
    How about 3rd Tier clone with the ability to use a "Gang War" type power to create a small army of short-lived uncontrolled clones?

    Or perhaps let it use a clone form of Phantom Army.

  15. Steampunkette

    NY Comic Con

    Part 3 of the panel is up, now! Thanks, James Joyce!

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Anything that feels like that horrible failure of a Marvel arc will result in homicide.
    See.... I thought it was a play on This.

    Which would be awesome. Growth/shrinking powers!

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
    Nobody's perfect, nobody catches everything, a group of 600+ is going to catch more things than a group of 60 (especially when many individuals within that group will be actively seeking exploits). That's just a fact, and no indictment of anyone's competence.
    60 Devs, however many people they put into the beta, which is anyone's guess. If they're looking to drop it by Halloween, the beta process is going to be very short. Logic kinda dictates they don't forsee a whole lot of problems... YMMV

    Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
    Testing is rarely routine and rarely predictable. If it weren't, we wouldn't need betas. QE-mother****in'-D. This is how we end up with things like the Alpha slot being pulled for an entire issue.
    Testing is very routine. It's done in-house all the darn time. Predictable: Nope! But since Beta -is- testing we'd need Betas whether or not it were predictable or routine... Since the beta, by definition, is part of the testing process.

    Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
    Short. Memories.
    And angry little forumites, apparently.

    Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
    but feel free to keep thinking the first-ever pair of 50-only TFs, designed to be extra-challenging, won't try anything new, won't need to be adjusted for difficulty/exploits, and will just boil down to "spawn points and geometry", keep tap-tap-tappin away at that
    Pssssst! Any time they make "Something New" they tend to test it, rigorously, in both the internal testing process and the Friends and Family testing process. Both of these are BEFORE the beta process begins.

    And they've got 2 weeks or so in which they can test and patch away the -big- problems that, most likely, will hit the TFs. The enimation glitches will probably either be ignored (since they're cosmetic) or Non-Existent... Otherwise they wouldn't have let BaBs go.

    Also! please stop with the "Tap Tap Tap" stuff. Baiting is lame.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
    yeah man, and all they need to do is type some code, pfft, i can type things on my computer, TAP TAP TAP, there, i just wrote a vidya game!

    Seriously, it's pretty silly to dismiss all those things as trivial when we don't know any specifics, and the history of the game has shown us that there's been a trend toward making the high level TFs more complicated/challenging and advancing the tech; players enjoy breaking things in ways the devs don't anticipate; animation issues rarely work out smoothly on first pass (especially given one of the recent layoff casualties); etc. etc.

    Awful lot of short memories, wishful thinking, and/or selling the devs short here, is what I'm saying.
    Considering that most of the TESTING is pretty routine I stand by my statements of what needs to be tested being fairly trivial by comparison to most other issues (Save i15, which needed next to no testing compared to the others)

    Not none. Not "Tap Tap woo!" but little comparatively. And if anything I'm selling the Devs -LONG- not short, since I seem to be overestimating a 60 person team's ability to bug-hunt an issue release, by your opinion.

  19. Two new task forces. These might need geometry/spawn testing.

    And the (presumed) story arc to unlock the slot. Same here.

    And alternate blast animations. Pretty much already handled, since the tech is already in place. Make sure nothing -else- broke with the patch.

    And the Praetoria zone events. Definitely going to need testing in both Neutropolis and Imperial, not so much in Nova since it sounds like a standard "Overspawn" (ala Supertrolls) with yellow-reticle targets.

    And the additional tip/morality missions. Which need about as much testing as the TFs.

    And inherent Fitness. Not a lot of testing needed, since the inherent power tech has been around forever. The respec function may need tweaking/testing.

    And the various other QoL fixes. I'd need a list. >.>

    So I'll reiterate, but not sarcastically: Yeah, not a whole lot to test at all!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xilibrius View Post
    A kinetic blast set would be nice too, though it wouldn't get through as suggested since unless it had a stupid high end cost the tier eight power is overpowered.
    Single target control power? I don't see how that's OP...

    Though as a KB rather than stun you might be right... How about 3 ticks of 50% chance of .67KB?

  21. To go with this...

    Telekinetic Blast

    Tier 1: Kinetic Strike: Single Target low damage blast

    Tier 2: Telekinetic Blast: Single Target moderate damage blast

    Tier 3: Repulsing Torrent: As the power of the same name.

    Tier 4: Focused Burst: As the power of the same name with a damage increase.

    Tier 5: Center Self: Aim Clone

    Tier 6: Kinetic Crash:
    20ft range 180 degree "Cone" knockdown with moderate damage

    Tier 7: Lift: As the power of the same name

    Tier 8: Telekinetic Slam: Single Target knockdown pulse minor damage. Knocks the target down with a .67KB every 2 seconds for 7 seconds.

    Tier 9: Telekinetic Storm: Ground Target AoE DoT and pulsing KD

    All using "Kinetic Melee" styled animations. >.>

  22. Steampunkette

    Kidnap Missions

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    There's nothing that will let you "bind" - much less "carry" another PC or NPC. It's one of the engine limitations that also prevents a "Grappling" type powerset.

    And no, kidnaps don't make me worry particularly.
    I beg to differ.

    Something similar to Gnome Toss could be used, but would be ridiculous as the Hostage would resize to fit the person "Carrying them" on their back (for Piggybacking)

    Apply a temp-power which auto-drops a pet when you cross the despawn point at the entrance and voila.

  23. Earth Control: 6/3
    Electric Control: 5/4
    Fire Control: 5/4
    Gravity Control: 5/4
    Ice Control: 5/4
    Illusion Control: 3/6
    Mind Control: 8/1
    Plant Control: 6/3

    All totaled, we get 43 which gain benefit from Domination and 29 which don't.

    Illusion control would be the one with the least benefit from the AT's inherent ability. There's no way to get around that. With that penalty, a bonus -should- be created for Illusion Control.

    I don't think it -shouldn't- get proliferated. But I do think it should be buffed to make up for the lack of benefit while Domination is up. Perhaps find some way to make Domination buff the Illusion pets or something? Or just give them a straight up benefit.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Lol, Dominators don't get Domination sets...those are for the support ATs like Corruptors and Defenders.

    Dominators get control sets and Illusion Control is a control set therefore they should get it.

    And if your argument stems from "The set doesn't benefit from Domination" well, the set doesn't benefit or facilitate Containment either.

    Doms 2
    Je_saist 0
    Containment was developed -after- the Illusion Control set came out. And it does benefit from the bonus, since your pets dish out double damage to held/sleeping/stunned/immobed targets. Further, Overpower was added in still later.

    However, as it stands now illusion controllers have 3 powers which would benefit from Domination (Flash, Blind, Deceive) which would kind of suck.

    However a power rework could make up the difference by increasing the damage of their pets, or lowering their recharge timers. Or even granting Phantom Army Punch-Voke.

    Straight Port from Controller to Dominator: Bad idea.
    Slight modification and port from Controller to Dominator: Good idea.

  25. Is it just me... Or has some of the wording on the announcement page changed since this thread cropped up?

    Radmind's copy-paste from the page.
    Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
    Fitness Power Pool is Inherent

    The Fitness power pool is now an inherent power pool available to all new and existing characters starting from Level 1. Players can freely choose between any or all of the Fitness powers for available character power slots. These powers can be slotted and will accept the appropriate Enhancements.
    The current overview page.
    Originally Posted by i19 Overview Page View Post
    Fitness Pool Powers are Inherent

    Fitness Pool powers are now inherent powers available to all new and existing characters starting from Level 2. All characters will be granted Swift, Hurdle, Health, and Stamina. These powers can be slotted and will accept the appropriate Enhancements.
    So no it's looking like every just gets the whole set unlocked at level 2, slottable at will. Instead of being able to choose them out of order into your power-picks...

    Or am I somehow off base on this?
