My Mastermind Ideas: Clones power and pet options
The tier 7 power should be 'send in the clones' which sends in an army of clones that look exactly like you and all have your name.
If for some reason you're able to cast the power again when any of these clones are still out, the power will fail and you'll get the error message: "Don't bother, they're here."
Oh wait, I had this idea for a Coulromancy MM set! Nevermind.
I like the idea of "multiple selves," but it comes with an inherent problem - these "selves" don't really have any actual powers to speak of. Unless you design this as a set of multiple selves where I have a minor super power, like some super strength and maybe a gun, then I could see it working, but just copies of yourself seems... Unbelievable.
Here's the thing - all characters who employ copies of themselves either have another super power, or have MASSES of copies. Naruto's titular character employs both, with his superior strength, and even Teen Titans Billy Numerous just has masses of clones.
Our Masterminds can't have masses of clones. They can have up to six. And not only up to six, but six divided into three tiers of increasing power. If they're all identical copies, it's odd that some can be stronger than others.
It's a good idea, I'm just not sure if it can work in this game.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I like the idea of "multiple selves," but it comes with an inherent problem - these "selves" don't really have any actual powers to speak of. Unless you design this as a set of multiple selves where I have a minor super power, like some super strength and maybe a gun, then I could see it working, but just copies of yourself seems... Unbelievable.
if you read it all you'd see I addressed that and the point of them being coppies with pretty much the same powers is that in PvP your enemies wouldn't be able to tell the difference right off secondly it is set up so the different clones each use one of the 5 elements th last one using them all so that you have many types of assault at once... I mean if you want clones with there own poers and stuff then just do a def and make a costume that looks like there phantasms or w/e they are
I guess the problem I have with this is that I would be trying to accomplish something like Billy Numerous, which is to say many close with largely melee powers, but you seem to describe them being ranged, again like Phantom Army. The problem, as it were, is that such a Mastermind does not design what your henchmen ARE, only what they are LIKE, and what they are like is undefined in the extreme. Other primaries define their henchmen with powers representative of what they truly are - Thugs get guns and fisticuffs, Mercs get guns and explosives, zombies get black magic and cold steel and so forth. Multiple selves, by definition, ought to get whatever power you get, which... Really isn't doable.
I guess playing a Phantom Army Mastermind might be interesting, in terms of novelty if nothing else, but it's not something I'd really clamour for.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
If they're all identical copies, it's odd that some can be stronger than others.
The selecting of power types mentioned in the OP could be interesting, allowing for interesting concepts, especially if power customisation done to your character would affect the clones.
Perhaps the tier 7 power could be to summon a couple more clones, which is also given to your original 6 clones with the 2nd upgrade?
The major issue I see is the coding that this would need...
If they are your clones, shouldn't they be able to clone themselves?
Divide by zero.
If they are your clones, shouldn't they be able to clone themselves?
Divide by zero. |
having a multiple man type character has been something I have wanted since they made MMs (I just hadn't been vocal about it I guess) that and I'd like to have a mr fantastic type but that one I don't think could be implimented well with this engine clones MM I think might be possible
I feel like Clones is unnecesarry, and we just need total Mastermind Pet Customization. Then we can just make our pets look like us, and any of the Mastermind primaries will do fine.
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I figured it'd be more like the Redside Arc plays out.
The 1st tier clones are incomplete or failed copies, resulting in a mix of powers that don't follow the MM's.
2nd Tier clones could be Replicants with toned down version of the MM's powers (Secondary)
3rd Tier would be a perfect Clone. Only without the ability to clone. Can't have copies making copies.
Just how I'd imagine it though.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I figured it'd be more like the Redside Arc plays out.
The 1st tier clones are incomplete or failed copies, resulting in a mix of powers that don't follow the MM's. 2nd Tier clones could be Replicants with toned down version of the MM's powers (Secondary) 3rd Tier would be a perfect Clone. Only without the ability to clone. Can't have copies making copies. Just how I'd imagine it though. |
Or perhaps let it use a clone form of Phantom Army.
All in all I like it. Clones or Duplicates fits right in with comicbook tradition. Pet customization, or at least alternate pet selections, is a dream of mine and will always have my support!
The clones look good but in those early lvls before getting the upgrade they will be pretty weak. Also on the customization, I would put Family on Mercenaries due to the tommy gun being on the assult rifle list.
keep in mind this was just an idea and I suppose they could be more powerful ( I was worried about making htem too OP),but I didn't just want to present the idea of clones I wanted to (attempt any way) to give a lay out.... I am sure if the Devs did do a clones set they would no doubt improve on the idea if not do there own thing with it... its the idea of a clones set that I am getting at (and hopefully showing it is feesible) thanks to all that commented on both ideas
Let me first say some of the Ideas may have been presented here before (infact I have touched on the clones Idea else where), so if I repeat some Ideas previously presented I apologize.

Now down to Business:
I have an Idea for new Mastermind Primary power set... CLONES
and by clones I don't mean the starwars clone troopers I mean Clones of Your character... the first thing that would be different about the clones MM vs. others is that while in a PvE Zone every one would see your clones as clone1, clone 2, clone 3 etc (or what ever you named them), BUT in a PvP zone only your self and your allies would see the names you designated your enemies would see a bunch of you (ex. if your name is Copy Cat every one not on your team would see you and your clones all with the name Copy Cat) the second is that much like the DP blasters you'd have a rotating selection powers to choose from (once you pic the power) so now you are probably wondering how this would work out well I have worked that out (you may or may not like it)
{in his best twightlight zone voice} Submitted for your approval the clones Power set:
Tier 1 power- moderate power fast rechage mod range blast
Tier 2- Summon Decoys - Default powers Brawl and your origin style attack (ex throwing knife)
Tier 3- selectable power type (Energy would be the default you get to start then you can select from Fire, Electric, rad and sonic)
Tier 4- Gifted Power (this would embue the clones with more of your powers I'll explain further down what each gets)
Tier 5- Cone moderate recharge mod range blast
Tier 6- Summon Replicas - default powers Brawl, origin power, and T1 power)
Tier 7- heavy short range blast long rech
Tier 8- Summon Clone - default powers brawl, origin, T1 and T5
Tier 9- Further Bestoment (embues clones with more power)
Note: Once/If you select selectable power type (and proper enhancements added) your clones powers will work as such
Decoys- Energy, Electric, Fire
Replicas - Sonic, Radiation
Clone- Randomly switches between all 5
Gifted Power would do the following to your clones:
Decoys- Grants T1 power
Replicas- Grants T5 power
Clone- Grants T7
Further Bestoment would do the following:
Decoys- Grants T5 Power
Replicas- Grants T7 power
Clone- Grants a some what weaker version of you second set T1 power (if you chose dark miasma for instance they'd get twilight grasp)
any way that is the clone Idea^
Now on to Pet customization:
this is a list pet options for the current sets some could be default others earned through badges
first off all of them should get coloring options for the Original look...
-5th Column*
-Arachnos (maybe not though cause of the epic archetypes)
-PPD(both Prime and Praetorian)/RIP
-US Army (current, 80s style uniforms, and WW2 style)
- German (same)
- Vanguard*
- Resistance*
-PPD(both Prime and Praetorian)/RIP
-Arachnos (again same reservations based on the epics)
-Clocks (both prime and Praetorian)
-5th Column*
-orginal bots but with camoflage print
-zombies seen in zombie attacks*
-Artemis Knives*
- Legacy Chain*
- Original look with camo, drag, hawk, and tiger print
- Syndicate
- Circle of Thorns*
Note: *= earned with that groups kill badge
please feel free to suggest other Ideas on the clones set and or add to the pet choices for existing MMs I am sure I have missed something any way hope ya like my ideas ^_^