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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJKyo View Post
    A lot of people don't know this, but in 2008, shortly after I began playing CoH, I hit an extremely rough patch in my life. I was incredibly depressed, and actually considered suicide.

    One night, I decided to log into City of Heroes for what would have been the very last time, and while passing through Atlas Park, just jumping around and looking at things, I came across a player character sitting on the ground in one of the tinier parks.

    I stopped to talk to him and find out what was up, and ended up forging one of the deepest friendships of my life.

    The PC I met that night was Steampunk Charlie, and since then, he has helped me become a much happier, healthier, and more whole person. I was proud to be his sidekick, and now I am proud to be his partner at
    It's been a wild ride, hasn't it kitten.

    And, as the old saying goes, the best is yet to come! (long as I can get over this blasted occipital nerve problem)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    to be fair, that guy wasn't really reasonable w/ his post, which amounted to "I demand they say something or I'm leaving!" when BS already said they're "investigating" solo options. Yes I know people aren't confident w/ the usage of that word, but they've at least acknowledged it.
    Show me where I said that I "demanded" anything.

    What I said was...
    Originally Posted by SteampunkCharlie View Post
    Unless the Devs tell us that they're at least WORKING ON giving solos the capability to get the "Notice of the Well", I will NOT be renewing.
    That is not a demand, that is a statement. And since it's likely that they won't be adding solo capability, then my choice is made.

    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Really? You care that little for whether or not a fellow player stays or leaves?
    Oh, trust me. I've seen that a LOT in the past year. More and more players don't care about their fellow players.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

    Weekly Strike Target
    • Characters who successfully complete a Weekly Strike Target will receive a once-a-week gift of double merits for completion based upon the typical undiminished merit reward for the content, and a grant of up to a third, half, or two-thirds of their entire level of XP (based upon the relative length of the content). Characters who have unlocked their Alpha Slot will also receive a Rare “Notice of the Well” Incarnate Component.
    Interesting... No mention of how solo players can get the "Notice of the Well" component.
  4. (Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill in the Strike Pack! thread...)
    Dear Positron, et al;

    City of Heroes has been a game in which solo and team content has existed quite well side by side. Neither has been required to advance your character - levels and abilities haven't been locked out. The vision of "Bite size gaming" has been met and maintained right alongside trials and larger raids for years.

    The recent announcements regarding the direction of the Incarnate system, however, have those of us who - for whatever reason - find ourselves less able to partake in task forces, raids and the like concerned.

    Some clarification as to the Incarnate system's content, namely the upcoming availability of Incarnate-level, Incarnate-appropriate, solo and small team content, would be appreciated to alleviate our worries.

    Thank you,

    The COH soloist/small team playerbase.
  5. Take a look, you can tell, as a man, I'm a shell!
  6. My whole crew is black and blue.
    Can't you take a clue?
    You may think I look great,
    But I'm twenty-eight!

    Each jingle-bell is a requiem knell,
  7. Fingers all bleed. And look! That guy just peed
    Because Christmastime is killing us!
  8. No, screw you! It's all but through,
    There's too much to do.
    All those dreams are nightmares
    And blank icy stares.

    Each little elf used to fill up a shelf
    Making playthings and selflessly thrilling us.
    Now they're on crack and it feels like Iraq
    Because Christamstime is killing us!
  9. I'll tell you what. Shove your list up your butt, because...
  10. Each bell would peal with a silvery zeal
    As the holiday feeling was filling us.
    But now instead, all we're feeling is dread
    Because Christmastime is killing us!
  11. I've been getting both the toggle drop bug, and the minions running amok bug.

    But the worst bug I've found lately is the "sticky water" bug. My MM has superjump. Works great, but if he touches down in water (Talos is the worst for this!), he's literally stuck!

    I either have to get a team member to teleport me, repeatedly spam /stuck until he hits shore, activate a jetpack temp power, or zone to Pocket D.

    Bugged it to tech support weeks ago, still waiting for a resolution.
  12. FINALLY got in. Connection attempt 165. I'm staying logged in (on a radio mish) until the event.
  13. Ok, so I'm in the finals for the PERC Mr/Mrs Paragon Universe contest. BUT, I can't get onto the test server!!! Anyone else having troubles? And any ideas what I should do if this continues? Currently at attempt #143
  14. If I may, I'd like to quote a very wise woman...

    "Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids. November 15th of '58! All was well, another day saved, when... his cape snagged on a missile fin! Stratogale! April 23rd, '57! Cape caught in a jet turbine! Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex! No capes!"

    But the auras look quite nice, so I'll probably buy this when I buy a copy for Kyo's account.
  15. Thanks to Kyo for posting about my problem. And thanks to Tim at NC Support for re-enabling my account (twice!).

    I think this goes way beyond an issue with the store though. A 47 minute phone call today to get my main NC account reactivated, and then an hour later it's canceled again. Another call to NC support got that fixed, finally.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by spice_weasel View Post
    is the story that robots can be programmed to be deceitful to other entities? or that the next step would be robots that can tell when other entities are being deceptive? hello automated tsa security with permanently affixed latex arm with camera fingers...

    alsowaiting for the next generation of the dogs playing poker picture, with one of them pulling a gun on the 'bot with an ace up its' sleeve....
    It was about them learning to deceive each other while playing tag. But, speaking of robot arms...
  17. "Eeew, you sneezed on me!"

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  18. "Okay guys, everyone move closer together... Tall people to the back please, we can't see the short people behind you... Okay, now everybody say Cheese!"

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  19. Congratulations BB and the future Mrs. BB!
  20. Why? We thought everyone would like a nice little Christmas story. And considering this one hasn't run for over 40 years, it's fresh again.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    Another year passes, yet the Kitten is not yet a Kitty.

    Happy birthday, Kyo.
    Let's hope she never grows up!