Test Server ARGH!!!!

Ice Knight



Ok, so I'm in the finals for the PERC Mr/Mrs Paragon Universe contest. BUT, I can't get onto the test server!!! Anyone else having troubles? And any ideas what I should do if this continues? Currently at attempt #143



Yeah, tried getting on test, no good.

I left it on trying to login and no luck for over an hour.



From what I understand the preload of I-19 is causing this issue with the test patcher. However here is a work around IF your test is updated already and you just need to get in.

1. Create a shortcut from cityofheroes.exe (right click and create shortcut.
2. Then right click on the new shortcut and select properties
3. Then add -project cohtest to the end of it Remember after the " 1 space then add the -project cohtest.
4. Double click the shortcut and you should be at the log in screen shortly.

For the contestants tonight, those that can not get on test we have a backup plan that will have us go from server to server to judge. We hope we don't have to use it however we do understand that this situation is no fault of the contestants.




That got me to the test server alright, but I guess mine wasn't up to date enough. It gave me this:

Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 1850.201009101722.18T2r, client 1850.201009101722.11T2
Is there a workaround for the mafunctioning updater that will still allow me to update?



Unfortunantly nothing I can do about the patcher, its temperamental at best.



I'm also in the finals for the PERC event. Any Plan B is test server is still down when the event is supossed to start?



I'm a Judge for the finals and I can not get in either same error as Seldom



Contestant here, unable to log in. Still trying. *crosses fingers*

EDIT: It looks like Ice Knight said the following.

For the contestants tonight, those that can not get on test we have a backup plan that will have us go from server to server to judge. We hope we don't have to use it however we do understand that this situation is no fault of the contestants.



I know the test server doesn't get the same attention as the live servers, but is there any way this problem could be addressed by Paragon? It's the weekend, I know, but hey. Never hurts to ask. Were any of the paragon crew involved with the PERC planning, and available today?



If the test server is not accessible near the start of the finals each contestant will log into their respective servers they won on and go to pocket D, the judges will make the rounds, we will be also setting up a global channel to try to keep everyone updated thru the judging as were we are moving from server to server.



Originally Posted by Ice Knight View Post
If the test server is not accessible near the start of the finals each contestant will log into their respective servers they won on and go to pocket D, the judges will make the rounds, we will be also setting up a global channel to try to keep everyone updated thru the judging as were we are moving from server to server.
Sounds like a plan Ice.



Awesome, thanks for keeping us informed



I got the same error message - still can't get on the test server and I did the short cut thing with the -project cohtest at the end.



Good plan, if I can't get on, I will be found in Pocket D.



FINALLY got in. Connection attempt 165. I'm staying logged in (on a radio mish) until the event.



I finally got on took a while but I'm there



Yay, you go on, for those that can not we have upodated all the server threads and the main thread but also, my net is acting up. Here are instructions to keep everything coordinated.

Contestants who are absolutely unable to get onto test after trying the instructions above, please contact Madame Pistacio in game @Madame Pistacio and we will work something else out. Hopefully everyone should be able to use the above fix and get on.



Still not working for me. Will have to use the other option unfortunately...



Looks like it might be patching for me as we speak. *fingers still crossed*



Downloading. Only took two hours to get there.



...aand In. Whew. See everyone there that can make it!



Most have been able to get on, we have a few we will visit on live. I appreciate everyone patience thru this process. Best of luck in the finals.


ps, my net stopped acting up yay