Snow Globe

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  1. I'm not going to cross-post the suggestion here, but I did want to make the badge community aware of this suggestion I made:

    A suggested solution for the anniversary badges. ( )

    Please discuss the suggestion there, not here.
  2. Summary:
    While watching today's twitchtv broadcast, Positron said the reason for not making the badges global was because of lack of authbits. However there is another mechanism already in place that could handle global tracking of the anniversary badges: the market system.

    What can be done:
    Now I'm not talking about making the badges available on the market. What I mean is that each item on the market has an unique identifier that can be assigned by the game. You can check this yourself by using the /mypurchases command in game.

    For instance, take the ascension set bought by Incarnate Vendors:
    Name				Purchased		Used		Expires	Product
    Ascension Boots		1			1		Never	CTIAANBO
    Ascension Belt			1			1		Never	CTIAANBT
    Ascension Cape			1			1		Never	CTIAANCA
    Ascension Emblem		1			1		Never	CTIAANCE
    Ascension Gloves		1			1		Never	CTIAANGL
    Ascension Mask		1			1		Never	CTIAANMK
    Ascension Shoulders		1			1		Never	CTIAANSP
    The store codes are what I'm talking about: CTIAANBO, CTIAANBT, CTIAANCA, CTIAANCE, CTIAANGL, CTIAANMK, CTIAANSP

    A player can take a character which the anniversary badges to Null the Gull, and ask him about the anniversary badges. At that point Null tells the market system that the player has the anniversary badges with the appropriate store codes. Seeing the market system applies codes to every character on the account the badges will award globally. Any future anniversary or other global badges could just need the player to talk to the gull after they get the badge.

    At no point badges are in danger of being lost as the characters that qualified for the specific badge would have already earned it and this would just be another means to earn the badge for the characters that haven't earned it. It wouldn't tie up cycles in the game (the game doesn't need to constantly check for the badges), it uses existing tech (store ids), and I'm pretty sure the market has plenty of room for growth of new codes.

    The programming hurdles would be limited to giving the badges a new "earn" condition and giving Null the ability to let the market know which badges have been earned. We're talking less than 10 badges and the code for one badge can pretty much be copy/pasted (changing the store ids) to the others. So the badge conditions programming (and yes, I've seen how the game checks for "earn" conditions) isn't terribly time consuming.

    The largest programming cost will be to Null the Gull.

    In the future existing authbits (Collector's editions) could also be transferred to the market system, though most of the boosters have already have this done to them.

    • This is an OPT-IN process. If you don't care about the badges, you don't have to ask Null to anything with the badges. In other words, no one is forced to turn the anniversary badges account wide.
    • People happy to have the badges globally.
    • Not much development time needed. Can be done with far faster schedule than it would have otherwise.
    • Future use can free up existing authbits.
    • No potential badge loss.
    • Limited game cycles needed to check for the badges, and only when the player requests it.
    • No need to take down the servers and run a script to check for the badges.
    • Does not require NCsoft Austin to run a script and isn't as costly on an ongoing basis because it isn't asking them to do this.
    • Doesn't take down the servers for any length of time while the server scans the entire character database.
    • Doesn't award badges that the player hasn't earned.
    • BecauseThis is an OPT-IN process. If you don't care about the badges, you don't have to ask Null to anything with the badges. In other words, no one is forced to turn the anniversary badges account wide.
    • Makes Null even more useful.

    • Not automatic.
    • It will take some time away from other development, but hopefully not too much.
    • Null the Gull needs to be able to communicate with the Market Server.
    • Players will have to go to Null the Gull for every new anniversary (or similar) badge.
    • The bird (and market) will be initially swarmed/swamped. This will happen about once a year.
    • Makes Null even more useful.

    This is a time and resource -light request that gets around the need to use authbits to grant anniversary badges globally. So any comments, suggestions, or details that need to be explained?

    PS. I'm still looking for bug hunter.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    It would be faster to go Vigilante and then go to Mercy then it would be to farm it in Cimerora. Its like 20 days vs 8 hours.
    More like a "not even a week". My computer can't do more than 80 rebirth uses in a row before crashing (I'm convinced there is a memory leak in the destiny powers), but was able to get the Empath badge in a week on a FF/Ice Controller. If you can convince a MM or two (or even more) to help you, you can speed that up immensely.
  4. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    I was on Triumph teaming with my brother and we had no trouble gathering people for a task force (PRIOR to 2XP weekend).
    That is disingenuous and you know it.

    1) We're talking about incarnate trials, not task forces.
    2) For every player on a task force, there is one less player for a trial.
    3) You could be talking about a year ago, not in the last month. You just said before a 2XP weekend.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    We have many more opportunities to heal mass groups of people in things like Mothership Raids and various iTrials.
    Even if people were using Rebirth destinies in various raids (Mothership, Hami, iTrials), getting the healing badges aren't "easy". It is only when they find loopholes like the Cimerora group above Imperious or the groups in Mercy where it crosses the line between "easier" and "exploit". Truth be told, if they fixed the Rebirth powers to not count healing the bumped HP limit, it wouldn't be as easy as you say.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    And while you can imply that farming it via the Rebirth power in a week is something that we should not consider the fact of the matter is that it DOES exist as a way for any AT (not just healing oriented ones) to have a viable chance to get the personal and SG heal badges NOW.
    I don't have any problem with any AT getting the healing badges with Rebirth or other powers. My issue is that you are claiming a couple broken powers (when compared with other healing powers) makes things "too easy". Other than the three Rebirth Core tier 3 & 4 powers, no other power in the game counts max-hp targets for heal credit.
  6. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    I can't speak for other servers, but with the exception of this last weekend, Triumph is almost a ghost town at this point.

    More people are leaving the server than are coming to the server.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    As far as heal badges go it could be argued that 10 million HP healed is almost -too- easy in the greater scheme of things. I would have been happy if they had pegged it at around 50 million. That would have still made it much more reasonable than the 1 billion original but also left it hard enough that you couldn't just get it with a short couple of days of Cimeroran AFK farming. Still it's much better than it used to be so it's not that big a deal either way.
    It took 5 years of mostly non-farming (a few nights of arena farming) play to get my Illusion/Empath controller to Empath. I did a couple HUNDRED ITFs, healed at pre-issue 9 hami raids and played the character for FIVE YEARS and when the change came, I was still a couple thousand short of 10,000,000 HP healed.

    I don't think that is "too easy" in the greater scheme of things. That people can grab a T3 or T4 Rebirth Destiny and farm it in a week shouldn't be a factor in deciding if a badge is "too easy".

    If you want to farm a badge, go ahead, but to claim the badge is "too easy" is a bit much.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I might be wrong but I thought that the lava in those missions had been nerfed precisely because too many people used it as an easy damage farm, especially by Masterminds who were able to heal all their pets for credit. At any rate I would double-check to see if lava was still a usable damage source for this.
    I know someone that is still using the obsidian guard/rescue positron mission for damage badges.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    On a side note, this door is not restricted by AT. It's based on your level of stealth. I believe those are the only AT's that can enter UNASSISTED. However, I strolled through the stealth door on my empathy defender on one trial.
    Hmm. It was my understanding that no AT beyond Stalkers, except Illusion Controllers with Superior Invisibility, could possibly get enough stealth to enter the doors.

    To get up to hide (stalker) level stealth, you'd have to have some combination of Stealth IO, Super Speed, Invisibility, and have someone Grant Invisibility and/or Group Invisibility on you. Shadowy Presence doesn't work as it turns off if you move and has a 10 minute recharge (half the phase).
  9. You'll have to send a petition or "ask a question" (or better directly to login support at: ) on their support site. Be prepared to answer questions about the name you used to set up the account, last 4 digits of your credit card, at least one full serial code applied to the account, among other questions.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    So you only have to kill 3 doors at a time, and not all 9 at once?
    I thought that is what I said.

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Yes, every bunker. At each bunker you need to take out the 3 main doors at the same time. You can then move to the next bunker and take out those 3 main doors at the same time. At that point you have to do the same for the last bunker, then successfully do the trial.
    Highlighted critical portion.
  11. 3 that count for the badge + 1 unbreakable door that can be stealthed (only for Illusion Controllers or Stalkers, this door doesn't count for the badge though).

    3 Bunkers total.

    Yes, every bunker. At each bunker you need to take out the 3 main doors at the same time. You can then move to the next bunker and take out those 3 main doors at the same time. At that point you have to do the same for the last bunker, then successfully do the trial.

  12. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    *shrug* Like I said, server community problem, not game problem.
    One of the main problems Triumph has (beyond not being able to dodge), is that between other games and other servers, that the population has pretty much been decimated.
  13. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    I'll add that unless the Genesis through Omega slots allow players to to not get killed for not moving when the warnings appear (MoM, Green Stuff, and Lightnings), then they won't help.
  14. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    And it will get better as we get more Incarnate powers; remember, we're not even supposed to be able to get RHW yet.
    Sorry, we're half way through the planned Incarnate Slots. Unless the ones we're missing are completely and game-breakingly overpowered, I'm going to say that even then it is going to be difficult/impossible to get on some servers. Why? It is because I sincerely doubt that that many people will still be doing the Incarnate stuff on Triumph. People aren't going to get 5-6 characters to Omega, much less having multiple abilities in many slots. And that is if there will be enough to fill out a league at that point because people have left for other servers.

    I don't think we'll get another level shift until Omega, if then. Even at that point, I doubt people will bother because they'll be after the Omega-level trial badges.

    People don't bother running any of the trials at this point, especially MoM, DD, or Underground. There are still BAFs, Keyes, or TPNs, but even those aren't frequent. Lambda is somewhere closer to the first group. Also, completely forget about any badge runs.
  15. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    I only called you "master" cause you are on the ball with getting issue badges n stuff up on forums ^^
    Thank you for the compliment.

    PunchinJudy gave the link to the I24 badge consolidation thread, and I've just updated it in the last 30 minutes.
  16. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Seriously? I find that The Hard Way falls out of most (failed as I have yet to succeed) RHW attempts and even regular runs. The Hard Way isn't even really that hard.
    I'm serious. Either I'm finding a new griefer every run, someone new that "wants to try the temp power" or just not get enough people bringing enough ability/DPS. I'm still seeing 2/3 the groups wiping out due to lightning strikes. Then again, I see the exact same thing with the MoM trials too.

    It has got to the point that two of the leaders (myself and one other) have pretty much given up on the Really Hard/Hard Way badges. Some of the people that were supportive earlier have taken to refusing to do the trial at all.

    So much for some players saying "oh well, people will get used to it". Kind of hard to do that when the trial has been pretty much abandoned. Yes, I (and the other trial leader) are keeping tabs on the trial situation and outside the two of us NO ONE is leading them on Triumph.

    And that is why, since the Magisterium appeared on Beta, that I've been so adamant about what is wrong with this trial. I knew, KNEW, exactly what would happen on Triumph with the trial as it stood. The Lore pet nerf pretty much eliminated any hope that Triumph will get the Hard Way badge any time soon.

    Not only that, but people are leaving for other servers to do trials. I'm one of the few people that are willing to lead trials, and I'm so annoyed with what I can get to do trials at the moment that I've been playing another game instead. Yes, it has got this bad. I still remember other players offering to "come to Triumph" to "help out". Well, they stopped and so did the trials.

    So for all the people that told me that "It would get better":

    I told you so.
  17. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    At this point, it is looking like it is going to be a badge-light issue. Mainly accomplishment badges.

    And I still haven't found a group capable of doing the Hard Way badge, let alone the Really Hard Way.

    Sorry for the gripe, but I don't feel like a "master of badges". I know it isn't solely my fault in this case though, but it doesn't matter.
  18. Snow Globe

    Cap Buster

    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    Is the only way to get Cap Buster to kill the 330 redcaps? Paragon Wiki not totally clear. I thought you could get it just completing the Snaptooth (DJ Zero) mission one time?
    I don't know where you are getting your information from, but it isn't

    333 Redcaps. This has been the case since Issue 5 (August 31, 2005). Even Toothbreaker badge requires you to beat Snaptooth 5 times.

    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Can possibly be done on a single Snaptooth run if you're set as a high enough group. Don't recall how many ambushes actually spawn.
    Even a full team needs far more than a single Snaptooth mission from DJ Zero to get Cap Buster. Even the Winter Event needs more than 7 full-team runs to get Cap Buster.

    The -best- way for a villain to get Cap Buster is to turn rogue and hunt Croatoa or join Katie Hannon Task Forces.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ComixGeek View Post
    I don't pretend that this is a typical experience, but my Mastermind got Efficiency Expert even after having failed one of the missions. Has anyone actually gotten declined on Efficiency Expert?

    That was a brutal fail, too. I had problems with mapping the area because I was an idiot, and then the objective was in sight, I clicked on it, the bar was 90% full...then I got shot by a random patrol wandering through. Then fail. So near to pulling victory from the jaws of defeat.
    Repeating myself:

    Check out this guide:
    Mini-Badge Guide and Popmenu: Efficiency Expert ( )

    If you use the pop-menu, you'll see the names/objectives of the needed missions and if you've done them right.

    Each of the correct missions has a hidden badge associated with it. The popmenu uses those hidden badges to tell if you did the mission correctly or not.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    I think there are some newer missions you'll have to run twice, as you get badges for doing one thing, and a badge for doing the other.
    If I recall correctly, only 2 arcs do this. Both of them are hero arcs in Steel Canyon.
    I need to correct myself. Only one arc does this:

    Story arc info - Complete Graham Easton's story arc - Last Rites (level 20 - 24 on Ouroboros, level 15-24 outside of flashback)

    Deadly Combatant - Hero/Vigilante ONLY, cannot be acquired the same run through as Dignified Combatant.
    How to get - You obtain this badge by choosing to kill Sun Xiong after you defeat him.

    Dignified Combatant - Hero/Vigilante ONLY, cannot be acquired the same run through as Deadly Combatant.
    How to get - You obtain this badge by choosing to spare Sun Xiong after you defeat him.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
    Can someone please explain why an invading army would announce its invasion beforehand?
    From the Valentine tips:
    To Positron from U'Kon Gr'ai...
    Valentine A message appears on your cell phone in the Rikti alphabet.

    A moment later it is translated into the following message:

    Intended Recipient: Positron.
    Introduction of self: U'Kon Gr'ai.
    Subject: Earthlings too weak.
    Consideration: Earth's surrender.
    Reason: You cannot survive.
    Request: Worthy adversaries.
    Purpose: Improvement of battle skills.
    Conclusion: You are grey to my threat scanner.

    This appears to be a message from the Rikti Master at Arms, U'Kon Gr'ai, to Positron, in which he claims that Earthlings are too weak to challenge his battle skills and that Earth should surrender because we cannot survive any other way. This could mean an impending Rikti assault; Positron should be informed immediately!
    As you can see, it is a desperate plea for help, because they are getting beat back so often.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    I think there are some newer missions you'll have to run twice, as you get badges for doing one thing, and a badge for doing the other.
    If I recall correctly, only 2 arcs do this. Both of them are hero arcs in Steel Canyon.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    In my opinion, Tyrant is easily the most evil villain in City of Heroes. All the suffering that he causes and he supposedly is in it for the 'greater good'. He allows that team of monsters he calls Praetors to act as they will. He was willing to enslave the people of two Earths. He consigns little girls into slavery and a loss of their individuality for the crime of having been born psychic. This meglomaniac was willing to steal the souls of his own people to maintain his power.

    Phipps would have been nothing more than a PPD stooge in Praetoria. Evil he may be, but he's more pathetic than evil.
    I think you are confusing actions with intent.

    Tyrant's actions are evil. No question about it.

    Phipps' actions AND intentions are evil (and destructive) in a way that no other NPC in CoH can match.

    Is consistently self-deceiving, with the intent of avoiding guilt and maintaining a self-image of perfection? Yes, Phipps is that.

    Deceives others as a consequence of their own self-deception? Phipps has made this an art form.

    Projects his or her evils and sins onto very specific targets, scapegoating others while appearing normal with everyone else ("their insensitivity toward him was selective")? Phipps to the core.

    Commonly hates with the pretense of love, for the purposes of self-deception as much as deception of others? Phipps to the core.

    Abuses political (emotional) power ("the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion")? Cole & Phipps are equally guilty of this.

    Maintains a high level of respectability and lies incessantly in order to do so? Cole & Phipps are equally guilty of this.

    Is consistent in his or her sins. Evil persons are characterized not so much by the magnitude of their sins, but by their consistency (of destructiveness)? Nemesis, Hamidon, and Tyrant aren't consistent in this respect. Phipps is.

    Is unable to think from the viewpoint of their victim? Other than to think how much pain his actions cause, this is true of Phipps in a way that Nemesis, Tyrant, or Hamidon can't achieve.

    Has a covert intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury? Most of the big villains suffer from this, but Phipps goes out of his way to make sure that any criticism is deflected onto others.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
    I hear GEN-Y whining - where's my shiny trophy too......

    I like the exclusivity of my Prestige Power slide and Cape of the Four Winds, thankyouverymuch! I was around then and paid a premium investing in this game (again) based on the perks in those packages, which were advertised as exclusive.

    Enough with entitlement....old items that were exclusive should remain that way. Want to adopt a new philosophy for new promotional items going forward, maybe consider it. But, there is value to uniqueness though....

    Desire for an item rarely drives people away -- going back on your word (as some suggest Paragon should, by giving things away previously advertised as exclusive) 1.) damages Paragon's credibility and reputation to some extent and 2.) generates negativity in those who had an inherent exclusivity to those items through previous transaction.
    Yeah, you sound plenty entitled, so I have to agree.

    How about practicing what you preach?

    I have most of the exclusives, and I do NOT mind in the least other people getting them. As to your "going back on their word" argument, that doesn't hold water either, as all legal notices say that things can change without notice.